Yun Qishen

Chapter 767 Mission Notes

Chapter 767 Mission Notes (16)
(God's perspective)
It is because I met you in this world that I learned to change.

The puppet in the appearance of Gongshu Jin took advantage of Xiao Wang's memory and quickly attacked.

Seeing that Feijian was about to stab Xiao Wang, a heavy hammer fell from the sky and smashed those flying swords into the ground.

Jiang Lin stood on the giant hammer, she hesitated when she saw the face of Gong Shujin, but the sneak attack of the puppet just now really made Jiang Lin very unhappy.

"Where can my people be moved by a fake like you!"

Jiang Lin jumped off the giant hammer and walked towards the puppet that looked like Gongshujin.

After the puppet saw Jiang Lin, it was also a little strange. When Jiang Lin approached it, it backed away and distanced herself from Jiang Lin.

"What do you mean by hiding from grandpa?"

When Jiang Lin saw that the puppet did not attack but retreated, she felt that it was worth studying.

"How did you come out of the sky?"

The puppet turned into a flying sword and protected it by his hand.

"I don't know Grandpa very well here, but I know Grandpa, everyone came together and we have to go out together. And then..."

Jiang Lin opened her hand, and the giant hammer that fell to the ground became a suitable size and flew into Jiang Lin's hand.

"...Besides, the dead will rest in peace for me. Don't put on such a face as a fake. You really don't respect the dead at all!"

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, she swung the hammer over, and the puppet quickly dodged away.

The puppet aimed at Jiang Lin and launched the flying sword, but every time he fired, his hand hesitated for a moment unnaturally.

Because this small mistake gave Jiang Lin an opportunity, Jiang Lin used the space spell to distort the puppet's attack route, and she swung the giant hammer over.

This puppet is much easier to deal with than Jiang Lin's own and the puppet. Sure enough, the most difficult person in the world to deal with is herself.

"If you didn't have the face of Gongshujin, I really wanted to hit you in the face with a hammer!"

Jiang Lin's hammer hit the puppet, and the puppet was naturally smashed by Jiang Lin from the air, and then it fell deeply into the ground.


The puppet screamed in pain, and it couldn't move for a while.

"You should be glad that you inherited Gongshujin's vitality, grandpa, I won't kill you so quickly.

You should also regret that you inherited his vitality because this guy is the weakest grandpa I have ever seen.You want to dominate with just a little mana from Xiao Wang.

That's so ridiculous! "

Jiang Lin raised the hammer towards the puppet again, "Give your life back to him!"

At the moment Jiang Lin dropped the hammer, the puppet also used the only strength to convey the idea of ​​Gong losing Jin.

Jiang Lin opened her eyes wide after hearing the puppet's words, but she still dropped the hammer.

【What a pity, how do you get into that boarding body in that case?
No, take advantage of it now! 】

A black shadow sprang out from the gap in the castle gate, and it rushed towards Xiao Wang quickly.

But just when the monster thought it had succeeded, it was locked in an enchantment by a mana.

"Yoyo, sneak attack while grandpa and I don't care, you guys really don't even talk about morality." Jiang Lin came over with a hammer and looked at the black shadow.

The black shadow also turned back to the original shape of the crocodile head, but it still couldn't break free.

[I just give you a try, it seems that your task is well done! 】

"Don't tell me this to grandpa. The last time you saw you, it was strange. It was as grandpa and I thought. You guys have no defeat against that immortal Duan Xi.

Then your body was also destroyed, leaving the little clone like this alone, thinking of finding the host to take you out of this place.Thought it was quite satisfactory. "

Jiang Lin reduced the enchantment that bound the monster, and the monster naturally became smaller when it had no power.

【What do you want to do? 】

"Fulfill your wish and let you go out. Since it is possessed, attach it to another place, such as becoming an accessory of my grandfather." Jiang Lin turned out a pair of table tennis rackets.

"Grandpa, I've wanted to play table tennis for a long time, but no one here can play with my grandpa, so why don't I take this opportunity to be a solo player!"

Jiang Lin uses magic to compress the monster into a ball and attach it to the racket.

【You girl!When I'm free, I'll definitely...]

Jiang Lin couldn't help but start slapping the monster's nonsense.

After playing for a while, Jiang Lin felt bored and put the monsters and table tennis rackets together.

【and many more!What bugs are these!Where did you girl put me! 】

"I won't, what bugs are you afraid of after you've lived for so long!"

[Your bug here is not...]

Jiang Lin cut off the dialogue with the monster in disgust, and she also walked towards Xiao Wang.

Jiang Lin squatted in front of Xiao Wang, she touched Xiao Wang's tiger face and looked left and right.

"It's really pleasing to look like this, but you should wake up too. Xiao Wang! Hey!"

Jiang Lin slapped her with a slap when she saw that there was no response to her call. Xiao Wang opened her eyes at this time, and Jiang Lin couldn't stop.

Xiao Wang turned 720 degrees and was thrown aside.

"Linlin! It hurts!"

After Xiao Wang turned back into a human form, he began to complain to Jiang Lin.

"It's okay to hurt, that's how you live. Don't talk nonsense, stinky cat. Let's go to Xiting."

Jiang Lin reached out to Xiao Wang and pulled him up.

"You don't have to look for me, I'm back."

Xi Ting's voice came from the castle.

Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang also looked towards the castle.

Xi Ting stood at the gate of the castle, and after he finished speaking, he forced the gate of the castle to open completely.

Jiang Lin noticed that Xi Ting was not right. He should have regained his vitality. He was not as haggard and weak as before.

"That book is in it."

After Xi Ting opened the door, Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang also came to the door.

Because of the occupation by monsters, the inside of the castle was dark before.And now everything in the castle has been revealed through the light outside the door.

There are some dense characters engraved on the walls of the ancient castle. Jiang Lin used magic to copy them all down.

There are some strange lights on the ground of the castle, and these lights point to the center of the castle.

There is a display stand in the center of the castle, on which is the strange book from before.

Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang approached, Jiang Lin also picked up the book.

"Are you all ready?"

Xiao Wang and Xi Ting nodded in response to Jiang Lin's words.

Then Jiang Lin opened the book, and the three of them disappeared from the castle with a strong light.

Everything in the castle also began to collapse and destroy.

Jiang Lin and the others then appeared in the "Empty Realm", and at the same time, a line of words appeared in the Void Realm asking their purpose.

Jiang Lin explained how she needed to lift the curse of betrayal.

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, a bottle appeared in the sky, and the bottle contained some golden liquid.

"Is this the way to get rid of it?"

Jiang Lin was happy, and Xiao Wang also looked at Xi Ting happily.

"It seems that you betrayed your family and you have been saved this time!"

Xiao Wang smiled and patted Xi Ting on the shoulder, but Xi Ting didn't have a smile on his face.

The "air environment" also began to change, and a door appeared.

Xi Ting shook off Xiao Wang's hand and walked towards the door, "Let's leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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