Yun Qishen

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 The Demon General (8.5)
Lingjing Dao did not return to Jingling Mountain quickly, but stayed with us in the demon country for a while.

I talked to him about everything I knew.

"Then why does Qian Yao get together with that Demon Lord?" I looked at the irritable old brother's brows and wrinkled again, thinking that he always frowns like this, sooner or later, there will be wrinkles on his forehead... Then I want to cover it up Thoughtfully took a sip of tea.

"You ask me? It's better to say that you two are stupid and let them escape!"

Listening to Lingjing Dao's answer, I'm a devil after all, can't you save me some face?

"I wanted to ask before, what's your relationship with that Qianyao, bro?"

Asking Qianyao wanted to kill Spirit Realm Dao, but they should not have known each other before.

"I don't know, but she wants to kill me. If I'm not prepared, of course I have to catch her first." Lingjingdao looked at me with disdain, "You think I'm like you, you can find magic tools just by sitting. ? Also... It's not that the good magic weapon is found by our people in Jingling Mountain. You don't stay in your borderland, and you come out to point out that people will laugh at your borderland for such a waste demon like you?"

I'm not good at refuting Spirit Realm, I dare to provoke him, I...

"Actually, I came out to call the demon generals. My brother has been here for a long time, so he must know about the demon generals." After I finished speaking, I saw Spirit Realm Dao leaning on his head and looking at me.

"just you."

"just me."

"Call the devil general?"


"Come on!"

... Do you want to talk so coldly, bro, I'm a devil after all!
The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but Spirit Realm said again, "It seems that you should have come with the approval of a certain demon general."

"Two!" I stretched out my finger to let the spirit realm see, I also have two demon kings recognized by the demon general, don't underestimate me!

"Don't show off!" Spirit Realm gave me a blank look, and I had no choice but to put my hands down.

Lingjing Dao paused and said solemnly, "I'll only say it once. A hundred years ago, Taki Yunhua was the king of the state, and she had five demon generals under her. One black boy, one masked man, two dragons, and one who knew how to fight Killing lunatic. These five people don't look at the different shapes, but I admit that teamwork is good. Well, I will know this when it's over!"

It's too brief...

black boy?That should be Tatum.The masked man should be a sand bucket...or an hourglass?Two dragons?If one dragon is Laia, who is the other?And a lunatic?So there are only two left?

Speaking of Leah...

"Brother, you know space magic, right? Can I ask you a favor?"

"tell me the story."

"Help me summon Laia over here."

" you know where you are now?"

"Demon country."

"You know what Laia is, right?"

"It's not a person anyway!"

"...I don't think our topic needs to continue!" After speaking, Lingjing Dao was about to leave.

I hurriedly stopped, "Brother, go to a place with me first, and then think about it?"

I had no choice but to take the Spirit Realm to the Dry Water Pavilion.

Spirit Realm Dao came to Dry Water Pavilion to observe for four weeks and then stopped.

"It's been 100 years, so you're here. No wonder I haven't heard from you!"

?they know each other?
"Spiritual Realm Dao? How did you come here? In case your identity..."

"How did a few little monsters kill me?" Lingjingdao approached the pavilion door, "Why didn't you come out to see me?"

I thought in my heart that if it wasn't for the beauty in the world, she wouldn't...

Halfway through thinking about it, I set my sights on the Spiritual Realm Dao, except for Taki Yunhua, his Spiritual Realm Dao is the most stunning!

Sure enough, the door of the pavilion opened slowly, and a woman with white clothes and white hair came out, looking like a witch.

This woman has a pattern like dragon scales on both sides of her cheeks, which looks even more mysterious.Could she be another dragon mentioned by Spirit Realm Dao?I carefully observed the woman again, and there were heavy shackles around the woman's ankles, which were linked to the pillars in the Dry Water Pavilion.

"This is why you asked me to summon Lai A?" Lingjing Road turned to look at me.

I just nodded.

Spirit Realm Dao was not looking at me, he closed his eyes and chanted a spell, and a huge vortex appeared behind him.

"I haven't seen you in a hundred years, your mana is already so strong." The white-haired woman showed a sad face.

Why is she looking like this?
"Spiritual realm!!!!"

Then it was not Lai but Taki Yunhua who came out of the vortex behind the spiritual realm.

Taki Yunhua hugged Lingjingdao from behind, and then kissed Lingjingdao's face.

The dog food is sprinkled here... I'm sour...

I looked even more curiously at the whirlpool, why didn't Lea come out?

Taki Yunhua smiled for a while before noticing the white-haired woman.

