Chapter 685
The dishes were placed in a circle around the table, Lu Ping carefully divided the dishes, and then drove Qi Mei, who was drooling, to the side to protect the dharma.He took out his own incense burner and placed it in the center of the table, lit three sticks of incense, and opened the altar to worship.

After about 5 minutes, the dishes on the table began to change. On each plate, a part of the meat began to wither, turn black, and grow mold spots, which looked as if it had been air-dried for decades.After the three sticks of incense were burned, Qi Mei opened the window to let the smell of the incense out of the window, and everyone looked carefully at the dishes on the table.

"The parts that have changed refer to their directions. It's a pity that we can't pinpoint their positions accurately, but can only roughly judge them." Lu Ping glanced across the table. It can be seen that they are indeed ghosts with good morals."

"But this location...why is the middle one of the pig's eye rotten?" Teng Xuan had already looked at all the dishes on the table quickly.

"in the middle?"

The other three people were instantly alert, but this restaurant was not as good as Ms. Du's house before, and there were too many choices to find a location that was convenient for surveillance.

Lu Ning quickly touched the doors, windows and surrounding tables and chairs, but there was no response.Lu Ping and Qi Mei also used Zhaoyao to check their surroundings carefully, but they also found nothing.

"Have we been being watched all the time!" Qi Mei yelled in panic, "What if that white god is a ghost that we can't deal with? Brother! We should contact Mr. Jin and the others as soon as possible, we can't stay here anymore!"

"What are you panicking! The ghosts that represent eyes don't really have eyes. All ghosts are under Bai Li, and they have to use Yin Qi and other means to observe us—"

"Not necessarily."

The door was suddenly opened, and a waiter walked in with dishes.But the waiter's face was covered by large and small black squares, and it was impossible to see what her face looked like.


"Don't shout so loudly, Daoist, there are other customers dining outside." The waiter gently closed the door, with a smile in his voice, "This place is a public place, so don't engage in hunting monsters." Sets are better."

"Seeing all directions." Lu Ning tapped the table lightly, "Is it you who are talking about?"

"This can only be regarded as a pronoun. Everyone, don't think about arresting me like that kid just now... Can the Taoist priest see it? If you want to fight, you will definitely pay a very painful price."

"In broad daylight, you actually dare to stand in such a majestic place... No!" Midway through Lu Ping's words, his eyes suddenly widened, "You are not an ordinary ghost!"

"Yeah, I thought you should have noticed when I came in."

Lu Ning frowned and looked at the waiter. Except for her face, her body was completely human. If it wasn't for the means of reviving the dead...

"Seize the house?" she asked.

"No, Miss Li, this is a ghost who has cultivated a dharma body, shouldn't be. Even if they are enshrined, it will take at least 200 years for ghosts to cultivate a dharma body. Bai Li has only existed for a few decades. ..."

"Master Dao, if you encounter this kind of problem, just think about it the other way around." The waiter pulled a chair and sat down, and put the dishes on the table, with a leisurely attitude.

"So, Bai Li existed for a long time before he got this name?" Lu Ning didn't feel how scary this ghost was at all, and she didn't even feel much fear when facing the human form.

"Smart girl, you should also know some past rumors about this place, so... no one thinks about it, where did the old rich man know about the Baili process?"

"It's been passed down for a long time." Lu Ping's face darkened slightly.

"People's greed and cover-up instincts will lead them to put proper names on these actions, and this is exactly what we want. Overall, it is still a win-win situation... It's just us and the white ceremony It's just between people." The waiter smiled, "Don't be so unhappy, dealing with ghosts and people has always been like this... We still abide by the rules."

"Abiding by the rules at the cost of sacrificing innocent lives? Don't think that I can't do anything to you if you become a dharma body. Even if the ten servants under Baishen are all ghosts like you, I..."

"Don't be so impatient, of course I know that Taoist priests in the world can practice much faster than us, and it is because of this that I have to come out to meet you." The waiter spread his hands, "This year's white ceremony has already begun, and tomorrow is the first one." The sacrifice will be selected, and you can't stop it. So in order to avoid being selected, is it better to leave as soon as possible?"

"What did you say?" Lu Ning raised her eyebrows, "The white ceremony has already begun?"

"Your arrival may have exacerbated the panic of the priest, so the white ceremony has been officially carried out this morning. Of course, if you want to stop it, you can smash all ten coffins. I am very kind? If you really If we can do it, we are very happy to see this kind of trick."

"Monsters, we will always deal with you. As for those who help the evildoers, we have our own laws to control them, and we don't need to provoke them!" Lu Ping shouted, "If we only talk about this matter, then there is no need to talk about it!"

"I knew I couldn't persuade you dead-headed Taoists. The little girl over there, have you thought it through? You will die."

"We will stop Bai Li, I have this confidence." Lu Ning was still very calm, "Is your activity just to find Bai Li's target? Or is it always like this?"

"Hahaha, you are really interesting, are you not afraid at all? Well... Bai Li's goal has nothing to do with us. Before the ceremony is completed, we are at most providing some convenience for the executor. We don't Concerned about whether the ceremony can be completed, but this year seems to give us enough fun."

"There is another question." Lu Ning nodded and said, "Bai Li is not only in this place now. That is to say... this is a thing with a long history, even older than this name, who spread it out? Is it?"

"Little girl, I was born after that, I don't know." The waiter shook his finger, "But Baili in other places has nothing to do with us here. I don’t know, do you understand?”

"Understood, you will see a good show." Lu Ning smiled.

The waiter seemed to be very happy to leave. After she left, Lu Ping and Qi Mei sat down with cold sweat on their foreheads.

