Returning from the abyss

Chapter 327 Containment Team

Chapter 327 Containment Team

Following the route in memory, after a little detour, Lu Ning found the exit.

At this time, the time is already around [-]:[-], and a gradual change may occur at any time.Lu Ning glanced at the situation around the shed and found that it was safe, so she sat in the corner and waited for Gradient to arrive.

Once the mind calms down, the heat on the surface is not so unbearable.Lu Ning closed her eyes, the dry air between her nostrils was filled with steaming heat, and then slowly disappeared.It was not an instant switch, but a gradual replacement. The damp smell began to appear, like the fragrance of the grass after being washed and dusted, and the sound of dense rain came from the ear, followed by, and He hummed a few times.

She opened her eyes in an instant, pressed her finger on the handle of the knife, drew the knife out of its sheath, and cut off a monkey-like monster that was jumping up in the air.

The sharpness of this knife was completely satisfactory. The monkey-like monster was cut in half directly, and the stinky black blood fell down. Lu Ning slid sideways to avoid the front, and was not splashed much.

"I'm back."

This is the world of heavy rain. Sure enough, the gradient is just a random switch, not a periodic change.

Lu Ning leaned down and took out the small bag it was carrying from the rope tied to the monkey monster's shoulder. A few copper coins were jingling inside, but there was nothing good other than that.

Only when we come back here can we feel that the dense rainstorm is so kind.

Lu Ning wrapped her coat around her head and rushed into the rain.The experience I learned from Teng Zijian before, using the shelter between buildings to move, can always reduce the time for running in the rain.However, she was still completely overwhelmed. After running for a while, she looked up and found that she was near the library.

"Hey! People over there!"

Just at this time, someone shouted.

Lu Ning looked over, there was someone using a flashlight over there, the beam of light was very conspicuous in the rain, but other features could not be seen clearly.

"Hello there!"

"Tch, it's a human, I thought there was a monster coming."

The man muttered and waved: "Come here, this is the containment team."

"Contain what?"

"It's to help those of you who are alone. Could it be that you haven't been frightened by the monsters outside? Come quickly, there are people here, as long as you work, you will have a bite to eat." The man's tone was a little impatient, but he waited. When Lu Ning got closer, he immediately shut up.

The weapons and equipment on Lu Ning's body are not available to those who have been scattered by monsters. After living here for a while, you know that such people are definitely not easy to mess with.

"That, that..."

"Storage team? Who are the people who are able to contain others in such an environment? How many of you are doing this? What is the so-called 'job'?"

Lu Ning approached step by step. Although the man was a little panicked, he still waved his hands desperately: "I, I don't know either! My job is to pull people here!"

"You're lying." Lu Ning approached step by step, put her hand on the hilt of the knife, and exerted pressure indistinctly, "You are one of the old members of this team, you know very well what your team is doing, and you know the so-called What is the result of the containment. Your reason may be that you are greedy for life and fear of death, or you may be greedy for profit, but these are not the reasons for you to harm others."

"What did you say? I don't know, I—"

"I can smell the bloody smell on your body, it's very faint, but people familiar with it can detect it. Your eyes are not fearful but cautious. After discovering that my strength may exceed imagination, the first reaction is not to recruit but to panic. All these It shows that you have a certain amount of confidence, but you don't want an outsider to find out what you are doing."

He took a step back, his expression full of panic.

"You haven't killed anyone with your own hands, right? This may be your only saving grace, and it is precisely because of this that you didn't take up your weapon at me in the first place—this saved your life."

Lu Ning drew out her knife and slashed at the door of the library. A violent turbulent air surged from the knife, cutting the door into several pieces in an instant. As the pieces of wood fell to the ground, the movement also alarmed the people in the library.

Those mentioned above are just the flaws of this person, what Lu Ning really cares about is who is under the control of this place. "Containment" may be ambiguous, but it is true that some resources need to be spent to support people. In this environment, there are not many people who can afford this cost.


"Catch her!"

"Two, four, six, seven..." Lu Ning swept her eyes and counted the number of people squatting in the hall. They were obviously more fierce than the one outside the door, but they were just students, and they accumulated money by fighting monsters. Just a little skill.The gap between this level and Lu Ning who had been specially trained in the distribution center can be said to be a world of difference.

