Yun Qishen

Chapter 669 Classification

Chapter 669 Classification (8)
(God's perspective)
In case, after fully awake, you find yourself soaking in the lake.

The water in the lake was extremely cold, but the pain in his chest disappeared.

He wanted to get out of the lake, and just as he was about to move ashore he realized that he had grown bigger and had no clothing on him.

"I advise you not to leave here now." Qianye's voice entered Wan Wan's ears.

In case he turned around and saw Qianye standing on the shore, there was a strange red flower under his feet.

"Who are you? Is this... Jiangbang?" In case, he vaguely remembered that he was brought here by a man in red.

"This is indeed Jiangbang, my name is Qianye, and I am currently managing it. You are in the period of cultivation, it is best not to leave the lake. Otherwise, your pain will come again. Although the lake here is cold, it will not cause harm to ordinary people. The damage of wind chill, especially someone like you who can use fire phoenix technique."

Qianye approached Wan Yi and squatted by the lake, he quickly grabbed the piece of purple jade on Wan Yi's chest.

The Ziyu resisted for a while and was taken down by Qianye, and then Qianye threw the Ziyu directly into the cold lake.

"How could this thing be on me?"

In case you don't remember Ziyu attached to him at all.

Qianye also explained to him, "This is attached to you by your Immortal Sect master, the purpose is to suppress the devilish energy in you."

Qianye stood up and was very friendly, "I'm going to find a piece of clothing and have it delivered to you. Don't leave the lake here until someone comes to you."

"My wait..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qianye turned his head and left. In case he was about to leave the Cold Lake, the bone-piercing pain spread from his heart to his entire body just as his chest emerged from the water.Because the cold pool has the effect of suppressing mana, if there is no strength to relieve the pain at all, then he falls back into the lake with a plop.

When he got his head out of the water, he didn't want to go ashore impulsively.

The calm case also began to think wildly while waiting.

When he was in Jingling Mountain, he clearly heard his master, Daoist Chengxu, saying that he was a monster and wanted to get rid of it.

Qianye just now said that the Ziyu was attached to him by Daoist Chengxu to suppress his demonic energy.

"Master, he wanted to suppress my demonic energy because he was afraid that I would embarrass Jing Lingshan. After I turned into a demon, did you dislike me?

I am really the most unsatisfactory disciple. "

[You are just a substitute, and nothing more than a substitute. 】

[There are as many substitutes as possible, they can all become shadows of the spiritual realm, and no one in the world will remember you, Shi Wanyi. 】

The inner voice is tempting Wanyi, and I don't know when the voice in my heart is getting clearer and clearer.

He reminded himself to deal with the problem rationally, but in the face of his master, he had no choice at all.

If you think that it is a good thing to let this icy lake calm yourself down.

After a while, he saw a man dressed in black approaching from a distance. He still knew this man.

"Chou Shan!"

If you see someone you know, you can temporarily forget your distress.


Qiu Shan heard Qianye say that if Yun Qishen asked him to bring it back to Jiangbang, Qiu Shan was also instructed to take care of it temporarily.

Qianye handed a piece of Yun Qishen's clothes to Qiu Shan, and he also got the medicinal pills and medicines that could suppress the demonic energy from the Holy Demon Division.

If the physique is affected by the alcoholic spell, the spell on him must be broken to heal, otherwise it will be useless at all, but will increase the strength of the unexpected rebound.

Qianye brought him back into the Cold Lake to let the excess mana and demonic energy dissipate, so he changed his form from a child back to his normal appearance.

According to Qianye's instructions, Qiu Shan first took Wan Yi's medicine to suppress the demonic energy, and then he used the cold lake water to apply the wound medicine to Wan Yi's chest.

In the end, Qiu Shan helped him put on his clothes before he could leave the Cold Lake.

Jiangbang's clothes look more noble, and Yun Qishen's clothes are more complicated in workmanship. Yun Qishen's clothes can only be worn by himself after he is familiar with it. In case it is the first time to wear Jiangbang's clothes , Besides, it is so complicated, naturally it will not.

If I look at the clothes on my body, the clothes are a little big, but the waist is a little thin.

"Do all the demons in your borders like to corset their waists?" In case, when he asked Qiu Shan, he deliberately glanced at Qiu Shan's dress.

"That's not true, Qiu Shan, your waist looks so normal. It's really awkward to wear this dress, and the waist is too thin. The skirt is still a bit long."

"Hmm..." Qiu Shan also looked at Wanyi's waist, maybe because his muscles were more developed, he would not be able to adapt.

But the clothes here are tailor-made for the devil, Yun Qishen.

"Huh?" In case he remembered that Qiu Shan had a problem with panting.

"...This is the Demon Lord's clothes."


In case there is nothing to say for a while, so Yun Qishen's waist is thinner than his, and the length of the bottom is because... Yun Qishen is taller than him?
If you think about your height, you will be a little unhappy, "Why are you looking for his clothes for me? There is no other suitable?"

"Well..." Qiu Shan continued.

In case wait.

"...There is no more suitable clothes for your body shape than here in Demon King City..."


In case he understood what Qiu Shan meant, what he meant was that Yun Qishen was similar to him in the entire Demon King City, and Yun Qishen was also the shortest in the entire Demon King City!

In case the question of height and clothes doesn't want to be asked, he just has to endure to adapt to the clothes.

As a result, he didn't know where he was as he walked, and Qiu Shan still insisted on walking forward.

"Qiu Shan, where are we going?"

"Well... we seem to be lost."

"You also know that you are lost! Also, can you get lost in Demon King City? Isn't this your home! Then how did you find me by the lake!"

Qiu Shan also learned to express his lostness this time.As for how he found it, it was purely a crooked hit in the wrong direction from the beginning.

When Qiu Xiang was waiting for the meeting, Qianye said that he had sent Qiu Shan, and Qiu Xiang and Xi Lian, who was shunned by Qiu Shan, had an indescribable expression on their faces.

Fortunately, in case he still remembered the way they came, he took two steps in the direction back to think of Qiu Shan, and when he looked back, Qiu Shan was gone.


In case that face was unbelievable, he would never trust Qiu Shan again from now on.

In case he thought about going back the same way, but Qiu Shan was gone, he was afraid that Qiu Shan would come and disappear like that again, so he decided to find Qiu Shan first.

At this moment, a sharp arrow slid past Wan Xian's ear and stabbed on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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