Returning from the abyss

Chapter 242 - The End of the Intermission

Chapter 242 - The End of the Intermission
"History of the Abyss".

This is a book with such a hard title that I don't want to give you an extra word. Fortunately, it is an electronic file, otherwise Lu Ning wonders if she will be surprised by its thickness.

All the people in the distribution center are selected from the dead in a similar world. This is a deliberate choice, as Ye Tisi once said.After all, it is impossible that there are so many worlds without cosmic civilization and various other intelligent life forms, it is just that the distribution center has concentratedly selected the group of human beings.

It's just that even Ye Tisi couldn't tell how long the distribution center had.There are too many people here who are so busy moving forward that they don't even have time to stop and record the journey they have traveled.

The official library is full of information from various worlds, except for the distribution center itself.

But if someone mentions it, he will pay attention to it.

"Lu Ning, what are you looking at?"

Lu Ning looked up and saw Ning Yeyi in a neat black military uniform.She finally understood the meaning of Shu Xingruo and Fujii Xueyin... After each scene, a person's temperament will change a lot. Now she can even smell the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood on Ning Yeyi's body, and this smell is actually does not exist.

"A history book."

"History? That's a good thing. I've also dreamed of a period of history where my name will be imprinted." Ning Yeyi walked over, a little more capable and calm than before, "Where's Shu Xingruo? "

"Class, there is night combat training today, but you, how is this time?"

"Half success and half failure." Ning Yeyi spread his hands, "Eight thousand points, because a lot was deducted in the end."

"What happened?"

"Delayed by a few pig teammates who believed that their strategic decisions made no mistakes, the strategy of heavily tilting resources did not achieve the expected results. Fifteen submarine ruins blew up sealed portals and released 300 billion demon legions."


"From a simple reinforced seal scene to a catastrophe on the earth, fortunately there are only a few big demons that can't be blown up by an 800 million-ton nuclear bomb, but too many people died, and the ecosystem is completely ruined, because of this I was killed A lot of points deducted, but it's nice to finally see those crazy guys turn into space junk. Anyway, how are you doing?"

"Facing the city ruled by the ten evil virtues, I fought a few times with superpowers who can change the future, influence reality, interfere with cognition, and be immortal. In the end, I don't know what happened. After the transformation, it took some time to fight a final battle with a tourist whose body was occupied by a god, and survived."

The two looked at each other, then laughed at the same time.

"Why does it sound so frightening, hahaha!" Ning Yeyi sat down directly beside Lu Ning.

"It's all over." Lu Ning wiped away the tears from laughing, "It's nothing in retrospect."

"'s all over." Ning Yeyi's laughter slowly turned into a sigh.

Lu Ning opened the electronic file, and all the things in it are the accounts of those who experienced it, most of which are quite one-sided, and it is only through the continuous summarization of later generations that they have a more intuitive impression.

There have been two major wars that broke out in the distribution center throughout the five classes, and using these two wars as a boundary, this history divides the past into three eras, the era of ignorance, the era of darkness, and the new era.

There are almost no records in the history of the Age of Obscurity. At that time, there were only countless tourists in a hurry, and the size, status and other information were unknown.The only thing that can be understood is that at the end of the Age of Obscurity, several tourists at the fifth level began to connect with each other to establish an organization, and there was friction in the competition for human resources, which in turn detonated the first full-class war.The result of that war was that the few fifth-tier tourists at that time were all wiped out in mutual killings, and the few remaining fourth-tier tourists gathered the remaining talents and signed the treaty, which was the prelude to the dark era. .

Just like the feudal era that everyone knows, when those fourth-tier tourists rose to fifth-tier, they became like emperors, relying on some conveniences provided by the distribution center and began to extract points from lower-tier tourists.And because of the treaty, these tourists will even secretly collude with each other to trap qualified tourists into a "machine" that continuously generates a large number of points.This situation has reached a prison-like level at the end of the dark age. Every tourist who passes the first scene will be collected by the organization that is on duty that month, and then brainwashed and squeezed.Anyone who is enlightened will be secretly executed. The number of people in institutions similar to "East Factory" in the five classes alone exceeds [-]% of the total population.

