Yun Qishen

Chapter 662 Classification

Chapter 662 Classification (1)
(God's perspective)
When Yun Qishen was about to run to Lingyao Pavilion, he saw Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo.

"Little Junior Brother!"

When Gu Choumian noticed Yun Qishen, she called him.

Yun Qishen's cat ears moved and ran towards Gu Choumian.

"Three Senior Brothers!"

As soon as Yun Qishen came over, Gu Choumian took him to hide.

"Why are there so many guys all of a sudden?" Yun Qishen jumped onto Gu Choumian's shoulder and whispered.

"In case the demonic energy suddenly explodes, and the master he injured is a little bit serious." Gu Choumian looked up at the immortal disciples who were rushing, and began to worry, "Did the younger brother find the purple jade fragment?"

"I found it, it's in the bag." Yun Qishen picked up the bag.

Gu Choumian also took down the bag and checked the purple jade fragments in it.

"The most difficult thing now is how can we bring this thing to the emergency." Chen Yueluo looked at Yun Qishen with a strange expression.

When Yun Qishen received Chen Yueluo's strange expression, he understood what he meant, and he jumped off Gu Choumian's shoulder.

Now those Immortal Sect disciples must be fighting with Wan Yu. If Chen Yueluo went there rashly, they would be hurt if they didn't realize it, and they would also be suspected by those Immortal Sect disciples that Jing Lingshan colluded with the devil.

Although the blood flowing now is not black blood, but with such powerful demonic energy, why would those Immortal Sect disciples care about black blood and red blood?

"Does he know if things take advantage of the virtual?"

Yun Qi thought deeply about it, and now it is possible that the only one who is close to the eventuality and will not be hurt by the eventuality is the master.

Gu Choumian glanced at Chen Yueluo and then shook his head at Yun Qishen, "Master, he shouldn't know what he looks like now, I think maybe the whole Jingling Mountain will know in a while."

"In this way, Chen Yueluo, you go and hand over the purple jade here to Daoist Chengxu. The third senior brother and I will go to see the master first." Yun Qishen suggested this.

"After handing it over to Grand Master?" Chen Yueluo asked again after taking the bag containing Ziyu.

"I think he understands what to do, in case he is still the apprentice he values." Yun Qishen looked at Gu Choumian after speaking to Chen Yueluo, "Let's act quickly."

"That's all it can do now, Yueluo will trouble you."

In the end, Gu Choumian's words worked, Chen Yueluo nodded and left with Ziyu.

Yun Qishen and Gu Choumian also came to Mizixin's side.

Although Yun Qishen had no mana at this time, he could give Gu Choumian how to effectively heal the magic damage.

"If it wasn't for Miss Xiaoya, Master might have suffered more serious injuries. Thank you so much." Gu Choumian saluted Xiaoya, who was flustered and at a loss.

Yun Qishen jumped to Mi Zixin's bed to check on his injury. It was really thanks to Xiaoya, otherwise it would have been troublesome if he missed the healing time.

Yun Qishen could see that Mi Zixin was attacked by other spells in addition to being attacked in case.It is very likely that this is the backlash of the trapped seal technique.

"How's the little junior brother?" Gu Choumian came over and asked.

"The attack of the demonic energy shouldn't be too serious, but it probably hurts a lot." Yun Qi looked at Gu Choumian deeply and waited for him to answer.

"There are indeed many. The heart, mouth, lungs and spleen have ruptured to varying degrees. I have tried my best to treat it. I also asked the third master to help, but the third master was not in the Xuyun Palace at this time. I can't find anyone else for a while, so Chen Yueluo and I will see you when we come back."

Gu Choumian frowned, he looked worried enough.

"Not in Xuyun Palace?"

Yun Qishen felt that something was not right, it would be too strange to find no one at such a time.

"Right now, Jingling Mountain is completely in a mess. Medicine people, Immortal Dao, and those who are controlled by the Guangming Cultists. They should be busy too." Gu Choumian said so.

It's really messy enough to be crowded together.

Yun Qishen doesn't care about these issues, his most urgent thing now is to first remove the demonic energy in Mi Zixin's body and heal the wound.

He has also learned some magic spells to absorb demonic energy in Jiangbang, but he is not sure whether people like Gu Choumian who have pure spells can use this kind of spell, but at present only Gu Choumian can save Mi Zixin. .

If they waited for Master Xuyun to come back, they would only make Mi Zixin's injury worse.

"I have a way to save the master, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it, Third Senior Brother."

"The most urgent task is the master. I believe in you, junior brother, and I also believe that I can do it myself. So please teach me."

Seeing Gu Choumian's serious and firm appearance, Yun Qi had no choice but to explain the method of the spell to Gu Choumian.

Gu Choumian used the method Yun Qishen said to get lucky, and then he chanted the spell.

Nothing happened at first, Yun Qishen thought that this method was really not suitable for Gu Choumian to use, he wanted to persuade Gu Choumian to give up, they would think of other methods.

As a result, after a while, the healing spell cast by Gu Choumian began to dim, and the dark demonic energy came out of Mi Zixin's body and drifted towards Gu Choumian.

Yun Qishen looked at Gu Choumian in disbelief. He saw that Gu Choumian had an expression that he didn't usually have at all. That expression was a kind of disgust. What was he thinking at this time?Hate what?
Yun Qi was deeply curious, but he had no way of knowing at this time.

Just when the demonic energy was about to be absorbed into the body by Mi Zixin, Mi Zixin suddenly woke up, grabbed Gu Choumian's arm and absorbed the demonic energy back into his body.



Yun Qishen's Gu Choumian spoke out at the same time, and Gu Choumian looked at Mi Zixin with a puzzled look, "Why?"

"Sorrowful sleep, it's okay to be a teacher, these injuries can heal themselves for a teacher. You don't have to force it... It's deep, Ziyu brought it back?"

Mi Zixin's lips were pale and his face was haggard, and he didn't want to look like he could heal himself.

He leaned on the edge of the bed to do it, and Gu Choumian also went to support him.

Yun Qishen didn't feel very well when he saw Mi Zixin's appearance here, "Bring it back, I asked Chen Yueluo to take it to Daoist Chengxu."

"Well... that's fine. Your uncle should know how to deal with it. It's just..."


Yun Qishen, Xiaoya and Gu Choumian were all concerned about Mi Zixin's next words.

"It's just that this won't be what the kid wants to happen. It's deep, do you have a way to get in touch with the people in Jiangbang?" Mi Zixin coughed twice, and the two men and cats present nervously gathered around them. care.

"Master means...but like that..." Yun Qishen was trying to avoid people coming from Xinjiang and didn't contact him for a long time.

"Let it be safe in case we should do it. Let's help the teacher perform a play." Mi Zixin took out a message from his body. This message does not belong to Jingling Mountain, but belongs to Jiangbang. .

(End of this chapter)

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