Yun Qishen

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 The Demon General (2.5)
I followed Ye Qi to the place where the cat demon went mad.

The manic roar was mixed with Chen Yueluo's cries.

I hid behind a tree and saw that Chen Yueluo was dodging the attack of the giant cat demon, and Ye Qi stepped forward.

Ye Qi wanted to use the spell to subdue the cat demon, but Chen Yueluo quickly flashed over to stop Ye Qi from using the spell, "Uncle Seven! No!"

Ye Qi rolled his eyes at him, then shook off Chen Yueluo's hand, "Chou Mian asked me to come, I'll give you a little more effort, if I see that you can't handle your cat demon, don't blame me for being cruel! "

I thought to myself, this is really not like what Ye Qi would say, shouldn't he say something disgusting in the language of a woman?I'm really not used to this kind of seriousness.

"Don't worry! Uncle Seven!"

After saying that, Chen Yueluo left Ye Qi and went to attract the cat demon's attention.


Chen Yueluo yelled, but the cat demon couldn't hear it at all, and it cracked when one paw came down to the ground.

Gu Choumian said before that this cat demon is crazy and doesn't even recognize its master, but now this is not the level of crazy...

The cat demon roared to the sky and attacked Chen Yueluo frantically... The ground trembled, and the smoke and dust swirled around.


chirp? ? ?
I'm also curious as to why this sound is so familiar...

Just under a tree not far from me, the "hamster" mythical beast was vigorously eating the trunk.

What is it for?
Then the cat demon over there flicked its tail, and the surrounding trees that were eaten by Xiao Zhi fell down.But after a while, I found that the fallen trees were all alive again, and the branches and leaves even extended to the ground and spread around.

The cat demon was entangled in its hind legs, and then it roared violently.

From the moment I felt a strange mana coming from the trunk... The problem with these trees?
I wanted to help, but Qi Qi seemed to have found me.

"You are really bold... Ordinary people have fled in a hurry, and you are still in the mood to peek behind the tree. I don't know what kind of person you are?" The expression on Qi Qi's face is playful, he won't find me...

Well, bite the bullet!

"Daoist! No! I think the little Taoist was in a coma just now! I'm also afraid! It's not safe to be around you without you~"

Don't say anything else, praise is right!

"How do you know that I will definitely protect you?" As he approached me, the female appearance appeared again.


For Mao! ! !Wait for the trunk... to the tree!
"Because I know how to deal with this monster!"

"Oh? You might as well talk about it."

"Tree! It's a tree! Cut down all the trees! That's it!" I was a little nervous when I saw Ye Qi getting closer and closer to me.

After listening to my words, Qi Qi pondered for a moment, then he looked up at Chen Yueluo who was dodging the attack in the air.

"Moonfall! Melting trees!"

"But Uncle Seven..." Yue Luo was crushed to the ground by the cat demon's claws when she couldn't dodge in time.

Bang! ! !
The ground trembled again.

I heard Xie Qi cut, and then he turned around to use the spell.

——Du Hualian——

The surrounding trees were on fire in an instant, and mine was no exception.

I hurriedly avoided, what is he called!Are you still alive if you set fire in the woods?

I staggered backwards, Ye Qi stepped forward and supported me.

The flames burned to the branches and leaves of the cat demon's hind legs, and the cat demon also cried out in pain.

Chen Yueluo came out from under the cat demon's claws at this time.

"Moonfall!" At this time, Gu Choumian also came over with the unconscious Jiang Liu on his back.

"Mianmian, take the unrelated people away first..." Chen Yueluo made a seal in his hand.

Gu Choumian looked at Ye Qi, "Does the Seventh Master want to..."

Ye Qi glanced at him and said nothing.

Gu Choumian had no choice but to come over and tug on my sleeve, "Leave with me first..."

I can't stay, so I can only follow Gu Choumian away.

I don't know how far I left, but I really didn't turn around, and the surrounding trees were withering away for some reason.

What immediately appeared in front of me was a huge collection of plants. The vertical and horizontal structure of the body was also mixed with viscous liquid, which was linking with the ground little by little.As if to gradually melt.

Gu Choumian cast a spell to protect Jiang Liu and me, and Jiang Liu slowly woke up at this time.

"Yah!!! What kind of monster is that!" After Jiang Liu woke up, he saw the combination of plants.

If it is a monster, then the strange thing about it is that the mucus is attached to several monsters and is gradually absorbed and decomposed by him. The momentary shock makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Then there was a roar from behind us, and different vibrations came from the ground, it was Chen Yueluo and the cat demon, but...

Chen Yueluo's body became a little strange, he seemed to melt, he was struggling to ride on the cat demon's neck, and the cat demon's hind legs had disappeared, so it... was leaning on two front legs...

The cat demon jumped up and down, and its fangs came forward and locked the throat of the monster with the combination of plants.

Chen Yueluo stepped forward and made a seal, "Melting the tree!!"


Gu Choumian also shouted anxiously. At this moment, I saw a huge black fire bounced off Chen Yueluo. The black fire quickly burned the whole body of the monster. With the sound of wood bursting, the monster roared in a low voice. Without falling down, it ran quickly in our direction.

what! !


It was so difficult for Chen Yueluo to call out Gu Choumian's name, and Ye Qi didn't have time to stop it.

It's true... expose it, expose it! !

I Lai Ajian pulled out the barrier and protected Gu Choumian and Jiang Liu.

Gu Choumian's eyes widened, "Little Junior Brother?"

"Uncle! It's amazing..."

Seeing that these two people's exclamations are different, can't you just say two words thank you?

Ye Qi also quickly leaned over.He also casts spells to resist the onslaught of monsters.

"I thought you could hide it for a while longer..."

"You already knew why you didn't say anything! I kept pretending!"

Together, we used our strength to bounce the monster away.

A red sword gradually appeared in Ye Qi's hand.

There is a black air around the Lai A sword in my hand.

"Because... I like that you keep praising me..."

After all, Ye Qi went into battle with his sword.

I just stood there alone, what?I compliment him?When did I compliment him?

I stomped a little embarrassed.

I rely on!

Then I rushed up with it.

I took a good posture and waved my sword, and the red sword in my hand gave off a strange red light with a charming smile.


"—Du Hualian—"

As soon as the move was settled, the monster turned into dust and gradually disappeared.

Immediately, a glowing object flew out of the monster's body.

A very perfect jump and a very perfect landing.

Snapped!The glowing object fell into Ye Qi's hands.

Gu Choumian rushed over to check on Chen Yueluo and the cat demon, and was using the healing technique to restore Chen Yueluo and the cat demon.

"What's the matter?" I asked inadvertently.

"This is the disadvantage of the tree melting technique, even the caster will be melted... But there was no other way at that time. You also saw that if I burned the whole forest, although it is not impossible, I am afraid you can't stand it... ..." Ye Qi's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Does he mean that he made Chen Yue complete that ghost for me?I rely on!I can't stand being treated here!

I stretched out my hand towards Ye Qi, "Bring it here!"

"This?" Ji Qi also showed me the luminous object in his hand.

"I can't give you this!"


"Because I want to hear you praise me again~"

(End of this chapter)

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