Returning from the abyss

Chapter 1178 Demihuman Camp

Lu Ning's task was not very demanding. After all, after the equipment was updated, these scouts could basically come and go freely in those small camps.In terms of intelligence, "Chen Geng" had already accumulated a lot, so it would not be a embarrassment for them to ask them to add more.

As for whether they are convinced or not, let’s talk about it when we come back.These people are at least trained soldiers and should have the basic qualities of obeying military orders.

Lu Ning turned around and left. The area she assigned herself was small, but it was also the most difficult - the demi-human camp.

As the only force that can truly compete with Chen Geng, Yaren's abilities cannot be underestimated.On their round table, demi-humans who can assume the position of heroes must have strong combat effectiveness. Lu Ning has already obtained this part of the information.

"Great Mage" Vizang, "Chejia Gongzao" Knox, "Fortress" Hyperion, "Lucky Eye" Moss, "Gong Shadow" Garuda, and "Holy Hammer" Lishila.

Each of the heroes who can sit on the round table has a name and shows his most glorious deeds. This is considered a demi-human tradition.They advocate strength, whether it is reaching the top with personal force or leading the tribe to break through the times, it is one of the strengths of their belief.

Of course, these six people will not stay in the camp forever, which is not consistent with their leadership status.Generally speaking, they would take turns to go out, open up the wasteland outside, bring back some more valuable materials, and even hunt some monsters left behind by gods and demons.Judging from the data alone, the strength of the demihumans is actually about the same as that of Chen Geng.

However, Jun Ying's arrival has skewed this strength ratio.

Lu Ning followed the shadows of the ruined streets and approached the demi-human camp. She gently shook the gun in her hand. After a fine rustling sound, powdery mist began to spread outward from her body.


Lu Ning communicated with the weapon in her hand and caused the colonies to start growing around her. They could penetrate into every crack and become her eyes and limbs; they could also divide and multiply immediately and turn into deadly weapons.Lu Ning wrote a spell in the air, and the breeze rose from the ground, accompanied by dust and bacterial colony powder, floating melodiously into the distance.

Maybe demi-human heroes have the ability to resist these flora, but it is impossible for ordinary people to deal with such dangerous weapons.After the creation of Judgment Island escapes from its prison, the function it can perform is no less than a natural disaster.

Wait where you are for an hour.

This is how long it took Lu Ning to spread the colonies in this area. When she was able to "see" everything in the demi-human camp with the information returned by the colonies, she took the plague back to her waist, and then He snapped his fingers lightly.

She burst open and turned into countless fungus fragments, flying and blooming around.At the same time, a small humanoid shape grew out of a colony in the demihuman camp.

It's a pity that she can't use the immortality of the plague, it's just a transfer technique, otherwise she could even grow a bunch of herself to quickly explore the camp.

Lu Ning identified her location, which was outside a warehouse in the demi-human camp.There are some demi-humans patrolling here, but the number is obviously smaller than the patrols outside.

She could sense that the number of demihumans in the demihuman camp was not very large, about 300, but it was daytime, and there should still be some demihumans out hunting, collecting supplies, and the like.In contrast, Chen Geng has people of all races. The current number is more than 500, and he is already in a suppressed position in terms of numbers.

So besides the heroes themselves, what else do the demihumans rely on?

Lu Ning relied on colony sensing to quickly learn the specific locations of the heroes still in the camp. "Lucky Eye" and "Holy Hammer" are people who are not in the camp now. "Arch Mage" and "Chejia Works" are both in their research rooms. "Gong Shadow" is training a team of demi-humans. "Fortress" ” is dealing with defense.

Without the heroes being able to detect her infiltration, Lu Ning easily got into the demi-human's arsenal.

Even if she didn't learn the structure of weapons from Jun Ying and Yu Wenbin, she could still see the conditions of many weapons here.The style of demihumans determines their respect for individual strength. The best weapons are naturally by the hero's side. Fortunately, she does not need to know what the best weapons are.

