Him and their stars

Chapter 1186 The First Arrived Earthling

The Chancheon galaxy is located in the middle of the Cross Nebula channel.Strictly speaking, the natural endowment of this galaxy is not outstanding.There are no naturally habitable planets, and the few terrestrial planets with crusts but thin atmospheres lack colonization value.It stands to reason that in the Milky Way, such star systems are indeed literally filled with the sands of the Ganges.

However, its traffic conditions are really excellent.

The three main channels that run through the entire Spiral Grand Cross Nebula meet here, and then diverge directly.Because of its excellent natural traffic endowment, it is a matter of course that this place should become a very important traffic hub.

As a matter of course, one of the most prosperous trade nodes in the universe has also been formed here.If it weren't for the vast and lawless "high seas" in the Spiral Cross Nebula itself, it might have become a battleground for military strategists.

However, precisely because of the balance of power formed by the two overlords here, the Canchuan Galaxy has become a free trade galaxy with its sovereignty entrusted by the Galactic Civilization Council and its governance and autonomy, which is rare in the universe.Therefore, after hundreds of years of development, this galaxy with no natural endowments already has a permanent population of more than ten billion.If it is a season of prosperous trade, counting the non-resident population and merchants, this number can even be doubled or doubled.

Most of these populations live in orbital cities above stable terrestrial planets, and these large-scale orbital buildings of course also function as commercial ports and warehouses.

Sailors who run business are often one of the groups with the most spending power among ordinary workers. Once they gather, they will definitely form huge business opportunities.

As a result, the alliance began to expand the orbital city, creating a giant complex integrating consumption, entertainment and leisure, and even thought about building a universe paradise.The empire even directly started to build a group of space villas, some of which are commercial, and of course there are private city management for the great nobles.Anyway, although the martial virtues of the imperial nobles are abundant, the money they spend is quite innumerable.

Some geniuses with active thinking even thought of carrying out a large-scale planetary transformation project on the few terrestrial planets in the galaxy.Although the estimated cost is already high enough to make the directors of Libra Bank tremble and cry, everyone has to admit that if the time issue is put aside, sooner or later the development here will make a fortune.

Since it is the pearl of the Spiral Cross Nebula, of course the mountain kings from all walks of life will have their ideas here.However, since Canchuan is the most important trade node on the entire business route, it is impossible for the surrounding countries of Xingyun, which benefit from the trade route, to let things happen here, so they set up the headquarters of the joint patrol fleet based on this place as the main base.

Even the two overlords often use the excuse of long-distance training and security patrols to send fleets to visit in turn.

After all, the Spiral Cross Nebula is such a vast and huge star field. Even at such a patrol level, it still has a lot of space for the activities of criminals from all walks of life.However, at least Chancheon and its surrounding galaxies are still very safe.

According to the evaluation of some social organizations, the happiness index of the permanent residents living in this free trade port should exceed that of Tianyu and Nefei.

In fact, the residents here are also convinced of this.They claim to be free dominion people, not the slaves of the imperial nobles, nor the social animals of the alliance plutocrats.

But now, the pearl of the Spiral Cross Nebula has been tarnished by the flames of war.

The huge mirror placed in the orbit of Chancheon 4, like an artificial moon, sprinkles sunlight to the other side of the planet, providing a steady stream of light for twelve lush orbital ports.

But now, the staggered tail flames of the ion engines have covered the clear mirror with burn marks.Then, before the mirror cracked naturally, it was hit by the wreckage of the warship that lost control.

It was a Minlan Xhosa-class cruiser.In the eyes of the empire and the alliance, this is just a second-rate product of a second-rate country, but in this peaceful cross nebula channel, she is a giant warship that can deter a small party.

According to statistics, in the ten years since this type of warship was in service and deployed to the Cancheon Guard United Fleet, more than one hundred pirate ships have fallen under its artillery fire, and there are such pulls as "pirate killers" and "criminal killers". Boom title.

However, such a cutting-edge advanced warship didn't even have time to fire a cannon at its enemy before the energy core was detonated by a fiery long-range light spear.

In this way, the burning battleship collided with the artificial mirror sun that was riddled with holes.The reason why it was riddled with holes was that this was the third warship that had collided with it within an hour.

The administrators of the artificial sun have already evacuated to the distant airport at this time.However, looking at the mirror that was beginning to crack, they were heartbroken, but there was nothing they could do.The factory manager burst into tears on the spot.

