Yun Qishen

Chapter 770 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 770 The episode of Jingling Mountain (2)
(God's perspective)
After Daoist Xuqing came back from the outside, he looked upset.

After Daoist Xuyun treated the seriously injured disciple, he also looked at Daoist Xuqing.

"Why did Xu Qing frown for a while? Did something unsatisfactory happen?"

Daoist Xuqing helped to transport the healed disciples to the rest room, and he didn't really want to answer Daoist Xuyun's question.

"It really doesn't look like you. If you had told me everything before, it's really me now..."

Dao Xuyun sighed and walked to another wounded to perform a healing technique.Daoist Xuqing was the most annoying Daoist Xuyun to take everything on himself, and he directly interrupted Daoist Xuyun's words.

"This has nothing to do with you, Senior Brother, it's my own problem, don't always blame yourself."

Daoist Xuyun was stunned at first, and then he smiled gently, "Xuqing is indeed gentle. You might as well talk to me to ease your troubles."

"Oh, it's useless to tell you about this, I'll handle it myself. For now, let's treat these disciples first. It's exhausting to treat them every day.

Now that the people in the Immortal Medicine Sect are all too few, the Sixth Junior Brother and Chou Mian can still help a little bit, so it would be good if the Young Master of the Yun Family didn't cause trouble. "

Daoist Xuqing put his finger on his temple while complaining to Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuyun looked up and looked around, and he was relieved to find that Yun Qiqing was not in Xuyun Palace now.

"Xuqing, you are the elder of Jingling Mountain. You are already a mature adult. Don't talk about other people's words behind your back. You have to learn to be prudent. Qiqing is also anxious for Liuyun."

Daoist Xuyun put away the spell and walked to another injured disciple.

"That kid needs to be trained hard, now you see Liu Yun and Liu Ying, they are used to being a son like him. One side is the care of his uncle and the other is the teaching of his uncle and friend.

From what I can see, that kid doesn't have his younger brother Yun..."

"Xuqing, don't say any more. Send these inspected disciples back first.

At this time, it's best not to mention anything about his Yun family. "

Daoist Xuyun was a little unhappy, and Daoist Xuqing also understood that he had committed his open mouth again. He just wanted to complain that Yun Qiqing's character was too weak.

Compared with the brothers of the Yun family, Yun Qishen is much stronger than Yun Qiqing.

"Let's just say it..."

Daoist Xuqing continued to send the disciples back to the rest room.

Gu Choumian naturally listened to these words not far away, and he would not go around talking nonsense.

At this time, only the people from Jingling Mountain were in charge of the treatment in the Xuyun Hall. The other doctors from Immortal Dao all went to the medicine man to observe the situation, and it was the Dao of Spiritual Realm who personally called over.

Chen Yueluo helped Gu Choumian to start, and he also heard the complaint of the Taoist priest Xuqing just now, and Yun Qiqing was indeed not here, so he asked Gu Choumian curiously, "Chou Mian, do you know Qiqing junior brother he is? Where did you go?"

"What do you ask for this?"

Gu Choumian turned his head to look at Chen Yueluo, and he poked Chen Yueluo's forehead with his hand unhappily, "Don't just talk about others when you have nothing to do! You are here to help with your work! Less talk, more work!"

"Yes..." Chen Yueluo sighed and continued to work.

After a while, a disciple of Xuqing Hall entered the inner hall with Xiaoya and a spoon.

"Moonfall! Sorrowful sleep!"

Xiaoya greeted Chen Yueluo and Gu Choumian, and Chen Yueluo and Gu Choumian also raised their hands to respond.

"We seem to have forgotten to ask the third uncle about Xiaoshao, but the aunt came over here to ask."

Chen Yueluo whispered in Gu Choumian's ear.

Gu Choumian gave Chen Yueluo a look of reproach, and Chen Yueluo also helped her with her work.

Daoist Xuqing and Daoist Xuyun naturally also saw Xiaoya and Xiaoshao.

Daoist Xuyun couldn't make it through in his heart, so he stopped to cast the healing technique.

"Master, Miss Xiaoya wanted to ask the third uncle something, so the disciple brought them in."

The disciple of Xuqing Palace explained the reason, and Daoist Xuqing nodded.

"Okay, you go back to the door and guard."

After Daoist Xuqing finished speaking, the disciple also saluted and retired.

Daoist Xuyun looked at the expressionless spoon and was a little speechless. He turned his back and faced the room inside. He held his forehead with one hand and patted Daoist Xuqing's arm with the other.

"Xuqing, come and help me deal with it, I'm tired and want to go back and have a rest."

Daoist Xuqing understood Daoist Xuyun's thoughts when he looked at Daoist Xuyun's sudden weakness.

Daoist Xuyun did not dare to face Xiaoshao. As long as he saw Xiaoshao, he would think of the previous atrocities. He had no face to become Xiaoshao's master again.

"Xu Qing understands, senior brother should go back to rest first."

Daoist Xuqing also walked towards Xiaoya.

"Xiaoya has seen Taoist Xuqing." Xiaoya first saluted Taoist Xuqing, and then he glanced at Taoist Xuyun who was leaving, "Daoist Xuyun he..."

"Senior brother is a little tired. If you have anything, just ask me to discuss it."

When Daoist Xuqing was talking to Xiaoya, he also glanced at the spoon that was holding Xiaoya's hand.

Xiaoshao's eyes have been staring in one direction, and that direction is also the direction in which Daoist Xuyun left.

After hearing Daoist Xu Qing's words, Xiaoya naturally looked at Daoist Xuyun.

The back of Daoist Xuyun looked a little thin, and it seemed that he didn't have a good rest for some time. Just when Daoist Xuyun was about to approach the room inside, Xiaoya was ready to discuss with Daoist Xuqing to take away the small spoon. thing.

Just as Xiaoya was about to speak, he heard the small spoon, who had always been expressionless, let out a soft cry in the direction of Daoist Xuyun.


The small spoon's voice surprised the Jinglingshan disciples present so much that they stopped the treatment in their hands.

Daoist Xuyun naturally heard a not-so-loud cry here.

Xiaoya looked at Xiaoshao in surprise, and then she smiled happily, "Xiaoshao! You can talk!" Xiaoya smiled and shed tears excitedly, "Xiaoya! Do you know who I am?"

Gu Choumian also hurried over to check Xiaosao's situation, but Chen Yueluo was still standing there in surprise.

After the inspection, Gu Choumian didn't feel any changes in Xiaoshao's body, but Xiaoshao did call out to the master just now.

"How is Mianmian? How is Xiaoshao?" Xiaoya asked eagerly. If Xiaoshao can speak, it means that she is not far from full recovery.If he knew, he would be very excited.

Gu Choumian didn't know how to answer Xiaoya. He didn't make a sound for a while, and Xiaoshao pulled his hands back voluntarily. She opened her hands and faced the direction where Daoist Xuyun left.


Daoist Xuyun also turned his head to look at Xiaoshao, he held back his tears and approached Xiaoshao, then he squatted down and hugged Xiaoshao.

The little spoon still called out to the master dumbly.

The tears of Daoist Xuyun couldn't help but flow out.

"I'm sorry for the teacher, it's the teacher's fault. Xiaoshao, for the teacher... I really don't deserve to be your teacher..."

"Master..." Xiaoshao slowly patted Daoist Xuyun on the back and then she buried her head in Daoist Xuyun's arms.

"Don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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