Chapter 1180
Soldiers are not bloody.

Except for two people, Pi Zang and Knox, who organized a decent counterattack, "Fortress" and "Gong Shadow" were directly subdued by the targeted teams.Nothing unexpected happened during the attack on the two laboratories. When the sky turned from dawn to morning, and the light of the double sun warmed the earth, these two places had already been captured.

Lu Ning no longer needs to contribute in this process.She and the scout team were ushered in as the dust settled, and no doubt received a warm welcome from the military.The scout's actions made what should have been a difficult operation very easy, an easy victory, who doesn't like that?

Helenzo and others have already gone to meet the heroes. Lu Ning believes in the abilities of Helenzo and Jun Ying. No matter how stubborn the heroes are, these two people can persuade each other. It is just a matter of time.What's more, the demi-human's strong-willing tradition is actually an obvious weakness.

What is more important is the issue of the floating city. If it is not captured for a day, Lu Ning himself will feel uneasy.

It's strange, even though she has only stayed in this organization for less than a month, she already feels a sense of belonging inexplicably.Looking at the celebrating soldiers around him, this feeling became even stronger.

Fortunately, this attraction was not that great. Lu Ning asked for a separate room on the pretext of sorting out information. After calming down for a while, she felt the attraction of the fifth level.

Just thinking about developing a force from such a weak stage, and then turning it into a country, conquering the world, and finally establishing a prosperous age - under Jun Ying's step-by-step description, all this seems to be slowly happening. Realization, even if it is just the first step.

Even someone as cold as herself could feel her blood boiling.

Now, with just one small victory, people could praise her like a hero and treat her as one of their own.War, comrades-in-arms, Lu Ning can believe that after a few more lives and deaths, the relationship between them will be closer than family members.

She can also be included here.

"Lu Ning, I heard from the soldiers that you are here."

There was a knock on the door and Ling Xiaochen was talking outside the door. After Lu Ning let out a long breath, she stood up and said, "Come in."

Ling Xiaochen pushed open the door and walked in. The armor on his body still had some traces of battle.

"Pizang doesn't look easy to deal with," Lu Ning said.

"The Archmage's magic is indeed very powerful, but it's a pity that I am better." Ling Xiaochen gave a thumbs up, "It's also thanks to you! We can rush directly into his laboratory in full strength without any obstruction outside. Consume strength.”

"You are very capable in attacking tough problems. I didn't have much impact on the laboratory. But don't mention it. You definitely didn't come here for this."

"Haha! Then I'm not polite. Lu Ning, I have a question. You should be smarter than me, so I'm here to ask you."

"You can actually ask Jun Ying or Yu Wenbin..."

"No, no, no." Ling Xiaochen waved his hand, "As for me, I know they are very good teachers, and they will definitely give me a perfect answer, but this time I really want to hear the imperfect ones, that is, those of us. People’s opinions.”

"What do you say."

"I feel that kind of motivation now. How should I put it? Even if it is foreseeable that it will take a long time to complete our mission, I still have enough motivation to do it. To be honest, I have never experienced Level [-] before. Pass."

Lu Ning understood this feeling.

Ling Xiaochen scratched his head and said: "But, I rationally calculated how long it will take. People need to recuperate, pollution needs to be cleared, social order needs to be redefined, and war will always start again until the entire continent obeys Under a political power. This process can take a few years or a generation."

"Then what are you worried about? If it only takes a long time, I think we are already prepared."

"Lu Ning, you know that power, fame, and money have no meaning to us. Maybe my thoughts are a bit unrealistic, but if I, or you, want to leave something behind for this world that is about to change, If so...what do you think should be left behind?"

Lu Ning looked at the excited guy in front of her and felt a little confused for a moment.

She never thought about leaving anything to any world. Even if some worlds would leave some backup, it was just to adapt to the situation at the time, and there was no need for her to do anything at all.

"Sorry, I didn't think about that."

"Really? I think we can think about it." Ling Xiaochen said, "Look, we will definitely experience different worlds in the future, and we will also do some big things in those worlds. Maybe they won't be as epic as this world. But the fifth-level scenes may all be like this, giving us a huge stage to show ourselves.”

"You said fame is unnecessary."

"This is not for fame!" Ling Xiaochen waved his hand, "It's just so that when I tell my friends about my experience in the future, I can proudly tell them how I changed the world!"

After Lu Ning heard these words, the passionate feeling just now suddenly calmed down.

Perhaps in Ling Xiaochen's past experience, he had never experienced the rise and fall of civilizations or the rise and fall of the world.But Lu Ning had experienced it, and it was by recalling her state of mind at that time that she regained her composure.

"I really never thought that you are so eager to ask questions now... That is indeed a question worth thinking about." She said.

"Really? For example, I want to design a set of military formations and magic matching methods. I am already very good at control spells. I plan to turn some of them into daily training content for soldiers. In this case, Soldiers in the future will refer to this set of training methods. By the way, there is also..."

Ling Xiaochen looked very excited, and Lu Ning also acted as a good listener.She doesn't need to say anything, because Ling Xiaochen is full of enthusiasm and ideas now, which is good.

"This is good."

Jun Ying held a test tube, and through the somewhat translucent material, she could see the solvent divided into two layers.

This is the "Great Purifier".Since it will purify everything except the characteristics of angels and gods when it is truly effective, demihumans cannot use ordinary containers to store the finished product when they study it.However, the demi-humans have obviously found the previous step and separated the two key solvents. Only when the mechanism is triggered and the middle layer is broken, can the "Great Purifier" truly take effect.