In the end, it was Lingjing Dao who took the opportunity to pull Taki Yunhua off his back.

"Lai Ah! Come out! Look who it is!" Taki Yunhua shouted into the whirlpool.

"Isn't it a spiritual realm? I know! I know! Don't disturb my sleep!"

Laia's voice came from the whirlpool, with a hint of impatience in her laziness.The woman in white in front of me also burst into tears.

slap... slap...

Did something fall off the white-haired woman?

The tears of the white-haired woman turned into pieces of gold and jade the moment they fell to the ground.

So amazing!Like the hen that lays golden eggs in Pea Jack.This is a female dragon that sheds golden tears.

These golden jade... I suddenly had a solution.

"No! It's Xiaoguang! Xiaoguang, Lai!" Taki Yunhua looked at the white-haired woman again, "Xiaoguang, you can't cry!"

"Alright, alright! I know! Such words can't fool me into leaving my nest! It's still Xiaoguang! Can't I feel her breath? Besides, she was a hundred years ago..."


The white-haired woman made a sound, she screamed excitedly, and suddenly the whirlpool behind the spiritual realm was restless.

rumbling - booming - booming -

What's wrong with this?Why do I still hear the sound of water?

Then a huge black dragon covered in water flew out of the whirlpool.There are still some sleeping fire lotuses on the dragon, it can't be a bath from the Tianchi.

Taki Yunhua pulled the spiritual realm to dodge.

I had to step aside.

Lai'a's dragon head approached the white-haired woman, and her huge body surrounded the woman.



The white-haired woman's hands were about to hug the dragon's mouth, and at this moment, Lai Ajian's body dispersed, and he turned into a human figure.

"Light!" The voice also became the voice of the male anchor of the emotional radio station that I had heard before.

However, although Lai A's appearance is not as strong and handsome as Bai Yu's.

But Lai A's temperament shows an indescribable dominance. At this time, his affectionate and gentle look around the white-haired woman really made me look envious.Some sour.

I was looking at the spiritual realm and Taki Yunhua on the side.Taki Yunhua hugged Spirit Realm Dao, although Spirit Realm Dao wanted to push Taki Yun Hua away...

Don't you have a lot of strength, brother?Why can't I push it away~ Huh~ hypocritical. they're all hugging each other...what kind of light bulb am I on the side?

"I can hug you too~"

This rude voice, why are you here?
--split line--

In the legends of Jiangbang, there are two dragons in the world, one is ferocious and brutal and slaughtered countless people, and the other is gentle and wealthy.

But it was in that battle between the fairy and the devil that the gentle dragon disappeared.

Legend has it that he was beheaded by an immortal, but the keel was not seen.Legend has it that it disappeared. If future generations see this dragon, it will be a rich and noble person, and it will definitely be able to lead a party.

"Benlong is definitely not that vicious and cruel dragon! I'm so gentle!" Lai'a has changed back to a dragon-like shape, but has shrunk, "Isn't it Xiaoguang!"

"Yeah! Lai A is the most gentle!" The white-haired woman also turned into a little white dragon.

The two dragons are right there, rubbing against me...

"But how did you get brought to the demon country? I only heard from the women of the demon race that you were brought back from Xinjiang by the demon king..." I asked Xiaoguang.

"That's right... But the demon king who brought me back was framed to death by his subordinates soon after he came back. The demon king also married a woman from the state at the time, and I gave that woman a piece of gold and jade as a thank you..."

When I heard Xiaoguang say this, my mind moved, "The piece of gold and jade you mentioned is the piece in Xin's body, right?"

Guang went on to say, "That's right... Xin's biological mother has died... Her current mother is also the biological mother of His Highness Ming Lang."

The person with the magic weapon in his body?
"His Royal Highness Minglang's biological mother is a human... But today's demon king focuses on the grandson of the white feather king. Today's demon king is dying soon, and no one knows what kind of strange disease he has. This may be the retribution for betraying the modern demon king."

I looked around curiously, eh?Where did Jinyu just go?
"What is the devil looking for? Why don't I help you find it as a little Taoist~"

"NaiQi, talk well!" Lingjing Dao glared at NieQi.

Ye Qi also spoke well and started directly, "Let's go and look for it."

Ye Qi pushed me away, and I heard Spirit Realm say they were talking about the shackles on their bare legs just now.

That shackle is really strong, and it can seal mana... It seems to be a dangerous thing.

But for now...

"Okay! Don't push! Let go!"

I avoided Ye Qi, "Tell me, what's the matter with you finding me?"

Ye Qi smiled at me, "As expected, you still understand my intentions~"

I don't understand! "Say something!"

