Yun Qishen

Chapter 688 Classification

Chapter 688 Classification (27)
(God's perspective)
The explosion of Jingling Mountain Liuyun Hall this time was different from the previous explosion of Lingyao Pavilion.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin, a person who knew space magic, existed in the Lingyao Pavilion explosion before, but only said that the area affected by the explosion was several times that of the Lingyao Pavilion.

Almost the entire Floating Cloud Palace was severely damaged.

Although the disciples of the Floating Cloud Palace protected themselves with body protection spells, they were still injured to varying degrees.

There were absolutely no minor injuries among the injured. Fortunately, no one was killed, otherwise the situation might have been more serious.

Among those who were seriously injured were even the elder of the Floating Cloud Palace, the Taoist Master of Floating Clouds, Murong Danran.

Yun Qiqing was the first to rush over after sensing the explosion of the Floating Cloud Palace.

"Uncle! Uncle!"

In a panic, Yun Qiqing searched for Murong Danran's figure among the rubble of Liuyun Temple.

"Qiqing..." After Mi Zixin and the people from the other halls arrived, they saw Yun Qiqing turning over the blasted rubble by himself.

"Everyone, go and save people, and send the wounded to Xuyun Hall first."

"Why not send it to the elixir..."

"Don't ask, go!"

Mi Zixin frowned and ordered to go down, and when the disciples in the hall saw Mi Zixin like this, they did things obediently.

Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo also came to Liuyun Palace after letting Xiaoya take care of Xiaoshao.

Chen Yueluo couldn't tell whether he was angry or sad when he saw Liu Yundian's appearance, and then he saw Yun Qiqing calling his uncle while turning over the broken rubble.

Gu Choumian couldn't help but search for the injured Liu Yundian disciple.

Chen Yueluo also came to Yun Qiqing to help remove the rubble with magic.

Yun Qiqing started to grab the rubble with his hands in a panic, and then when he saw Chen Yueluo remove the rubble with force, he stopped.

Chen Yueluo also wondered, what happened to Yun Qiqing, why didn't he continue...

"Are you making fun of me? Do you think it's a very idiotic thing that I don't even have this kind of mana that can easily remove rubble?

Do you think I'm an idiot for digging with my hands, or do you think I can't save people at my speed! "

Yun Qiqing grabbed Chen Yueluo's collar angrily, "I'm a waste in your heart, right! I'm a waste who can't even protect my family... I'm just... a waste..."

As Yun Qiqing spoke, his hand let go of Chen Yueluo's collar, and then he slumped on the ground.There was also a weak sob in his tone.

His words were naturally heard clearly by the disciples in charge of the rescue not far away.

Mi Zixin wanted to come over and persuade him, but just as he was about to pass, Gu Choumian took a step ahead.

Gu Choumian went over and slapped Yun Qiqing, "Junior brother said that slaps are the most effective way to calm people down. What are you rushing? We are here to save people, you are like this. The vexatiousness of this is pure trouble! If you don't want to save people, then leave here and don't hinder others!"

Yun Qiqing lowered his head and didn't look at Gu Choumian, but he kept everything Gu Choumian said in his heart.

Gu Choumian pushed Chen Yueluo aside to help, and before he had left, he turned around and said a few words to Yun Qiqing, "What about trash? Don't make your own nature so pathetic! You seem very contrived!"

Chen Yueluo was a little frightened when he heard Gu Choumian say this, because Gu Choumian never said that to others.


"Don't talk nonsense, go save people! You are the elder brother of Liuyun Temple! Do what you should do!"

After pushing Chen Yueluo for a while, Gu Choumian let go of Chen Yueluo and went to the other side to help.

Yun Qiqing stared blankly at the ground, and Mi Zixin was unable to persuade him when he saw this.

The injured disciples of the Floating Cloud Palace were rescued one after another from the ruins of the Floating Cloud Palace.

Some immortals from outside also came to help, but some immortals began to talk nonsense.

"Why did the Floating Cloud Palace explode here?"

"Who knows here? Could it be a good show arranged by Jing Lingshan?"

"It's very possible, isn't there such a reason, only the wicked who dare to sacrifice themselves can live for a long time."

"In that case, I'm afraid that Jinglingshan really has something to do with the devil, and there are some hidden secrets in the Floating Cloud Palace."

"Yeah, I heard that the Liuyun Temple here is the place where Jingling Mountain collects books, so I'm afraid that the records of thousands of years of spells will no longer exist."

"Are you saying that Jingling Mountain is to blame yourself? Before that, the demon king of the border state also haunted here, and all the Xianmen who came to visit Jingling Mountain before have died.

This time, Jing Lingshan even dared to hurt his own disciple, fearing that he was no longer a decent person. "

Naturally, some Jinglingshan disciples didn't like to hear these words, and the impatient disciples like Daoist Xuqing wanted to rush over to confront them.

Immediately afterwards, the impulses of these disciples were suppressed by one person for a while.

The icy air suddenly swept the Liuyun Palace, and everyone present felt the biting cold.

Spiritual Realm Dao walked slowly in white clothes fluttering, he came to those nonsense outer disciples and glanced at them with his cold eyes that could kill people.

The group of outer sect disciples quickly shut up, they even found it difficult to breathe.

This is the head of Jing Lingshan, is the aura of their master Jing Lingshan?

"The disciples have seen the master..."

Before the disciples of Jingling Mountain finished saying their salute, Lingjing Dao waved his hands and smacked his lips in disgust.

"To save people, there can be no less than one."

Spiritual Realm Dao is ordinary, but his influence is very large, and everyone present, including those outer disciples who just talked and talked, also searched for people.

"It's too slow! Tsk!" Lingjing Dao smacked his lips impatiently, and then he waved his hand, and the fallen rubble floated in the air, and the injured and unconscious Liuyun Temple disciples were also clearly exposed. .

Under Mi Zixin's command, the personnel were quickly rescued.

"I found Uncle Liu Yun!"

Suddenly, the disciples of the Void Hall shouted, and some people went over there to help.

When Yun Qiqing heard the word "liuyun", his eyes also became brighter, and he even got up and rushed towards Murong Danran.

uncle!You must be safe, Qing'er is the only family member like you! !
Murong Danran's injury was not the most serious, but his arms, legs and feet were shattered by the explosion, and it would be impossible to treat him with Mizixin alone.In addition, Daoist Xuyun's injury is not good at this time, and there are really too few people who can heal in Jingling Mountain.

Lingjing Dao glanced at Murong Danran's side, and then he turned to look at the black and white Taoist priest Xuanxin Taoist not far away.

There was murder in the eyes of Spirit Realm Dao, and the surrounding air was several degrees lower.

This kid is really good at it, got the wrong guy.

(End of this chapter)

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