Yun Qishen

Chapter 9 Finding Immortals in the Mountains

Chapter 9 Finding Immortals in the Mountains

"Searching for Immortals in the Mountains"

In ancient times, there was a scholar called Chao.He likes to read "Fate of Immortals", which is all about the love between people and immortals.Suspicious, Gu Ming was looking for immortals in the mountains.I came across a Taoist man with a white beard and listened to what he had to say.Feeling and doing.


Yesterday, when I dreamed of looking for him, tears fell on the wet jade couch.

Looking out the window alone.

Few cold and withered trees, lonely Acacia bitter, inexplicable sadness.

Jing Ye said that, but asked Yuexia for whom?
Jiao Er Yang Yu Zhuo, then tears fall and now smiles worry.

Love is over, righteousness is over, all the red sleeves are cut off!

I revisited the old place and sighed the past, and made an appointment with friends in Nanting.

Admiring the flowers at night, seeing the red moon, laughing and talking about the white head in the world.

--split line--

It has been three days since I left the Yun family, and I heard an interesting story along the way.

The story is probably about a scholar who likes to read books about the love between human beings and immortals.

As a result, the immortal was not found, but a white-haired Taoist was found.He heard the Taoist tell a story about a man and an immortal falling in love with each other and made a speech.

The Taoist said that 100 years ago, there was a human woman who fell in love with an immortal in the sky.Later, the immortal asked God to make him a mortal, but he did not return to the woman in the end.

The woman is a glamorous dancer, because the immortal's departure has made her sad for a long time, so that the performance has repeatedly made mistakes.

In this way, she was chosen by a nobleman and named her to dance at the banquet.

Women are good at a kind of red sleeve dance. They can only dance in the water pavilion where the water just reaches their ankles. The nobles created a very gorgeous water pavilion.

I saw the woman holding the immortal's favorite jade cut flower, and danced the red-sleeved dance in the pavilion.

The white petals float with the water pattern, and the smile of the woman in red fluctuates in people's hearts.

In the end, the woman ended her life in this water pavilion.

After the Taoist finished speaking, he disappeared.

The scholar was very emotional when he heard this story. He asked his friends to visit the original water pavilion together.Sigh about true love in the world.

But the story that made me more concerned has something to do with it. Legend has it that the immortals were originally musicians in the sky.After he was reincarnated as a human being, he became the royal musician of the Wang family.Suddenly burst into tears, composing for the lyrics.At that time, the Wang family will hold a banquet, musicians will play music, singers will sing, and dancers will dance.This show was wonderful and a sensation.Women in the market all imitate singers and dancers, and the music is also widely circulated.

It's a pity that the Wang family later declined and was annexed by Jiangbang.Music and singing and dancing are also lost.

Ah~ I also want to see the girls dance~
Too bad I only have horses and little scrolls now.

The horses have to rest, so I had to find an inn.As soon as I entered the door, I saw a man in Japanese clothes eating inside.

You said it was a coincidence that you were the bad businessman again.Hurry up and hide the little scroll.

"It's a coincidence that we meet again, your clothes are really conspicuous." I stepped forward to join in the fun.

"What? You haven't been to Jingling Mountain yet? Don't you want to go home? You can't go back without the magic bead." The businessman didn't look at me, and went on to eat his meal.

I looked at the ring in his hand that was holding the items, and then at the food he ate.

Your disgusting belly...

"What are you looking at..." The businessman stopped his chopsticks and looked straight at me, "It's not your fault!"

Shame! ! !I was about to get angry, thinking of ordering a delicious meal myself and letting him know that I don't care about your food, I'll buy it myself!
"Boss! I ordered another one for this little brother!" The businessman put down the tableware after eating and shouted at the back kitchen.

"Okay!" the boss yelled back.

Then he got up and left...

"Hey, hey! Don't cheat on me! Give me the money and go!"

"Hey, my son-in-law. I'm a serious businessman and only do serious business, and you didn't give me any benefits, so I have no reason to invite you to dinner... You pay for your own money, and someone else pays for my money. ." After saying that, he threw my hand away and walked out of the inn.

After a while, the dishes were ready, and the dishes served to me at one time...

How can you say that you can sign up for the name of the dish if you have a large number... Then the merchants all ate it? ! !
No, impossible, can't forget that he also has a treasure ring to store.

But this amount is too much, can I finish it?Fortunately, I have enough money to pay...

