Yun Qishen

Chapter 86

Chapter 86
Because of the previous gangs in the demon country, the people of the demon country all came to Jiangbang in order to find an Anbang settlement.

But I didn't tell Taki Qianye about the friendship, so Taki Qianye's order was to kill anyone who violated my borders.

Also because of this order.The fugitives of the demon kingdom were killed.The people of the demon country resisted, they thought that our state was not keeping promises.Even if you take up arms and declare war with our borders.

"It's my fault, I didn't tell you..." At the moment, things on Takizawa's side have not stopped, and I can't let the soldiers that I finally recruited die on this.This senseless fighting must stop as soon as possible.

"No, it was my fault. I was too reckless." Taki Qianye frowned and clenched his fist tightly.

"For now, let's not care about who is right and who is wrong. How are you going to deal with the demon clan? I think it's impossible to persuade peace. If we attack directly, it's our strength..." I sighed.

"It's really a difficult thing. Now Jiangbang are all recruits. They are also more reckless in character... If they don't attack the demon clan, I'm afraid they will be dissatisfied with their character. However, fortunately, you come back. It's over." Taki Qianye gave me a slight smile, "I returned to a demon general before, and he came up with an idea to trap the demon clan in a barrier. We planned..."

"Hourglass?" I interrupted him with a question.

"It's a sand bucket!" The masked monster appeared again.

Oh, sand bucket, sand bucket.

Next to Sanddou, Tatum was also followed.

Tatum saluted me first when he saw me.Shadou then followed him in the salute.

"It seems that the devil has been recognized now." Tatum's golden eyes looked at me, and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Hahaha, it's good to be able to find the light!!" Shadou also smiled strangely.

"I heard Tatum you say you are one of the four magicians in the borderland, but there are five of them. Although I didn't find the last magician. But where are those magicians?" The doubts in my heart are the same as Tatum.

"Hui Mojun, I, Tatum, are the demons guarding the sand garden. There is one demon that you have seen before, the long envoy of Qiu Xiangqiu. As for the other two, one is Jian Mo who was killed by you. Long envoy, the other one is Lai A."

Is it Laia? !

"Lea and I are both magic envoys and magic generals, but half of that magic dragon's mind is the predecessor Queen Taki Yunhua, and half is light. We are very complacent and really useless." Tatum said this It seems very arrogant to say such things as a child.

It turns out that, can I say now that there is still part of Lai's mind thinking about sweet and sour pork loin?

"How's the situation with that group of demon clansmen now?" I changed the subject.

Shadou closed his eyes for a moment, "Nothing, what are the plans of the devil?"

"I'm thinking of using your organ transformation technique, combined with Qianye's space transfer technique, to see if I can send this group of demon clansmen back to the demon kingdom."

"They caught them all before and I haven't had enough fun yet. That's to let them have a taste of the feeling that they can't come out." Shadou's mask shook, looking very funny.

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with the people of the demon clan." I want to stop the sand bucket, this kind of practice.But Tatum opened his mouth.

"I think the envoy of the enemy should have told you the devil before. As a king, you don't have to care about this. The people of our border are different from people of other countries and races. No matter whether the devil is good or bad, We will all trust him. Entrust our lives to him. Whether you admit it or not has to be said separately. So please don't care about people in other countries."

Taki Qianye pondered for a moment and then said, "It's deep, I can understand how you don't want to see innocent people hurt. But this won't solve anything at all. Wars between countries are naturally caused by people. No matter what. How can you save the relationship between the two countries, the people of other countries will only give you the same infamy, which will cause even greater waves. They will only remember our hatred for them. They will not remember our goodness to them. Then why bother Woolen cloth?"

"So, about the demon clan, we are waiting for you to come back and make a decision..." Tatum bowed and clasped his fists.

Shadou also bowed and clasped his fists.

I make decisions, what decisions can I make?I naturally knew that the person who let go of the demon clan would still be in trouble after all.

But just taking them all... I really can't be ruthless.

Taki Qianye looked at me, he touched the half of his face with his hand, "Qi Shen asked me before if I believed in you? Your answer is... Now... do you believe me?"

