Yun Qishen

Chapter 606 Chapter 605 Medicine Man

Chapter 606 Chapter 15 Medicine Man ([-])
(God's perspective)
Mosi - Guanxinghai, the head of Jiangbang's holy magic division, is naturally a doctor.His hair was that kind of algae-like curls, and he was pale and terminally ill.Besides, he couldn't see his face with his hair covering his face. He believed that he came out of the curse.

Of course he has another identity - a medicine man.

As for why he is so sure that he is a medicine man, it is because that is what he said.

Yun Qishen let all unrelated people leave, and opened the doors and windows for ventilation.

Guanxinghai and Yun Qishen were doing it face to face, and Yun Qishen also used the healing technique to treat him.

As the saying goes, a doctor cannot heal himself, so staring at the sea is naturally unable to cure his own disease, and this disease is also an unavoidable disease after he becomes a medicine person.

However, Mi Zixin has been refined for the method to relieve this disease.

Yun Qishen gave the medicinal pill Mi Zixin gave him to Guan Xinghai.

"My servant has thanked the devil for saving his life. In this life, the servant is not a he swearing allegiance to the devil."

Guan Xinghai saluted Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen quickly helped him up.

What kind of expression was it just now, why is it so strange...

"Tell me what you want to know if you want to be grateful. Do you recognize this medicine?"

Yun Qishen brought the medicinal pill up.

"Can the monarch let his servants take a closer look?"

It might be the reason why his long seaweed hair was blocking his eyes, and Guan Xinghai had to hold it closely before he could see the pill clearly.

Yun Qishen began to wonder what kind of face was under the seaweed head.

"Hui Mojun, I don't recognize the pills here."

"How could it be? It clearly has the same taste as yours!"

"Please patiently listen to your minister's instructions."

Yun Qishen also calmed down and looked at the sea of ​​​​stars.

Guan Xinghai divided the medicinal pill into two parts with force, and the appearance inside was a completely different color from the outer skin, "Although this medicinal medicinal herb exudes the most familiar taste to my minister, I have indeed had a medicinal medicinal herb with this taste. , but not this.

The elixir that the minister had used before was black and brown from the inside out, and he was obviously different from the one that the minister had taken before.

The ingredients in this medicine pill can be seen by the minister, and those are herbs that speed up the death of the medicine person. "

With Guan Xinghai's answer so serious, it was hard for Yun Qi to believe it or not.

"Accelerate the death of the medicine man?" Yun Qishen was concerned about the dancer who entered the painting after hearing him say this.

"That's right. How much does the devil understand about medicine people? You must also know that we medicine people are raised separately for research."

Guan Xinghai raised his head slightly, to be honest, Yun Qishen didn't even know if he looked at him or not.

"I've heard people say that."

"Because we are all separated, the medicine pills distributed to our pharmacists are different at the end."

"What's the word here?"

"The refining of Yaoren is not as simple as you outsiders think. Among those behind the instigators, some agree to Yaoren's life, and some want to let Yaoren die. This servant is the part of life.

They will send us medicine men out of place at a certain age, no one knows where we came from, we are sold like commodities.Waiting for someone who can save us.

In the end, the fate will not be the same. The servant was adopted by the previous generation of magic ministers and became the current magic minister.And the elixir, which is very similar to the elixir in front of me, was given to me by the drug dealer when I left. This is the medicine that must be taken when I am sick, otherwise my condition will worsen.

But the pill in front of him will not stop the medicine person's condition, but will accelerate the death. "

"How will the medicine man die? Is it like an ordinary person?" Yun Qishen was a little concerned, because although he knew the medicine man, he also knew that Jiang Qing was the medicine man.But he didn't really see the medicine man's death.Jiang Qing, he was refined into medicinal pills after his physical death.

"There are many kinds of death of medicine people. If it is not due to some external factors and natural death, we will evolve into a tree, a grass, or disappear completely.

But the former magician and his ministers said that medicine people are also people, and we should have the same meaning of survival and persistence as normal people. "

Yun Qi nodded deeply, and since that was the case, he thought it would be better for him to find the one in the painting himself.

Before leaving, Yun Qishen decided that he had to peel off that layer of seaweed hair to see what kind of face was inside.

"Monarch, what's wrong with your minister? Why did you grab your minister's hair?"

Guan Xinghai didn't know what Yun Qishen was doing suddenly grabbing his hair, and the next second, dazzling sunlight entered his eyes.

Then he also saw clearly the appearance of the Demon Lord of their border.

Female... female?No, it didn't sound like a woman just now...

Fortunately, Yun Qishen didn't use the technique of peeping at this time, otherwise he would have to jump in anger again.

"Isn't it pretty cool here? Why does it have to be covered with hair?"

Yun Qi's deep tone was a little disappointed, what he wanted to see was either this kind of ripped off or the handsome guy's face!
Forget it, Yun Qishen left the Saint Demon Division after letting go of the sea of ​​​​stars.

[Isn't this very handsome? 】

Yun Qishen was still the same, he never knew how important his words were to others, and his invisibly sultry personality still couldn't be changed.

Or maybe it's just someone else's self-indulgent love.

After Yun Qishen left, he went straight out of Demon King City, and he also found the dim sum stall that the dancer said that the painting often frequented.

He changed his appearance slightly, so the devil didn't recognize Yun Qishen very much.

But here at the dim sum stall, Yun Qishen didn't find the atmosphere of painting at all.

However, one person caught Yun Qishen's attention.

It was a demon who was a little older than Yun Qishen. When the demon came over to buy snacks, he asked the shop assistant if he had seen a girl in red today.

The shop assistant shook his head and said he didn't see it.

The devil left with a look of disappointment.

Yun Qishen stepped forward and pretended to buy dim sum, and deliberately peeped into the heart of the shop assistant.

The shop boy thought to himself at this moment, the devil came again just now, and he asked him that every day.

"That guy is still like that today, it seems he's quite disappointed."

"Isn't that right? People die because of love, and only he understands the taste of lovesickness. Hey, what did I say, what snacks do you want?"

Yun Qishen pointed at the glutinous rice dumplings in front of him, "Give me this."

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

The shop assistant found the oiled paper and wrapped the dim sum for Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen paid the money and followed the devil.


I heard the devil here say that it is a woman in red, and the only women who can wear red in Xinjiang are the dancers of the Dance Girl Square.

There is another dim sum stall where you can try and visit the painting. It seems that this devil has a lot to do with entering the painting.

Yun Qishen ate the glutinous rice dumpling while following the devil.

"Oh! The food here is surprisingly delicious! What a conscience stall!"

(End of this chapter)

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