In a large-scale military battle, if the high-level forces of both sides can check and balance, then the strength of the soldiers can still determine the direction of the war.

The demi-humans were already at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Lu Ning thought about how she could make a comeback in this situation, while searching for the demi-humans' weapon reserves along this line of thinking.

The answer is simple. In a situation where the number of people is only a little more than two villages fighting each other, a base station capable of launching weapons of mass destruction is a deterrent that cannot be ignored.Naturally, the finished product of this kind of weapon cannot be placed in the warehouse, but the raw materials and semi-finished products can.

Among the teaching materials that Jun Ying had given them before, Lu Ning had seen weapons such as the "Great Purifier" that Angels regularly used.Although it sounds like a medicine, it is actually a magic cannon that causes pure destruction in a wide area. Its function is to purify all uncleanness, and the definition of "unclean" for angels is everything except angels and gods. .

Wearing angel equipment is useless. Jun Ying mentioned that the reason why angel equipment needs to be cracked and counterfeited is because its core race certification process only recognizes angels and cannot be modified. Without this race certification, although many parts can play a role, But he can't really command like an angel.

I don’t know where the demi-humans got these weapons. At least theoretically, they should be in places like the floating city... huh?

Lu Ning thought of this and suddenly understood.

It’s the floating city!
In Shenghui City, it is not Chen Geng who explores the areas outside the city the most, but the demi-humans. After all, Chen Geng has achieved self-sufficiency and can expand his strength through internal production, but the demi-humans do not yet have this ability.Chen Geng's original plan was to unify the forces of Shenghui City before marching outside the city. At this time, he was just investigating.

The demi-humans were led out by the heroes in turn.

It has been known before that seven satellite cities including Ring City launched their attached floating cities to join the war after the war began. So where is the war?The war broke out from Shenghui City!

Lu Ning had always believed that the floating cities were destroyed one by one in many years of war. This was probably the case. However, in the first wave of official battles between gods and demons, it was probably possible for a floating city to crash. occurring.

Have the demi-humans found the crash site of the floating city?

After this inference, Lu Ning became more cautious.She still didn't know enough about the angel. The floating city must have fallen outside the Holy City. If it hadn't been discovered for so long, there might be other problems.

The strength of the Naya people cannot be calculated based on the hundreds of people now. If they can really use the firepower on the floating city, the war weapons are not something that mortal bodies can resist.

After considering this problem, Lu Ning walked around the rest of the places where there were no heroes.Some subtle evidence further proved her suspicion.

The large purifier shells in the warehouse are not in the process of production, but are being dismantled and analyzed.She even saw some problems encountered in cracking clearly recorded on the shorthand boards in some research rooms.In addition, she even dug through the garbage dump and found purified residues in a pile of hazardous chemical fertilizers. The concentration of divine pollution on it was not much different from the environment outside the city.

Finally, Lu Ning took the risk to visit Knox's laboratory.

There was the tightest magic defense network outside the hero-level laboratory, and her colonies could not easily penetrate. There were also special disinfection procedures for personnel entering and exiting. After Lu Ning finally found the exit where they took out the waste, he followed them to check. Only then did they become convinced that Knox was researching it, and the demihumans had obviously mastered some methods of controlling the "Great Purifier". Even if they themselves were not immune, they could accurately launch this thing into the enemy's crowd.

"Dangerous weapons..."

Jun Ying said that weapons should always be developed by oneself, and only those who can fully understand its principles can truly apply it. If one invests in it with half-knowledge, the victory will only be temporary, and the aftermath may affect future generations.

The demi-humans are probably in this period.

Lu Ning did not try any other method to invade. After she dissipated, she gathered again outside the demi-human camp.

