Him and their stars

Chapter 1200 Players

Tatier is a very traditional Tirilo Star Realm Knight. His family background is very talented. He has received a very systematic psyker education since he was a child, and he has spent his entire military career in the Knights Order. , It is estimated that in the future, he will retire with the honor of Knight Commander or even Grand Commander.But even so, Captain Tatier is indeed an open-minded person who is willing to learn, and he has a good grasp of basic military engineering and three-defense knowledge.

He knew that even if a chemical weapons factory collided with the warehouse of an arsenal and died together, it would be very difficult for such a situation to happen.He also knew that without long-term deliberate and continuous arrangements, it would be difficult to create this effect of gas chambers and gunpowder piles.

The knight commander was a little confused.

In doing so, it is indeed possible to create a very dangerous and harsh extreme environment, but the effect cannot be permanent, and it is easy to hurt friendly forces.

If it was only to block the advance of the imperial army, or to limit the use of heavy weapons, it would be too much to mobilize the Taixing army.

The knight commander quickly caught a giant sweat wearing a golden armor and holding a double-headed saber in his sight.His figure is indeed tall and strong, like a statue made of diamonds, and he is not much shorter than himself wearing the coat of arms machine.

Thanks to those toxic gases and highly sensitive dust, the environment in this tunnel is deadly to all carbon-based creatures.But this giant did not wear a helmet or other life support equipment, allowing its head, face and purple skin to be exposed to the air.No obvious emotion can be seen in a pair of dark gray eyes, as quiet as a torch that has been extinguished for a long time.

This is indeed a rare eredar elf!
Captain Tatier still remembered that when he was an apprentice knight, the Knights of the Star Realm really had a guest instructor of the eredar elves, who was responsible for teaching high-end psionic skills and offensive and defensive skills in the soul domain.

At that time, the young Tirilo knights knew that there are indeed immortal species in this universe, and there are indeed races with spiritual and physical talents that surpass humans.Such a race, just continuing to exist, is a kind of blasphemy against the existential trend of human supremacy.

Of course, there is one thing to say, although the empire is the base and birthplace of human supremacy, the nobles of the empire also respect the strong.

Therefore, the wise and powerful eredar elf instructor got along very well with the young knights.

When the old eredar elf completed his instructor contract and was about to retire and go home, the knight apprentices personally prepared a farewell party for the old instructor, with singing and dancing, which looked like a grand gathering of the cosmic race.

However, the knight commander still remembered: after the old instructor left, when he and his roommates had a seminar in the dormitory, they somehow got involved in the race policy of the empire, and then began to discuss the eredar elves. There is a question of whether it will pose a security threat to the empire.

"Maybe they are really poor and happy, maybe they are sparsely populated, but after all, they are not my race!" said a roommate.

"Yes, the Eero people are a negative example." A roommate echoed.

"Could it be that the Favre dragon is a positive example?" Of course, some more decent roommates sarcastically said so.

But even so, no one seems to think that there is something wrong with a group of young star knight apprentices, senior reserve officials who will be in charge of the military and political power of the empire in the future, and they are full of genocidal thinking.

Count Tatier sighed for the past youthful years, and then said in accordance with the established slogan: "Now you can lay down your weapons and armor, kneel and surrender. I assure you on the honor of the Knights of the Stars, absolutely No harm will be done to prisoners of war who have laid down their arms."

"Your Excellency the Knight Commander, you know it's impossible." The Eredar Elf said.

"I also know that this is impossible. But the process of military drills still needs to be completed." Earl Tatier said.

"It's good that you have such awareness. I've been looking forward to this year, but I don't know how long it has been."

"Waiting for what? The day of being wiped out?"

"No, waiting for the opportunity to stand here openly and fight with you fairly."

The earl felt the fighting spirit in the other party's words, and looked up and down the opponent who was holding the double-headed knife upside down, but he didn't feel passionate at all, and always felt that the scene was filled with an absurd sense of surrealism.

Just as he was about to say something, a message from Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Metig came again from the headset: "Your Excellency, are you at the junction of A72's No. The Darlings have met."

"Look at the meaning, do you have any new news to tell me?"

"...they also encountered an eredar elf in the B-23 mirror area where the alliance was in charge of attacking."

