Yun Qishen

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 The Demon General (1)
When I came back to Jiangbang, it was indeed a mess.

Even the magician fell to the ground.

"It's so deep!!" Taki Qianye ran over anxiously, "Not long after you left, those demon soldiers went crazy for some reason. I was trapped by Takizawa's spell and just got out."

"His spells? So he's still in the borderland? No... I can't feel his breath anymore..." I used my magic power to spy around.I don't know if it's because of the bead in the body, but the power of the technique of peeping the heart is much stronger than before.

"Some demon envoys saw the masked man under Jian Qiangjia waving a sword in his hand and leading the demon soldiers away... They tried to block but they couldn't beat that man..."

The masked man that Taki Qianye said must have asked Qianyao... The sword in her hand is not a lacquer sword... It always feels strange.

"How many demon soldiers are left in Jiangbang now?"

"Less than 200."

"Where's the magician?"

"Less than a hundred."

I took a deep breath in my heart, and asked how Qianyao left with hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, but I didn't notice a trace at all. Could it be that Takizawa did something wrong?Certainly.

"I tell the country to accept worthy candidates. Anyone who wants to serve the country can be hired. I will ensure the safety of the country and the country!" After I finished speaking, I waved my sleeves and walked towards the royal city.

Taki Qianye saluted at me, "Follow the orders of the devil."

I still lack my own generals and troops. There are few people in Xinjiang. Maybe I should go to other countries... But the relationship between Xinjiang and other countries is very tense. ...this really annoys me...

There is only one Taki Qianye by my side at the moment... But now he has lost most of his power after losing his mind-seeing technique...

Even if I order the whole country to recruit heroes, who is willing to hand over their son to the current state of Xinjiang... Isn't this clearly sending his son to death?
As a result, within half a day of my summoning order, the city was surrounded by people, not only men but also women and children...

"We are all willing to serve the country! The Demon Lord will definitely lead us Demons to a peaceful and healthy life!"

"The devil is on top!"

"The world is from the bag!"

I didn't expect this to happen, and I looked at Taki Qianye in amazement.

"Everyone is sincere..."

Taki Qianye frowned, his slender fingers straightened the front of my shirt.

"Sincerely..." I paused, then asked out loud towards the demons gathered under the city.

"The soldiers of our state must not be afraid of difficulties, march forward bravely for the country, and leave all those who have concerns at home!"

No one left when the words fell, and some even shouted that we are not afraid of death!We will be able to protect the territory!
"All the female relatives in the family! There are children under their knees! All the children under twenty leave! The battlefield is not a scene! All the things I said leave!"

Part of the women and children left this time.

"Everyone who is disabled or sick will go back!"

The demons under the city looked at each other and did not leave.

"We are sick but we can still serve our country!!"

A few lame demons in the distance shouted towards Wang Chengrang.

"Nonsense! Let you people with diseases go to the battlefield to make the whole Xinjiang be ridiculed by other countries! You all go back! I will not requisition you!"

Slammed away most of the time.


"Devil Lord! Don't talk about it, there will be no one left in Jiangbang!" The one who interrupted was a young man with black skin and white hair, who looked about 15 years old.

"Didn't I say that demons who are under [-] should not stay?" Although I see this child is extraordinary, but he is still young, I will not let him go to the battlefield.

"This way, the devil is wrong!" The black-skinned youth opened his arms and said vigorously.

"My country was prosperous and prosperous a hundred years ago, and it has become decadent after a hundred years! Some heroes of demons existed a hundred years ago, but now they are all in the world! They all have this super ability, and they were the ones who assisted various demons at the beginning. You are powerful, they prosper in the borderlands, and they fail when they are not in the borderlands!" The black-breathed boy pointed at Taki Qianye next to me.

"Holy Son! How many times has he personally been on the battlefield since he became a Holy Son at the age of seven and led Xinjiang! Why can't I stay?" Then the black-skinned boy knelt down under the city gate, "Wang Mojun Shengming! I Let's unite together and try our best to protect the state! For the glory of the state, it's still honorable to die!"

Then the rest of the demons all knelt down and bowed, "Glory to the state of Xinjiang! It is still honorable to die!"