The duration of the decay under the domination of absolute power is unpredictable. At that time, the survival rate of the low-level scenes dropped to 25%, that is, only one person survived in a normal scene with [-] people.Because there is no need to worry about people, countless worlds are dying every day, and the distribution center has never stopped recruiting new people.

Until—— Qiming.

Some high-level tourists who had escaped in the middle of the Dark Era and had not yet become iron buckets overcame countless difficulties, and each pulled up a team of no more than a hundred people, and as few as a dozen people.These people completed the first assassination against a ruler of the Dark Era, and used this to make the wooden barrel a short board.

There is no accident at all, the death of the top dominance gave the remaining organization a reasonable excuse to annex everything in this organization, and when this behemoth that has not been active for many years starts to move, it is always inevitable to drop some residue.

These "residues" that were separated from the organization became the Qiming generation, and it took nearly 20 years for six emerging large-scale organizations to take shape.The Golden Dawn of the Pan-Asian Civilization, Atlantis of the Sea Rim Civilization, the Tower of the Sun of the Ancient River Civilization, the Polar Glacier of the Snowy Civilization, the Monarch Continent of the Europa Civilization, and the Oasis of the Stone Surface Civilization.

The Rebel Legion, composed of six major organizations and countless small organizations and teams, waved down the blade to end the Dark Age. The second war was recorded in the book in great detail. The Rebels even used ten return scenes and nearly 16 To carry out a large-scale team confrontation that can be called a "war" through an advanced scene, ignoring the tasks issued by the distribution center, and taking killing all the diehards of the ruling group as the top priority.

After the war, half of Tier [-] was vacant, and countless elites still faced the elimination scenario where their points were zeroed even after they won.As a result, none of these elites survived.

It was just a line of text, but Lu Ning could vaguely see the tragic battle back then, and the pride and pride of countless people walking into the elimination scene with their heads held high.

[If you can go to the fifth-order distribution center, you can visit the Venus Temple. All the stone pillars in the temple are engraved with the names of all the heroes who died in the war that year.This is not the handiwork of the distribution center, so it will never fade. 】

A month later, Lu Ning walked into the information center.

There are not many people today. After a period of recuperation and a little experience of the benefits of the Rosary Cross, she decided to go to the scene to practice more and it was more suitable for her.

Fujii Xueyin has also returned safely. She also took a short rest this time, and then came to the information center earlier than Lu Ning to receive a new task.And two days ago, Shu Xingruo and Ning Yeyi also entered the next mission in a similar way.

Practical exercises are always better than talking on paper.

Lu Ning reached out and pressed the application button on the test field. Soon, a familiar envelope was spit out from the machine. She took out the envelope and glanced at the writing on it.

[Dear visitor:

Your test field application has been passed, now please follow the instructions and go to the next location to receive the content of this test field.

· Go to the No. 37 parking lot within three hours, receive the key of the BCH2D[-] RV with this letter, and enter the rear compartment of the RV and lie on the bed.

·Reminder: The ownership of this caravan will belong to you throughout the test field, and you can carry weapons below level [-] of mechanical civilization and store them in it, but no more than five types (ammunition is not limited).Getting out of the scene doesn't require an RV.

I wish you a pleasant journey! 】

Lu Ning's first reaction was to be alert.

It is allowed to carry weapons... Although the first level of mechanical civilization does not even include shoulder-mounted RPGs, pistols and rifles are not restricted, and grenades and incendiary bombs are also allowed.Finally, a caravan was given away.

Once the distribution center becomes generous, it doesn't care that you have this advantage at all.

But Lu Ning could only go to the store to buy some weapons and projectiles. She had no idea what she was going to face in the next scene.

"Pistols, shotguns, Molotov cocktails, flashbangs, gas bombs."

After Lu Ning gave the weapon to an attendant with a football head for inspection, the store staff moved all four boxes into the RV.

