Yun Qishen

Chapter 640 Cats

Chapter 640 Cats (5)
When Xiao Wang heard Jiang Lin calling him, he understood what she meant.

Xiao Wang instantly turned back to the appearance of a beast and rushed towards the beast first, and Jiang Lin followed with a hammer.

And I can only first guard the injured priest with eyes closed.

"This fellow Daoist is really powerful. Not only is his strength and spiritual power superior, but even the divine beast he has conquered is also a high-level divine beast that can be transformed...cough."

With eyes closed, the Taoist priest suddenly began to praise Jiang Lin, and I could only wink at him.

Who is this man talking to?
Then he looked at me, "You said that?"

? !
Is this guy really talking to me?
"You don't need to be surprised, and I won't do anything to you. The magic energy in your body is very strong, I'm afraid it's not..."

Good guy, this closed-eyed Taoist priest has no eyes and other senses, but he is sensitive. Is he aware of my identity?Really, why can't I use the art of peeping at the heart at this time... This guy is too infiltrating.

But then the words of the closed-eyed Daoist reassured me completely.

"It's that fellow Daoist's monster!"


no!It can't be in this lifetime!
However, if you think so, I am relieved.

There was no conversation between the two of us, and then we all looked at Jiang Lin in unison.

Xiao Wang ran over and attacked the beast's neck. Jiang Lin jumped up using Xiao Wang as a pedal.

"Be safe for grandpa!!!"

The first hammer smashed hard on the forehead of the beast.

Jiang Lin then jumped up with her hammer and turned her body to reach the jaw of the beast with another hammer.

A hammer here obviously made the monster as heavy as a mountain lift its legs off the ground.Then the ground shook and the monster fell to the ground.

Jiang Lin was about to cast a spell, and it seemed that she wanted the beast to spit out that annoying little devil, but at this moment, a beast a few sizes smaller than the beast ran over.

The little beast attacked Jiang Lin angrily, and Xiao Wang jumped directly from the big beast and pressed the little beast with a paw.

The legs of the little beast had scars of varying degrees, and there was even black blood on them.

I looked worried, even when I was cultivating before, I had never seen such an extreme.Except for the guy who eats divine beasts.

Really, when I think about him here, do I despise myself for being too stable?Want to make him feel angry?oops!Forget forget!
Even if the little beast was pressed under the claws by Xiao Wang, it was struggling with a fierce look. It howled, and the big beast that was knocked to the ground by Jiang Lin started to move again.

I saw Jiang Lin's disgusting look of trouble from far away, she obviously smacked her lips again, and then she put away the hammer.


"Don't call me my nickname!"

Jiang Lin frowned and first used magic to immobilize the big beast, and then she came to the fierce little beast again.

"It's really a bunch of sanctimonious beasts! The scum among the scum!"

Jiang Lin was so abusive, she then squatted down in front of the little beast, and the little beast was about to rush over to bite her. I don't think the little beast here would have survived without Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang pressed the little beast to keep it from moving, and the big beast on the side let out a low roar.

"It's so annoying! Shut up!" Jiang Lin roared angrily, and the surroundings were really silent for a moment.

Even the wind that had been roaring around had stopped.

Jiang Lin then used the healing technique to heal the scars of the little monster.

The closed-eyed Taoist priest beside me walked over to Jiang Lin while covering his chest, so I had no choice but to follow him.

"Don't come here, especially the Taoist priest! Can't you feel that this beast is afraid of you? Are you here to stimulate it so that Grandpa can't be healed properly?"

Jiang Lin was concentrating on treating the beast's wound. I thought she didn't notice our side.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and smiled, and quickly stopped moving forward, "Okay, I don't want to go there, fellow Taoist please calm down."

Sure enough, how could a man not be afraid of a woman with thorns like Jiang Lin?Unless it's the kind that doesn't fear death.


Jiang Lin seemed to glared at us, and then healed one leg.

The healing speed here is similar to my healing speed, but ordinary cultivators probably have never used such a fast healing technique.

After closing his eyes, the Taoist priest even praised Jiang Lin by my side.

"This fellow daoist is really powerful, not only from what school? Healing here, even the Master of Seekers in Jingling Mountain can't reach so fast."

Jiang Lin ignored him.

I feel embarrassed for him. Usually, at this time, people who are interested should give up asking Jiang Lin, just close their eyes and don't give up.

"It must be my fellow Daoist who thinks I have lost my etiquette, and it is true that I did not report my family.

I am a disciple of its sect, and the senior brother in the sect is named Li Yin.If you think it's a bit of a mouthful, just call me A Yin.I don’t have any talent, my juniors always say that the tea I make is more refreshing…”

Wait... it's not right, here is the introduction, are you here for a blind date?
When I look at Jiang Lin again, I still ignore him.

On the contrary, Xiao Wang was very impatient when he heard the nagging of the closed-eyed Taoist priest.

"Okay! If you prevent Linlin from healing me, no matter what kind of immortality you are, I will eat you!"

Omg!little king!I'm so ruthless I don't set up with you!Shouldn't you say that to Jiang Lin?

[Linlin, you see that everyone has introduced themselves politely, so you should also reply a few words. 】

Then Jiang Lin must have replied, [Don't call me nickname, call me grandpa! 】

This is a normal conversation, right, what happened to Xiao Wang?
Hearing Xiao Wang's threat, the Taoist priest closed his eyes and watched Jiang Lin's treatment.

Gradually, the little grumpy little beast didn't struggle anymore. It even wanted to lick Jiang Lin's hand to show its friendliness, but it was half-disgusted by Jiang Lin and avoided.

Look how sorry you are for a monster!

"If you are in the mood to be friendly to an immortal who saved you, then get better and protect yourself, don't involve your relatives in everything!"

Wow... Jiang Lin glared at the little monster, I could see the aggrieved expression of the monster. (Probably because of my animal shape now, I understand my demeanor.)
After treating the little beast, Xiao Wang also let it go.

Jiang Lin began to cast spells to rescue the annoying little kid.

The flesh of the big beast is relatively hard, so it was not injured at all, but was simply knocked to the ground by Jiang Lin and then froze.

After seeing that the little beast was safe, the big beast was no longer violent. It obeyed Jiang Lin's wishes and endured the magic power of the immortal way, and then it spit out all the immortal disciples it swallowed.

For the sake of screen peace, and physical and mental health, I will not describe the scene and its profound flavor.

The monsters said goodbye to us and left.

(End of this chapter)

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