"Guest officer, if you have anything else to do, just tell me." The shop owner looked kind and had a humble attitude towards others.I can't say goodbye to...

No way, I can only eat slowly.But after a few bites, the taste is always mild.

"Any chili sauce or something?" I asked out loud.

"Chili? What is chili? It's Chinese pepper."

? ? ? ?Is there no chili in this other world? ? ?No chili?God, I should have thought of these things too, since I crossed over to my second uncle's house and Yun's house, I thought they didn't like spicy food so they endured bland meals.

Who would have thought that people in this world don't even know what chili is?Don't chili also exist, don't!
"Then boss, have you ever seen a red plant with a pointed head. It tastes hotter than garlic. It's chili." I explained the chili to the boss.

But the boss said with a vague understanding, "If it's garlic, it does."

"Then garlic..." I had to compromise.

Just when the boss went to pick up the garlic, I heard a rush of running, followed by the sound of the inn's door being smashed.

"Who knows where a person in a kimono has gone!" The voice was grumpy and familiar.

I looked back at the door, and it was the priest who was exiled.

"He just went east..." I replied aloud.

Exiled Immortal Daoist heard the sound and left a thank you, and ran out again.He turned back before he ran four or five meters, and I watched him walking closer and closer to me...

It wasn't until he came to me that he roughly grabbed my neckline, and at such a close distance did I realize that the exiled immortal was so tall that I reached his shoulders...

"You're..." I wanted to protest.

"Okay! Have you learned to disguise?!" I saw that he was about to throw a punch at me.

"Heroes, spare your life! Heroes, spare your life! You don't slap people in the face!!! You really admit the wrong person." After struggling, I realized that this man is really powerful.

"Oh, I started to fart again, don't be afraid of polluting the environment! Stop pretending! How can I recognize the wrong person, I just said kimono, if it's the people here, they won't pay attention to me at all, only you..."

"Hero! Brother! Daoist! I... I'm really not that bad businessman, we've met... before..."

The exiled Daoist priest suddenly recalled, "You are..."

--split line--

"I didn't expect to meet the people over there. That guy told you about the magic bead?" The exiled priest sat opposite me, and we settled the meal together.

"Yes, he said that the magic bead can only be found by obtaining the treasures of Jingling Mountain." I was a little cautious, and my voice was not loud, eating these delicious meals.

"Looking like you've just been here, I didn't think the food was very tasty when I first came here, but I've gotten used to it after so many years." Daoist Immortal Immortal eats fast and eats a lot... This is still human beings ?
"Speaking of which, how did you pass through?" With a snap, Immortal Dao Chang put down his chopsticks, and half of the dishes were gone... Is this possible?
"...I can say that I am a soul piercing... But I won't say the way I travel... But my body should still be alive..." I'm not sure, after so long, the body over there won't be gone...

"Should? You didn't die there!"

Although the exiled Daoist priest was very angry when he heard this, he thought that I couldn't beat him, so he had to sigh.

"What about you, the priest, how do you wear it?" I came back and asked him.

The exiled Daoist smiled, "You don't call me a wise man, you can call me eldest brother in the future..." this taking advantage of me?

"I was deceived at the beginning. When I was chasing the liar, I fell into a sewer and crossed it, but I came here with my body..."

When the exiled priest said the last sentence, I was surprised, "Are you looking so good over there?"

I looked again at the face of the exiled Daoist priest, showing a trace of anger, "You look good ass!"

What a grumpy dude... His face totally deceived me!
"Stop talking about this, since you're going to Jingling Mountain, why don't we go together, I still know the way here..." The Taoist suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Me? My name is Yun Qishen." As soon as I finished speaking, I looked up at the Taoist priest, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"You've really become a troublesome person..." The Taoist priest still had a pity on me in his tone.

"Then what's your name, eldest brother? It's not a good idea for me to call you eldest brother..."

"You can just call me Big Brother, because I have a special status here, and I can't easily reveal my name." The Taoist priest instructed the boss to pack the dishes that I didn't finish.

"Let's rest here for the time being. It's getting late. Tomorrow I will take you to Jingling Mountain with Yujian." The Taoist priest suddenly had an indescribable change in his attitude towards me.

"Thank you so much, big brother!" Of course I'm very happy, so I can go home as soon as I find the magic bead!
Big brother, you are the fairy who saved me!
At night, when I was bored, I wanted to find a topic to talk to the exiled priest.