If you want to scout outside the city now, the divine contamination there is a problem.Her colony cannot spread widely in that kind of land. After all, she needs to expend extra energy to keep it from being contaminated. The most important question is, how can she determine the whereabouts of demi-humans who leave the camp?
Using tracing magic requires a primer. Where should she look for it?
After a brief thought, Lu Ning suddenly raised his head and let his eyes scan the entire demi-human camp through the colony again.Soon, she got the result she wanted - the red-haired cat's whisker demi-human was no longer in the camp.After these days, she probably became one of the people who was rotated out.

It is much easier to obtain something from a captain-level person.Lu Ning remembered that her name was Lan Wu. After checking the roster information in the camp, she let a cluster of bacteria find the place where Lan Wu lived and stole the hair from the other party's comb.

After having the introduction, Lu Ning began to write the incantation and activated the missing person magic.Then he ran all the way out of the city.

When the sky turned to noon, Lu Ning had already entered a swamp southwest of Shenghui City.This place was not originally such an environment. The pollution of divinity and demons had deteriorated the magic state of this place to a certain extent, and the accuracy of Lu Ning's tracing magic had also been greatly reduced.

But when she came here, she didn't need to look for anyone, she just pulled out the plague and shot bullets around.This time, she only needed a one-time detection, so she didn't have to worry about the loss of the flora.With such a quick exploration method, she quickly found traces of someone passing through.

At the same time, she was also discovered.

The reputation of "lucky eye" is not for nothing. Moss, the demi-human hero, noticed this unknown intruder almost as soon as Lu Ning approached the swamp area. What's more, Lu Ning also unabashedly asked the surrounding people Shoot and shoot.

"Lishila, someone is approaching." Moss said to the companion next to her.

"do you know it?"

"I don't know him. It's an unfamiliar face. He may be someone who has recently entered the city."

"Not many people have entered the city recently, and there are no demi-humans. They will appear here, and they are not expelled. The situation here is too bad." Lixila narrowed his eyes, "Catch him and take a look."

"Would that alert the other party? We need to operate covertly." Moss waved her hand, "How about deleting her memory?"

"Don't think about too gentle methods. What kind of mediocre person do you think can reach here alone?" Lixila shook his head and stood up. The light began to gather behind him. "Why don't we be more cautious?" Maybe I can’t deal with her.”

"Then don't kill him." Moss sighed, "It's not the time for war to break out yet."

"What kind of war is this?"

After Lishila finished speaking, three pairs of light wings formed behind him, and his figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only a little residual light still floating in place.

Even among demi-humans, Resheela's origin is extraordinary. His race comes from a mixture of humans and angels.The racial characteristics of a demi-human allow him to completely inherit the advantages from both parents. The power blessed by the gods allows him to explode with strength that is no less than that of an ordinary angel at any time. It can be said that facing any race, as long as it is not equivalent to the demi-human He is enough to suppress this level of hero alone.

However, Lu Ning is someone who can match up with him.

The tourist's own combat literacy, the desolation that she can apply smoothly in her own hands, and Jun Ying's teaching during this period, Lu Ning has a very clear understanding of her combat ability, so she is not worried about being discovered, but instead He saw the direction from which Lixila came and locked the opponent's position.

"not bad."

The incantation was automatically sketched in the pen, and then formed and expanded in the hand, following the shape of the pen and spreading into a huge magical weapon.When Lu Ning's sickle blade was taking shape, it was also the time for Lixila to surprise him.

The first muffled sound was accompanied by the explosion energy wave of magic annihilation, which instantly alarmed the demi-humans in the entire swamp area.The wings of light soaring into the sky show who is fighting here, so what kind of opponent is the person who is comparable to them?The demihumans quickly concluded that this was not a duel that they could intervene in.

In the center of the battle, Lu Ning held the sickle formed by the spell pen in his hand and looked at the sky with a smile.

"Is this the Holy Hammer? It's pretty powerful."

The long-handled Judgment Hammer condensed with holy light was held behind Lixila's back, and his stern face revealed a look that was indeed true.An angelic halo formed above the head, and an eye appeared above the halo.

"I recognize you. Not long ago, you came to our camp." Lixila said, "At that time, you were just dressed as an ordinary researcher."

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