Yun Qishen

Chapter 721 Xinjiang Affairs

Chapter 721: Border Affairs (10)
(God's perspective)
The corpses were placed in the Holy Demon Division, and Yun Qishen Guan Xinghai and Xichun also conducted further inspections on the corpses.

"Both of them died by directly destroying their brains with magic."

Guan Xinghai collected the spell and then handed a blueprint to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen looked at a unique knife hanging on the drawing.

"Here is the shape of the weapon restored by the minister according to the scars on the back of Aju's neck and the scars on the newly arrived corpse.

This blade has a small notch on it, so it looks like this.Although the servants can't guarantee that their recovery is completely correct.But it is also inseparable. "

Guan Xinghai analyzed calmly, and then he glanced at Xichun with an irritable look.

Xichun also explained to Yun Qishen what he had investigated.

"Both of the corpses here ate something before they died. But the exact appearance of the thing was not found inside them. It looks like someone took it.

Besides, the curse on the corpse here is indeed gone, and the hair and pupils should have changed after taking the thing that was taken away. "

Xichun couldn't bear to see his people become like this.

On the other side, watching the sea of ​​stars is different. Their medicine people suffer from these things.

"What about the blood they left behind?"

Yun Qishen turned around and saw two clumps of blood surrounded by magic balls of light.

Unknown characters are constantly moving around the ball of light.

This is the first time that Yun Qishen has seen this kind of spell. He heard from Guan Xinghai that this is a secret technique of the border region. .

"It will take some time. But at present, it can be roughly seen that the blood on both sides is showing signs of blending." Guanxinghai turned the text around the light ball, and the text also rotated in a different direction.

"Fusion?" Yun Qi thought deeply about where there would be people who betrayed the clan and the same blood type as the demons, and how to fuse here.

"The blood of the devil will definitely not blend with the blood of ordinary people. Since there is such a sign, it means that there is a substance acting between the two. This substance is still the same substance."

The sea of ​​​​stars gradually became a little more labored, his forehead began to sweat, and the smell of herbs around him became stronger and stronger.

"Guanxinghai, are you all right?" Yun Qi asked with deep concern.

Guan Xinghai smiled lightly, "Ha, don't worry, Demon Lord, this servant knows his limits. Now the most important thing is to give people an explanation. I don't want my relatives to face this kind of thing."

"It's a coincidence, I don't want to let my clan suffer this." Xi Chun was very friendly in the past and cared about Guanxinghai, "I hope you don't be wary of me, as you said, it's for them now. It's time not for us to be suspicious of each other."

Guan Xinghai looked at Xichun, and he finally compromised and shook hands with Xichun.

The spells in the sea of ​​​​stars are very labor-intensive, so the research on blood components has never been easy.

Peeping the heart can only see the difference between the two kinds of blood.

"Maybe we can combine the two in a different way, and then extract what we need from it." Xichun suggested.

Both Yun Qishen and Guan Xinghai agreed with this statement.

But when the two are truly integrated, there is no way to completely integrate the two. Although there are signs of blending, when the two are truly combined, they are rejected.

"It looks like it's really a bit tricky..." Yun Qi thought for a way, he recalled Aju's wound and the wound of the deceased who betrayed his family.

"Could it be..."

Yun Qishen's attempted action, he divided Aju's blood into trickles and then gradually merged it into the blood of the betrayed family.

The result was a success the first time.

"That's it!"

Xichun is excited to find a breakthrough.

Guan Xinghai watched Yun Qishen's actions very seriously.

Time passed quickly, and the blood on both sides fused together.

"Guanxinghai is handed over to you."

Yun Qi thought deeply about leaving this kind of blood extraction spell to professionals.If Jiang Lin was here at this time, it might be faster.

Guan Xinghai took over the magic ball of blood and began to analyze and extract it.

The dark red blood cell began to flow, and then a small droplet of pure black ink was formed in its center, which seemed to be blood.

"This is... pure demon blood!"

Xichun was a little surprised, and even Yun Qishen was a little shocked.

Guan Xinghai took another effort to extract the dark blood completely.He put the blood in a small bottle and gave it to Yun Qishen.

"Is this the blood of pure demons?" Yun Qishen didn't dare to think that only Qiu Shan and Taki Yunhua possessed pure demon blood. Could it be them, impossible?

"I'm afraid this is Qiu Shan's blood. At that time, Shengsi took some blood from Qiu Shan and kept it for research. I'm afraid this is the blood from that time." Xichun said it is very likely.

Yun Qishen suddenly realized, isn't this very dangerous?Now that the medicine man, the blood of pure demons and the betrayal clan are all gathered together, isn't this the most convenient hunting ground?
The pure blood of the demon is taken by the medicine man, and then the blood of the medicine man is taken out and then given to the betraying clan to break their curse.

Then the blood of the betrayed family was taken again...

"You guys stay here, I'll leave to have a look." Yun Qi thought deeply about whether Taki Yunhua would be in danger.

"Your Excellency understands."

"I see."

Guan Xinghai looked at Xichun, and both of them knew what Yun Qishen was concerned about.

Yun Qishen walked towards Taki Yunhua's house. He didn't notice how many people he passed by along the way. He only noticed that there was a peculiar smell that kept pervading the surroundings.It smells a little familiar here.


Yun Qishen said hello and pushed open Taki Yunhua's door without saying a word.
Taki Yunhua originally planned to eat the snack in front of her, but was taken aback by Yun Qishen, and the snack fell directly to the ground.

"The disciple is really~ How can I enter the girl's boudoir without making a sound."

God he meows a girl!
Yun Qishen was also unable to complain, he saw that Taki Yunhua had nothing to do at the moment.

"Have you seen any strange people today, Master?"

"No~" Taki Yunhua patted the crumbs of the pastry on her body and lifted the pastry that had fallen on the ground with a magic spell and placed it on the table.

"Where did the dim sum come from?"

Yun Qishen then noticed the pastries, "Master, don't you like sweets?"

"Huh?" Taki Yunhua asked Yun Qishen in a questioning voice.

Yun Qishen also looked at Taki Yunhua suspiciously.

"Isn't this dessert prepared by the disciple for the teacher?"

"When did I say I prepared it for you?" Yun Qi was deeply surprised, but fortunately he arrived in time, otherwise there would be a real mess.

(End of this chapter)

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