Chapter 115
Because there were so many things happening all of a sudden, Feifei had to stay for a meeting, and the trip home for the two of them was postponed for another day.

Yu Lian realized that he had nowhere to go all day, so he had to sneak back to the dormitory with his luggage. When he entered the door, he found that three roommates were playing Gabriel online together, so he immediately put down his luggage and shouted: " Add me!"

"I don't want to add you! No, don't show up! No, you'd better not go online! As long as I see the magical outfit that the girls from the student union put together for you, I will explode!" Wearing a hologram The roommate A Luo Ming in the helmet said loudly, but maybe the voice was too loud to distract his mind. The MT Templar he controlled couldn't pull up a holy shield, and then he was cut off by a flame from the Balrog boss, and most of the red bars were blown off. Also directly fell into a state of rigidity.

MT is like this, the fate of roommate B Ruisi's elf war dancer and roommate C Luko's human magician is naturally doomed.

After half a minute, the group was destroyed.

"So as I said before, this kind of holographic game should block all external information." Reith took off his helmet and said loudly.

"It's impossible. What if someone touches your wallet or stabs your ass while you're playing the game?" Luke said, "In addition, more importantly, if you use all your five senses They are all under the control of the computer, so are you playing the game, or is the game playing you?"

This is a philosophical proposition, and everyone is too lazy to answer it.Yu Lian then smiled and said, "Forget it, forget it, playing games is fake anyway, do you want to play something real?"

"...You, you, are you finally going to attack us?" Luo Ming clutched his collar and shrank behind the bed.

"Let me tell you, we will never go to the boxing ring, the shooting range, or the power skeleton simulation cabin!" Reese danced with a spatula, loudly conveying his death rather than surrender

"Yes! Even if you say [-]v[-], we won't go." Luke said blankly.

"No, not this time, it's sailing! Get on board!"

"Open, open the bed? I will drive and go..."

In short, after three minutes of Yu Lian's patience (wei), patience (bi), convincing (li) and convincing (you), he finally had the first batch of crew members other than the girls from the (former) student union.

Yu Lian didn't think these three guys were irreplaceable talents, after all, he had never heard of their names in the future.Moreover, according to the memory of this life, their abilities are only within the scope of ordinary people, and they can be regarded as qualified military school graduates, but that's all.

However, since they have been in the same dormitory for four years, even raising paramecium has developed a relationship, and I still look forward to being able to fight side by side with them for the last time.

In addition, Yu Lian's memory also told him that the girls Zhixia, Lunai, Dana, and Lilia from the student union, and even Feifei herself, should not have served in the army, and their reputation would not be obvious to future generations.

Only Miss Anne Romanova, the head of the bosozoku clan back then, stayed in the army, and later became a famous star captain.Probably this girl thinks flying a battleship is much more interesting than flying a motorboat.

So let Annie be the helmsman.

Yu Lian quickly confirmed his first important position in the Red Party, and he didn't feel any guilt at all.

The first future SR crew member is here!

However, the number of people is not enough!Ordinary dragon crew members are fine, although their popularity is not good, but if it is really not good, they can let the girls be the kanban girls, and they can easily attract one or two hundred people by showing a sign and selling them cute.

However, some important positions, such as weapon chief, main gunner, navigator, communicator, radar officer, chief engineer, charge captain, etc., all require talents...

You can't let me, a dignified captain, also play guest roles as gunner and charge captain, right?

Of course, there are excellent talents in this field in the academy, but Yu Lian doesn't think he can compete with Wayne.Moreover, if the personnel are not limited to the school, the other party must have mobilized all their connections to recruit people from various specialized colleges.

Yes, if Wayne knew that his opponent was him, he would definitely take such actions!Yu Lian has such confidence.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry.Although the Central Defense University is known as the leader of the community's military academies, it is after all partial to management and command.Yu Lian didn't think that there could be better pilots here than the new Mawei Naval Academy, or better than the mechanics graduated from the Brisbane Military Engineering Academy.

Fortunately, as a reborn person, the biggest cheat is to know the history well!