Moreover, this group of people seems to have no long-range weapons, which in a sense also shows their status.

"Let your leader come out...or I'll go see him."

Relying on the sharpness of the weapon, Lu Ning cut off the weapons in the hands of the two people who rushed over first, and the blade stopped in front of the third person. As long as the person stopped suddenly and slowed down a little, the blade would go out from the back of the head at this moment.

"...Our leader is not here, really!"

The person outside the door was obviously scared, and hastily explained: "We are responsible for recruiting people here and controlling them, and if there are picky ones, we will kill them as an example..."

"What about the contact information?" Lu Ning asked coldly.

The man at the door looked at a person inside.

"I am Wu Yuhan, can I have a name?" This man is obviously the leader, tall and tall, with a big knife in his hand, and his speaking is quite quack.

"Lu Ning, I'm not here to ask you guys any questions. I just want to know how you formed such a team and how it works."

"I can't say too much about this. After all, I also work under other people's hands. Our number of people is not small. You are not an opponent by yourself. It would be more suitable to join us. Your skills can at least be assigned to an executive class." duty."

"But your organization will be xenophobic, right? Only trustworthy people can hold higher-level positions, otherwise I'm afraid it won't last long."

"How should I put it?" Wu Yuhan scratched his head, "As long as you have a brain, it's fine."

The moment his words fell, a person suddenly fell above Lu Ning's head!

The entrance of the library is an arched gate, and the covered area is not large. Due to the wet and slippery rainy weather, it is hard to imagine that someone would jump down from that place to launch a surprise attack.

Just not including Lu Ning.

The man held an electric shock device in his hand, and he was probably trying to subdue him, but the moment he approached, a cloud of mist evaporated from Lu Ning's body, completely blocking his vision.Before the sudden moisture, he didn't dare to press the button of the electric shock device, only heard a loud sheathing sound from the mist.

"Negotiation failed."

The wind blade sliced ​​through the water vapor and pierced the falling person.Lu Ning swung the knife, and the blood splashed on the steps, making a soft noise, which could be distinguished even in the noisy rain.

The water vapor only lasted for a moment, and the desiccator Ning Yeyi gave her was just enough to dry the clothes. When the vision returned to clear, Wu Yuhan only saw the attacker he arranged curled up on the ground and twitched.

"Take her down!" Wu Yuhan roared angrily.

Lu Ning didn't draw back the knife this time. She turned her wrist with her left hand and pulled out the obsidian dagger to meet the people who were rushing up. After a few screams and the sound of the weapons clanging to the ground, those people were all clutching their wrists. Howled up.

Wu Yuhan's expression changed, he raised his sword and barely blocked Lu Ning's first attack, and took two steps back - he was slightly stronger than Lu Ning, but his fear of weapons made him feel timid.

"Wait! If you want to save someone..."

"Saving people is not the point, tell me your upward contact information."

While Lu Ning was talking, her hands were still pressing hard. Wu Yuhan couldn't dodge in time, and a piece of hair on his head was cut off. The feeling of the cold obsidian rubbing against his scalp made his hair stand on end.

"He'll be waiting for us at the Student Services Center!"

Wu Yuhan hurriedly said that he could no longer hold on.


Lu Ning slowed down a little: "Who is he?"

"He—he called himself an 'engineer'." Wu Yuhan stammered, "He said he needs manpower, we, we can get supplies as long as we bring enough people to him."

"Don't you know that supplies can be purchased from merchants?"

"So expensive who can afford it?"

"You don't even have a gun in your body, so this can be regarded as supplies? Forget it, what about the people you captured?"

Seeing that Lu Ning stopped attacking, Wu Yuhan quickly threw away the knife, turned around and began to lead the way.

In a reading room at the back of the library, there were about a dozen people with panicked faces.There were not many people in this room. Two people with axes were watching here, and they were taken aback when they found that Wu Yuhan had brought someone over.

"Open the door!" Wu Yuhan roared angrily, "And call those guys over!"

He still had some prestige among these people. The two hurriedly opened the door of the reading room, and then pushed the arrested people to the door with a bang and shouts.

Lu Ning glanced at this group of people casually. She saved them just by hand. Now that she confirmed that they were released, she planned to take them away, but when she glanced over, she found a slightly familiar face.

