Him and their stars

Chapter 1204 Everyone rushed

Chapter 1204 Everyone rushed

What does it mean to carry the situation together?Shouldn't a steady and wise man obliterate all situations invisibly?
Yu Lian felt that he should have no expression now.However, even through the visor of the heraldry machine, Miss Bei on the opposite side seemed to see his thoughts, and she just smiled: "Many times, breakthroughs that exceed expectations are caused by unplanned situations. Of course, you should know best about this, don't you?"

Yu Lian sighed: "This is nothing more than high risk and high return. But, Yani, this is a speculator's game, not a capitalist's game."

"It's not just speculators who have high risks and high returns." Yani said meaningfully: "You know who else likes to do this."

She paused for a moment, showing a coquettish and pitiful expression: "Also, you obviously know that the memories only belong to the two of us, and there are only these unexpected situations. Lanka? Forgot the milky sands of the moonlight?”

Yu Lian couldn't help shivering.Fortunately, this girl opened a private chat, otherwise what will happen later, I'm afraid it will not be such a superficial setting of social death.

"...It's not an unexpected situation, it's obviously a situation you made yourself." Yu Lian sighed: "I think you will really have to make your own legs and eyes into it sooner or later."

"So I don't understand, why do you always hold such malice towards my legs and eyes? He is obviously very healthy."

Yes, she is indeed very healthy now, so she just waved her hand lightly, and the book of the Sun God unfolded in front of everyone, and light ridges floated out from the cracks in the pages of the book, like a hollow cube of light.

Yu Lian didn't know what these things were for, but they seemed quite reliable.

He took a serious look at the "Grand Past" in front of him again, then raised the shaft of the atomic light spear again, posed in a billiards-playing pose, and aimed at the angry-eyed head full of remorse.

The atomic light spear can actually be used as a gun to shoot, and its range is even farther than most blaster guns.

At this time, this guy is still pretending to be a sculpture!Yu Lian was amazed, and without hesitation used his spiritual power to press the switch on the inside of the spear.

A golden light beam came out smoothly, and hit that Cannian's big face precisely.As a result, the eredar elf's face, which looked like a glaring King Kong, was instantly broken into particles by the violent disintegration force.

But then, the unmanned corpse that lost its head did not fall down, but as if it had been triggered by some reaction, it suddenly deformed and twisted, and turned into a large mass of liquid mucus on the spot.The slime quickly decomposed and began to splash around. At first glance, it looked like a mass of acid full of malicious activity.

Major Daqi and the marines made a commotion, but they did not lose their minds. They raised their guns and got ready to shoot, waiting for the commander's order.

But Yu Lian felt that if they tried to cover the fire again this time, it might not have any effect, and would even add to the chaos.

But before the soldiers opened fire, those mucus-like things jumped twice, and those dazzling light prisms shone over.An invisible lock was formed between the light prisms, sucking all the mucus into it.

"Hmph, sure enough." Yani snorted coldly: "This Eredar elf is a master of using external body skills, but he also uses props to save himself energy. This kind of biological medium is a very useful material .”

Biological media?Yu Lian was slightly taken aback, and asked in confusion, "The special material used by the Konami to make biological armor?"

"Oh, you know?" Yani was a little surprised.

Of course I know.I also know that they have set the technology tree of biological weapons to a very high level, and it is estimated that in another 200 years, they will point out the strong colony armor and beast soldiers... Then, their home planet will be destroyed by the empire. It exploded into mine.

Of course, this would not happen until many years later in another timeline.

"However, I heard that the biological medium needs to use the living soul." That is a rare zero element!

Yani smiled and said: "There are substitutes. At least the World-Round Serpent should have found a substitute. These guys are very good at absorbing new technologies from all over the universe, and they are even better at developing these technologies into something that some inventors can hardly think of. The evil use. This "past" man is really a lazy rotten person! Using biological mesons to form the so-called external body, without relying on spiritual energy to interfere with reality to construct a "fake body", it is more like kneading clay. Moreover, with the activity of biological mesons, a little bit of psionic energy can be injected casually, and the tough body of a psionic user can be simulated."

"...That's not just the tough body of a psyker, but also a tough body wearing ancient psychic armor." Yu Lian said.

"That's something to ask yourself. Is his body really like that, or is that what you think he should be?"

Yu Lian understood immediately and couldn't help but be amazed. The "past" lord, even the "past" lord who just relied on his cheap avatar to fight against him, is indeed unpredictable!
However, only these methods can become one of the mentors of the World-Round Serpent.