Thanks to the turbulent but magnificent future, it finally gave the grassroots who were not "born" a chance to grow into a towering tree.This may be the only benefit of Zhan Luan, right?
Yu Lian can definitely find out those celebrities who have proved their abilities in later generations but are not well-known now, and even study at the Pheasant Academy to form a team.

...Of course, it may also be a semi-finished product.However, since someone can become famous, at least it means that he has talent in this area, and it is better than trying to find some second- and third-rate people to make up for it.

Moreover, it can especially satisfy my celebrity collection addiction.Observers outside the big universe will understand, right?

What's more, taking a group of "rabble" and killing a group of elites from high-ranking and famous families, needless to say, it feels refreshing, and it might really have a certain impact on society.

...Yes, since a small goal has been set, it is necessary to have an impact on this society, but Yu Lian doesn't have any perfect plans yet, so he can only take a walk for the time being.

So, in the few hours after February 2st, Yu Lian was sorting out the information of his future generations and screening reliable candidates who could be recruited.He didn't even bother to pay attention to the whole story of the "Velier peeping incident" that spread throughout the school.

The next day, Yu Lian, who had memorized a thick notebook, came to the school gate again with his luggage to wait for Feifei.

Finally, nothing happened this time.They left smoothly and started the last long vacation before graduation.

The two arrived at the lunar city hand in hand, and then took a small ferry to the nearest orbital space station.

As I said before, it is said that "in order to protect the natural and human environment of the sacred earth mother star", the community government later issued a decree that does not allow star system passenger ships to directly enter the earth's atmosphere - of course, large cargo ships and warships are not included , after all, logistics and the military are most in need of efficiency.

Therefore, to reach the earth from an alien system, you must first transfer in the lunar city, and then take a ferry to the orbital space station according to the orbit of the moon.

Finally, take the orbital elevator down directly to the earth.

Of course, if you really want to be in a hurry, the star-rated passenger ship can also directly dock at the orbital space station.The facilities on it are complete, and it is also possible to go through immigration procedures, but because of its small scale, it cannot dock with super-large passenger and cargo ships.

There are a total of twenty-four such orbital space stations, which are connected to major cities on all continents on the earth.

After sitting on the ferry for half an hour, Yu Lian and Feifei finally arrived at the No. 2 orbital space station Laurel.Directly below it is the largest city on earth located in East Asia, Mingzhu City.

Wearing the uniforms of the Lunarians, the two of them passed through a special channel with a student ID card that was almost equivalent to a military officer ID card, and it took less than 5 minutes to pass through the security check.

It is said to be an orbital elevator, but it is actually a huge space like the cabin of a ship, and it only takes ten minutes to land on the earth.

When Yu Lian, who was a human in the second world, walked out of the terminal building of the orbital elevator and breathed the air of the earth, he was a little dazed for a while.

His gaze passed through the parking lot of the terminal building, but it was a large area of ​​lush forests.At the end of the green, you can see countless skyscrapers farther away.

It is really a large group of huge buildings that have gone straight up to the sky, just like those giants who stood upright in the prehistoric era.

In the sky, the airship was swimming slowly, like a group of tired and lazy fish.A densely packed huge light curtain flickered in the sky, with various advertisements and news items jumping on it, forming a colorful but bizarre surreal picture.

It's clearly broad daylight, but the splendor and splendor that hit us is no longer as simple as light pollution, it's clearly the beginning of cyberpunk.

I checked again, it's really not my hometown.Yu Lian sighed, feeling a little depressed.

Feifei said: "The ticket is at two o'clock in the afternoon. We can go shopping first and have lunch here. How about going to eat beef hot pot?"

Yu Lian had no objection, and said that he was in a better mood again.

They first took the indoor rail transit to the Light Rail Passenger Station, walked around the nearby commercial street, and then found a beef hot pot restaurant with a high rating on the gourmet website and a moderate price, and found a secluded place to sit down.

They just started to order when they heard the news reports on the nearby TV.

"The pride of the blue star community, Miss Serena Mayor's ring cantilever concert of 'Stardust Elf' was a great success, and she will return to Earth soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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