Yun Qishen

Chapter 684 Classification

Chapter 684 Classification (23)
(God's perspective)
In the Jingling Mountains, the Liuyun Palace can be regarded as the most luxurious place in terms of decoration.The main reason is because Murong Danran's family is rich.

Any shortages in other halls are also called from the Floating Cloud Hall.

Everyone said that Daoist Liu Yun was easy-going and liked to use money to solve troublesome things.

All the disciples in Jingling Mountain believed that Daoist Master Liu Yun seemed to have an inexhaustible amount of money.

Chen Yueluo, the elder brother of Liuyun Temple, also followed Murong Danran's free character.

The two of them don't pay much attention to ordinary difficulties, and if things touch their relatives and friends, the situation is unpredictable.

If it is a duty to protect the disciples around you, then there is no reason to protect your relatives.

Floating Cloud Daoist Murong Danran grabbed the back collar of the Chongyuan Sect disciple and returned to Floating Cloud Palace.

Along the way, no foreign immortals paid attention to the two of them.

After returning, Murong Danran tied up the disciple and threw it aside.

"What does the Taoist mean? Is this the attitude of Jinglingshan when entertaining guests? What's the difference between you and those crooked sects!"

The Chongyuan Sect disciple began to say something unpleasant again.

"You mean that the visitor is a guest? Haha, you are the guest and I am the host. I will give you enough respect, please be quiet and polite. If you want me to treat you well, then answer me honestly. question."

Murong Danran took off the black bone hairpin from his head, and the hairpin quickly turned into a black sword.

"Senior fellow Daoist, what do you mean by taking out your sword here, do you want to torture me to get a confession? If you dare to do this to me, if my master finds out, you will never have a peaceful life in Jingling Mountain. .

What can I know as a little disciple of the mountain gate?The senior fellow Taoist asked me that I might not be clear at all, and even if I knew something, I would not disclose it to outsiders. "

The Chongyuan Sect disciple said it himself.

Murong Danran saw that the disciple here was not at all useful and did not explain it himself. He calmly used magic to seal the surrounding with a barrier.

"What is the real purpose of your coming to Jingling Mountain?"

Murong Danran's black sword emitted purple smoke, and the smoke fell to the ground to form a thin carpet.

"Purpose? How would I know what the purpose is? Are you afraid that we will discover some secrets? Or are you Jinglingshan really and the devil... Hey!!! What is this! How can there be centipedes here!"

The Chongyuan Sect disciple felt that his cheeks were itchy and looked at it quickly, and then he saw the multi-legged reptile lying on his face, and he lost his calm.

"Centipede! Hurry up! Get it out of the way! Hurry up!!"

Just when the disciple of Chongyuanmen hurriedly shook his bound body to let the centipede leave him, another centipede climbed up his neck.

Murong Danran went over very calmly and took the centipede off the disciple with his hands.

Because Murong Danran approached those centipedes, he also wisely retreated.

"What do you think we're doing with the devil?" Murong Danran then asked.

"...Of course it's you..." The disciple originally wanted to answer that way, but when he saw the centipede in Murong Shanran's hand, he swallowed what he was about to say and said something else instead. "No, nothing."

"As I said, you'd better answer my question honestly. What is your purpose?"

Murong Danran threw the centipede aside, and the Chongyuan Sect disciple also sighed in relief.

"I already said that I don't know. Do you still have to fight with fellow Daoist seniors?"

The disciple returned to the corner of his mouth that he had before, as if the person who was frightened by the centipede just now was not him.

"Ku Kuu forced each other? Oh, I do have a mythical beast called Ku Ku, and it really likes to persecute people." Murong Danran made a mark with one hand in front of the disciple, and then with a coax a line appeared behind Murong Danran. Huge black centipede.

After seeing the huge centipede, the disciple of Chongyuan Sect fainted because of the extreme temperature.

Murong Danran is really boring, but there is a Chongyuan Sect disciple who can be considered a profit for him.

"You guard him here, and when he agrees to say everything, you will remember his words for me."

Murong Danran put his hand against the head of the centipede to convey the order to him, because not all beastmasters can use language to communicate with the gods.

After conveying the order, Murong Danran patted the smooth head of the centipede, "Don't steal this little guy, it's still useful for me to keep it."

After Murong Danran finished speaking, the centipede circled towards the Chongyuan Sect disciple.

"These guys who like to be associated with those large divine beasts still don't like little bugs so much."

Murong Danran turned around and left, and he also instructed the disciples of Liuyun Temple not to approach.

At Lingyao Pavilion, Daoist Master Chengxu and Daoist Xuqing chatted with Murong Danran again while waiting for Mi Zixin to finish treating Daoist Xuyun.

"Let's talk about that guy Liu Yun, although he is very easy-going in dealing with people, but that guy's nasty taste is really... indescribable. He likes some strange things at a young age, and those things of him would still scare Xu Yun at the beginning. I slept for two days." Cheng Xu Daochang recalled.

"Then what happened for two days? When my brother woke up, he had a huge fear of all the bugs. At that time, he was afraid of even an ant.

Speaking of which, the Chongyuan Sect disciple who attacked us before was taken away by Liu Yun, hmph, that little bastard who needs repairs, let him have a taste too. "

The wicked smile on the face of Daoist Xuqing did not look like an elder of Xiandao at all.

"Void and reserved."

Daoist Chengxu couldn't stand it any longer and opened his mouth, "You are also the elder of Xuqing Hall anyway, so don't spoil those children."

"What about the Xuqing Palace? From the day the third senior brother rescued me, everything I owned was his. He just never accepted my sincerity. The disciples in the Xuqing Palace knew who was their master. Although none of them can master beasts, each of them is good. So I see him like this, and the three brothers must think so too."

Daoist Xuqing looked at the door of Lingyao Pavilion, "I know, his self-blame, but it's really unnecessary here, because none of us will blame him, he is a kind-hearted person, and we all trust him ."

"This kind of thing can only be solved by Xu Yun when he realizes it himself. He has been stuck in the quagmire of the past. Thanks to Xu Qing, you have been holding his hand all these years. Xu Yun will definitely leave. Out."

Daoist Chengxu looked around, and then he remembered that there were some things that he needed to deal with.

"Xuqing, you stay here first, I have some things to go back to deal with."

"I understand, senior brother walk slowly."

Master Chengxu turned his head and walked towards Chengxu Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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