"Has the alliance's army broken into the fortress?" The knight commander felt as if he had discovered a blind spot.

"No, it's outside the fortress..." Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Metig said.

The knight commander looked at the enemy who had exposed his skin to the highly poisonous and corrosive air, and felt that such a guy, even standing in a vacuum environment, was not too unreasonable.

"External body skills? It's amazing." Count Tatier frankly expressed his praise, shaking his head: "But, there are all our troops outside, so what's the point of continuing to arrive?"

"As the first player, you'll understand right away."

Before he finished speaking, the toxins and highly sensitive explosive particles surrounding him suddenly came alive in the knight commander's perception.Count Tatier also has a degree in classical literature. It is reasonable to say that he is not lacking in culture, but it is difficult to describe this feeling in normal language. It can only be said that he does not seem to be composed of poisonous gas and explosive particles. Surrounded by a hostile environment, it is surrounded by an army made of poisonous gas and explosive particles, which is invisible to the naked eye.

The knight commander finally looked at his opponent, and for the first time made a sound of appreciation: "Good job!"

"Boom!" The sudden explosion covered his subsequent voice.

At the same time, on the other side of the central axis, there is the D area where the community army is in charge of attacking, and the battle situation on the landing field is basically clear.

The fact is, as judged by the elite staff officers of the empire, although the marines of the Earth Huben Division are elite, they are not necessarily better than the armored grenadiers of the empire.However, if they put down their airs and really put on a steady defense and counterattack, they would really stabilize the situation on the spot.

Therefore, after paying more than [-] casualties and the cost of scrapping the same number of blue-labeled combat robots, the Earth side finally drove all the defenders out of the UAV airport.

They found more than 100 corpses of enemy mercenaries hung with mechanical parts at the scene.The battle damage ratio can be counted as one to one, but don't forget that your side is the attacking side, and the opponent is still a prosthetic mercenary who is familiar with the terrain and good at ambush and stealth. If you calculate it like this, you can also call it a perfect situation. excellent.

Now that the situation has improved, it is time to continue to expand the front to a deeper place.So, Major John Rimbaud and Major Arnold Dutch took a battalion, each chose an exit and began to move forward tentatively.

The psionic team led by Colonel Mina Walter also landed in the hangar wearing the emblem machine, ready to respond at any time.

If the information provided by the alliance is correct, they should arrive at the defense control room in the D area of ​​the Snake Lair and the entrance to the inner area of ​​the fortress.

If you can occupy the former, you can disarm a large number of point defense turrets and drones-of course, this is the most optimistic estimate.In fact, as long as more information inside the fortress can be captured, or some secret information about the World-Round Serpent, it will be considered very smooth.

If they can reach the latter side smoothly, it means that they can continue to attack deep into the fortress.

Major Rimbaud's side went well.In order to ensure safety, their advancing speed was not too fast, but at least they did not encounter difficult enemies, but they still advanced step by step to the vicinity of the defensive central control room, and began to fight with the defenders.

However, Major Daqi was advancing to a fork in the road, and the sight in front of him suddenly became clear. It was a straight and spacious passage.Compared with the small road that can only accommodate three or five soldiers wearing mechas side by side, the passage here has become the main road in the metropolis, enough for large fire support vehicles to pass side by side.

Here, it should be the entrance to the inner area of ​​the fortress.Major Daqi and his little friends were very relieved, and they would have been even more relieved if it hadn't been for the aura-filled figure at the entrance.

Yes, perhaps because of the sudden widening of the field of vision, everyone can see that at the end of the passage three to 400 meters away from everyone, a burly figure in golden armor stands at the end of the passage.He closed his eyes slightly, and his posture was solemn and dignified, like a statue of a god.

However, the footsteps of the marines did attract the opponent's attention.He suddenly opened his eyes, and those mercury-colored eyes could see the earth soldiers on the other side of the passage, showing a dull expression.

He shook his head and closed his eyes again, as if the more than 200 marines with live ammunition who appeared at the entrance of the passage were more than 200 parameciums, and he had no idea that he wasted more effort.

The marines didn't feel humiliated because of this, but stopped one after another, pointing their long guns and short cannons at the golden-armored giant as if facing a big enemy.

