Yun Qishen

Chapter 664 Classification

Chapter 664 Classification (3)
(God's perspective)
Chen Yueluo brought Ziyu to Chengxu Palace in a hurry.

"Senior Brother Yueluo, it is not convenient for him to see people now."

The disciples guarding the gate of Chengxu Hall stopped Chen Yueluo.

"In case something happens to him! I must go to see the master now!" Chen Yueluo said to the gatekeeper in a low voice.

"What if Senior Senior Brother? How is he? Senior Brother Yueluo said that he is now living in the Immortal Medicine Sect..."

"Don't talk about it, let me go to see the master first!"

"Senior Brother Yueluo..."

After some hesitation, the guard disciple let Chen Yueluo take the opportunity to cross the gate of Chengxu Hall.

The guard disciple looked at Chen Yueluo's running back and did not stop him. He looked worriedly at the direction of the Immortal Medicine Sect, where the immortal disciples flew.

"In case Big safe..."

Chen Yueluo pushed open the inner door of Chengxu Hall and saw Daoist Chengxu talking with a young man dressed in black and white Taoist robes.

"Master Uncle, this disciple needs Uncle Master to come forward! In case..."

"Moonfall! You are so rude."

Before Chen Yueluo finished speaking, he was reprimanded by Chengxu Daochang for a while.

"Master Uncle... Disciple... Disciple is rude! Please forgive me!"

Chen Yueluo was very good at looking at other people's eyes. He instantly understood Daoist Master Chengxu's concerns, and he also saluted the young Daoist priest.

"It's normal to be young and energetic. It seems that there is an urgent matter? What did this disciple just say in case?"

Daoist Xuanxin looked at Chen Yueluo with concern.

Daoist Chengxu also roughly guessed what happened in his heart, and Chen Yueluo mentioned the event as soon as he came, it must be in case something happened.

"Is the moon falling because something happened to the Immortal Medicine Sect?"

Taking advantage of Daoist Master Xu's curiosity, he was also worried that Chen Yueluo would reveal flaws.

This young Taoist priest named Xuan Xin is not a good person to deal with.

"Master, come out and take a look first!" Chen Yueluo expressed eagerness.

Daoist Chengxu and Daoist Xuanxin also moved outside the hall.

"There is a strong demonic energy over there... Could it be the invasion of demons?" Taoist Xuanxin looked at the sky on one side, showing some black energy, "The enchantment of Chengxu Temple is powerful, but the poor man is thinking in the temple and can't detect it. To the magic."

"I'm afraid that the devil I caught and observed before suddenly went wild. It was a big mistake of mine. Yueluo, how is your sixth master?"

Daoist Chengxu is concealing his identity. As long as he says that if it is the existence that Jingling Mountain uses to observe, it will not cause some immortals to care.

Then Daoist Chengxu mentioned the situation of Mi Zixin again, and his direct intention was to blame Mi Zixin for his negligence.

"Uncle Sixth, he was injured very seriously. He couldn't find Senior Master Xuyun for a while. He could only help him as much as possible. I think the only one who can stop him now is Master Master! So please go to Master Master to help. The Immortal Medicine Sect can't stand the toss." Chen Yueluo saluted towards the Master Chengxu.

Daoist Chengxu also reached out to help Yueluo. When he was in contact with Yueluo, Yueluo secretly handed Ziyu to Daoist Chengxu.

"I understand, leave it to me." Daoist Chengxu said to Chen Yueluo with a conscientious look, then he turned to look at Daoist Xuanxin, "Daoist Xuanxin, please do it yourself. Yueluo let's go. ."

Daoist Xuanxin looked at Daoist Chengxu in a hurry to leave, and I didn't have any doubts in his heart. He is now curious about what kind of demons can exude such powerful demonic energy.

Daoist Xuanxin followed behind Daoist Chengxu towards Xian Yaozong.

"Master..." Chen Yueluo thought about continuing to tell Daoist Chengxu something, but he was sealed by Daoist Chengxu before he said a few words.

"Yueluo is cautious in his words and deeds, that guy is still following... I will deal with it."

Daoist Chengxu held Ziyu with a little force, and Chen Yueluo had no choice but to nod.

Soon Daoist Chengxu came to Lingyao Pavilion of Immortal Medicine Sect.

As soon as the two arrived at the scene, they smashed a few injured Immortal Sect disciples.

"Bold devil! How can you be so filthy in the holy land of Xianmen?"

On the other hand, there were Xianmen disciples scolding at the event, they set up a formation to capture the event, and the event was broken with a single wave of the hand.

Some Xianmen disciples were unconvinced and used the maximum mana combined to form an energy ball and smashed it towards the event.

The energy ball successfully hit the in case, the disciple of Xianmen laughed proudly for a while, but the energy disappeared in the next instant, and then in case the whole body became the appearance of a child, at the same time in case the rationality Also recovered from this attack.

【Why are you here?What are you doing here? 】

In case he looked at his shrunk body in confusion, and suddenly flew over to attack him with immortal swords one after another, in case he understood his situation.

It seems that his demonic qi was found to be rampant, attracting those immortal disciples to come to attack him.

Then in case, he saw the figure of Daoist Chengxu among the group of Xianmen disciples who were about to attack him.

[Master, why is he here... Is he here to save me? 】

In case he wanted to explain the misunderstanding to everyone, but none of the Xianmen disciples gave him time to explain.

In case you are attacked from behind while dodging.

Because of the power of the drunk old man, any damage will be transformed into the power used in the event, so ordinary damage is useless at all.

In case you have no intention of attacking others, the power that others attacked will just bounce back.

"This devil is simply too powerful! Taking his head is also considered to remove hidden dangers for the world!"

In case they doubted whether those Immortal Sect disciples were confused by fame and fortune, they still attacked him indiscriminately.

Just in case he was about to defend himself, Daoist Chengxu rushed out of the crowd with his immortal sword and stabbed him in the heart.

【master!how come! 】

In case there is no dodging, but because of the relationship of mana, the attack of Daochang did not cause much damage.

"The devil is sinful, it must be eliminated quickly!"

In case I didn't expect that this sentence would be said by Daoist Chengxu.

In case of a wry smile, it turns out that his current appearance is not what the master expected.

Is he really still a substitute...


In case the immortal sword grasping his chest pierced harder.

[Sure enough, people like me shouldn't embarrass you, master, right? 】

Daoist Chengxu was taken aback, he thought about drawing out the immortal sword and was afraid that his actions would attract the attention of other immortals?
Daoist Chengxu noticed that Wanli burst into tears.

This kid really has no brains.

Master Chengxu remembered the purple jade in the other hand, he attached the purple jade to the immortal sword and pushed it to Wanyi's chest.

Ziyu quickly attached to the crack that was pierced by the immortal sword.

In the next instant, the demonic energy that burst out all rushed towards the purple jade fragments in the chest, and it also bounced off the Daoist Master Chengxu.

Daoist Chengxu was thrown to the side, he frowned and looked at Wanyi.

In case his heart is extremely painful because of Ziyu's relationship, the magic weapon in his body will also send out the power of resistance.

The magic energy suddenly erupted to form a huge barrier, and then the barrier became smaller and smaller. When the barrier and the black energy disappeared, it fell to the ground in case.

(End of this chapter)

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