And then keep repeating until I get bored...

"it is good!!!"

I'm so bored...

"In this case, I will recruit you! Tomorrow I will run for generals among you!"

I cleared my throat.

"Wait for your orders!"

Damn it, it's cool to say that!
"The minister is here!!!!" The momentum was magnificent.

"Starting at [-] o'clock tomorrow, at the rooftop of Demon King City! I personally watch the campaign!"

"The devil is on top! The world is in the bag! Glory to the border! Even if you die, you will still be honored!"

I was afraid that they would talk endlessly again and pat Taki Qianye and quickly took him back to the Demon King City.

Seeing me leaving, Taki Qianye hurriedly asked me, "Qi Shen, are you uncomfortable there?"

"No... it's just that I always felt that it was not normal with the child just now..." I still cared about the black-skinned boy just now, he gave me a mysterious feeling.

"Is that what the kid said?"

"There's one more thing... you go and check it out for me, about those demon generals who are living abroad..."

"...Okay..." Taki Qianye quickly turned around and left.

I was irritable for a while, and I started to feel sleepy when there were too many things on my mind.My hand subconsciously touches my forehead...

Hmm... that jade pendant!By the way, let Xiaocha take it away!

Also, now that the consciousness of the devil is not in my body, it is useless for me to use that jade pendant.

It's just that jade pendant...

I rubbed my forehead for a moment, until I heard someone call me.

"Monarch!" That voice seemed to be the voice of the black-skinned boy just now.

When I looked back, the sunny boy walked towards me with a hearty face, and he saluted me.

"Are you curious about who I am?"

I took a closer look at this black-skinned boy, his eyes were golden, and I was suddenly surprised.

These golden eyes are the same as mine.

"You can spy on the mind!"

"Exactly... this subject is one of the four great protectors of Jiangbang, and I have been waiting for a devil like you for almost 100 years!"

Although I know that Taki Qianye lived for more than 800 years, so this boy is also the same as Taki Yunhua?
"It's more than 800 years? I'm much older than that little girl Taki Yunhua... When I was assisting the Demon Lord, Taki Yunhua was not born yet! But it was Taki Yunhua who obtained the art of prying. allowed."

The child's words are steady, but looking at the appearance, I really can't tell that this child has lived for so many years.

"Do you not believe the devil?"

"Don't call me Demon Lord, I'd better call you senior..."

The black-skinned boy clasped his fists and saluted, "Don't call your ministers like that, it's your duty to help the wise Demon Lord!"

He said that and I have nothing to say.

"So tomorrow's game... what's your... name?"

"My name is Tatum, from the sand garden in the west of Xinjiang." Tatum still held his fist.

"Uh... Tatum... I mean since you are a demon general, I don't think there is any reason to run for the contest tomorrow..."

Since he has come to admit it... I can't help showing him face.

"The devil is absolutely impossible. Let me tell you my identity. In order not to participate in tomorrow's competition, the Anbang generals of my border will be selected from those people! And the ministers will only assist the devil, and help the devil to conquer the world!"

I touched my forehead subconsciously again, so dizzy I wanted to sleep...

--split line--

At [-] the next day, everyone arrived at the rooftop of Demon King City as promised.

The black-skinned boy stood beside me, and Taki Qianye didn't come, as if he was still investigating the whereabouts of other demon generals.

Most of the demons who responded to the summons had no mana, so they had to compete by force, but they couldn't compare to the demons who were born with mana.

And most of these devils are no match for the devils who have been in the Devil's City all the year round.

The number of people summoned here is not many and their strength is so weak, I am chilled.

"Don't worry about the devil. The strength of these devils should not be underestimated. Your servant can train you the most powerful devil soldiers in just one day."

The black-skinned youth smiled ghostly, the contest was over, and he did not decide who would be the general, but the black-skinned youth chose a slender devil to be the leader of the team.

Sure enough, Tatum trained me the strongest team of demon soldiers the next day.

The slender devil from before suddenly became a muscular man... how did he do it?It's incredible...

"Don't be surprised by the devil, this is my magic ability, I can turn the person I want to become stronger into his strongest appearance, but my power is all based on my own preferences, even if the devil orders his subjects to command the devil If you become a strong minister, you won't agree to change it to you if you don't like it." The black-skinned boy hugged his chest, and the silver jewelry on his wrist jingled.His golden eyes gleamed, very seductive.

