Him and their stars

Chapter 1202 Can You Get Offline Even Outside Your Body?

Chapter 1202 Can You Get Offline Even Outside Your Body?
This is a so-called "mirror killing array".To put it bluntly, these overlapping clones of "Mr. Past" are nothing more than a bunch of psionic tricks.In theory, these manipulations can't actually cause actual damage if left alone.But in fact, this is not an ordinary blindfold, but a rather superb illusion.For most people, at this moment, all their perceptions will be disturbed, whether it is vision, hearing, touch, or even intuition, they will think that these attacks are real.

But once you really think so, the countless nihility attacks formed by many mirror images will really feed back into reality through spiritual feedback and become real attacks.

Even most psykers would be deprived of their lives in this way.

However, Yu Lian really felt that it was boring, and felt that he was really despised.The other party is the "Master of the Past", could it be that he is so arrogant, thinking that he can't even pass such a mere will test?Isn't it so flashy that you will leave your flaws to yourself?

Just as soon as these mirror images surrounded him, Yu Lian found nine ways to fight back on the spot.Nine types!
However, since it is a "past public", this should still be acting, right?Yu Lian decided to continue to be more cautious, everyone was more vigilant.He ignored these stormy attacks that seemed to tear him to shreds at any time, but with a deep intuition, he swung the dawn-colored atomic light blade towards one of the "past" shadows.

In an instant, those phantoms all disappeared, and the real body of the "past" was immediately exposed.He could only change his moves on the spot, and retracted his sword awkwardly with a movement that seemed quite uncomfortable, blocking Linguang's counter-tick, but still burned his wrist by the overflowing destructive magnetic field.

As a result, the eredar elves grinned sharply, revealing sharp teeth, and a painful expression flashed past.

"Well done, young man. Looks like I underestimated you." His eyes lit up with surprise.

But Yu Lian responded with a hidden fox face with no emotion.You are already like this, so stop pretending!The co-author wasn't acting just now?

Now that the battle situation has changed, he naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.Just one thought came into his mind, and the "Sword Pills" that formed Dawn rushed over one after another, wrapped in an energy field containing dimensional vibrations, and hit a point on the opponent's chest continuously.

Obviously, they are small projectiles only the size of glass balls, but every time they hit, they seem to turn into thrusts that can penetrate the armor of a battleship.

Then, this stalwart figure wrapped in flamboyant golden armor, like a god, finally lost his balance, flew upside down more than ten meters away, and landed on one knee in a little embarrassment.

It wasn't until this time that the bodies of the eredar elves seemed to finally have real physical world, understandable mass and heat.As a result, those autonomously induced mines that should have reacted earlier, like hyenas that suddenly smelled the scent of prey, completed the start-up procedure in an instant, and gathered over one after another.

Uh, well, considering the shape and behavior of the mines, saying that hyenas are still flattering them is actually more like a bunch of cockroaches.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous explosions covered other people's sight, but they couldn't affect Yu Lian's sight.He clearly saw that the eredar elf was indeed completely surrounded by the shock wave of the explosion, its steps were staggering and clumsy, and even the reaction to struggling seemed particularly slow for a while.

... Is this guy really the "past"?

Yu Lian still felt that he still couldn't rule out the possibility that the other party was playing him, so he took a few steps back with the spear in hand.

And at this time, Major Daqi behind him seemed to think that this was a good opportunity, he raised his right arm decisively, opened the magnetic slingshot on the arm armor, and blasted more than ten grenades in a row to the explosion among.

Yu Lian really didn't expect that this unattractive Marine Corps officer actually installed a magnetic slingshot on his arm armor.That's all right, but if you take a closer look, the slingshot has obviously been modified, and it clearly forms some automatic transmission devices between the ammunition pack on the back of the mecha.

This major is a talent.All those who know how to modify their standard equipment and have not modified their cars are actually talents.Yu Liangang wanted to boast so much.

Seeing that the large group of marines also raised their weapons one after another, another fire cover came immediately.

These marines are indeed talented!

When the psykers of the enemy and us started to fight against each other, they didn't think about completely giving up the battlefield to the psykers, let alone fleeing on the spot, but were always thinking about whether there was a chance they could help.

Whether it is courage or subjective initiative, they are indeed worthy of being an elite.

In fact, when ordinary soldiers encounter psykers, the most feasible and successful counterattack method is to cover them with all their firepower.These marines are also strictly implementing tactical drills.