"Here are the keys, Miss Lu Ning." Football handed a bunch of keys to Lu Ning, and even gave him a key chain that was exactly the same as his head.

"Can I ask how much fuel is in the tank?" Lu Ning glanced at the RV.

"It's full, and there's still a spare bucket, put it in..." Football gestured to Lu Ning, "Here."

"Are you always so generous?" Lu Ning asked again, and began to try the key.

"I won't answer this." Football chuckled.

Lu Ning shrugged, opened the "house" at the back, and looked inside.

It’s not particularly tidy, it should be some special old-fashioned treatment. It is worth noting that although there is a TV here, it is the kind of clumsy old-style antenna TV. In this way, it seems that I have seen pull-out antennas outside the RV before. part.

Some everyday clothes are also in an old style, but they are still within Lu Ning's acceptance range, but there is no other information.

"Only when you get to the scene, the pre-determined things will be completed for you, you should be clear."

"Ah... I just investigate first habitually, anyway, don't waste time?"

Lu Ning drew the curtains, put down the bed on the side of the car, and lay on it with her body, which was quite comfortable.

"Then I wish you good luck, Miss Lu Ning." He slowly closed the door of the RV.

It was pitch black, and soon, Lu Ning saw the screen in front of her light up.

[The scene is about to enter, and you will fall into a dream. 】


The screen jumped and turned into a large text.

[Visitor Lu Ning:
This trip is "The Return of the Witch", please read your personal notes when you wake up from the dream to get relevant information.The journey time is [-] days, and you can choose to return to the distribution center only after you have reached the end of the event.

This reminder:

[-]. This task contains personal secrets, please keep personal secrets carefully, and you will be responsible for the consequences of revealing the secrets.

[-]. This task has the necessary performance requirements for tourists.Please act in a way that suits the character, and complete the role-playing with your own secrets.

[-]. This mission will have inconsistencies in goals due to personal secrets.

Fourth, please pay attention to communicating with the characters in the scene, they will hold some key information.When necessary, choosing to save the characters in the scene may help the mission.

[-]. Optional tasks are not required to be completed, and points will not be deducted for this.

I wish you a pleasant journey! 】

"It's another secret scene..."

Lu Ning murmured, she is somewhat familiar with this kind of scene, those secrets are no less than putting a shackle on the tourists, thus increasing the difficulty of the task.

She yawned.

"But it's not don't have to...always think about running for your life..."

Gradually, Lu Ning fell asleep.

She dreamed of the war that happened so many years ago. Those scenes were fragmented and broken, but they were still vivid in her memory.She watched those who chose to live after death resolutely go to another dead end, ending an era they thought was unfair.

But she also knew that she would not be that kind of person.

On a temple composed only of her imagination, countless dazzling souls seemed to rise. They gathered in the sky and turned into a golden full moon, casting a beam of moonlight, which was broken into speckled brilliance in the tide.

The moon sets, the sun rises, the clouds drift across the gray sky again, and the rumbling sound of the train going far away accompanied by the rustling rain also makes the dreamland fall into a deep.

The wine barrels in front of the fading tavern gave off the mellow smell of residual wine. Moving forward, there was a shop selling various dairy products, and a woman even hand-stirred cheese at the door.The blacksmith's forge on the opposite side was blazing, and the crisp knocking sound played another morning song, but he had been doing repairs to the damaged farm tools for a long time.

Bakery, cloth shop... and the only clinic in the town. The doctor opened the door of the clinic with great spirit. Of course he knew that the residents in the town were healthy. This might be another day of sitting, but he was very happy that he no guest.

At the end of the road is a three-story hotel.There are two little girls playing at the entrance of the hotel, and a bearded man with a simple and honest face is standing at the reception desk. His wife has just bought warm bread, and prepared a simple but simple meal for the family and the residents of the hotel. Attentive breakfast.

Close to the outer wall of the hotel, there is a caravan parked, which is a bit old, but it can be seen that it has been taken care of a little.In this small town with no parking lot, some vehicles have also come recently, of course, this is not a big problem.

Lu Ning woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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