Yun Qishen

Chapter 604 Chapter 603 Medicine Man

Chapter 604 Chapter 13 Medicine Man ([-])
(God's perspective)
"Above Fu Yuxiao! And the left side!"

In case he couldn't move because he was restrained, although he had the spell taught by the drunk old man, even though he was invulnerable, he still couldn't get rid of the restriction of movement.

When Fu Luxiao was attacked, if he wanted to help, who knew that he had been hit by a spell and was bound in place.

Fu Luxiao was fighting with the golden statue alone. The tricky problem was that the seemingly cumbersome statue moved very quickly.

Fortunately, what Fu Yuxiao was most proud of was his own speed. Although the attack of the idol was fast, he did not hit Fu Yuxiao with a single move.

Obviously lost the egg of the snake, why does the statue still move here?Is it also attached to some magic?

In case he regretted that he didn't know how to observe at this time, if he could see the weakness of the idol, he would be able to break through.

The body of the idol is inlaid on the wall of the cave, and the arms and neck are hung with chains.

When I saw this statue before, its speed was not the same as it is now, it was very slow at that time...

In case the sight notices the altar that will rise.

Was it before...

In case he was looking for a way to move the altar, and in the air, Fu Luxiao had no spare time to think about attacking the statue here.

The speed of the idol's attack didn't change, but Fu Luxiao's physical strength couldn't keep up.

In case he struggled to break free from the mana restraint under his feet, his mana would not be able to unravel this spell.

If there is no magic attack from the outside world, the power of the event cannot be used.

Seeing that Fu Yuxiao's speed slowed down, in case there was only one way, "Fu Yuxiao, rush towards me!"

Fu Luxiao didn't understand Wanyi's intention, but he still moved towards Wanyi.

The hand of the idol also followed Fu Yuxiao and smashed towards Wanyi.

But the hand of the idol was bound by the chains just before it touched the emergency.


If you think that the chain here is really in the way, it's just why the chain here can bind the statue, this is a bit of concern.

"Is the bondage still inextricable?" Fu Luxiao looked at Wanyi's feet.

"If it can be solved, why am I here to let you come over?" In case he looked at Fu Luxiao, "How much strength do you have now?"

"It can last a while."

"You try to get as close as possible to the chain position of the statue, I am very concerned about some things."

"I understand."

Fu Yuxiao approached the statue again according to the intention, and the statue quickly attacked Fu Yuxiao again.

Fu Luxiao grabbed the neutral gear and moved to the position of the idol chain.

Although it was only for a moment, both Fu Linxiao and Wan Yi noticed that the attack of the idol was hesitant at the chain.

"It turns out that the weak point is the chain. Fu Yuxiao used my sword!" In case he shouted at Fu Yuxiao.


Fu Yuxiao was moving a kind of chanting spell at high speed, and in case the immortal sword flew out, it would come to Fu Yuxiao's hands.

Fu Luxiao slashed the thick iron chain with the immortal sword, and sparks of friction were generated between the iron chain and the blade.

He quickly jumped in the hands of the god statue, and the fairy sword was also superb in his use.

Finally, Fu Luxiao came to the neck of the statue, he attached more powerful mana to the immortal sword, and then stabbed into the chain at the neck.

The hands that were attacked by the idol stopped instantly, and the next moment the chain cracked and smashed heavily to the ground.

In case the bondage is also released at this moment.

The arm of the statue was also put down, and Fu Luxiao realized that there was no problem and jumped down and returned the sword to the case.

In case he checked those chains, he found that they indeed contained the eggs of the serpent.

He thinks that the reason why he was bound by mana just now may also be because he holds the egg of the snake.

The attack of the idol is pulled by the chains, and the ground of the altar is connected with the chains.

That's why he can detect the location of the event and bind him.

As for Fu Yuxiao, there was some weak mana around the egg of the snake found in the arm of the statue before, which might be a spell to track human breath.

The problem of the statue was resolved, and Fu Luxiao also carefully observed the bloodstains on the altar.

And in case those heavy chains are collected with rings, the material of the chains is very special, so it is possible to use the eggs of the snake to bind others so easily.

"Even if those are not real medicine practitioners, Uncle Seven still sacrificed others to achieve his goals." Fu Luxiao turned to look at Wanyi.

"I believe that there must be some hidden feelings in it." If you firmly believe.Otherwise, Qi Qi would not have sent them back to Jingling Mountain.

"Fu Luxiao, have you ever thought about why those who are not medicine people are still disguised as medicine people?" In case, there are still many doubts.

Fu Luxiao naturally thought about this question, "Regardless of whether those medicine practitioners are true or not, what I can be sure of is that those wandering medicine practitioners will be in danger."

"Let's go back and inform Jing Lingshan first." In case he said so, Fu Luxiao agreed.

Just as the two of them were about to leave, the altar turned and rose again.

In case and Fu Luxiao, they will also be more vigilant.

[Savior of the altar, thank you for liberating me in that endless work and rest. 】

"What sound?" In case he looked around to find the source of the sound, he finally settled on the statue.

"Is it the sound made by the idol?!" Fu Luxiao complained about what troublesome thing was in his heart.

[This place was once regarded as an altar, and I cast spells for them to make them happy.

But one day, that odious chain binds me and makes me a sacrificial weapon of sin.

Now that I can finally escape that bondage, I've been waiting for someone who can free me.

To express my gratitude please open the organ of my chest, and I will give it to you to express my gratitude. 】

The voice is very gentle, but very intimidating.

In case, follow the instructions of the voice to open the door of the statue's chest.

Inside the mechanism is a cassette, and inside the cassette is a pair of golden bracelets.

The bracelet was placed on Wan Yu's hand the moment it left the cassette.

If you want to hand in a book, you can't take it off now.

The broken sword on Fu Luxiao's waist also resonated.

Fu Luxiao had to pull out the sword, and then the body of the sword began to recover out of thin air.

In case, Fu Luxiao and Fu Luxiao have never seen such a thing in his life.

It turns out that the fairy sword can also be restored without refining it?

After getting the baby, Wan Yu and Fu Luxiao also returned to Jingling Mountain and informed Yaoren of the situation.

Just as the two walked out of the Chengxu Palace after reporting the matter, they saw a white figure running past in front of them.

And behind the white figure is Jiang Lin chasing with a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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