"Brother, how long have you been here?"

Exiled Immortal Daochang frowned, "In short, it's been a few years."

"I've heard about a kind of red sleeve dance in the past few days. I wonder if eldest brother has seen it all these years? Rumor has it that the dance is beautiful and peerless, but I haven't seen it, brother. I'm quite curious..."

This topic does not seem to be very appealing to the exiled immortal.

"You said that you are a big man, and you have crossed over to become such a slut, don't be ashamed! What a shit dance... I've never seen it before."

Exiled Immortal Daoist is not a good stubble... I am confused by his appearance again...

"Then, why does the eldest brother keep chasing that businessman? Do you know each other?" After I finished speaking, I felt that I had said the wrong thing again...

Exiled Immortal Daoist patted the table impatiently, "Who knows that poor guy! Only he knows how to get back, and only he knows the whereabouts of the magic bead! Damn, let him run away again! It's annoying!"

Do you really want to be so irritable?Can't you just talk calmly?my brother?

I think I'd better shut up... my little heart... took a few steps back.

"Yun Qishen!" Daoist Exiled Immortal suddenly called me.

"Hey!" I was terrified.

"I see that you have met that guy quite a few times. The next time you meet that guy, be sure to pull him. No matter what bullshit he says, you shouldn't hear him!" He waved his hand, "Come here with your ears, I'll teach you a spell."

When I heard the spell being taught, I couldn't help but rejoice?so good?Pidianpidian leaned forward.

The exiled priest taught me this spell.

"What's the use of this spell?" I asked him after confirming that I had memorized it.

"You'll know when you hold him. This spell can also be used to summon divine beasts without the second half. But..." The exiled priest looked at me with a frown, "When I just passed on your spell, think so. , you are indeed the aura that you haven't cultivated. I regret it a little, no, I regret it very much."

"Don't say that, I can definitely do it!" I want to prove to everyone that I can cultivate Dao!I can go home!
"That's the answer, like a man! Then I'll wait and see." The exiled priest smiled.

Suddenly I heard some movement outside the window, probably the wind.Spicy, but not like the sound of the wind.

"It seems that someone is following you." Daoist Exiled Immortal seemed to understand everything.


"It's better not to speak up, maybe it's not a bad person..." Daoist Exiled Immortal opened the window, and the wind blew in.The sound that had just been sprinkled was gone.

someone following me?Who will it be?Is it the one who has been poisoning me?Big brother said it's not a bad guy...but I still doubt it.

What if this stalker acts while I'm sleeping, poisoning in the middle of the night?
The exiled priest also left my guest room and went back to him.I immediately hid the scroll in my sleeve.

Sure enough, as I guessed, the man came in while I was pretending to be sleeping.His steps were light, but I still heard him.

"Takine!" I quickly got up and threw out the scroll.The scroll restricted the man's escape route as I thought.

The man had to scramble out the door, and I was about to be escaped by him, but I couldn't run at all.Damn, I don't have any energy at this time! !
Just as the man left my house, he ran into a icy sword light.The man suddenly had his head in a different place, and a large amount of black blood poured out of his body.

"Brother, don't you say he's a good guy? Why are you still killing him?" I didn't mean to kill him, I just wanted to ask him who was going to frame me.

"Who said he was the good guy following you? I think you're chasing very vigorously, so please do me a favor." The exiled Daoist ditched the blood on the sword and put it away.

I lit a candle from behind the door to take a closer look. Although it was disgusting, I just wanted to know who it was, "Why is this person's blood black?" I carefully took off the person's mask, "he is!"

He is the servant who brings me tea every day at my second uncle's house!

"Do you know him? Black blood is the characteristic of the demons in Xinjiang." Daoist exiled looked around calmly, "It seems that he is the only one here, Yun Qishen, you step aside, and I will pass him back to Xinjiang. ."

The exiled priest stretched out his hand and chanted the incantation, and the surroundings of the corpse began to glow.

His hand clenched into a fist, and the corpse disappeared along with the blood.

"Brother, you are awesome!"


Our movement for a while seems to have woken the boss.

"What happened to the guest officers?" The boss looked at the two of us from downstairs.

"It's okay, it's just that my little brother is afraid of the dark! I don't dare to go to the thatched hut alone!" Daoist Immortal exiled blurted out.

? ? ?I'm afraid of the dark?Go to the hut?

Alas, I'm getting tired of talking to this person.

(End of this chapter)

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