Returning from the abyss

Chapter 10 Blackout Night

Chapter 10 Blackout Night

Although some food had been prepared in the kitchen before, the things the two brought back were still very emergency, and the atmosphere became better.After Lu Ning asked the doctor to confirm that there was no problem with the antipyretic, she was ready to take the medicine. Ling Yan and Pang Lingling took her to the kitchen to get some hot water, and brought her dinner back by the way.

Nowadays, few people are interested in cooking. Although the kitchen is next door, this can be regarded as acting alone. Many people still hold the candles on the couple's side and don't let go. After all, no one knows how far the warning distance is, even if Even those who are a little farther away look frightened, and some people even eat and drink less in order to avoid going to the bathroom.

So tonight's dinner is a thick soup stewed with various ingredients in a pot. Lu Ning was sick, and now she couldn't eat meat at all, so she took a chocolate bar and ate it slowly. The rest of the people didn't. Too much interest, but I barely drank some for physical strength.

The room leak happened to be raining all night, maybe it was their current situation. Just in the middle of the dinner, the whole room suddenly went dark, except for a little candlelight on the table, there was no light.Immediately there were screams, shouts, and cursing, and some even overturned chairs.

"Calm down! Get closer to the candlelight!" Yu Zhisong shouted, which made the chaos a little weaker.At this time, the nouveau riche's distraught voice sounded: "That electrician! Didn't you go to check it? How could such a problem happen?"

"I checked, but it can't be repaired, didn't I say? I'm sorry." Zhang Fuyuan lighted a cigarette leisurely, "Also, I'm not an electrician. Although I don't mean to be rude to the electrician brothers, I still want to emphasize it. .”

"Can't it be fixed?"

"The master said it was due to the aging of the parts. There are no replacement parts, so it can't be repaired." A relatively calm young man under Zhang Fuyuan said, "In addition, we didn't have enough fuel. We have parked two of them as spares."

"Backup? Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and activate those two!" the upstart said impatiently.

"Who's going? Are you going?" Zhang Fuyuan was delighted, and puffed out a puff of smoke from a distance, "This is a black light, and there is a ghost in the house that didn't kill anyone. I don't dare to go. At worst, I sleep here all night. It will be dawn tomorrow." Go to a few more people to see. If you are not afraid, go and start it."

"I..." The nouveau riche cursed in a low voice, but he was not stupid, and he didn't dare to anger Zhang Fuyuan in this situation, so he could only cast his temper around him, "Get out of the way! I want to get away from the candle." near-point!"

"Lu Ning, is it okay to be here? If you are really uncomfortable, let's go back to the room and sleep." Yin Lian is still very concerned about Lu Ning's body.

"It's's just one night. The weather is fine now, so it's nothing." Lu Ning smiled at Yin Lian, hugged her knees with her hands and curled up on the chair.Not long after, she suddenly felt warm, and it was Yin Lian who covered her with the suit she was wearing.

"If you have a fever, you should keep warm and don't catch a cold again."


"You're welcome, go to bed."

Compared with the little warmth here, there was a quarrel on the other side.

The fire of the candle is already the only light source, and it must not be extinguished, but the lovers are clinging to each other and refuse to let go. They have to discuss a shift order to watch the candles this night. Everyone has an idea about how to allocate them , no one can convince each other.

"One shift every hour, so who will see first and who will come later?"

"You have to watch the first half of the night and the second half of the night? What if you fall asleep after watching for so long? I'm tired."

In the end, it was Hong Zehao who forcibly arranged people's time by force. Since the second half of the night was more difficult to guard, the order of distribution this time was finally: police officer Xiao Liu was in the first class, couples were in the same class, followed by Wei Boyong, the man with dyed hair, and the two. There are three band members, Yu Zhisong, Uncle Xing, Zhang Fuyuan, Ling Yan, tall boy, Hong Zehao.

The nouveau riche didn't let him get close to the candle at all, after all, he couldn't be trusted no matter what, and the rest tried to let them rest as much as possible.For some reason, Yin Lian was not considered among the people on duty at night, which made people feel a little strange.

At this moment, the wind started to blow again outside, Zhang Fuyuan snuffed out the cigarette, coughed, and said: "It's... the weather is going to change again."

It really has changed again.The weather in the mountains can also change rapidly.In the early morning, Ling Yan was woken up, Zhang Fuyuan raised his index finger and gave a soft "shh" to Ling Yan immediately after waking Ling Yan up, and then whispered to Ling Yan: "Don't panic, the upstart is dead. "

Ling Yan is not a person who would panic, she just nodded when she heard it, and looked outside, there was already a faint light, but there was also the sound of raindrops hitting the window.

"It's raining, it's been raining for a while, do you want to wake everyone up?" Zhang Fuyuan didn't show the panic of someone who died next to him, but talked about it like reading a newspaper in the morning.

"You found it?"

"It was still dark when I took over. Before dawn, it would be good if the thin candle could illuminate the surrounding area for one meter. That kid died in his seat, here."

Ling Yan looked up. Indeed, because of being squeezed out, the nouveau riche, even if he sat as close to the candle as possible, was still three meters away from the candle. It was indeed dark at night.Now he was lying on his back on the chair, with a huge cut on his neck, which was exactly the same as Yang Na's death before, but because there was no one around, he just fell on the table and chair.

