Yun Qishen

Chapter 681 Classification

Chapter 681 Classification (20)
(God's perspective)
What is weakness and what is righteousness.

What is justice and what is evil.

As a king, the first thing to do is not to be weak, and to be reluctant to punish mistakes is to be weak.Constant sanctions and mistakes are righteousness.

In the realization of righteousness, sacrifice is necessary, but not all sacrifices are for righteousness.The weakness of a king can destroy a country.

Sometimes not sanctioning is not weakness, but the time has not come.

As a king, your concern will not be yourself, the existence of a king is for his people, and people will not be fond of and resentful towards irrelevant people.And kings will fight for their people and against those who don't.

This is the righteousness of the nation and has nothing to do with justice.

Justice is something that is defined from the standpoint of the majority.People only seek what they think is right for their own sins.

This is the way the immortals think they are righteous and punish the demons.Even if they killed the demons, they thought it was right and proper.

As for the demons, it doesn't matter what is right or wrong, all they do is to make themselves stronger and not be slaughtered by others.

To talk about the similarities between Taki Yunhua and Lingjing Dao, they both have a kind of thinking. The king is a symbol of a country, but the king is not a decoration. He is a strong man and should lead his people to resist in times of crisis.

This is an unchangeable war, so you must never show mercy to your enemies.There is no painful price, neither the devil nor the immortal will take it seriously.

There is also no justice in the relative position of this war.Only victory is the root of everything.

Most of the people involved in this war can clearly understand this.

Yun Qishen can understand it too, but he doesn't want to just understand it.

He wants to go to this disputed ancient proud continent to get peace, especially what just happened in front of him, he thinks he doesn't want to see it in his life.

Taki Yunhua didn't care about the miserable situation around her at all, she stepped over the corpses of those immortal disciples and walked back towards Yun Qishen.

"It seems that this place has no effect on the devil energy. Let's go, my teacher. I really don't want to stay here anymore~"

Taki Yunhua touched her stomach and played a small temper.

"But Master..."

"Don't say anything, but now I just want to leave here to appease my emotions. I've said it again, it's not time for you to realize your idea, but I still agree with your idea. Oh~ then let's go~"

Yun Qi took another look at the fallen immortals with deep concern.

Taki Yunhua also opened the channel to Jiangbang at will.

Just when Yun Qishen was about to turn back and accompany Taki Yunhua back to Jiangbang, he suddenly attacked a spell from the group of corpses.

Seeing this, Yun Qishen quickly jumped up to block Taki Yunhua's back and was attacked by the spell. He and Taki Yunhua were also pushed into the body vortex because of the impact of the spell and reached the border directly.

"Disciple! Disciple!"

Taki Yunhua's momentary negligence did not realize that there were hidden spells, which caused Yun Qishen to fall into a coma due to the impact of the spell.

Although the spell has no effect on Yun Qishen, he will still be injured physically. According to Yun Qishen's current appearance, that attack is not a trivial matter.

Taki Yunhua went directly to the Holy Demon Division with Yun Qishen in her arms.

The magician in the Demon King's Castle also looked surprised when he saw Taki Yunhua.They didn't know that Taki Yunhua was still alive, and they didn't know that there was such a beautiful woman in Jiangbang.

Even the dancer of the royal city felt ashamed when she saw Taki Yunhua.

"Call you Mosi out! Save the cat!"

The doctors of the Holy Demon Division put down their work and looked at the woman who suddenly broke in.

A woman has a peerless face, because with that face everyone will ignore that she is a pregnant woman, or that pregnancy does not affect Taki Yunhua's beauty at all.

The magician of the Holy Demon Division, Guan Xinghai, heard that someone broke into the Holy Magic Division and returned to the Holy Magic Division from the medicine man's resettlement. When he saw Taki Yunhua, he couldn't help but sighed Taki Yunhua's peerless appearance.Then he noticed the black cat in Taki Yunhua's arms.

At that moment, Star Watching Sea knew the identity of the black cat.

Demon Lord?How could he...

"You're the current Mo Si? What are you doing to save the cat?"

Taki Yunhua glanced at Yun Qishen again worriedly, she really couldn't see people close to her become so powerless.

At the beginning, Zhanhunxi also knew that she had some other reasons for choosing to erase her memory.

Guan Xinghai took Yun Qishen into his arms, and then he motioned unrelated people to leave.

"Forgive me, who is your Excellency? How did you find the devil, and how did he become a cat?"

Taki Yunhua knew that her identity could not be revealed, so she made up a lie.

"I am the master of your Demon Lord and the disciple of that Demon General Lai. As for why he turned into a cat, it should have been caused by the attack of the disciples of Xianmen." Taki Yunhua then snorted. Che, "Is he all right?"

"It's okay to be a devil, he should have fainted temporarily due to the impact. It's your Excellency..." Guan Xinghai then noticed Taki Yunhua's bulging belly.

"What's wrong with me? I'm tired. Where can I take a nap here?"

Taki Yunhua looked a little tired, and her expression was not as energetic as before.

Guanxinghai indicated a direction, "You can lie down there and rest, I will prepare a blanket for Your Excellency."

"You are really kind, thank you."

Taki Yunhua winked, and Guan Xinghai scratched her face embarrassedly.

It seems that Taki Yunhua's belly has passed five months. During this period, the devil woman should enter the fatigue period, and the weakened devil energy will make it easier for you to get tired. If you don't rest well, it is not good for the fetus in the womb.

When Taki Qianye heard that a beautiful woman appeared in the Holy Demon Division, he hurried over to check it out, but as he expected, the woman here was Taki Yunhua.

On the other hand, Yun Qishen was also attacked by spells and fell into a coma.

In Jingling Mountain, the disciples of Xianmen also found their comrades in death.

"It's demonic energy! There are demons here!"

"Since this is the case, does it mean that Jing Lingshan colluded with the devil."

"This is the beginning of the Divine Beast Valley... There is no way, there are so many entrances in the entire ancient proud continent, we have no way to conclude that the devil exists in Jingling Mountain and colluded with it."

"However, it is unforgivable that the devil here kills my fellow man!"

"Yes yes! They are evil, we must get rid of the monsters!"

Immortal Sect disciples gave up and went back to their lives.

The Spirit Realm Dao also went to the second half of the chess competition.

There is only one soldier and a commander left in the spiritual realm, and only shogi is left here for Taoist Xuanxin.

War chess is blocked in front of shogi, as long as Xuanxin Daochang makes a wrong move, he will lose.As long as he is good at chess, he can keep stalemate in this game of chess.

(End of this chapter)

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