Yun Qishen

Chapter 600

Chapter 600 The Medicine Man (9)
(God's perspective)
Qianye sat among the red Hai'ake flowers, with no one else around.Some of it must be the wind that blows into the ground from time to time.

"You have done too much for me."

Qianye was talking to himself as he watched, but he was actually speaking to those Hai Akes who had lost a petal.

"I know you choose to sacrifice voluntarily, but I don't want you to sacrifice for me. One day, everyone will see everything in this world.

Whether this world is good or bad, we will experience it seriously.

That child once survived for us, and I also want to work hard for you to survive. "

Qianye touched a dark-colored Hai Ake, "I understand your insistence, you have tried your best for my life. Thank you for waiting for me to come and see you for the last time."

The wind blew on the ground again, and Hai Ake also swayed.After Qianye said goodbye, those Hai Ake who lost a petal turned black and lost.

The black petals flew to Qianye's hands, and Qianye put them away.

Usually, it doesn't matter if Hai Ake loses a petal, but these fallen children, they used their remaining mana to save Qianye, and they are also insisting on seeing Qianye's healthy side.

There was an inexplicable feeling in Qianye's heart. It was bitter and congested. This feeling made Qianye have difficulty breathing.

Chihua was going to take care of Qianye, but she didn't see anyone, so she went underground in pursuit of Qianye's scent.

It was also the first time Chihua saw the mature child shed tears.

It seems that only those who are not destined to exist for a long time in this world understand the value of life.

At the same time, Yun Qishen was about to go to Lai A to find out about those patients with sequelae of the abyss.

Just as he was walking halfway, the bell on his waist suddenly rang.

The egg of the snake? !
Yun Qishen even started to pay attention to the situation around him.

There was nothing unusual around, only a few dancers passed by.

But the obvious shaking of the bell at the waist still made Yun Qi deeply concerned.

"I have seen the devil."

The dancers saluted Yun Qishen.

"Get up."

Yun Qishen asked the dancers to get up, and then he passed by them one by one.

[What happened to the devil today? 】

[It wouldn't be because he danced in women's clothes before. 】

【Would you know that I stole the snack from the day before yesterday? 】

[From a closer look, the Demon Lord is really good-looking. 】

The words in the dancer's heart were clearly understood by Yun Qi.

Just when Yun Qishen was about to walk to the last dancer, the bell shook even more violently.

Yun Qishen also paid attention to the dancer who was facing him.

If you don't pay attention, you don't know. When you pay attention to Yun Qishen, you find that he knows him. Isn't this the dancer who told himself to ask Qian Yao to set a trap before the coronation?
"You come out, the others leave first."

Yun Qishen greeted the dancer to come out, and the others left after saluting again.

After the dancers left, the dancer who was singled out also asked questions.

"What is the purpose of the devil looking for me?"

"You have what I want in you."

Yun Qishen also said it directly.

After thinking for a while, the dancer took out the jade pendant around her waist.

"Is this what the devil said?"

There is indeed a powerful mana in the jade pendant handed by the dancer.

No, it's not that simple!
When Yun Qishen took over the jade pendant, he was shocked to find that the jade pendant here was white, and anyone would think it was carved from white jade, but the whole piece of jade pendant here was directly carved with the egg of a spiritual snake.

Yun Qishen was the first time he had seen such a large snake egg.Except for those owned by Ling Yaoqing, this can be said to be the largest at present.

"How did you get the jade pendant here?" Yun Qi was deeply curious about the origin of the jade pendant.

"Hui Mojun, this was given to him by a dancer who lives with him. Is there any problem with the jade pendant here?" The dancer also looked at the jade pendant in Yun Qishen's hand.

"There's a big problem here... it's all about race..." Yun Qishen muttered in a low voice and then returned to his normal look at the dancer, "You ask the dancer who lives with you to see me."

"Returning to Demon Lord, I'm afraid it's a little difficult here." The dance girl's face was clearly showing a sad look.

"What's the difficulty?"

"The dance girl who lived with me became ill in two or three days, and she disappeared just yesterday."


This is a little suspicious, and it's too coincidental.

Yun Qishen touched his chin with his hand, "Tell me in detail about the dance girl's condition before she was ill enough to leave."

"Yes, the dancer is called Rinhua. We were arranged to live together a month ago. Her character is a little weak, and she doesn't like to talk much on weekdays.

Just a few days ago, she suddenly fell ill, and then gave this jade pendant to me for safekeeping.

There is nothing unusual about her illness, just like a common cold.But there is an unusual thing, that is, there will be a pungent medicinal smell around the dancer.But when the minister wears the jade pendant, he will not smell such a pungent smell.

The servant has been in charge of taking care of her since she entered the painting, but when she woke up yesterday, she was nowhere to be seen. "

After listening to the dancer's words, Yun Qi deeply suspected that the dancer named Enhua was a famous medicine person.

But it's still not easy to be sure if you haven't seen her.

"Yu Pei stay with me first, you go back and help me find the clues about the painting."

Yun Qishen put away the jade pendant. He felt that the egg of the spirit snake could indeed isolate himself from some mana from the outside world.

"I understand." The dancer saluted and left.

Yun Qishen also went to Lai A.

Laia is seriously looking at the records about the members of the cult and the patients with the aftermath of the abyss.

Yun Qi pushed the door deeply and saw this very serious Lai A.

Too serious to miss him...

"Since you're here, don't look at Ben Long. Come and help."

Lai A also found out that Yun Qishen was coming, and he didn't have time to joke with Yun Qishen.

"Okay, Brother Long has never been polite to my devil." Yun Qishen also calmly picked up the records and read them.

"The psychotherapy method you have implemented before has indeed achieved some results. But those who caught the light believers seem to be unable to solve the root of the problem without external force."

Lai A handed Yun Qishen some records of the members of the Guangming Church, "It records the reactions after using the mind-peeping technique, you can see for yourself. It seems that the mind-peeping technique will add another drawback."

"I don't think so. I suddenly thought of a way. Although it may not change their status quo, it can change their hearts." Yun Qishen also suddenly thought of it.

"What can you do?"

"Using Upside-Down Sentient Beings."

(End of this chapter)

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