...I don't know how to respond to him. What is the purpose of him asking me this now?
"Do you believe me?"

"Why don't I believe you are my good brother?" I had to perfunctory, I can believe you, but also on the basis of my ability to spy on the heart.

"Then, it's up to me... you give me the magic order..."

Taki Qianye said so, so I had no choice but to hand over the magic order to him.

Taki Qianye gave the order to the two of them who saluted and clasped their fists.

"The devil will obey!"

"Chen is here!"

"The devil's order is here, and the devil's lord wants it! All those who violated our borders from the demon country will be executed!"

All executed!It's as simple as that...


"If you don't want to get your hands dirty, I'll do what you don't want to do for you...I..."

I stood up and took the magic order from him, "You've done too much for me... This is my business now... I'll do it myself!"

"Just as the Holy Son said just now, all those who violated our borders from the demon country will be executed... It is said that I directly issued an order."

"Yes! The minister will obey!"

I can decide the life and death of others with a single sentence here... Probably I always faced it alone before and didn't want the help of this group of people...

I can only set an example, because I have chosen Xinjiang, so I must protect it and protect the people of Xinjiang to live and work in peace and contentment!
"Do you want to accompany your ministers to have a look? I recently thought of a very interesting mechanism, and I also need to use the space enchantment spell of the Holy Son..."

Shadou's mask swayed from side to side again, and the original comic became weird.

The fun organization he said was just showing me a bloody punishment...

He used the space trap technique to imprison the people of the demon clan... There are also some immature little demons in it... Although I can't bear it, I also witnessed the sand bucket slowly shrinking the trap space, and Taki Qianye helped to use the space. Enchantment.

Because of the shrinking of the mechanism, all the internal demon clan members were squeezed by the weapons in the mechanism.

Splashed blood donations can only be trapped in the enchantment.After this unbearable massacre was over, Taki Qianye disappeared all the corpses into the vortex of enchantment.

--split line--

Watching such executions made me feel really uneasy, and all I thought about were evil things.

After nightfall, my mind became even more disturbed, why did Ye Qi leave with Takizawa?What they said, they all blamed me for being deaf and unable to hear. In the end, if it wasn't for the golden unicorn roaring at me, or if it wasn't for Ye Qi to summon the golden unicorn.It's all the responsibility of the evil spirits!

what! !Eyes open and closed are his female appearance!No, I'm going out to relax!

I said that the nights in Jiangbang are very cold, and I left my bedroom unwittingly and came to Taki Qianye's bedroom.

"Qianye? Are you asleep?"

No one answered, is he asleep?
Then came two night-watching magicians.

"See Demon Lord—"

"See Demon Lord—"

I nodded and let them get up.

"Did the Demon Lord come to find the Son of God? He is not in the bedroom now. He ordered the villain to come here and find him clean clothes."

One of the magicians then spoke up.

clean clothes?
"Then where is he now?"

"The Holy Son is now taking a bath in the cold lake behind the royal city..."

"He went to take a bath in Hanhu? Looking for something wrong!"

I was a little anxious when I heard what the magician said here.Where is the cold lake? Although the water in the lake will not freeze, the water can freeze a person to death!He relied on him, Taki Qianye, to do whatever he wanted?
"Give me that thick coat! I'll find him!"

"But the devil... the holy son has no thick clothes..."

"Then go to my bedroom and get mine! Go!"

The magician quickly prepared clothes for me.

I grabbed my clothes and hurried to Hanhu.

It was already cold enough, and he still took a shower in the middle of the night, he was really...

"It's deep? How did you come?"

Frost had formed on the branches of the cold air around me when I walked to Cold Lake.

I only saw him after Taki Qianye first discovered me.

I've seen a bather in a bathing suit, but I've never seen him take a bath in a full body. Is he taking a bath or falling into the water...

"Water cold... Come out! Clothes, here's to you!"

The water body of Cold Lake glowed and became even more icy.

"Thank put...cough cough..."


I leaned over to see his situation, and then Taki Qianye grabbed my sleeve and took me into the cold lake.

"I rely on!!!"

I don't know why this cold lake broke my body protection spell, and I became a jerk...

