Chapter 1188
"Your Excellency, Snake Cave has opened fire on us!" The radar officer said loudly, "Twelve orbital shells and 42 missiles."

Well, it is indeed a mobile fortress, at least the firepower is really fierce.Of course, it really deserves to be a snake, the most prominent is a narrow-minded.Didn't I just fire a few shots tentatively?Did you just respond directly to Triple Firepower?With such a long distance, you can't hit me, and I can't hit you either.Yu Lian shook his head slightly.

Of course, what is certain is that the performance of the missile launched by Snake Cave should be much more advanced than the Gungnir long-range missile adopted by the community.It may be possible to accurately determine the target at such a long distance, it will constantly correct the trajectory, adjust the speed, automatically avoid interception fire, and the mobility is quite good.

However, the cruiser of one's own side had already dropped the mine equipped with the shock bomb in advance, forming a isolation zone, and still blocked all strike firepower out of sight.

Obviously, the Snake Cave on the opposite side probably didn't expect these bombardments to threaten the Earth's fleet. After finishing the first round of shooting, it also temporarily stopped firing, but continued to shoot at the Earth's fleet like a huge space ghost. In the direction, it floated over in a rather weird and somewhat spectacular manner.

At this time, its huge drone swarms did not continue to bite the guard fleet, but returned to Snake Lair, hovering beside the mother body in a relatively static manner.When they gather together, it's like forming a large shimmering thick fog around the huge silver mushroom head, which has the aura of a cosmic horror movie.

"Does this mean that those unknown fighters still have a relatively obvious requirement for combat radius?" Chief of Staff Mkawa said in a deliberative tone, "If this is true, the advantage of manned fighters is more obvious."

As soon as the chief of staff finished speaking, Colonel Singer reacted immediately and jumped up from his seat on the surveillance platform on the third floor of the bridge.

"They're coming!" he yelled.

Having said that, you guy is obviously a supervising army, when did you go and where did you go?

Brigadier General Mkawa's expression remained the same, but his cheeks seemed to twitch unnaturally, so he hurriedly joined everyone and looked at the newly popped-up real-time window of the battlefield.

Then, as expected, it was suddenly discovered that some arrow-shaped triangular drones broke away from the host group, accelerated suddenly, and pounced towards their own side like a rain of arrows shot at everyone.

"Your Excellency, Colonel Walter has already made preparations for the anti-jumping gang." The chief of staff said.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Brigadier General Zuo Wanhu said that all the soldiers of the 1th Brigade of the 4st Marine Division have been armored. He can allocate two regiments to strengthen the defense of the bridge and all key equipment."

Is this the default that the Fuxi will be landed by those drones?

"It's hard for him too. Please keep him on standby. Tell him that the warhammer will be swung at the right time."

"Boss 125 to 200. Speed ​​. . . speed 3!" Colonel Singer yelled again.

"It only took three or four seconds to accelerate to this level?"

"What kind of black technology is this!"

"Isn't it okay for the purple electric dragon of the empire? What about our white devil?"

"...Using that, it seems to be okay? Here, we have also equipped two squadrons of White Devil fighters, on the Teutonic Forest."

Of course, Yu Lian heard the whispers of several officers on the bridge, but at this time, Brigadier General Tovey also asked again: "The fighter is taking off to meet the enemy?"

"Not yet." Yu Lian said, "Tell Colonel Varus that the bayonet will definitely come when it sees blood, but we need to wait for the right time."

"The remaining number of mine belts?" he asked again.

Chief of Staff Mkawa answered him this time: "64 percent."

Yu Lian nodded to Brigadier General Tuowei next to him.

The old sailor did not raise any objections, and quickly issued the commander's order to the warships with a loud voice.Thus, the entire fleet began to turn clockwise with Fuxi as the core, and began to accelerate.

Subsequently, this batch of fleets composed of high-speed warships quickly allowed the entire fleet to enter the first attack speed, and instead widened the distance from Snake Cave.

As for those drones, there were indeed a few that crashed into the mine belts and caused extremely violent explosions on the spot.However, this group of drones that behaved like wasps before did show a much stronger intelligence than the artificial mentally retarded at this time. They really did not follow the trend and crash into the mines. After circling a few times, they still retreated to the main force in resentment.

While continuing to move forward, Snake Den fired again at the earth fleet moving clockwise.This time, it is still a rail gun with an infinite theoretical range.Anyway, they have such a round mushroom head shape, as if they can fire in every direction.

However, as the distance between the two sides was opened, the shelling of the Snake Cave still had a taste of incompetence and rage.

"Information shows that there is a high-power positron fortress cannon on the snake lair." Chief of Staff Mkawa said.