Then, an experienced detective sergeant picked up the psionic detector, scanned the opponent's body in a businesslike manner, and reported in the army's public channel in a businesslike manner.

"There is a spiritual response, and it is basically certain that it is a psychic."

The psionic reconnaissance equipment equipped by these marine troops is considered to be the simplest alchemy equipment, even if its function is not outstanding, at least it can be regarded as a piece of equipment that is better than nothing.As for how many rings the opponent has, which star ring, how strong the battle is, and those innate skills he has mastered, they are all ignorant.

In addition, if the opponent knows how to restrain his breath, it may be difficult to detect whether the opponent is a psyker.

Fortunately, since this golden-armored godman has such a high-profile appearance, he is not the kind of stealthy style who hides his head and shows his tail. He is not prepared to cover up his strength at all.As a result, the pointer of the psychic detector immediately bounced to the end, and then broke free from the restraint of the instrument panel with a bang, and directly hit the scouting sergeant's helmet window.

The soldiers looked at each other.People with rich imaginations have already thought of a terrible possibility, but they haven't said it after all.

After several seconds, Major Daqi asked cautiously: "This... is it a mechanical failure?"

The scouting sergeant put down the scrapped psionic detector and said solemnly: "It's worse than that."

"...So, do we want to continue fighting? We are tigers, so we can't escape without fighting." Kong Wu's powerful battalion commando leader looked hesitantly at the golden armored man in the distance.

The other party had a rather unfavorable face, but he made a move full of flaws.Taking a closer look, this guy is also a mortal body after all, and his purple head and face are even exposed to the air.

After all, there is a battalion here. If all the heavy firepower is put up, maybe they can drown the opponent?

After all, those present were all members of the elite Huben Division, and they did not lack experience in resisting psykers, whether it was drills or actual combat.

"It's up to you to decide." The reconnaissance sergeant said to Major Daqi of the Battalion.

"No, we should retreat. Even the detection instrument is broken, so it must not be an ordinary psychic. This is not an opponent we can deal with." Major Arno Dach said solemnly: "We are tigers, and we are more powerful. You have to recognize the difference."

"I think your choice is very wise!" said the deputy battalion commander.

Of course, no one objected, even the commando captain who was eager to try just now just said that he would come over to cut off the rear.

Then, the soldiers began to retreat one after another, and Major Daqi reported the situation found here on the communication channel, and also reported to the headquarters of the Fuxi.

"Indeed, this man in golden armor is a very dangerous target. You shouldn't provoke him casually." Colonel Mina Walter agreed with the judgment of the former enemy commander.

"We'll be here as soon as possible."

Major Daqi's intuition told himself that even if all the members of Colonel Walter's team rushed together, they might not be the opponent of this golden-armored alien, so he put forward his opinion very tactfully.

Fortunately, they are all old comrades in arms, and the other party didn't feel offended, but said: "I am a woman, and I am also the mother of two children. I am more precious than you men. If I really come here and find that I can't beat you, you will Run, don't I know how? When the time comes, don't blame me for using you as a meat shield."

Major Dutch felt that this was indeed Ms. Walter's painting style, and immediately felt relieved.

On the other side, the commando soldiers left behind were adjusting the heavy weapons in their hands while building automatic sentry guns.Someone even released two automatic mine mine vehicles that looked like skateboards, and while they were operating them, they laid down a string of automatic mine mines like cubs.

Probably the sound of these actions is still a little louder.The golden-armored giant who seemed to be in the United States opened his eyes again, moved a step suddenly, and let out a sigh.

Although Major Dach gave the order to retreat, he himself decided to stay until the end, and he was also the first to notice the other party's abnormal movement.

"I am the Destiny! How can I tolerate such a despicable ants barking in front of me!" The giant in the golden armor clearly let out such an emotional low growl, and then lifted two doors as wide as a magic trick from behind. Sharp beheading sword: "You are looking for your own death!"

It sounded like a cult wand with low IQ and no culture was shouting slogans. Although Major Daqi thought so, he clearly understood the murderous intent in the other party's last words, and he couldn't help but directly ordered: "Fire! Use us!" Do everything you can to stop him!"

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