"So, such a big universe! Why does it have to hit us!"

This is actually easy to understand, because the mirror is in the orbit of the planet and is affected by gravity.And the warships were destroyed just before they left their home port, before they even had time to leave the planet's gravitational range, so they would naturally be affected.

However, the luck of the misfortune is that although those shot down warships hit the artificial mirror, at least they didn't hit the orbital space city.

Immediately afterwards, the scene was like a huge floor-to-ceiling window being hit by successive small stones, and huge ripples began to ripple on the mirror.In the next second, an even more surging explosion burst out from under the mirror surface, and it was immediately torn into infinite pieces.

The most advanced artificial sun mirror in the entire galaxy was destroyed.It turned into burning wreckage and fragments, dragged a long trail like a torrential rain, and crashed into the maroon planet next to it, bringing a trace of not-so-excited clouds on the thin atmosphere.Immediately afterwards, they seemed to be completely swallowed by the dark red hell, and there was no more sound.

On the other side, on the back of planet No. 4, at the other end of the deep starry sky, flickering light flickers, thin shining lines streak across the starry sky, always bursting into a flower-like flame.

Surrounding the fire, there seemed to be countless flying luminous bugs, constantly flying in the dense net formed by the starry sky.

What a splendid and beautiful scene it was.

The residents of the space city on the orbits of planets 5 and 6 farther away, looking at the magnificent interstellar beauty like this, can't feel any magnificent aesthetic enjoyment at all, but only feel chills in their hearts and body. It's like struggling in hell.

They all knew that those shiny thin lines were actually energy beams released by the enemy, which were powerful enough to destroy a space city that could accommodate a million people on the spot.Those glowing bugs constantly flying in the dense net are the ion flames behind the fighter group.Like a swarm of crazy wasps, they bit the battleship trapped in the dense net of light.

Those battleships are the main force of the guard fleet of the Chancheon galaxy, and they come from twelve countries around the Spiral Cross Nebula. Currently, they have 3 battle cruisers, 2 sailing ships, 18 heavy ocean ships, 10 light motherships, and 28 light cruisers.

As for why the fleet used for guarding and patrolling the interstellar route has the country's most important weapons such as battle cruiser and Zhengnai, it is said that it is because some countries are preparing to conduct new warship tests and crew training.

Anyway, neither the empire nor the alliance expressed any objection, so it is reasonable to have a few more battlecruisers and cruisers on the trade route.

But in any case, even without these super-standard capital ships, the multinational joint guard fleet located in Chancheon is the strongest combat group whose strength far crushes the "Ten Treasures Fleet".

But now, half of these giant ships were destroyed just after leaving the star port.The other half, before even bringing the suddenly appearing hostile target into range, was completely trapped by the dense network formed by the opponent's ultra-long-range artillery fire and fighter jets.

Inside the net of light, the storm of chaos and panic has completely dominated all the warships of the guard fleet.Shining beams of light kept passing through the portholes outside the battleship, and the sirens inside the battleship seemed like nine-hand goods wholesaled from a flea market, screaming irrationally, like a hundred brats running around like.

Before the crew recovered their sanity from such stimulation, the long-distance light spear rays suddenly tore open the cruiser's shield, piercing deeply into the hull.Fortunately, before the ammunition depot and energy depot of the battleship were ignited at high temperature, most of the crew members in the ship had been vaporized.

"We have already lost half of our battleships, have we lost combat capability?"

"Are you running away? Where else can you flee now? Are you leaving the civilian space city to the enemy?"

"Even if we escape without cover, we will be chased and sunk, just like a flock of ducks that can't fly, being bitten by hunting dogs one by one!"

"Where are the fighter planes? Where are the fighter planes used for cover?"

"It was all wiped out in the middle of 5 minutes, even the aircraft carrier is gone! Now all the outside are enemy planes!"

"XX, how can there be such a terrifying enemy plane... Hey, don't mention it, it looks really advanced."

"Is that the point?"

The command of the garrison fleet, the generals from various countries argued endlessly, but they couldn't come up with any solution.This is not because they are all mobs. After all, hard power lies here. Everyone present, even if Sun Wu is alive and possesses the emperor, there is nothing he can do.

"So, it's all the fault of the imperial devils of XXX! The snake they provoked, why should we be bitten first!" A Circe officer at the command headquarters yelled, and was covered by the people around him mouthed.