"But your technology research and development is stuck at the last step, which is safety." Jun Ying said, "You still have no way to resist the purification ability of the large purifier, which makes you cautious when researching this weapon."

"Yeah." Knox, whose movements were restricted, sat on the chair with an unhappy face. "If this thing works, even if it's only my laboratory, do you think you can come in so quickly?"

Jun Ying smiled, and a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared between his fingers, piercing the barrier in the test tube. The two solvents immediately mixed together and turned into pure white color in an instant.Upon seeing this, Knox immediately twisted his body and was about to stand up to stop him, but was held down by the soldiers next to him.

A test tube made of ordinary materials cannot block the purification effect. It disappeared instantly in Jun Ying's hand, leaving not even a speck of dust in the white light. However, the remaining white light was held in the palm of Jun Ying's hand.

"...You are quite powerful." Knox calmed down, "Are you the one who came to the city a few days ago? There was no such powerful person under Helenzo before."

"Being able to say such a thing means that you have seen it before." Jun Ying said, "Let me guess, the great mage also controlled the great purifier through a similar method?"

"Have someone bring Vizang here too." Helenzo ordered, and soon several people went out and brought the great mage into the laboratory.

If Knox can still see some temperament in his prime, Pizang is already completely senile.As the oldest demi-human here, except for his bright eyes, this old man even walks a little unsteadily. For such a person, Helenzo also retains enough respect, except for a forbidden demon, he does not give him anything. Plus some other messy restrictions.

When the Archmage saw the ball of light held in Jun Ying's hand, his expression became even more excited.

"You did it too? Look, Knox, I just said there is nothing wrong with my laboratory!"

"Yes, Mr. Vizan." Knox smiled bitterly, "But you should also remember the biggest problem we discovered at that time."

Wei Zang nodded and asked Herenzo: "Herenzo, we are already your prisoners, do you allow me to have some communication with this lady in magic? I am not pursuing more, just For angels..."

"That's why I asked you to come here," said Helenzo. "Please, except that everything must be under my watchful eye, you can discuss the rest as you like."

"Very well, then, ma'am, my name is Pizang."

"Jun Ying." Jun Ying nodded to him, "I already know what the problem you are encountering is. The unstable state of the great purifier, or the purification state, requires continuous adaptation of the magic field to make it Keep it floating, because air is a rare exception in its purification list. The problem you encounter is that you can achieve such exquisite control, but you cannot copy it on a general-purpose machine."

"That's right." Pi Zang nodded and said, "I have exchanged many plans with Knox, but none of the angels have considered this problem. It is really impossible for us to overcome this technical difficulty now."

"I understand." Jun Ying smiled.

A significant difference in the wizarding world lies here.

Even if the demi-humans already have a production method for making the great purifier, they cannot imitate a set of "great purifier" based on the demi-humans, because it is difficult to infer that the "demi-human race" is in the great purifier. Which elements can be replaced in the preparation process of .

"I have a question." Jun Ying looked at Knox, "After you have spent so much energy on this, it has proven that it is difficult for you to make more breakthroughs in this area, so why don't you give up? Just Is it because of the yearning for powerful power in your own race?"

"No one is immune to the weapons of the Angels," Knox said.

Pi Zang sighed.

"When we discovered that we could not restore the Angel's technology based on the data we had, it was already too late. We had invested too much in this area, and the Round Table of Heroes could not unanimously give up."

"This caused you to lose the opportunity in your hesitation." Helenzo said, "Both of you, I respect your status as heroes, but I must say that when the demihuman system faces major decision-making issues, It’s a little too insensitive.”

"Herenzo, although in fact we failed, it is not a good form of management for you to make the decision yourself. Can you guarantee that you will never make a mistake?" Pi Zang looked at the leader. , "If you make a mistake, your team may be destroyed because of it."

"There is no perfection, only appropriateness. I can say to you that I will listen to everyone's voice and choose the better suggestions, but this is just an empty guarantee. Maybe your method will be better than mine in the future, but today Under the environment, we are undoubtedly more efficient.”

"There is no value in arguing about this kind of thing now." Jun Ying gently squeezed the ball of light in his hand and shattered it.Pi Zang's brows twitched. He had never seen the waste of a large purifier handled in this way.

"The Great Purifier is something that requires too much investment but does not bring corresponding gains. We have more ways to develop our own powerful weapons. And this means that in the floating city outside the city, we It's inevitable. Mr. Knox, Mr. Vizon, whatever you think about the future, just imagine what's ahead of you."

"We're not going to sell out our own people," Knox said.

"It's not a betrayal. I'm here today just to convince you of one thing - we don't want to have to worry about dealing with various remaining traps that may exist above after capturing the floating city." Jun Ying said.

"In less than two days, the floating city will be ours. Everyone, I don't intend to hurt you. After you recognize the reality, we have other topics to discuss." Helenzo also said.

After Lu Ning finally sent Ling Xiaochen away, she went to see the demi-human prisoners.She has stopped the spread of her disease, and with the physical fitness of these demi-humans, she will recover quickly.

The problem is that there were inevitably some casualties in this battle. Lu Ning could clearly see that some demi-humans had significantly higher hatred than others.It seemed that their relatives and friends were among the dead.

If you want to resolve this problem, you have to consider it. Lu Ning relied on his observation skills to record the numbers of those demi-humans with more obvious expressions, and went back to give it to his subordinates, asking them to check these people. background situation.

She had already anticipated that she would have to set off tomorrow to explore the route to attack the floating city.

(End of this chapter)

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