Returning from the abyss

Chapter 1231 Wishing Machine

The wishing machine should be right here.

Lu Ning doesn't really believe in something as simple as a wishing machine. Without knowing what's behind it, the result of a wish can't be determined at all. Once any point in the process is distorted, the result will be destruction. sexual.

The Golden Dawn has many such negative examples. Of course, there are also positive ones, but the prerequisite is that the person behind the wishing machine is really an advanced being who can fully understand an individual's thoughts and is willing to help this individual. This probability is quite slim.

"Let me see what's here..."

Lu Ning broke the lock on the door and walked in, then paused.

Door lock?

Judging from the diary records, people in Goldsmith Town were still using the wishing machine in the later period. In that chaotic situation, the only thing they remembered was to make a wish, so the wishing machine should be in a state that anyone can access. .

Who locked the door?

With a hint of caution, she continued to take a few steps inside. There was a subtle buzzing in my ears, like a flying insect. This is an older stone building with carpets inside, and it looks like it has been at least basically cleaned. There was no light inside the house, and the setting sun brought the last ray of light from the window, dyeing the walls red. Lu Ning didn't see anything obviously strange. It looked like the inside of an ordinary house.

However, you can continue to walk inside.

Lu Ning summoned several light balls to float around him, illuminating all the dark corners. In such an environment, the slightly scary atmosphere was completely gone.

"This road should lead to the mayor's office?" Lu Ning studied several signs hanging inside and found the road. As long as you continue walking a little further inside and round a corner, you will find the mayor's office. It is impossible to build a building very large in such a small town, and a corner is the limit.

She walked along the corridor, and the sound in her ears began to get louder and louder.

"Machine?" She felt more and more that the sound was like the low hum of machines in the machine room that she heard in her memory a long time ago.

Turning the corner, Lu Ning saw a destroyed door, followed by a fishy smell wafting over from there. It was not very strong, and it was not that similar to corpse odor.

Lu Ning stepped into the mayor's office and immediately confirmed that the smell was coming from here.

There are some sticky and slippery things on the ground that look like fish skin. These things are twisted in a spiral shape in the middle of the office, wrapping a person inside. Only a head pokes out from the fish skin package. There were scales on his face, and his eyes were greatly elongated from the corners of his eyes toward his temples. The original eyeballs inside were gone, replaced by densely packed small eyes like the compound eyes of insects. At this moment, these dense eyeballs were precisely because someone came in at the door. And began to rotate continuously. His mouth was wide open and his tongue was gone. Some green algae and sticky saliva would occasionally drip from it, which was the source of the fishy smell.

This scene was not a big problem for Lu Ning, who was used to seeing all kinds of scary situations. She even got closer and observed the man's condition. Of course he was still alive, but he was no longer conscious and had no other reaction to external stimuli except for those eyeballs that were moving around.

And the buzzing sound was the loudest in the room. Lu Ning didn't see the machine he expected. The original furniture and other things in this room were more seriously damaged than outside Gold Flash Town. It was probably because they had been soaked in that kind of mucus for a long time. Most of them were stained with green covered in moss.

After searching around and not seeing anything, Lu Ning focused on the man's body wrapped in fish skin. Because it was wrapped in those skins, the body parts looked unusually bloated, but thinking about it from another aspect, what if this person was holding something in his arms?

She pulled out the dagger, but the man didn't react at all to this action.


When Lu Ning stabbed the dagger down, he felt that even the sharp blade was difficult to exert force on the "fish skin". The mucus on it would slide quickly. Regardless of stabbing or cutting, the force would be deflected by the mucus. Go to the other side.

"Is this your wish?" After trying it a few times, Lu Ning found that he couldn't cut through the skin normally, so he pinched a flame spell and threw it away.

Surprisingly, even the magic only flickered for a moment and was extinguished after it came into contact with the mucus on the surface of the fish skin.

"Magic exemption?"

Lu Ning tried several more methods, not only cutting and burning with knives, but also shooting with firearms, hitting with blunt objects, etc., all of which would be deflected or absorbed by the mucus. In the end, Lu Ning even tried raising and lowering the temperature, but the mucus didn't seem to work at all. There is no three-phase change with temperature changes, and it still has that fluidity.

In desperation, Lu Ning could only focus on that head.

Since the area wrapped in fish skin is invulnerable, the only weak point is obvious.

She smashed the man's head, but when the head exploded, no plasma came out. Instead, a lot of small eyeballs spurted out from the head with a lot of mucus, and scattered all over the floor. Those eyeballs continued to spin around, trying to look at Lu Ning. Lu Ning silently inserted the spell pen into the gap between his neck and the fish skin, slowly prying and tearing. The fish skin, which was difficult to damage under the mucus, finally came loose, and a stronger fishy smell began to emit. .

The flesh, flesh and bones were dissolved and then stuck together again. It could be vaguely seen that this man was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, but now all his skin has turned into a membrane, wrapping the mixture of flesh and blood inside. Just as Lu Ning guessed, a unique-shaped instrument was held in his arms and has now been integrated into his body.

Fortunately, his skin was much easier to deal with than the fish skin. It opened with just one scratch and no blood flowed out.

Lu Ning carefully separated the instrument from the flesh and blood mixture, picked it out, summoned water to wash it, and took it outside the door.

This is probably the so-called wishing machine.

Its overall shape is like a box, but the edges and corners are very smooth. The surface of the box is silver with some faint patterns on it, but the color and background are too similar so it's hard to distinguish. The box itself has a certain weight. Lu Ning roughly estimated it to be about ten kilograms. There is only one button on the outside of the box and no seams except around the button.

