Yun Qishen

Chapter 731 Xinjiang Affairs

Chapter 731: Border Affairs (20)
(God's perspective)
The commotion in the pantry was stopped by the arrival of the pantry supervisor.

The troublemaker and Yun Qishen were also arranged by the supervisors to other rooms.

"The devil's forgiveness! The child here is not intentional."

"Huh? Is he the Demon Lord?"

The supervisors pulled the man to kneel down and pleaded guilty, and Yun Qishen was also pulled by the supervisors to sit on the chair beside him.

When he heard that Yun Qishen turned out to be the Demon Lord, the man suddenly felt bitterness in his mouth. He never imagined that the Demon Lord would be a person with such a feminine appearance as Yun Qishen.

When the head of the pantry next to the man heard the man's questioning, he quickly held down the man's head and smashed him to the ground.

It hurts to look at...

Yun Qishen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You brat is so rude, don't hurry up and apologize to the devil!"

The other supervisor also knelt down and pleaded guilty. The man he reprimanded, the man's face was still in close contact with the ground at this time.

"The devil forgives his sins... the villain has eyes and does not know..."

It's hard to talk...

Yun Qi smiled deeply, "It's alright, I... I just came to the pantry to make something, so let it pass.

May I have your name? "


"The devil asked you something, don't answer quickly!"

Seeing that the man didn't speak, the head of the pantry gave him a slap on the head, and the man touched his head and then opened his mouth.

"The villain's name is Liang Jie."

"Where are your parents from?"

Yun Qishen's next question left Liang Jie unable to answer for a while.

The pantry supervisors were all in a hurry.

Upon seeing this, Yun Qishen ordered the three supervisors to leave first. He wanted to talk to Liang Jie alone.

The supervisors looked at each other suspiciously and left the room.

After the supervisors left for a while, Yun Qishen spoke again, "Liang Jie, your mother is an ordinary person, right?"

Liang Jie's eyes widened in surprise, a sentence stuck in his throat and couldn't come out, then he smiled.

"What the devil is saying, the villain is a devil, how could my mother be a disgusting ordinary person?"

"Don't lie, I can see it. Why are you hiding these things? The supervisors don't seem to know your identity."

Yun Qi deeply understands Liang Jie's concerns, but he wants Liang Jie to speak up to ease the indignation in his heart.

"Isn't the devil able to see the villain's mind? Why bother to ask the villain?"

This Liang Jie's character is really awkward.

"Let's talk about it..." Liang Jie still has something to say, "Even if you are a devil, don't pry into other people's hearts at will, everyone has something they don't want people to know about. You are a devil. Don't you know yet?"

Yun Qi knows this kind of thing well, maybe he is used to the technique of peeping at the heart, and the people around him also know that his ability will be hidden.But ordinary people may not be able to hide their thoughts.

It is also the first time that Yun Qishen has been pointed out about prying into the hearts of others without their consent.He himself felt that he was very restrained.

Liang Jie's personality is the problem, but his attitude of being brave to speak and act is another matter.

"Ha, forget it. Come out with me and do me a favor."

Yun Qishen left his seat and walked to the door. He pushed open the door. He glanced at Liang Jie and walked to the dining room.

Liang Jie stood up suspiciously and followed Yun Qishen to the dining room.

"You beat these eggs for me, and by the way, help me pick up some milk. Excuse me."

When Yun Qishen came to the dining room, he found a wooden barrel and gave it to Liang Jie.

Liang Jie didn't understand very much. He treated this devil with the same attitude just now. I'm afraid this devil wants to punish him.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go quickly?" After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he looked at the other cooks in the pantry, "Everyone should continue to work, don't ignore me."

The cooks didn't know Yun Qishen's identity, but from their supervisor's attitude toward him, they decided that this person was not easy to mess with, and Liang Jie's kid was definitely a big deal.

Liang Jie sighed and did not resist, and he did things according to Yun Qishen's instructions.

When Liang Jie came back after pouring the milk, Yun Qishen also made all the tools for making the cake.

The cooks in the pantry all peeked at them curiously and couldn't relax their work.

What's going on here?

Liang Jie looked at the mold on the table even more puzzled. He was curious about what this Demon Lord was going to do.

Yun Qi saw that Liang Jie came back and kindly took the milk and started making cakes.

The dining room supervisors watched Yun Qishen busy with their work with a learning attitude.

Because there is no oven, Yun Qishen intends to use magic to bake this time.

All the cooks smelled a fragrant smell when the cake was finished.

"What is this."

"Smells really good. The magician is very good at making things!"

Liang Jie didn't feel anything special when he looked at the piece that looked similar to a steamed bun.

That's it?Take so much effort?

"It's good to make cream next." Yun Qishen checked the cake embryo and was ready to whip cream.

All the cooks stopped their work and watched Yun Qishen frantically type out a small pot of white stuff and put it on the freshly baked stuff.

After the cake was made, Yun Qishen also clarified the time of making the cake. The quality of the test product was good, and then there was the taste.

"Magic..." The head of the dining room swallowed half of the sentence just as he was about to make Mo Jun feel bad, "What kind of dish are you making?"

"It's called a cake, if you don't dislike it, you can try it." Yun Qi thought deeply that he would make another one anyway.

"Is it really possible! Just how do you eat this?" The head of the pantry couldn't wait.

Yun Qishen even more kindly divided it and sent each person a piece.

The head of the pantry felt incredible when he smelled it, and when he ate the cake into his mouth, he was so excited.

"I have never tasted this taste again. I have eaten the sweet and sour pork loin made by the devil before, and it is completely different from this one. I am really... my servant is really..."

The master of the pantry knelt down in front of Yun Qishen.

"Monarch! This servant wants to worship you as a teacher! Please make sure to ask your servant to cook!!"

Yun Qishen was a little embarrassed to see the situation here, so what?

For a cake as for?

When the other cooks heard their supervisor called Yun Qishen Demon Lord, they all knelt down and saluted in fright.

"Everyone get up, I'll teach it..."

Yun Qi sighed deeply and thought that he would be able to relax a little after handing it over to them, but it's better to hide this kind of thing from Lai A and Taki Yunhua, otherwise the cooks will have no rest...

Yun Qishen instilled all the recipes in his memory into the head of the pantry.

"My servant is very grateful to the devil!" The head of the pantry also bowed a few times along the way.

Yun Qishen even hurriedly pulled up the head of the pantry.

Liang Jie watched everything that happened here, and then he ate the cake into his mouth.

The taste is indeed different from what Liang Jie thought.

This devil is very strange.

Liang Jie's initial impression of Yun Qishen was also formed.

(End of this chapter)

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