Yu Lian nodded.This is what the white-haired fox said to himself, and he even confirmed it from the leader of the palace.It's just that, although the super-powerful energy main cannon can cause amazingly powerful diffuse damage, its range is actually limited.

"Your Excellency, we may slow down the speed a little bit to try to find out the range of the main gun of Snake Cave. This may help in the follow-up operations." Chief of Staff Mkawa suggested this, but Yu Lian took it lightly. His unwarm eyes swept over him.The latter's hair stood on end immediately, and he quickly lowered his head to apologize, but he still said:

"Sorry, sir, this proposal will indeed greatly increase the casualty rate of our army. But..."

"As the Chief of Staff, you have the responsibility to make any suggestions at any time." Yu Lian smiled and said, "It's just that, Chief of Staff, we don't need to work so hard. We have already fired the first shot against Snake Cave and saved the friendly army. Are you still going to steal all the limelight?"

that's the truth.At least, when Snake Cave focused on the Earth Fleet, the pressure on the Joint Guard Fleet over there suddenly dropped.Now, the most powerful battle group in the Spiral Cross Nebula has less than half of its ships left, and its casualties exceed [-]%.All capital ships that appeared in Snake Cave's sight were sunk.

But no matter what, the remaining battleships finally survived, and there was even room to rescue comrades in the wreckage.

At this time, the headquarters of the United Fleet also sent a communication request to Yu Lian, naturally to express their gratitude.

"This is what it should be. However, please, sir, quickly measure all the ships that can still fight to the vicinity of the orbital space cities on the 4th and 5th planets, and temporarily serve as mobile artillery batteries and firefighters. Chanchuan Galaxy The population and the density of the space city are not small, so it is difficult for me to guarantee that there will be no accidental injuries in the subsequent battles." Yu Lian sighed.

The command of the United Guard Fleet is a Munn with black and disordered skin, but when he heard this, his face turned pale and black.

At this time, the Imperial Advisory Group, which was sitting in the headquarters of the garrison fleet, also sent its own communication. The colonel of the Imperial Army headed by it sent a neat force to Yu Lian, and then said in a serious tone like reporting to the superior: "Your Excellency, Commander, the main force of our country's fleet has arrived in the Honton 01 galaxy. There are still five to six hours before we reach our own galaxy. Please hold on for a while longer."

The movement of the imperial fleet is still quite fast, it is already a forced march.After this battle, it is estimated that more than half of the warships will have to enter the dock for maintenance.

However, unfortunately, because of the distance, the Imperial Fleet will be the last to arrive after all.

At this time, the colonel of the Imperial Army hesitated again, and said, "In addition, can we protect the safety of civilian facilities and space ports as much as possible, so that civilians will not be harmed by the snake around the world?"

Yu Lian took a look at the other party, and saw that he was a typical warrior of medium height, broad build, and sharp appearance, with very ordinary brown hair and calm dark brown eyes.

Yu Lian said frankly: "I can't do it, Colonel. At least, I can't do it before the reinforcements arrive."

"...It's a slip of the tongue. The request just now is indeed very unreasonable, and I'm really sorry." The colonel of the Imperial Army showed a trace of disdain on his face, but he still fully expressed his understanding.

Yu Lian glanced at the group of space cities on the orbit of the fifth planet, and knew that the headquarters of the guard fleet was there.However, there are two space cities surrounded by smooth mirror domes, so they look particularly gorgeous. They are very abruptly located at the two ends of the planetary orbit, and they are immediately separated from the rest of the space cities.

If the atmosphere of planet No. 5 is used as the ground standard, these two space cities are indeed located in the "higher" starry sky than the rest, just like the upper-class lords must keep a distance from the hardworking and down-to-earth workers.

As a result, Yu Lian's bad taste began to bubble up.

"Those two are the ecological garden city pavilion in your country, and the orbital holiday camp invested by the alliance, right? It's not the peak tourist season now, so there should be few people."

"The personnel above have already evacuated to the naval port of the garrison fleet ahead of time," said the colonel.

The military port of the garrison fleet is a fortress standard, after all, it is protected by military armor and shields.

"Then it's better to adjust the simulated gravity torque of those two things. I guess, with the gravity of planet 5, they should collide and break up at the outer periphery, forming a space garbage belt, but it can somewhat impact the space in the inner circle. The city will serve as a shield." Yu Lian said with a smile.

He originally just said it casually with bad intentions, but the colonel of the Imperial Army's eyes lit up: "Your officer understands. This will indeed play a certain role, and it may bring us an extra hour or two." .Your officer, let someone carry it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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