Yun Qishen

Chapter 755 Mission Notes

Chapter 755 Mission Notes (4)
(God's perspective)
"Let's fight." Xi Ting looked at Jiang Lin very seriously.

Jiang Lin put one hand on her hip, and she smiled arrogantly, "What's wrong here? Your mission is to fight against me? Or do you have to defeat my grandfather?"

"Let's talk about this after we're done fighting. You don't have any weapons now. I think you won't suffer if you fight meleely." Xi Ting clenched his fists and prepared.

"Haha, Grandpa, I have never lost a one-on-one fight!"

Jiang Lin is also ready to attack.

"Have you really never lost?"

Xi Ting thought that Jiang Lin was the strongest woman he had ever seen, and he believed Jiang Lin's words that she didn't lose.Xi Ting clenched his fist and waved it towards Jiang Lin.

But Jiang Lin just said that, she lost, not to mention when she fought against Mo Qilin in another world.Before that, before she had learned the Gu technique, and when she could not protect Gong from losing Jin, she had lost completely.

"Of course! Grandpa, I have never lost!" Jiang Lin also punched Xi Ting with her fist.

The two fists collided, and the surrounding trees were also broken by the airflow caused by the two.

Uneasy, Xiao Wang came to observe the conversation between Jiang Lin and Xi Ting, and the result was a duel between the two here.

Xi Ting closed his fist and turned his palm to attack Jiang Lin's ribs.

Jiang Lin jumped around Xi Ting's hand and jumped behind him.

"Go down you!"

Jiang Lin pulled Xi Ting's arm and swung it forward. Xi Ting lost his balance for a while and was crushed to the ground by Jiang Lin across the street.


Xi Ting made a muffled sound, and then he raised his foot to attack Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin blocked her subconsciously, Xi Ting also took the opportunity to distance herself from Jiang Lin.

"Good guy. Let me see where you hide!"

Jiang Lin subconsciously turned into a giant hammer, but she didn't change it for a while, and then she remembered that she had no weapons for the time being.

It was this neutral position that gave Xi Ting a chance, Xi Ting came over and punched Jiang Lin in the abdomen and bounced Jiang Lin directly to the tree trunk in the distance.


Xiao Wang ran over worriedly, but after Jiang Lin stood firm, she glared at Xiao Wang.

His eyes seemed to say that he would not let Xiao Wang intervene.

Xiao Wang had to stop and watch the two of them fight.

Jiang Lin wiped her face, "It's far from bad! I won't be afraid of the poison when you contact Grandpa?"

Xi Ting's hands turned black, and then his feet also fell off.

"If I'm afraid, how can I explain something frankly? Come again! It's not over yet!"

Xi Ting let out a roar, and he ran towards Jiang Lin with his soft feet.

"No, it's over..."

Jiang Lin stretched out her hand forward, and Xi Ting, who was rushing towards him in the next instant, stopped in the air.

"Here is..."

Xi Ting couldn't move for a while, he looked carefully at his arm only to find some small things floating in the air.

"Here are the inspirations that Yun Qishen gave me. Gu insects are not necessarily poisonous, but they can also be used as things to restrict others' actions." Jiang Lin approached Xi Ting, "Now that you lose, you can do anything if you want. Say it now."

Xi Ting couldn't help blushing when he saw Jiang Lin approaching him, he blinked and dared not look directly at Jiang Lin.

"If you don't say anything, just stand there." Jiang Lin didn't like to waste time. She crossed her hands on her chest, and the men's clothes in front of her made her look very sassy.

"I..." Xi Ting looked at Jiang Lin seriously, his eyes already told Jiang Lin what he wanted to say.

Jiang Lin can understand that she also wants to escape this kind of feeling, because she thinks that Xi Ting likes her because of magic.

"You don't have to say it, your thinking itself is wrong and doesn't exist, you just need to know that you are affected by magic..." Jiang Lin explained according to the reasons she understood, but Xi Ting denied what Jiang Lin said.

"No, I Xiting can decide that I like you not because of some magic, I have felt for you since the time when I was in the Lingshan Mountains.

I like you Jiang Lin, I really mean it!I'm sure I'll treat you better than that little king.

So...I just want you to accept me. "

After Xi Ting said it, she didn't see any happy reaction from Jiang Lin.At that time, he also realized that he had no chance.

"I'm really happy that you like grandpa me... But I already have someone I like. So I can't promise you." Jiang Lin also had a serious expression, she took away the attachment to Xi Ting Gu worms on her body, and then she took out the antidote and gave it to Xi Ting.

Xi Ting took the antidote and took it. He smiled bitterly, "So is the person you like Xiao Wang?"

"Huh? It's not him! No!"

Jiang Lin's face immediately turned red.

"Lying, the Jiang Lin I know should not lie.

Jiang Lin, your current expression has already revealed your intentions... Although I am not reconciled, I wish you happiness. "

After Xi Ting finished saying this sentence, he was taken away by a strong light.

Jiang Lin hadn't reacted yet, and Xiao Wang rushed over when he saw the incident.

"Hey! Xiting! Hey! White hair!"

Jiang Lin's cry was useless, and Xiao Wang couldn't smell Xi Ting anymore.

"Where will he go? Does this guy want to do something else?" Xiao Wang looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously, and the signs of Jiang Lin's blushing had not disappeared.

Jiang Lin suddenly thought about the enchantment. She hurried to the place of the enchantment. Sure enough, Xi Ting was already on the other side of the enchantment, but Jiang Lin and the others couldn't hear any voice from Xi Ting.

It was only after Xiao Wang read his lips that he understood that Xi Ting was asking if they were okay.

"We're fine, how are you?"

Jiang Lin also used her lips to reply to Xi Ting.

Xi Ting explained that he was forced to pull through the barrier after completing the task.

Jiang Lin also quickly understood the composition of this kind of thing.

Just like when she defeated the mountain spirit before, after completing the task, she can go to the planned direction through here.

Important Currently this is still mandatory.

Is this the only way to accomplish that task?
Jiang Lin glanced at Xiao Wang with concern, then turned to avoid Xiao Wang's sight.

Xiao Wang smiled slightly, it was hard for him to imagine that Jiang Lin would confess in that way.

However, Xi Ting is no longer threatening to Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang can also let go of his guard against Xi Ting.

The key is Jiang Lin. As long as Jiang Lin can give Xiao Wang a reassurance, Xiao Wang can also get along with any rival in love.

In retrospect, there are two rivals in the family.

Jiang Lin pulled Xiao Wang's sleeve, she lowered her head to face Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang also faced Jiang Lin nervously.

Xi Ting turned his back wisely and did not look at them.

"Xiao Wang...I..." Jiang Lin grabbed Xiao Wang's collar, "Grandpa, I like you!"

Xiao Wang was taken aback, he was happy because of Jiang Lin's initiative, but at this time Jiang Lin's expression made Xiao Wang unable to laugh.

Where is Jiang Lin's loveliness of a little girl here? Here is a malicious threat from a butcher!

(End of this chapter)

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