Yu Lian has always felt that any child who knows how to cover firepower is a good child, and his luck in the future will not be too bad, so he immediately feels a sense of intimacy.

When the marines unleashed enough firepower to level an entire block, Yu Lian gave a slight lead to Major Daqi, and the latter waved his hand and ordered to temporarily

"Thank you for your rescue. Your Excellency, Commander, I never thought that you would be the first to arrive at the scene." The major had time to express his thanks to Yu Lian in person.

"I didn't expect it either. I didn't even think that I would meet this guy so soon." Yu Lian said.

In fact, just 2 minutes ago, Yu Lian had already arrived at the unmanned aerial vehicle library used as a landing point wearing the emblem machine, and came to his loyal marines.However, before he could discuss the battle situation with brigade commander Zuo Wanhu and others, he received a request for help from Major Daqi in the communication channel.

They all said that he is a golden-armored, purple-faced, mighty and domineering god, and this image is really easy to let his imagination run wild.Yu Lian felt that he was still a person who could do whatever he wanted, so he immediately left a group of entourages behind, and directly opened "Dimensional Smooth Journey", a long-distance space shuttle.

Fortunately, perhaps this is only the outermost defensive circle of the Snake Lair, and there seems to be no space blocking array, and his shuttle went very smoothly.

Of course, he also seemed to have a brief encounter with Colonel Mina Walter and their squad along the way, but that wasn't too important.

All in all, after a few flashes, he locked on to the direction of the psionic reaction, and rushed over, just in time to save the lives of Major Daqi and his subordinates.

Yu Lian didn't think his actions were reckless.Anyway, the "Sacred Jade of the Sky" has never been used, it is equivalent to a universal scroll to return to the city, if the situation of the boss battle is really bad, at least you can retreat on the spot.

However, judging from the hip-pull of this boss, the "City Return Scroll" should be able to stay for a while longer.

Yu Lian and his soldiers kept vigilant together. After the smoke cleared, the first thing he saw was the passage that had been plowed into a mess by all kinds of heavy firepower, and then the figure of the golden armored eredar elf.

His burly body is still as proud as an unyielding mountain, standing in the center of the passage, the four walls of the passage he is obviously in have been severely damaged, broken wall pieces and various broken unknown parts scattered on the ground, as if Constitute a mess of factory ruins.

However, he himself still looks like a finely crafted statue of a god, not even a single scratch or stain can be seen on the golden armor full of classical exaggerated style.

"Bah..." Major Daqi snorted, full of regret.

Of course, it's just a pity, but it doesn't contain too obvious fear, which is obviously what he expected.

As an experienced Marine Corps officer, he knew very well that if he really had to face a high-ranking psyker, the fire coverage of his group was ultimately a kind of friendship output, and the effect was probably better than that of the atmosphere group and the cheerleaders. But it is also limited.

He didn't think he could really cause fatal injuries to the enemy, but if he just wiped off a little blood, he could at least earn an assist, right?

Major Da Qi gestured to the soldiers behind him as if he was facing an enemy, and then looked at Yu Lian.

"Your Excellency, we..."

Yu Lian just waved his hand, signaling to the other party to be calm.He looked at the "past man" again.At this moment, he was indeed like a lifelike and majestic statue, standing in place, his eyes wide open...but he remained motionless.

This time, even ordinary marines saw the problem.

Major Daqi said: "The enemy, have you become silent?"

The Detective Master Chief picked up his psychic scanner again, operated it, and said in a dubious tone: "The enemy is still there, and it is still active. Repeat, the enemy is still active... This, Your Excellency?"

He also knew that the psionic detector he was carrying was useless to a master, so he could only help another master.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then picked up a small stone from the ground—in fact, of course it couldn’t be a stone, it was a piece of metal plate or pipe that fell from the outer wall of the damaged passage—and threw it over.

The small stone bounced on the forehead of the eredar elf with a bang, and bounced away, but the other party still maintained a vivid expression of angry eyes, and it was still a lifelike statue full of majesty.

...Just now I left it there to do tricks, but this time it's changed to mime, right?Yu Lian gritted his teeth unhappily, thought for a while, and casually took an ordinary C11 electromagnetic rifle from the marine next to him, and aimed at the knee of "Grand Past". Hit a shuttle.

This time, the bullets did not trigger the force field shield formed by psionic energy, but they all hit the armor that protected the knees, and there was only a series of sharp metal impact sounds.