You are so capricious!

"Do other magic generals have this ability?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My servant can't tell the devil, and I ask the devil to find the answer..."

Tatum saluted me, and it was hard for me to ask.

"Then why are you showing up to help me?" I looked at Tatum.

Tatum's eyes widened a little and then returned to normal again, "Because the Demon Lord passed the test of his ministers, I think the other Demon Generals are also ready for the test and are waiting for the Demon Lord's visit!"

"Then can you tell me what your test is?" How did I pass his test?
"The determination to do things, the courage to be the lord of a country, and the compassion for the people." Tatum's golden pupil looked at me, "Chou Xiang told you that you have two options, and the devil Jun, you chose the third path between the two paths... This is the point that passed my test, and you will be a good king, I firmly believe in Tatum."

Then everyone in my seat began to salute again.

To be honest, I have always wondered in my heart, am I really worthy of your giving your life to me?
Tatum looked at me, and the black-skinned teenager in front of me smiled brightly, "It's worth it! Because you are our devil, and you can only be our devil."

His answer strengthened my belief that I will defeat Takizawa to quell the war and let the people of Xinjiang live a stable life.For myself and for the trust they gave me!

At night, the cold wind blows.In the night of Jiangbang, if it is cold, it can really freeze a person to death.

It is also because the wind blows away the clouds in the sky, so that the crescent moon can hang straight in the sky.There was a soft light on the ground.

There are a few lonely stars in the sky struggling to flicker, and it is really hard to see the stars here... I can't help but sigh when I recall the starry sky I saw in Lingyao Pavilion before.

It just so happened that I was bumped into by Taki Qianye who had just gotten the news and came looking for me.

"What does he sigh deeply?"

"Uh... it's nothing, but there are too few stars in Jiangbang to see..."

Taki Qianye also looked up at the sky, "Indeed, I didn't pay attention to it before, I just think everything is similar..."

Taki Qianye then took out the envelope from his arms, "By the way, let's not talk about this for now, look at this, it's the information I just found!"

Taki Qianye handed me the envelope, and I quickly opened it to check.

Is there a demon in the city of sand dunes in Sangyu country? !

If I go like this, doesn't it mean that I will meet the spiritual realm again?
I don't have any money for him now... oh my god!Can you give me a local tyrant first?

"Why don't you let me go to the city of sand dunes? It's better to stay in Jiangbang... By the way, I almost forgot. Just now, a note came from a flying sword at the gate of the city. I don't know the words on it, but I feel You will know it deeply..."

Taki Qianye showed me another small rolled up note.

Once spring willow green, play PZH.

!Is it the second uncle? !
Does this mean that I should go to the previous flower bushes to find him?

But if it was a letter from the second uncle, how could he write the words in the world...

No matter what, I'd better go and meet for a while.

"Qianye, let's put the city of the sand dunes aside in advance. I will ask you to stand by in Wangcheng when I go to a place tomorrow, and I will make a decision when I come back to Sangyu country!"

After I finished speaking, I was about to leave, and Taki Qianye asked me with a frown, pulling my sleeve in his hand, "You come back and make a decision? Are you going out? Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you this for the time being, I hope you can manage the border for me temporarily." I shook off Taki Qianye's hand and left.

Back in the house, I looked at the note in my hand and thought about it. The words on this note must not have been written by the people here, but the words were indeed what the second uncle asked me to give to Mi Zixin.

Strange to say, although I know that the person who poisoned me at the second uncle's house was Ender, the servant who kept poisoning me to suppress the black qi was also a devil...

Then who sent the note that asked me to find Liu Yinfeng before, and when I think back to those words, why didn't I notice it at the time?Those words are the words of the world, people here should not be able to write...

It must have something to do with that black-hearted businessman!

Taki Qianye said that he just used the flying sword, will he mean that I will immediately ask him to clarify.

I was restless and had to go out at the gate of Wangcheng.

Not long after I arrived at the city gate, I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Yo! Young Master! You are finally here!"

 There should be two more updates today!
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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