Yun Qishen

Chapter 790 Encounter on the way

Chapter 790 Encounter on the way (3)
(God's perspective)
Seeing that he was about to leave Sangyu Country and arrive at Jiyou City, he didn't know why a violent sandstorm suddenly blew up.

There is mana attached to the sand, not the mana of Xiandaomen, which is very similar to the mana of divine beasts.

However, Yun Qishen did not find any trace of the divine beast, and he also faced a huge problem at the same time.

Qiu Shan was lost by others.

Although he was about to leave Sangyu Kingdom, Yun Qishen was still unwilling to use the magic of the devil in order to prevent some unrelated people from finding Jiyou City and making trouble.

But the magic of immortality, he Yun Qishen can only use healing, and he has never learned such things as observation.

When Qiu Shan disappeared here, it really bothered Yun Qi deeply, and he didn't know if Qiu Shan was carrying that smoking gun.

The two people's costumes have also changed back, and Qiu Shan doesn't seem to be lost by himself.

"Obviously I'm right in front of him, where else can he go? Could someone be robbed?"

Yun Qishen hid behind a house after the sandstorm stopped, and he recalled Qiu Shan's outfit.

That iceberg face, taciturn.Being robbed should be somewhat unlikely.

But Qiu Shan has a strong body, and his chest muscles and abdominal muscles are more developed than Yun Qi's.

"Isn't someone greedy for his body..." Yun Qishen shook his head again after speaking.

What is he thinking about? As a demon king, it's okay to think so much about his subordinates, not to mention Qiu Shan is his senior brother.

Yun Qi took a deep look at his clothes and searched for Qiu Shan's whereabouts nearby.

It was also in this place that Yun Qishen and Ye Qi met in Sangyu Country before, and it was still very lively at that time.

As a result, after so many things, there was almost nothing left to live in the whole town.

The wind and sand in the sky here may also be left by the beasts nearby after the abyss.

It was a little strange to say that Yun Qi could vaguely sense some of the reactions of life, but he did not see people everywhere.

But that kind of life reaction made Yun Qishen too concerned, he could only use the peeping technique weakly to spy on the surroundings at the risk of exposure.

"These are! Are they underground!"

Through the technique of peeping at the heart, Yun Qishen discovered that the reactions of those beings came from under the yellow sand silted up on the soles of his feet.


Yun Qishen wanted to dig a hole with his sword to see, but that life reaction was disappearing little by little.

Is it just using magic...

Yun Qishen tangled for a while, and finally he chose to use magic to find out the life's reaction.

Unexpectedly, the life reaction moved so quickly underground, Yun Qishen almost didn't keep up with the movement speed of the life reaction.

"it's here!!"

Yun Qishen slashed down, and the sand on the ground splashed around, and the ground cracked to reveal a ball of sand like a cocoon.There is also a line pulling on one side of the sand ball.

Seeing that the line was about to be tightened to pull the cocoon away, Yun Qishen stepped up to break the line and pulled the cocoon out of the ground.

The remaining lines in the ground also quickly disappeared.

Yun Qishen was worried that the exposure of his spells would bring bad experiences to Qiu Shan, so he could only take the cocoon away from here for a while.

The response of life is sent out from the cocoon, what is inside?
"Isn't it a person? Looking at the reaction here, it doesn't look like it..." Yun Qishen guessed the situation, and broke the cocoon with the black gold sword.

Just as the cocoon burst open, a green mist suddenly spewed from the cracked gap. Yun Qishen used his body protection spell to defend, and only after the mist dissipated did the shell of the cocoon burst open. Expose what's inside.

Inside the cocoon is indeed a human being, but it is not a human being.A total of five or six people were wrapped in a cocoon of various sizes.

They were crowded together, and a sticky silk thread was attached to the body of this group of people, sticking people together like spider silk.

Yun Qishen came to the rescue, and when he cut off the threads with the black gold sword, he discovered a problem.

These threads seem to stick to the surface of the human body, but in fact the threads have been connected to the human nerves.If you cut the connection directly, then the five people in the cocoon here will die.

Ah... it's really exhausting here.It's like some kind of horror comic...

Yun Qi frowned deeply, then he sighed and began to think of a way to solve the situation.

Could Qiu Shan also be captured by such a thing?
Yun Qi looked around with deep concern. He thought that those Immortal Sect disciples would chase after him because he detected his mana.

At this time, they should have sent people to search everywhere. Why has there been no movement for so long?

"Could it be that those disciples didn't find it?" Yun Qishen used the technique of peeping his heart to detect the surrounding situation with the attitude of giving it a try. There was really no reaction from the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

So he felt that it might be the reason for these windy sands with mana.

"I'm afraid it's not some kind of enchantment formed, or else there will be no Immortal Sect disciple coming to help with such a serious matter. This place is like a hunting ground.

These ordinary people became poor bait. "


Yun Qishen crossed his arms around his chest and looked at the group of trapped ordinary people. As a result, among the five or six ordinary people here, a slightly older man moved.

Yun Qishen also came to the man with concern.

The man struggled to make a sound. He seemed to be in pain, and his voice became smaller and smaller, "Monster...Antidote...Blood..."

After the man finished speaking, he vomited a mouthful of blood.Yun Qishen could only stop him from vomiting blood first and then stun the man again.

"In other words, it's the monster's blood that can unlock these things? Could it be considered a symbiote here?"

Yun Qishen observed the composition of the cocoon again, "Just how can I find that monster... I have it!"

Yun Qishen opened his hand and attached a layer of enchantment to the broken cocoon, and then he returned to the place just now.

He first restrained his spells, and then slowly increased his life response. In the end, as he expected, the previous thread appeared under the sand and grabbed his ankle.

Immediately after that, the sand and soil swirled to form a vortex, and the line pulled Yun Qishen down hard.

Yun Qishen was pulled into the ground in an instant. If he hadn't used his body protection spell, the gravel and hard soil in the ground would have seriously injured him.

When the pulling was over, Yun Qishen also came to an empty cave.

The surrounding darkness is so deep that one can only observe the surroundings with the technique of peeping at the heart. There are many powerful life reactions, and among them, objects with a messy reaction are rushing towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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