It was a short girl, wearing a school uniform, with messy hair, and carrying a schoolbag.There were still some tears on her face, as if she had just cried, but Lu Ning knew that this guy shouldn't be here no matter what.

Pyromaniac Luo Xiao.

Unlike Yu Fen, who has bipolar disorder, and Hu Yuan, who tends to be fanatic, Luo Xiao is a pure pleasure criminal.She likes to destroy everything, especially those that are said to be very strong. Although she is not strong in frontal combat, she is quite good at installing dangerous explosives and incendiaries.In the Rosicrucian information, Luo Xiao is the kind of person who "can't be called a threat in vision, but is very difficult to deal with in practice".

Only two thoughts flashed through Lu Ning's mind in time.

First, what is her purpose for appearing here?
Second, where did she put the explosives?
Immediately, the explosion happened.

The bodies of the two guards in the reading room exploded from the inside out, their flesh and bones turned into fragments, and the flames that exploded in their bodies formed a bloody wind.The person a little closer was injured by the explosion and bone fragments and screamed. When Lu Ning raised her hand to cover her face, she could still feel her arm being hurt by all kinds of debris.

But Wu Yuhan was even worse, a piece of spine that flew out directly pierced his eye socket, he opened his mouth wide, as if he still couldn't believe it, but he fell straight down.

"Everyone, don't move."

Luo Xiao casually threw away a trigger switch attached to the hem of her clothes, and showed a bright smile to Lu Ning: "Especially you, sister."

No one dared to move, because under the suit jacket of her school uniform, dozens of the same detonation buttons were already hanging down.Not only that, there are several buttons from her cuff that have been caught between her fingers.

Remote control bombs, the price of this thing is not particularly high at the merchant, if Luo Xiao has teammates, it will naturally be able to afford her consumption.Lu Ning never thought that she would sneak into such a place and be a "victim"?Rosicrucian's character analysis does not include this person's ability to swallow his anger.

"The plan that was about to succeed was ruined by your rescue, so can't you just ignore so many nosy things? Sister?" Luo Xiao looked at Lu Ning with a smile, "If I go back and get scolded, I will be in a bad mood, and I am in a bad mood. When it’s bad, I like to listen to the sound, you said if I accidentally blow up something important, wouldn’t it cause trouble for everyone?”

"Your existence is a mess." Lu Ning said with a cold face.

"Oh, don't think that if you kill the two sisters and brothers with bad taste in the Mi family, you will be able to be listed in the list of the puppet party. With your little ability, the assassination department can just find someone to come out. solve you."

"Since you've heard of me, I seem to be quite famous."

"...You're right, after all, that kid Xiang Yi has a big mouth, and he can't hold back when he appreciates someone. As for keeping have no status, who cares about you! Hahaha!"

Accompanied by a burst of laughter, another person in the room exploded suddenly, and in an instant, the scene that was originally hell on earth became red again.

"Speaking of which, it's useless for me to kill you now, you should be thankful that the special rules of this scene have protected you..." Luo Xiao's laughter slowly subsided, "I never do things that will cause trouble for myself Things, that would make me feel bad."

"Your ambition is not small, but the bombs you placed are limited to this." Lu Ning raised her eyebrows, "The person just now did not explode inside, and your method is just to put the bomb behind the back so it is not easy to detect It's just the location. The first two... putting micro-bombs in your diet wasn't a problem for you, was it?"

"How dark is your heart to actually observe other people's tragic death carefully?" Luo Xiao smiled indifferently, "But these people have bombs on them, don't you care? This library is also full of bombs , can you escape?"

"Your bombs will only be placed on people." Lu Ning ignored her provocation. "Just now you said that you have a plan. Since you will be scolded by someone when you go back, you are not the person in charge. Your purpose is to find Get out of the hiding place of the leader of this team. In this case, with the amount you carry, you must ensure that these bombs are all installed at the target location. As for controlling this place, you only need to install the bombs on those who will definitely go there. My arrival is completely In an emergency, you wouldn't put extra bombs in the library just to prevent it."

"That's an analysis of normal people. Do you think your logical judgment is applicable to people like me?" Luo Xiao was still smiling.

"Once the lunatics and lunatics have a purpose, normal logical standards apply."

(End of this chapter)

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