After a round of bullets was fired, the knees protected by the golden armor were still unscathed, and the body of the "Great Past" also stood still.

Yu Lian heard the voices of soldiers whispering to each other. Although he was surprised, there was not much panic.This scene is indeed too weird, but once it gets too weird, there won't be much fear left, only confusion and absurdity.

Yu Lian was also a little confused, so he simply took a picture of this scene with a high-definition camera and posted it in the group.Of course, as a senior military officer with an internationalist spirit, he naturally sent a copy to the shared database of the coalition headquarters.

"So, my lords, I'm really ignorant. Regarding this situation, can you teach me anything?"

"Illusion?" asked the chief navigator of the empire, a "explorer" of the fourth ring.

"Spiritual partner? Well, it's very possible." The alchemist from the alliance said, but his words were not very convincing.

Then, the psykers from all walks of life in the coalition forces who had no combat missions started talking like this, but they didn't come up with any reliable information.

Yu Lian was a little disappointed.In fact, he most wanted to hear the judgment of Earl Tatier or King Valente. After all, the former was an experienced knight commander, the top master of psychic combat, and his hard power might not be inferior to the "past" Duke himself.As for King Valente... this guy will never tell the truth, but as long as he is willing to speak, he will definitely be able to generate some information. I didn't expect him to be so calm, and he didn't worry about himself as a scientist. Can't it be established?
But then again, all psykers without combat missions joined in. Doesn't this mean that he himself really went into battle with a knife?

Well, it is worthy of being the emperor of the general election, and he is still super brave.

Instead, Yani told Yu Lian through a private channel that King Wei Lunte had indeed boarded the fortress with his guards and retainers.

"It sounds like the situation in the empire is not bad?"

"It's not bad. After paying three times the casualties of your side, it occupied an internal cabin that is about half of the space on your side. When the combat meeting was held, such casualties were already expected. gone."

To put it bluntly, it wasn't that the Empire was playing badly, but that the Community was playing very well.Yu Lian was immediately proud of what he said, and he held his head high and said, "It's really worthy of us! However, we should also give the Commander Gong a ton of medals."

"King Weilunte has already distributed it. It is a second-class Ruby Sword Star Four-Clawed Dragon Medal. It is enough to exchange for a ton of gold if it is thrown on the black market." Yani laughed: "After the medal is distributed, he will personally let's go."

Yu Lian said with a smile: "So, is it for support, or to gain a sense of presence?"

Yani said: "I have both. Just now, our various armies have found six Eredar elves in the battle. The strength varies, but they are not easy to deal with."

Is it a method outside the body?Yu Lian flashed this thought, and said, "The one on my side may be the weakest one, right?"

"No, the weakest one appeared outside the outer fluid armor in area B, and fought with our army's attacking troops. It instantly killed nearly a company of our marines, including a psychic. "

"Oh?" It doesn't sound too weak!

"Then, I told everyone to retreat quickly, and put a round of positron cannons on the eredar elf."

"It's just... evaporated?"

"Vaporized." Yani said firmly.

Well, it is not clear whether it is strong or not, but it must not be very smart.

"The strongest is on the side of the empire. They have fought with Earl Taddier for [-] rounds. The two have penetrated through several corridors and entered the inner circle of the fortress."

Yu Lian was amazed when he heard it, and said hesitantly, "It sounds like there is some conspiracy hidden."

"Maybe there are some conspiracy hidden. However, Earl Tatier's service experience is older than ours, so he should have his own judgment." Yani said solemnly: "As for the situation on your side, about It must be because the body of the 'Past Lord' is offline."

"Can this thing go offline?"

"The avatar created by this psychic technique is either injected with a virtual personality simulated with mental power, which is equivalent to an automatic robot created by oneself, or it is manipulated by oneself with ideas, which is equivalent to a puppet on a string. I I feel that the one I used the cannon to focus on is the former, and your side may be the latter."

"But what's the point?"

Yani thought for a while: "A real master will not only use his body as a puppet and cannon fodder for battle, but also as a medium for certain techniques."

Yu Lian took a closer look at the sad face of "Grand Past", and immediately felt that it was indescribably funny, but when he looked closely, it was indeed a bit weird.But he knew that it was a psychological effect, and with his current perception and mystical attainments, he really didn't find any violations.

But at this time, he heard Yani say again: "Don't act rashly, I'll come right over. Just stay there, don't move around."

(End of this chapter)

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