Yun Qishen

Chapter 708 Chapter 707 Demon Battle Domain

Chapter 708 Chapter 7 The Battle of Demons ([-])
(God's perspective)
"Hey... the devil listen to me and wait."

"You said."

Yun Qishen originally thought that being cool like this could make them do things obediently.

"Hey, it's like I don't really have such a brain in the way I am now, the only thing we can think about is to take the Demon Lord to our tribe.

I really don't know how to act without your orders, the other ones. "

"Ah this..."

Yun Qishen suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he heard the words of the military advisor Skeleton. When did he solidify the idea that the skull has a brain, it shouldn't be.

Before Yun Qishen could finish his reaction, the strategist skeleton began to cry with disappointment, "Hey, did the devil dislike me and want to leave? I can't bear you, the devil~"

The strategist skeleton cried and threw himself at Yun Qishen, so frightened that Yun Qishen almost jumped out of his seat.

"Stop, I'm joking. You... you'd better not lean over and stand away.

Stop crying and stand still! "

Yun Qi deeply touched his heart, thinking that it would be scary enough to suddenly enlarge a skeleton.


The military division skull wiped his tears, and Yun Qishen just stared at him like that.

I really don't understand the structure of these skeletons more and more...

"In general, I issued an order that all our soldiers should pay attention to the movements of the enemy and remember the tactics used in each battle and the number of casualties on both sides.

I know you have no brains... (this shouldn't be cursing) but since you can act and know how to plunder the devil, you can remember everything, and you have to convey what I just said to them. "

"Hey, please follow the order of the devil." The military advisor skeleton saluted Yun Qishen.

"Don't do it for now, the next step is the key point. I can't discuss it with you alone, so you should go to some soldiers who you think are smarter to discuss it together. The information of the Youlan tribe should be almost here. ."

"Hey yo." The strategist Skeleton stood up straight and went to look for the Skeleton.

Yun Qi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the military advisor leave.

If everything in the Demon War Realm depends on the consciousness of the Demon Lord to change, I really hope they can have a little more brains.

At this time, Yun Qishen didn't know how much impact his sudden thoughts had on the entire battlefield.

The Sergeant Skeleton, who was scrambling around for a skeleton that could come in handy, suddenly felt weird.Not only him, but the skeletons of the entire Cangqing tribe felt strange for a while.

In the tent, Yun Qishen waited for the news from the intelligence team, and he also flipped through the intelligence booklet on the table.

Of all the intelligence pamphlets, the most effortless battle was the one that recorded Taki Yunhua.Not so much a book, but two or three pages.

The general meaning of the above record is that Taki Yunhua broke through the Battle of Blue with her beauty effortlessly.The skeletons of the Cangqing tribe wanted to see their faces one by one, and they were willing to be prisoners of the Youlan tribe and be beheaded.Demon Lord Taki Yunhua took pity on the last blue-green warrior and left behind a little mana.This azure warrior is also the current military division skeleton.

"It seems that the devil is indeed influencing the battlefield. It's just... these skeletons are too lustful. Although I admit that the master has a stunning face and an attractive demeanor..."

[Aiya, my disciple is boasting about being a teacher, I am so happy to be a teacher~]


Just when Yun Qishen didn't intend to praise her, Taki Yunhua's voice suddenly entered Yun Qishen's ears.

Hearing Taki Yunhua's smile, she couldn't help but feel shy, and then she opened his unflattering mouth, "Yes, the master just watched my disciple suffer like this. I'm proud of you, right? It's not that I don't want to intervene. , why did you suddenly contact me again?"

[Really, Tu'er's mouth is like a thorny ball, the kind that crawls on the ground...]

"I'm afraid you don't describe my mouth as a hedgehog."

[Of course not, oh~ I remembered for my teacher that it is the kind of thorny caterpillar that is poisonous when touched. 】

"You really...thank you for the compliment..."

[For the teacher, I thought of taking a look at the disciple and taking care of him, but as soon as I observed it, I heard the disciple praise the teacher, and I was really happy for the teacher. Those words were sincere and not mixed with any other feeling.This is the most comforting compliment I have heard so far. 】

"Really? I can also praise your peerless beauty, virtuous and friendly..."

[Xingxingxing, the disciple's next words are not sincere when he hears them.That's all, I see that you're in good spirits, because the teacher is afraid of skeletons bullying you~ You can solve it yourself. 】

"Hey!" Yun Qi deeply felt that the voice was gone, and thought to himself what kind of master was here.But Yun Qishen was also very happy to hear that Taki Yunhua cared about him.

Taki Yunhua's side was different. She put away her spells angrily and clamored for Kung Pao chicken.

The star-watching sea was in a dilemma, and Lai A had something to do and left at this time.

Before leaving, Lai reminded Guan Xinghai not to cook Kung Pao Chicken for Taki Yunhua, because Kung Pao Chicken is spicy, even if you don't make it spicy, you must not make it for her if you want to survive.

Guan Xinghai also knew that pregnant women could not eat stimulating food, so he had to use the excuse of busy work to shirk.

Back in the Demon War Realm, the information on the front line was also delivered to Yun Qishen.

The Youlan Tribe has no special movements, and it seems that the loss of two soldiers will not hurt them.

The dominance of the war is the Cangqing clan, so under surveillance, I don't worry about Youlan's sneak attack.

The war of temptation was officially opened only after Cang Qing approached You Lan.

Cang Qing dispatched [-] troops to fight quickly, but Youlan only dispatched two.

The difference in strength is really huge.

"Hey, Hui Mojun is here."

The strategist skeleton also brought a few skeletons over to discuss the content of the second battle.

"Now that we're all here, I'll start talking.

At the end of the first trial, it was the team that lured the enemy and set traps.

But I want to remind you that you must not be careless now without ordering you.The strength of the enemy is far greater than ours.

Now maybe we don't act the enemy and we won't act rashly, but we must always be vigilant about the enemy's movements.

Therefore, a part of the troops must be stationed in the area in front of the Cangqing tribe to be responsible for reconnaissance.

Our ability is too weak and naturally unable to do so-called protection.If we defend the enemy with a hammer, we will not lose [-] or [-] or [-].

So we can only choose to scout the enemy's movements before the battle to choose the best way to escape and where to escape. "

Yun Qishen said and took a picture of the topographic map behind him, on which he also marked a camp in the back.

"Send half of the troops to station here now. What about the weapons?"

Yun Qishen then marked another place and then turned back to look at the strategist skeleton.

(End of this chapter)

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