"What the devil was looking for just now was the golden jade?" Immediately, Ye Qi took out two or three golden jade.

"So what?" I wanted to see what bad idea Ye Qi came up with.

"When I was talking before, I noticed that the eyes you looked at Bai Yu were wrong. He probably lied. As for what lie he said, it must be inseparable from the word Jinyu~"

"Your observation skills are quite good, but the tone of your speech has become more and more out of tune!"

"Should I thank the Demon Lord for his compliment~"

"No thanks! When I didn't say it!"

"Then this golden jade is the key~" Seeing that Ye Qi started tossing the golden jade in his hands again, I was worried that he would get rid of it.

"It's better than this. There are two golden jades here. You help Ming Lang and I will help Bai Yu. I know you are in a dilemma. I just understood when you said that the golden jade was in that girl's body~"

Then Ye Qi threw me a piece of gold and jade.It was also at this time that a force flew Jin Yushun and shattered it.

"Its deep be careful!" Ji Qi rushed towards me, and I managed to dodge an attack from behind me.

Who's up to the trick?I spy with the technique of peeping at the heart, and there is indeed a strong mana around it.But has fled.

A roar followed.


"This voice! It's Lai's!"

"Probably something happened to the old man..."

Ye Qi put away the gold and jade and ran back to the Dry Water Pavilion with me.

When I got there, I saw that both Lai and Guang had grown bigger, and then both of them were in shackles.

Laia actually lay on the ground and did not listen to the roar.

What's wrong with this?

Taki Yunhua and Lingjing Dao were defending back to back not far away, and a group of monsters rushed out to attack, and the two also helped each other.

The person leading the monster is Bai Yu? !

"Is there any misunderstanding, Your Excellency Bai Yu?" A swipe of a spell wiped my face.

Fortunately, Qi pulled me, otherwise I would be disfigured.

"I don't know how to protect myself~ But don't be too strong~"

Ye Qi smiled and the red sword in his hand appeared here, "It seems that this time it is an enemy or a friend!"

After saying that, Qi Qi stepped forward with his sword, and in a flash, all the demons and Bai Yu scuffled together again.

I had to go to Lai'a first. At this time, dozens of little demons came to hold down Lai'a's faucet, and Lai'a threw the little demons down with force.

On the other side, the light was lying on the ground weakly, and some little demons held weapons and stuck them on Xiaobai's body, and golden blood flowed out, and the blood overflowed and quickly turned into pieces of golden jade.

This made the little demons more reckless.

Laia is even crazier.

Just untie Laia's shackles!To the shackles!
I aimed at the shackles with a swipe of the Lai A sword, but the sword energy was intercepted by someone.

"Yoyo! That's not good! If you break it, I won't be able to explain it!"

This guy!
"Ask Qianyao! What are you doing here again!"

"What's the matter? Don't you think this is a great opportunity to kill someone who should be killed?" She still wore a mask and cloak, but the sword in his hand was not the one that sealed Takizawa before.

Since Qianyao is here, Takizawa must be nearby.I started to pay attention to my surroundings.

Ye Qi should have found out about the arrival of Qianqian Yao and wanted to come to help me, but was stopped by Bai Yu.

"You are the one who destroyed Jinyu just now!" I asked Qianyao while staring and used the Lai A sword to resist her attack.

"What if it's me?" Asked Qianyao tossed his sword and left.

Then she jumped on Light's body, and the sword in her hand slammed into Light's body.

Asking Qianyao to hold the hilt of the sword and slide it hard, a huge wound appeared on Guang's body.


Lai'a's tail attacked, but Qianqianyao avoided it.

Probably because Leia was locked in mana, and these little monsters and their weapons hurt him. The main reason is that it was trying to save the light, regardless of 21, it directly took me and Lingjing Dao with it. The little monsters all flew away.

I saw the timing and used the Lea sword to attack the shackles on Lea's hind paws.

But the god-damn question Qian Yao blocked it.Who is she! !
"Spiritual Realm Dao! Take your life!" Wen Qianyao's sword turned to attack the Spirit Realm Dao.

Spirit Realm Dao did not panic, nor did he defend or attack.

I was also watching when Qianqian Yao was about to attack the spiritual realm.

Taki Yunhua flashed past and used the spell.

The black barrier bounced off Qianqianyao, and then Taki Yunhua waved her hand again, and the black barrier turned into a thousand swords and attacked Qianqianyao.

It was also rare for me to see Taki Yunhua's eyes turn fierce.

The domineering voice was clearly spit out at Qian Qianyao.


 Today's second update~

(End of this chapter)

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