The Imperial Army advisor at the headquarters was very magnanimous, and didn't even bother to look in that direction.

In fact, he really didn't bother to pay attention to these howls of defeated dogs.At this time, he and his team are nervously collecting all the information about the current battle situation.On the terminal screen in front of them, a hemisphere like a mushroom canopy is swaggeringly releasing colorful light beams and is still moving forward.

Needless to say, this mushroom head-like silver hemisphere, although harmless in shape, exudes a certain evil aura inexplicably. Naturally, it is the well-known... Uh, the snake den that the coalition forces of the three major human nations are planning to destroy.

Similarly, the underground worlds of the Spiral Cross Nebula, but the outlaws call it the "City of the Void", "The Witch of the Nebula" and so on.


"Four hours to travel nearly one and a half astronomical units?"

"To be exact, it's 1.69. The cruising speed is 25% faster than the Iron Tyrannosaurus-class arsenal ship... It's the speed of a standard ship for heavy decisive battles, and it's lower than that of a high-speed warship!"

"I don't know if it is the limit speed, it must be indicated in the report!"

"The light spear cannon used by Snake Cave just now has the same range as the Type 3 tachyon light spear. Its power...is too overflowing to be confirmed."

"Then it's because the heavy cruiser was hit? What about the three battle cruisers in the guard fleet?"

"One was hit and killed by more than 5 fighter planes as soon as it left the port. One is being maintained in the No. [-] star port dock, and the other is in combat and has not been hit yet... However, it will be sooner or later sunk by enemy planes It's over."

"So, what about those triangular warplanes? The intelligence sent by His Highness shows that they should be drones."

"The firepower is mediocre, but the maneuverability is extremely strong. At critical times, the tactics of suicide by collision will be adopted."

"They haven't used the fortress gun yet?" Someone reminded.

"Maybe, our location has already been brought into range by Snake Cave's fortress guns."

The adviser of the Imperial Army with the rank of colonel did not even hesitate, but said: "Continue to analyze, and the analysis results will be sent to the General Vofata immediately!"

The dreadnought ship General Warfata is the flagship of the imperial fleet.Now, King Valente and Earl Taddier are both sitting on that battleship.

"Understood!" The Imperial Army officers present responded loudly.They were clearly mentally prepared to fight at the forefront until they were destroyed by the Snake Cave's fortress artillery.

Immediately afterwards, 3 minutes later, news came from the front line that the last battle cruiser of the garrison fleet had been sunk.

But in fact, the Imperial Army officers present did not feel gloating at all.They knew that the sunk cruiser was refitted from the Frontline Marquis purchased by the Turank Coordinating Minister State from the Empire.

You know, the Frontline Marquis is already a cutting-edge battle cruiser that has been designed and served for less than 20 years. Even if it is the monkey version, it can still dominate a certain star field.However, she was declared destroyed after more than two hours of fighting, and she was not even killed by the powerful main gun, but by a group of mosquito-like fighter jets.

"Sir, the main force of our army..."

"They are coming as fast as they can!" The colonel's advisor glanced at his subordinates, and said angrily, "His Royal Highness King Wei and Count Taddier naturally have their plans!"

"The lower official is just worried, if the alliance is the first to arrive, won't it damage the reputation of the empire?"

The colonel felt that there was indeed a problem in this regard.But the problem is that the main force of the imperial fleet is already arriving at the fastest speed.But it still takes time.

... No way, who would have thought that the snake cave would jump out from the core of the Canchuan waterway all of a sudden?

In such a trading galaxy with an average of [-] merchant ships a year, is there still an undiscovered gravity well?This is too unscientific!
Then, at this time, near the No. 2 gravity well on the edge, the signal of the reinforcement fleet finally appeared.

The Imperial Army officer sighed, because that was not the direction where the main force of the Imperial Army should come.

Then, he heard the analysis given by his subordinates: "Sir, the outline analysis of the battleship has been completed. It is a new one...the main god-class dreadnought ship Fuxi of the earthlings! It is the fleet of the Blue Star Community that arrived."

The first to arrive was neither the Empire nor the Alliance, but the fleet of the Earthlings.The officers of the Imperial Army present looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment they didn't know what expression to make.

Instead, the commanders of the garrison fleet cheered.For them, although the people on Earth are also one of the high-ranking "human masters", they are still much kinder than the empire and the alliance.

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