Yun Qishen

Chapter 652 Peach blossom period? !

Chapter 652 Peach blossom period? ! (11)
(God's perspective)
Returning to Yun Qishen's side, he noticed the strangeness of the surrounding environment after walking a distance in the fog.

I'm afraid I'm not being watched.

Yun Qishen stopped and then fell directly to the ground.

Yun Qishen, Yun Qishen, it's time to test your acting skills!
He thought that if he was really being targeted, as long as he did something that made the group of guys following him think he couldn't act, that group of guys would show up.

They were able to search deep into the fog, which meant that the spells they had located were locked on him.

Yun Qishen didn't want to put Jing Lingshan's brothers at risk because of his neglect, which might even hurt Taki Yunhua.

The Xianmen disciples in black and white robes sensed that the things they locked stopped moving, and the group of junior disciples didn't know what to do for a while.

Only the taller senior went forward to scout first.

This tall Xianmen senior brother came to squat in front of Yun Qishen.

From the moment he met this one, he felt that the spells attached to the black cat's body were different from the mist spells.

Although this person was worried that it was a trap in the spell, the subtle characteristics of the spell still made this person very concerned, so he and his juniors discussed the whereabouts of the black cat.

I thought it was the evidence they were looking for, but why did the black cat fall down here?
"Senior brother? What's the situation? Why did things suddenly stop moving here?"

Seeing the senior brother walking over, the most impatient junior brother also emerged from the fog.

"Here... Senior Brother is at a loss for a while, and there is no sense of other magic around. It is absolutely impossible for someone to manipulate this beast in front of us."

The group of them quickly gathered over, and Yun Qishen was annoyed when he heard the words of the senior senior brother, but couldn't express it.

You are a beast!
Although he was said with unpleasant words, Yun Qishen found out that this group of people did locate him.

Although Jiang Lin said before that Yun Qishen can't be changed with spells, but locking this kind of thing is not attached to Yun Qishen, but attached to the ground he touches.As long as Yun Qishen has contact with the ground, the group of Xianmen disciples can find him.

"Since no one else can do anything to this thing, then there is only one possibility, and that is the ghost of this thing itself." One of the junior brothers was very smart at the moment.

Yun Qishen's ears are naturally able to hear clearly. It is not a long-term solution for him to be like this. The devilish energy in his body will be discovered sooner or later. At present, there are magic spells attached to Mizixin on his body and Ziyu can suppress the devilish energy. .

The black and white Taoist brother Chaoyun Qishen used the technique of observation.

Yun Qi thought deeply that at this time he could only solve the spell and ask Mi Zixin for help?Obviously he himself said that he would not worry them.

"Huh? This spell is very special..." As a result, although the black and white Taoist brother found out the specific spell, this person would not solve it.

Yun Qishen also relaxed for a while.But after he relaxed for a while, one of the senior brother's younger brother raised Yun Qishen, "Although it can't hurt this little thing, just take it back and study it well, I see, this spell has no characteristics of hurting people at all!"

"Junior brother, don't be reckless!"

"I'm not afraid of my brother if you are not here."

"That's right, if you are here, the younger brothers are not afraid of the little tricks here, so we are not afraid of it!"

Just compliment you, you won't be able to enter the universe even if you blow people up into the sky.

Yun Qishen pretended to be dead on the surface and complained inwardly.

It was also at this time that a woman's voice came from the fog.

"I advise you to let go of that little thing, it's mine."

As soon as the sweet voice stopped, Yun Qishen began to worry.

What are you doing so hard to pretend to be dead for? It's not because you are here to make a woman who loves to eat Kung Pao Chicken, what are you doing here with a big belly!
Taki Yunhua slowly appeared in the mist, and all the disciples of the Immortal Sect looked at the red-clothed woman who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Taki Yunhua's beauty didn't diminish even if she was pregnant with a child and had a big belly.

Taki Yunhua walked past the tall Xianmen disciple and approached the Xianmen disciple who was holding Yun Qishen. She slid her fingers over the younger brother's chin and raised it slightly.

Here, the Immortal Sect disciple swallowed uncontrollably.

"give it to me."

Taki Yunhua only needs to open her hand and she will get what she wants.

The place where the most innocent and few desires of the spiritual realm can fall down, how can you group of disciples of Xiaoxianmen who have never seen anything in the world resist it?
That Xianmen disciple handed over Yun Qishen to her according to Taki Yunhua's words.

Taki Yunhua took Yun Qishen and smiled slightly at the disciples of the Immortal Sect, her eyes glowing with golden light.

Those Immortal Sect disciples froze in place.

After the group of Xianmen disciples regained their senses, let alone Taki Yunhua, they even forgot their pursuit of Yun Qishen.

Taki Yunhua also brought Yun Qishen back to Liuyinfeng safely.

"It's really hard for me, my poor disciple. The way you look now is much more pleasing." Taki Yunhua hugged Yun Qishen and touched the fur on his back.

"It's not pleasing to co-author me as a person..." Yun Qishen didn't have to pretend to be dead and let Taki Yunhua hug him, but he didn't like being touched on his back, and besides, Taki Yunhua definitely didn't hug him. A beast with too long hair, this is where stroking is clearly a hairy.

"Don't say that, disciple, you are still very pleasing when you dress as a woman."

"Hahaha... Then I'm really sorry, I'm a dignified man!" Yun Qishen looked up at Taki Yunhua. He had such close contact with Taki Yunhua, and he was afraid that he would not be stewed in cat soup by the spiritual realm...


"I really thanked Master for helping me just now." Yun Qishen expressed his gratitude to Taki Yunhua.

Taki Yunhua also looked at Yun Qishen and smiled slightly, and Xiaoguang in front came to greet him kindly.

"Thank me, then make Kung Pao Chicken for Master. Xiaoguang's cooking is not spicy at all, and Master's food is not fragrant at all." Taki Yunhua slightly pouted and looked at Xiaoguang.

"I don't know how to make spicy food, so the Demon Lord came here again this time to help."

Xiaoguang watched Yun Qishen turn into a cat and touched his nose subconsciously.

"But look at me..."

Yun Qishen showed his claws.

Xiaoguang and Taki Yunhua also looked at him, and finally Taki Yunhua broke this inexplicable situation.

"Do you want to use cat's paws to make Kung Pao Chicken for Master? I'm so happy for Master!"

"Is that so?" Xiaoguang seemed to believe what Taki Yunhua said, "I also want to see how the Demon Lord cooks with cat claws!"

Yun Qishen was about to be frightened by the brain circuits of the two guys here.

No, I mean that my hands are already like this, and you two still let me cook, what's your heart!What a heart!

(End of this chapter)

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