Yun Qishen

Chapter 610 Chapter 609 Medicine Man

Chapter 610 Chapter 19 Medicine Man ([-])
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen came to Jingling Mountain after arranging some things in Jiangbang.

As soon as he arrived at the Immortal Sword Sect, he saw the figure of Wan Yu.

"It looks like Ye Qi and the others have completed their mission and came back... This is strange... Why hasn't anyone else appeared after a long time..." Yun Qishen then planned to follow up with the case to ask for clarification.

"just in case!"

Yun Qishen called out from behind, and Wan in front was suddenly upset.

Yun Qishen should not know about Uncle Seven's affairs. If he thought about it, he would pretend not to hear Yun Qishen tell him to leave quickly.

"What... as expected, the character here still can't be changed. I clearly heard me calling him... Forget it."

Yun Qishen turned around and went to the main hall to find the spiritual realm.

In the main hall, Daoist Chengxu got the news in case.

"It seems that Yunqi is deep." Lingjingdao looked at the worried look of Daoist Chengxu, "Go back, I will handle this matter."

"Yes, Master."

Master Chengxu had no choice but to leave.

In addition to the spiritual realm, these people will be spy on the heart by Yun Qi, so it is better to avoid it in order to hide the things about Qi Qi.

As soon as Yun Qishen entered the main hall, he saw Lingjing Dao sitting in his seat with a lazy look, and he obviously knew that he didn't take him seriously at all.

Brother... After all, I'm also a border demon, so give me some face...

Yun Qishen thought so, but he didn't dare to say it.

"What are you doing here today? There are a lot of things going on at the moment, it's better you don't just wander around.

Just in time for you to come, I also have something to tell you. "

Spirit Realm Road motioned Yun Qi to sit down looking deeply.

Even if Yun Qishen found a place to sit down, he thought about what was going on in the spiritual realm.

"Before I tell you, tell me your purpose." Lingjing Taoist noticed the jade pendant hanging on Yun Qishen's waist, "You have been fiddling with accessories recently."

"How can I be like what my brother said, this is one of the reasons why I came." Yun Qishen took off the jade pendant of the egg of the snake and handed it to Lingjing Dao.

"This is something I discovered recently. Anyway, it is something of the spirit snake Xuming. As a demon, it is not a good thing for me to hold it. Although this thing has strong mana, it does not have the kind of excessive spiritual power to hurt the demon, even if it is not. Demons who can protect themselves can also wear it by touch, but the material is indeed the egg of the snake.

The second thing I came here was about the medicine man.

The betrayal of the clan used magic to eavesdrop on the clues I found, so I think they will arrest the medicine men.Demons with pure demon blood will breed monsters in their bodies after taking medicine people's blood.

The specific situation should be taking the blood of the demon medicine person, but the notes are not sure about the ability of the blood of other medicine people.

Xilon said that their family wanted to resurrect pure blood people to break the curse, so they needed pure blood demons to combine with their family.

In order to be able to give birth to pure-blooded people most accurately, they will not make any mistakes, even the ability must be the best.

I'm more worried about Qiu Shan's situation now, if he was here when he disappeared, they would have been arrested by them..."

When Lingjing Dao heard Yun Qishen say this, he said casually, "Then you don't have to worry, he was indeed arrested."

"Brother, are you serious?"

"Of course, have I ever told a lie?" Lingjingdao put away the jade pendant of the snake's egg, "I will tell you about this later. Are you finished?"

"Well... I just want Jing Lingshan to help find and contain the group of medicine men. I will handle it on the devil's side. Those ordinary people can only be handed over to you Jing Lingshan."

Yun Qi's deep words are finished.

Spirit Realm Dao nodded slightly, "Your decision is good, and that's exactly what I mean.

Let's talk about Qiu Shan first. Today, Liu Ying came over and we discussed things about Qiu Shan.Today, a black creature sneaked into the Immortal Medicine Sect. After Liu Ying caught it, she knew the whereabouts of Qiu Shan through that thing.

Qiu Shan is now located in the Temple of Light. According to Liu Ying's report, Qiu Shan's current situation is not very good. "

"Black creature..."

Yun Qishen quickly thought of Ying.

"Now is an extraordinary period, the cooperation between demons and ordinary people is feasible, but we can't get along too much.

I saw that when you came to explain the matter of the medicine man, you were also concerned about this.

So I don't care about saving Qiushan. He is a devil in your border. You can save it and settle down.He will not be able to return to Jingling Mountain.

I will naturally send someone to search for the medicine man you mentioned. "

Spirit Realm Dao's attitude is very peaceful, "You and I are both people who manage others, so you and I can better understand the origin of races. Peace will come, but it will not be immediately, and it will not be this time.

The problem of patients with abyss sequelae and the members of the Light Church has not been solved.So you must hurry up.

As for the time to dispatch the crusade against the enemy, I don't think we need to say it explicitly. Now that we know the whereabouts of Qiu Shan, their hiding place will not be too far away.

I told you the information. As for whether the content is true or false, you can find a way to solve it yourself. "

Yun Qi nodded with understanding, and then he saw the bracelet on Lingjing Dao's hand, and he became curious again.

I have never seen any jewelry that Lingjing Dao wears. How did this bracelet come from?Look at the style of that bracelet...

...the old brother and the master she...the two of them...

Brother Lingjing Dao still cares about the master. Here, the bracelets are brought out to make it clear, but he refuses to admit it. It really reflects the saying "old men just like to be tough."

Yun Qishen smiled inwardly, Spirit Realm Dao noticed that Yun Qishen's expression was wrong, and also looked at the bracelet on his wrist, he could only sigh helplessly, "You know it, don't tell others."

"Why, I brought it all out, why don't you let me say..." Yun Qishen roughly understood after seeing the serious eyes of Spirit Realm Dao.

"...Okay, I get it. Brother, let's still worry about the demons. In this period, although ordinary people can cooperate with demons, they cannot become close because of our relationship. Some ordinary people Demons do have hatred for each other... I said it just now."

"It doesn't matter, you are a Demon Lord now, and there are still many things to pay attention to. How could the Lord wander around to collect information back then. It's better for you to go back and sit in town, and it's better not to let the demons worry."

Spirit Realm Dao waved his hand to indicate that Yun Qishen could leave.

Yun Qishen couldn't do anything about it. He didn't feel like he was in a bad mood when he saw Spirit Realm Dao's mood getting worse and worse, but he remembered that he would be a little concerned if he avoided his figure, and he still wanted to ask one thing before leaving.

"Brother, where is he now?"

(End of this chapter)

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