The swish wind blows... It's terribly cold! ! !
"You did it on purpose!!" I yelled at Taki Qianye angrily.


"You're still laughing! I came here because I care about you! You are really..."

Taki Qianye didn't care about my annoyance at all or smiled calmly. With his cold hands, he peeled off the hair on my forehead and looked at the traces of light on my forehead.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you have this mark... But I'm also worried about you... You know, I didn't want you to come to Xinjiang from the beginning..."

"He's meow, you don't need to talk about this kind of thing here! It's really uncomfortable to be wet..."

I want to go ashore to protect myself with self-protection spells, it's really too cold! !
"It's deep... can you wait a little longer?"

"Why? It's too cold to wait!" I turned ashore and immediately used my body protection spell, "I'll prepare thick clothes, you wait for me to come back!"

Then my sleeve got pulled.

"Can you not leave now? Just stay with me for a while, just for a while!"

What's the matter with him? What is the purpose of letting me stay?I'm really so wet...

Well I compromise!
Just when I agreed to stay with him, the moment he let go, snowflakes fell from the sky.

?Snowing?Although it is cold in Xinjiang, it is almost summer. Is it snowing?

The allusions of Dou E's injustice suddenly appeared in my heart, there must be injustice!

"Isn't it deeper than the sky in Jiangbang without stars? This kind of snow is not common... It will only snow in Jiangbang every ten years."

"So what? This is snow, not a star. Wait for me to come back..." I turned away from Taki Qianye.

This is my last time...

I spy on that, but I've turned my head to go back to get my dry clothes.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Taki Qianye said this kindly.

On the way back I was thinking, what did he mean by the last time?Last time to see snow?then what?I really can't figure it out, but it's silly to think of snow as a star...

Suddenly a few memories came to my mind.

[What is your greatest wish?I think it's probably Jinyu... What about you? ]
[My constitution is weak, I can hardly go out in winter, and I haven't even touched the snow... My greatest wish, I want you to watch the snow with me, okay? ]
[One day I will take you to Jiangbang... The snow there is beautiful! ]
[What do you want Jinyu for...]
[...I heard that after the resurrection of the Demon Lord, I only have the fate of disappearing, but as long as I find Jinyu...I still have a glimmer of hope to live in the world. ]
[What do you say...we will all be in this world forever!My second uncle said that although my health is not good, my life is long.Qianye will definitely live longer than me in health! ]

[Did your second uncle lie to you? ]
[why?Why is that?Not to mention my second uncle!And you!Are we not good friends?Qianye! ]
[Sorry, I can't tell you, I hope you forget me and continue your long life! ]
[You think you can kill my memory by erasing it?You don't understand me at all! ]
Is that Yun Qishen's memory about Taki Qianye?

It turned out that Taki Qianye was looking for Jinyu to continue his life, why didn't that guy say it earlier!But the golden jade he mentioned is definitely not a simple golden jade... Maybe light can know...

There are still some things that I still haven't remembered... Yun Qi knew the location of Jin Yu, and why he went to drink the wine he had never drunk before, and threatened Ender to kill him...

When I helped my forehead to take back the thick clothes, Taki Qianye also looked up at the sky in the middle of the lake.

For a moment I saw an apparition.

It was a child in red standing alone by the lake... always standing there... all the time... all the time.

"Qianye! Don't look at it!" I was afraid that he would pull me into the water and stand a little further away.

Taki Qianye didn't speak, but he looked at me and smiled and walked over to the shore.

The red robe was dripping with water, and even though Taki Qianye was thin and thin, I could be regarded as the type of undressed flesh.

Compared to me... it's really far behind.

If the figure is not good, let's practice, not afraid of not having a good figure!

I covered Taki Qianye with thick clothes, and it was clear that my whole body was cold and soaked.

"If you love watching snow so much, when I find Jinyu for you, I'll take you to Xuecheng to see it!"

Thank you - Taki Qianye said in his heart.

"I'm waiting for that day..." Taki Qianye's smile was very charming, and it was Taki Yunhua's male counterpart.

 Second shift today?
  Insufficient places, please advise!
(End of this chapter)

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