Yun Qishen

Chapter 679 Classification

Chapter 679 Classification (18)
(God's perspective)
Although the Divine Beast Valley is the place where the divine beasts inhabit, the aura gathers due to the gathering of the divine beasts, and because its location is connected to Jingling Mountain, the spiritual energy is very huge.

The spiritual energy of the Divine Beast Valley gathers together to form the Spirit Orb. The Spirit Orb is powerful. It can be said to be the life gate of the Divine Beast. Once the Spirit Orb disappears, there will no longer be any Divine Beast in the world.

This matter has been circulated among the beastmasters. Although the Valley of the Beasts is in Jingling Mountain, the place that really leads to the center of the Valley of the Beasts is not in Jingling Mountain.

There are a total of eight places in the entire Guao Continent that can lead to the center of the God Beast Valley, which is the real territory of the God Beasts.

The passage in Jingling Mountain's cultivation cliff was converted from Spirit Realm Dao from other places.

Divine beasts also came to the territory of ordinary people through these passages.

Only people who are in sympathy with the divine beast can try to enter the valley of the divine beast to find the spiritual bead. If the heart of the person who enters the valley of the divine beast is dirty, terrible things will happen.

There is only spiritual energy in the valley of divine beasts, which is the most incompatible place.If there is spiritual energy, there must be hidden dangers of demonic energy.

There is an inexplicable magical energy lurking around the aura that guards the spirit bead.

These devilish qi and the devilish qi of the devil are essentially different.

The devil's qi is innate, and the devil's qi here will destroy people's minds. Their existence is to destroy the spirit beads, so they prevent anyone from taking the spirit beads.

The closer Gu Choumian got to the center of the Divine Beast Valley, the more uncomfortable his heart became.There was a constant voice in Gu Choumian's ear preventing him from moving forward.

The black smog around Gu Choumian also began to fill, and it seemed that it was about to surround him.

At this time, a purple light suddenly appeared in Gu Choumian's heart, and Gu Choumian couldn't feel the pain in his heart for a moment.

"This is the purple jade fragment..."

Gu Choumian took out the glowing thing in his heart, and after they saved the accident, Chen Yueluo also handed over the remaining Ziyu to Gu Choumian.

"I didn't expect it to be useful here, but why does this place feel so strange... Forget it, it's more important to find the third uncle first."

Gu Choumian grabbed Ziyu's bag, and he no longer felt that sad feeling.

Soon he found Daoist Xuyun, but the scene in front of him shocked Gu Choumian.

Xu Yundao had a grim face, he grabbed Wen Xiaoshao's neck with one hand and lifted her whole.

Daoist Xuyun's hand was slightly harder, but he didn't resist at all.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Gu Choumian wanted to stop him, and he even shouted, "Third Master!"

Hearing Gu Choumian's shouting, Daoist Master Xuyun only seemed to recover for a short period of time, and then he put down his spoon and flashed in front of Gu Choumian, and hit Gu Choumian in the heart with another hand.

Gu Choumian was hit to the ground with a blow, and he clutched his heart in pain. The wound that had just been treated quickly burst once, and Gu Choumian couldn't stop the blood from rushing up from his abdominal cavity for a while.


Daoist Xuyun smiled strangely, and he took out the black bone whip and was about to swing it towards Gu Choumian.

"Three... Master..."

Gu Choumian closed his eyes and opened his mouth uncomfortably, his throat made a grunting sound, and then he spit out another mouthful of blood.

Daoist Xuyun was still about to wave his whip, but at this moment his other hand grabbed the hand he was about to wave.

【Can't!Can't! ! ! 】

Daoist Xuyun grabbed his hand and pushed him away from Gu Choumian, and then he shouted.

"Ah!!! No! No! Go away! Go away!" Xuyun Daochang's face began to twist, and he could no longer see what he was doing. Hit it head on.

Even if he smashed his own head, he couldn't stop him from twisting his pain.

Xuyun Daochang waved his black bone whip frantically, and the surrounding trees also broke and fell.

Gu Choumian and Xiaoshao were also unintentionally injured by the black bone whip.

One of the trees fell down and was pressing down on the spoon.

At this time, Daoist Xuqing also rushed over. He was thinking about whether he had caught up with Gu Choumian, but the next second he saw Daoist Xuyun and noticed the tree that was about to fall down and smash the small spoon.

Xuqing Daochang flashed over and pushed the tree away to save Xiaoshao. When he took Xiaosao to a safe place, he also found Gu Choumian lying on the ground not far away.

Although he was chasing in the direction where Gu Choumian entered the Valley of Divine Beasts, there was still some difference in reaching here.

"This child is really not suitable for fighting, it's my uncle, I'm late."

Daoist Xuqing went over and took Gu Choumian to a safe place to hide together.

After he settled Xiaoshao and Gu Choumian, he went over to face Daoist Xuyun.


When Daoist Xuqing was thinking about whether he could wake Daoist Xuyun, the black bone whip hit him on the shoulder.

The body protection spell was invalid, and the shoulders of Daoist Xuqing also showed flesh and blood.

Daoist Xuqing frowned and he had to take out the black bone pen and attack Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuqing crossed Daoist Xuyun's attack circle, and then he tapped the acupuncture point in Daoist Xuyun's heart with a pen.Then he should click on the acupoint on the back of Daoist Xuyun, so that he can make Daoist Xuyun faint, and can also prevent the crazy wanton destruction here.

But before Daoist Xuqing came behind Daoist Xuyun, Daoist Xuyun grabbed Daoist Xuqing's neck with one hand.

"Hahaha!! Go away! Go away!"

Daoist Xuyun's expression was still grim, and Daoist Xuqing could see that he was resisting himself.

"Senior brother! You can see clearly!"

Daoist Xuqing grabbed Daoist Xuyun's hand, but Daoist Xuyun's strength was too great, and it was even more difficult for him to speak.

"Go away!"

"You see who I am!! Don't be controlled! Senior Brother!"

"Go to hell!!"

"Yan Chenxing! Wake up!!!"

At that moment, Daoist Xuqing felt the momentary pause of Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuqing successfully broke free from Daoist Xuyun's hand while he paused here for a moment, and then he attacked Daoist Xuyun's back.

But the attack here was still dodged by Daoist Xuyun.

"Failed again, senior brother, you..."

Daoist Xuqing thought that Daoist Xuyun was still awake, but when he looked up, he saw Daoist Xuyun's sad face.

"Did I do something wrong... I'm really stupid... I'm not worthy of living..."

Daoist Xuyun gave birth to a mana in his hand, and he waved towards his head in the next instant.

Daoist Xuqing panicked and ran towards Daoist Xuyun to stop him, but he was still a step too late.

"Morning Star!!!!"

Daoist Xuyun fell down in front of Daoist Xuqing.

(End of this chapter)

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