"It... really scared me to death... I thought I was going to die... Ha..." Qi Mei pulled his collar, with a look of fear, "This is the first time I have seen a ghost who has cultivated into a Dharma body, my God..."

"Miss Li, don't trust me."

"I know that the credibility of the ghost's words is really not high, but we can't tell which of her words are true and which are false. But it seems that such a ghost is not easy to kill? It is different from the general ghost stories. Ghosts are different."

"Since I have cultivated the dharma body, there must be a way to avoid the secrets. This kind of ghost itself will not cause too many murders, but the disasters caused indirectly are probably not rare. If I risked my life just now, I can probably keep her, but here The diners will also suffer from unreasonable disasters." Lu Ping shook his head, "Such ghosts are rare, Miss Li, don't think that many conscious ghosts are so easy to talk about."

This nonsense guy is not really easy to talk to.

The crowd didn't stay much, they didn't even eat their meals, they quickly checked out and left.Before driving away, Lu Ning called Chen Hang, explained to him her previous experience in this line of work, and told him that her next move would be her.After Chen Hang said he knew about it, he also talked about his situation in the old garden.

Although it is said that the old garden was the place where the white ceremony was held, those traces have long since disappeared after so many years. Even the jujube garden and manor owned by the old rich man have disappeared after several groundbreakings, and replaced by the The small town formed by the mountains and the jujube trees all over the mountains and plains.

This brought many obstacles to the investigation, and finally heard some related news from an old man in a handicraft merchant.The old man was one of the few people who knew something about Bai Li. When he was young, he had heard stories about the old rich man from his family, and his own memory was still clear enough to retell the story.

The old rich man is just an ordinary rich man who is neither stingy nor generous. After he got the real Zaoyuan Manor back then, he planned to use the jujube garden here to make money.At that time, the money he paid to the people he hired was an ordinary salary. It was not harsh enough to make people complain, but it would not make people think that he was a kind master.

Such mediocrity is actually quite rare. After all, the old man has experienced many things afterwards, and he will find it strange after thinking about it—this old rich man is so ordinary, it even makes people feel that he does not have the greed that a businessman should have. He was engaged in planting smoothly and steadily, and developed various industries in the mountains and forests. At that time, this kind of person was also very rare, but the people in Zaoyuanzhuang were not able to detect it at that time.

Then, a year of severe drought ushered in a sharp drop in harvest, but local taxes increased instead of decreased. The people around Zaoyuanzhuang, which was able to live well, immediately fell into a predicament. After the tax officer, a few township chiefs and dibao who couldn't stand it anymore called some people who were still important at the time to a meeting.Although the old rich man said that he didn't interfere much with the affairs of the village, he was rich after all, so he was also called.

The topic of the meeting was nothing more than how to survive the winter this year, and what to do if the harvest is still so bad next year. When everyone was at a loss, the old rich man asked a question.

"If ten people die, it can be guaranteed that the weather will be smooth and the harvest will be good for the next few decades, is that okay?"

This question that will cause countless people to debate now has a conclusion in 10 minutes back then.

Anyway, if the famine continues, more than ten people will die long ago. Compared with everyone dying, ten people are nothing.Even those wealthy households who had no worries about food and clothing quickly agreed to this method, even if they knew that death was random.

So the old rich man presided over it, and all the respectable people in the local area appealed, and the Baili ceremony in Zaoyuanzhuang was successfully carried out.After that, the weather here was really good, and there was no famine again. Even in the worst years outside, Zaoyuanzhuang had a bumper harvest.

After that, the old rich man did not take the opportunity to improve his status in Zaoyuanzhuang. Except that people changed the name of Zaoyuanzhuang, there was no change.Until many years later, the old rich man was very old. He once again came out and told the people in Zaoyuanzhuang that the use of the land had come to an end, and he should leave early to avoid disaster.Immediately after two days, the main house of the old rich man's house caught fire. The people in the village went to fight the fire and only saved some ruins. People found a lot of property in other houses of the manor, and the old man The rich man's family has disappeared.

"Did you hear a very magical story?" Chen Hang said after finishing the story, "Sister Song guessed that this old rich man knew a lot of Taoism, even heretics. Anyway, such a person can't die easily, even disappear. It is estimated that there is something behind him. Worldly money is not very attractive to him, and he is probably doing something else under this guise."

"Have you seen the old address?"

"It's gone. The new generation doesn't know what the old rich man is capable of. No one cares about the old village. The expensive things in it were removed in the first year. Later, some large and bulky furniture were also taken away. It was cut down and demolished, and the last pair of empty shell houses that had been in disrepair for a long time were simply pushed back and rebuilt. Now the only part of the manor that is still there is the fence of the jujube garden, which has a section of about 50 meters.”

"That's all that's left..."

"Sister Song is trying to dig out some clues from there, but she also said that it is very difficult. We are right next to the wall is not as thrilling as you. Does that ghost look scary?"

"Except for the fact that she has no face, she is the same as a normal person. Except for those of us who are aware of her existence, I am afraid that ordinary people outside will not be able to find her problems."

"how come?"

"Even if a person is different in the eyes of different people, as long as those people don't communicate in detail about the appearance they see, then the cognition will still be common." Lu Ning sighed, "That's not the point, the point is that the Baili has already started. Yeah, didn't you notice?"

"I know, but what can we do? Should we just give up? It's not my style to run away. The most I can do is send Shilan away."

"In the story, we won't die so early, but in reality... I can't guarantee it. Unless we can really see through the arrangement of Baili and destroy it in a targeted manner-ghosts are not the most important thing, this time it is with people fighting."

"In the worst case, we can have clues even if one person dies. With such a big flaw, that person can't hide it." Chen Hang said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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