Yun Qishen

Chapter 636 Cats

Chapter 636 Cats (1)
After I regained consciousness, my entire vision became strange.

It's as if everything is getting bigger.

When I wondered if I was drowsy, I subconsciously wanted to rub my eyes, and then I saw...

"Cat paws!!!"

I was startled and conditioned reflexively to jump up, my body was really light.

I don't want to believe it, but... I really turned into a cat.

"Heaven! Earth! You just like to play Lao Tzu, don't you!"

Looking at my furry claws, I also accepted my fate.

Then I suddenly realized a problem, the cat I've become... it doesn't have clothes...

I stole a skeptical glance, and then decided that it would be better to walk with my tail tucked up...

There is no way that humans are more ashamed than animals.

After confirming my current identity, I can calm down and think about how I became a cat.

After a calm analysis, I think the direct reason why I became an adult cat is because of the side effects of Jiang Lin Pill.

As for the indirect reason here, I dare to believe that it is 100% pissed off by evil qi and that stinky woman!

Ah, I really get angry when I think about it. It's not just that she can foresee the future by relying on her magic skills, and that's not the reason why she can arbitrarily comment on the future of others!

Although Lao Tzu has become like this, but Lao Tzu has survived!

This kind of thing can be changed in the future!

Then again, where am I now?
I can be sure that I am not in Jiangbang, and I don't seem to be in Jingling Mountain.

The furnishings in the house are not shabby, and it seems that the house is still being taken care of.

It's just how I got out of that chaotic space, I don't remember that.

I... I won't be raised as a stray cat!

Holding this 90.00% possibility, I ran towards the door, but the scenery in front of me changed my mentality from meeting a caring person who cared about small animals to the identification of a test product of a crazy alchemist.

When I ran outside the house, I saw Jiang Lin sorting fairy grass.

When Jiang Lin saw me, she smiled from that serious and serious look.

Jiang Lin's kind smile is friendly and friendly, that is, the winter snow melts to welcome the spring.

But in my opinion, that is simply a psychological suggestion before dissecting the test object...

"Look at the way you are now. Going back to Jiangbang is not going to make the devils laugh to death! Hahaha!"

Jiang Lin approached me and squatted down in front of me, she even touched my nose with her hand!Also ticked! !

"Hey! I'm not a cat! Don't touch me like that!"

I must be angry, but I didn't dare to stretch my paws. I was afraid that if I really irritated Jiang Lin, I couldn't stand her small body now.

"Talking nonsense with your eyes open, even if you are not a cat yourself, but you look like a cat now. Be self-aware."

"What kind of self-knowledge? Hurry up and change me back."

My mood is already very bad, I am even more eager to change back directly and deal with those things in Jiangbang, and I also need to understand the affairs of Ye Qi and them, and I even want to ask Spirit Realm Dao.

But after I told Jiang Lin what I wanted to change back, Jiang Lin sighed abnormally.

I quickly gave up thinking about other things and looked at Jiang Lin carefully.

"Yun Qishen, the side effects of medicinal pills are insoluble, and some side effects need to be suppressed by other drugs. But you have also seen that now you are completely transformed into a cat, and no medicinal pill can change you now. status.

The spells contained in the elixir I have refined will also resist other mana changes, so you can only wait for the side effect period to pass here. "

"Then how long am I going to stay like this?"

"It could be two or three days, it could be months or even years.

The side effects of my elixir were not clear from the beginning, and how many elixir did you take to make the side effects occur so quickly? "

I originally wanted to talk about how Jiang Lin refined the medicinal pills, so can't the side effects be investigated before using them?In the end, it was all her fault that she blamed on me.

I admit that I ate too much, I also want to save my life, I want to defeat the enemy with perfect condition, right?

Thinking of this, I suddenly wanted to ask Xinon and the others about their situation.

"The hater made them..."

Jiang Lin understood what I meant before I finished speaking, and she interjected directly, "They are all right, the guy who betrayed the family has also been placed in the dungeon of Jiangbang, waiting for you to go back and resettle.

As for the guy who took the lead in betraying the family, I sealed it in a box with a spell, and I need to study this kind of thing carefully.

Besides, Qiu Shan, that kid helped me, and I also got other information about pure demon blood.Just now I sent him to send me a trip to immortal grass and asked Xiao Wang to come over, but the person hasn't come back yet. "


What should I do, what should I say?

I want to say that Jiang Lin is so heartfelt that she sent Qiu Shan a letter to lead people. She must think that I am hurting her. This woman will definitely not give me a good face...

"What's wrong with you! I see your strange expression, do you have any opinion on me in your heart?"


Jiang Lin leaned close to me, she looked very serious.

How did this woman read the expression of a cat?

Later, I thought about it again, isn't Xiao Wang a big cat?Maybe they have been together for a long time, and Jiang Lin may be able to read the expressions of cats.

"I want to ask you something, what happened to you at that time? I clearly felt Ling Yaoqing's breath in the chaotic space.

What does that woman mean again? "

After a while, Jiang Lin began to ask me about my business.

"Ah..." I didn't want to recall the situation at the time, "The woman came out and told me that I had to die there, and then..."

Why did Ye Qi want to help that woman?I think [-]% of the time he was bewitched by the woman. At that time, he also said that he wanted to help the woman...

"And what happened?"

"He appeared. They took out the egg of the snake from the monster's body. I don't know about other things.

By the way, that woman, Ling Yaoqing, stole my bell.I think the reason she took the bell was to find the eggs of the snake. "

After listening to what I said, Jiang Lin stood up and thought for a while, "That woman will definitely come back to you, she said that you will die may just make you excited and speed up the onset of side effects. Your body is the egg of the compound snake. , so she won't let you die so easily.

As for Ye Qi, I can't figure out what he thinks. It's worthy of being raised by that guy in the spiritual realm. "

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, she did not forget to lose the spiritual realm.

"Yeah, it's worthy of..."

At this moment, what I'm thinking, maybe only Spirit Realm Dao knows what he's thinking, my understanding of Ye Qi is still too shallow...

(End of this chapter)

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