"He was confident that he would not die, but now..." Ling Yan sighed, "Then, let's wake everyone up."

Soon, everyone was woken up. Originally, the two woke up everyone one by one, but Pang Lingling woke up just opposite the nouveau riche, and woke everyone up with a scream.

"What happened...?" Lu Ning felt that her head was heavy, and she opened her eyes in a daze. Yin Lian's hand was already on her forehead.

"You're getting worse."

"Sister Yin Lian, I... don't feel well. What happened?"

"Someone died. He was killed last night. It has nothing to do with us now. I'll take you upstairs to rest."

"No...wait, who?" Lu Ning slowly sat up and saw the corpse of the nouveau riche.

Although her mind was dizzy, she still remembered the scene: "This is... the ghost who killed... the one who cut his throat."

"Yes, don't think about it, I'll take you upstairs—Ling Yan, can you do me a favor? Bring some hot water, and I'll help her change." Yin Lian turned her head to ask for help.

"it is good."

"Hey! Do you have anything to say?" Wei Boyong couldn't understand what the woman wanted to say.

"Didn't it be verified yesterday that ghosts can kill people in the crowd? What's there to say, he's just unlucky. Rather than worrying about this, it's better to wait for this morning's text message." Yin Lian replied coldly, and took Lu Ning to the room. upstairs.

"Why is sister Lian so nice to me?" Lu Ning asked with some doubts while changing the suit to Yin Lian.

"Probably because you are lucky. Didn't you say that you have always met people who care about you?"

"Stop joking, Sister Lian, I still know that the relationship between people is cultivated slowly."

" really want to know. Generally speaking, you are the kind of person I envy." Yin Lian opened the door with a slight smile, walked into the room and took out the large wardrobe prepared in the closet. Pajamas, "If you turn your childhood upside down, it's probably a portrayal of my childhood."


Lu Ning slowly took off the blood-stained clothes and listened to Yin Lian talk about her past.

"I said before that I started a company with my classmates. In fact, I became financially independent very early. As for my parents, my father came from a patriarchal family. He was very dissatisfied with my birth, so he didn't give my mother any good looks. My mother came out to mix in the society at an early age, and her temper was also explosive. Since I can remember, the two have quarreled quite a lot. Then when I... was six or seven years old, my mother suddenly took the family passbook I left in the middle of the night, and my father was stupid at the time."

Yin Lian seemed to want to make it a joke, but Lu Ning couldn't laugh no matter what.

"My father went to the police station to report the crime, but he couldn't find anyone. He could only report him as missing. Later, when I grew up, my father told me that he would pay me to junior high school. After the compulsory education was over, he would never pay me. Going to school. I don’t want to care about him at all, I went to a high school far away from my home, got a part-time job, got a scholarship, in short, it’s similar to the inspirational stories you’ve read, and then it’s just the stumbling blocks in society, and it’s not going wrong.”

"Sorry... Sister Lian..."

"I don't need to apologize, lie down." Yin Lian pressed Lu Ning on the bed and covered her with a quilt, staring into her eyes and said, "I know that no matter what others do, I will love myself, so I am not Misfortune. And you—since you have been accompanied by happiness from birth, I don't want to see this happiness die."

" really have no principles, sister Lian..." Lu Ning smiled.

"Sleep, I still need your knowledge to help."

At this time, there were footsteps at the door, and Ling Yan walked in with a kettle in hand, and said, "It took a while to boil the water, how is Lu Ning doing?"

"I put her to sleep, just in case I'm here to watch her, thank you."

"It's okay, do you need help?"

"Is it okay for you to leave?"

Ling Yan raised her eyebrows: "It doesn't make sense for so many people to rely on me to protect them. It's okay to be panicked just after something happened yesterday. After a night, you still can't adjust?"

"Is the thing still in your hand?" Yin Lian asked suddenly.

Ling Yan nodded.

Lu Ning asked a little strangely: "What are you talking about...?"

"Although what we found yesterday can't be used to fight ghosts, it has other uses...Ling Yan, you can show it to Lu Ning."

After hearing Yin Lian's words, Ling Yan took out a palm-sized glass bottle from his pocket, which looked like a drift bottle, and there was a piece of white paper inside.

"This... seems to be..."

"The message in a bottle, this thing can read the last thoughts of the deceased. We tried it with the body of the first victim. Although it is very restrictive, it does have this function." Yin Lian explained.

"Tried it?"

Speaking of finding so many collectibles, except that the hand of decay was really fulfilled yesterday, they really didn't really verify the real effects of other collectibles. This is also a hidden anxiety in Lu Ning's heart. Now It was finally confirmed.

"Put it next to the corpse for 10 minutes, and the last thought of the deceased will appear on the note in the bottle, but... After all, it was because he was killed by a ghost, and the information we got was all about saving lives and not wanting to die. Purpose." Ling Yan was a little regretful, "You can also see that the note is not big, so it can't show much content."

"When you get better, let's go and read the other dead. Five people, you should leave some useful information, right?"

Yin Lian touched Lu Ning's forehead slightly, comforted her a few words, then stood up, picked up the hot water bottle to soak Lu Ning's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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