Like a technological creation.

Lu Ning did not test it immediately, but left the mayor's house holding it. I didn't encounter anyone to intercept me along the way. It seemed like there were no other protective measures. So, she took the box to the square and photographed the button. The patterns on the surface of the box flickered a few times, a ray of light rose, and a lot of words appeared in the air.


This thing is indeed a technological creation, but what is more interesting are the words.

There are many different languages ​​used here, among which Lu Ning can recognize three. The lingua franca of Haifa mainland is as follows: "Send enough sacrifices." However, the textual descriptions of the angel texts and ancient mantras that Lu Ning knew were as follows:

"Energy is insufficient and pure energy is needed to recharge."

"Please replenish more than twenty-eight units with non-attribute magic power."

Seeing the expressions in these three different words, Lu Ning felt that he could understand that the meanings of these words were the same, that they were all short of energy and needed to be replenished. However, this wishing machine is well versed in the truth of what to say when meeting someone. The adventurers who got this in the first place probably didn't understand the concept of replenishing energy, so they replaced it with a sacrifice that everyone understood at the time.

But the energy issue is easy to deal with.

Chen Geng solved the problem of backup energy for man-portable energy weapons very early. Three energy storage crystals and three high-energy batteries are standard equipment, and they are not large in size. Lu Ning took out a piece of crystal and placed it on top of the box, and immediately felt that the energy inside was quickly extracted by the box, and the flashing patterns slowly stabilized.

The second batch of text flashed, and this time, Lu Ning found that the box only retained the text of Haifa Mainland, but the content of the text was changed to - "Activation completed, access allowed."

Just from the text content she read first, the crystal she took out later, and probably some kind of scanning, this box determined the most suitable text content to communicate with Lu Ning, as well as the text content that was in line with Lu Ning's cognitive scope. Language mode.

Sure enough, if it is a creation of a top civilization, whether it is technology or magic, it is like a miracle to ancient people, and the "wishing machine" may not be its real purpose.

"Introduce yourself." Lu Ning spoke, testing the box's voice reception capabilities.

After a while, the text was updated.

"Un 1164, reporting to you. Please enter the search content or ask a question for the information database to establish an answer pattern."

"Is it an urn..." Lu Ning's pupils narrowed, "I understand, first open your startup log and arrange it in chronological order from the most recent to the previous."

"The order has been received and the arrangement has been completed."

In less than a second, a huge log was formed. Lu Ning stepped forward and as her fingers flipped up and down, the log also began to slide up and down.

Skipping the period after it was discovered by adventurers, going forward, this box has not been discovered by others. However, through its efficient information collection system and low-consumption energy cycle mode, there will be a self-starting one every once in a while. Energy collection - I'm afraid it was also found for this reason.

But before this long and single log, there is the real origin of this box.

"Article 9,613,722 At this point in time, and before this point in time, retrieve detailed records."

"The call is completed and the arrangement is completed."

It is still a high-speed processing. Lu Ning glanced at the record a few times, and then said: "In this part of the record, the search keywords are listed as I said - urn, doomsday, god, and trace of the god of scenery."

"The paragraph where the keyword information has been extracted can be jumped to read in all logs by touching the paragraph."

Within the light curtain, four pieces of information appeared.

All have.

Lu Ning nodded slightly. She knew that such high-level technological creations were probably inseparable from the original civilization.

Since it has super powerful database and information processing capabilities, it can naturally easily come up with solutions to some ordinary people's wishes. This is the truth about the wish-making machine.

Among the four records, the earliest one is naturally "The End".

According to the records in it, the end of the world has also befallen this civilization, but unlike other civilizations, this civilization has easily survived several doomsdays, even just treating them as natural disasters caused by some environmental changes. At that time, there was also a wave of environmental movement in society.

But the next few doomsday moments erupted, making them realize the problem.

There is a huge difference between the astronomical measurement data and reality. The spacecraft fell into the starless realm after flying out of a certain range of the galaxy.

There have been serious contradictions in the parameters of warp space research. Several laboratories have calculated completely different constants, causing attempts to use space technology to break through the starless domain blockade into a bottleneck.

At the same time, abnormalities also occurred in magic research. Several great magicians discovered that the magic energy dissipation phenomenon that should not have occurred in the original calculation occurred during the improvement of magic, and the critical value of magic energy aggregation dropped by thirteen orders of magnitude. The instability of environmental magic factors has increased, magic guidance has become more and more difficult, and the number of newborns born with the gift of magic perception has decreased significantly...

All of this made this civilization realize that it seemed to be "targeted" in some way.

Maybe the end was really coming, but they immediately formulated a plan to deal with it, and five plans were implemented at the same time. To put it simply, the five plans are to “find the mastermind behind our own civilization”, “find ways to escape from civilization other than three-dimensional space escape”, “find ways to stabilize the scientific research status amidst existing changes”, “research recovery approach to previous environmental states” and “preservation of the overall civilization and preparation for its resurgence.”

Code names - "Tianwen", "Scout", "Tree Diagram", "Gardener", "Urnus".

According to records, these five plans are all close to success.

They opened the door to the plane, stabilized the surrounding environment through space abandonment, restored a certain environmental state to the past, and even mastered certain rule adjustment techniques.

It was for this reason that they came into contact with the "gods" who were responsible for their civilization's hardships, and asked questions of the gods. It was after that question that all their plans for the preservation of their civilization were completed.

But every plan failed.

According to records, after preparing the "urn" of its own civilization, this civilization used all its strength to declare war on the gods and completely perished after that battle. After the "urn" recorded this last piece of information, it fell into a deep sleep according to the preset program.

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