At this time, Yani had already shown a dangerous smile, stretched out her hand and made a pinching motion, and saw those light edges suddenly tightened, squeezing the mucus into them, and squeezed them out of sight.

Yu Lian knew that she had actually decomposed those "biological media" into atomic states.

"The avatar is destroyed. Even if it's really disconnected, you should have noticed it." She said with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a phantom flashing in front of her. For a moment, she thought it was A Piao who was creating a scare point in a horror game.Then, the figure of Ah Piao finally became clear, it was the "Grand Past".

"Is this a coincidence of the soul? What a classic setting?" Yu Lian nodded.However, of course he knew that this was actually a remote projection, but he didn't know whether it was made with psionic simulation or technology.

"It's a pity, I thought I could delay it for a while." The eredar elf sighed, glanced over Yu Lian, and then his eyes stayed on Yani's face: "I'm with the Berenkester family It’s not that we have dealt with each other less, but this is indeed the first time we have met Princess Hongqiangwei of this generation.”

He paused for a while: "...It's a pity, if you had met with you in advance, I should have known that everything today is inevitable."

Yu Lian suddenly realized: "Is this an admission? Every generation of Bei family parents who want to make a difference will take out snakes to sacrifice to the sky, isn't that right?"

Miss Bei didn't hear Yu Lian's attack on life at that time, so she just sneered: "So, if you want to be a terrorist, you should be a terrorist, and if you want to be a magician, then be a magician. You always don't understand life. It’s a miracle that he can survive to this day!”

The Eredar elves also seemed not to hear it at the time, and said to themselves: "But why are you so anxious? This universe will belong to people like you sooner or later."

"These words are really incomprehensible. Sure enough, a person who has been a magician for a long time can't even speak clearly."

"What's so hard to understand? He doesn't even act now." Yu Lian laughed and said, "What I heard was the wailing of a sacrificed black glove before being abandoned! Yani, he was Sue this unfair universe! Sue this era that is being squeezed by you!"

Yani glanced at Yu Lian, smiled sweetly, and pointed her middle finger directly.

At this time, the ghost-like projection of the "Grand Past" floated back a few steps, and then squeezed out a smiling face: "Forget it, this is the choice of fate! The old man has almost exhausted all his mental strength just now, and finally put the Count Tatier was invited to center stage. I would have liked a little more order, but things don't always go the way we expect."

Then, the transparent shadow disappeared again, and what appeared in place had become a transparent prismatic light gate.

"This is the entrance to the stage. Young Dragon of Dawn, young Princess Rainbow Rose, do you dare to come?"

"If you don't mention that nickname, maybe I'll leave you with a whole body." Yu Lian said, copying his hands.

"We are accepting our fate. I left everything we have there. But, who should this rich inheritance be handed over to? You should be qualified to discuss this matter."

The voice of "Grand Past" disappeared into the air immediately, and there was no more response.

"His illness is really unclear. With such a leader, how can the snake get better." Yani said.

"It's because the snake is really dying that you just slaughtered it to make snake soup." Yu Lian said.

"Although this guy is seriously ill, he is right in saying something. It is not a matter of who is the leader, but a choice of fate."

"So, you are destiny?" Yu Lian sneered.

Yani's eyes lit up, and she showed a very helpful smile: "Hey? Yu Lian, your little mouth has become sweet recently. I didn't know that psionic power can also improve the skill of the mouth. "

This can increase the favorability, I didn't expect it.Yu Lian sighed.

At this time, Yani had already opened the armor of the heraldry machine, and threw out a dozen flying machines about the size of Hu Feng from the storage compartment inside, and circled the light gate several times.

"Well, it's just a space gate, which is in the Ariel configuration. The end point will lead to the gap in the material world, and there may be a fork in the middle, but it is still part of the material world in theory."

Yu Lian said: "In other words, it's similar to those dimensional refuges or spiritual treasure houses?"

Yani nodded: "Perhaps the design is more subtle, but the concept is the same. Moreover, this kind of space channel is actually very stable. Although it is composed of psionic energy, it does not introduce the subspace law of the virtual world. Use other hands and feet in the space channel." Yani smiled and said: "That is to say, it is almost impossible to create a deadly trap in this configuration of the space channel."

"...So, he really opened the door and invited us in." Yu Lian sighed.

"The switch of this door is hidden on the biological mesons just now. I guess, if I didn't rush over just now, and you shot too hard and broke his body, those biological mesons will decompose and attach, and at the same time Open the space door, and you will be teleported directly to the destination."

"Oh, catch a trap. Force me to place an order, and fight again, right?" Yu Lian suddenly realized, but then shook his head and said, "But, what's the point of that?"

Even if he could really push himself into a situation where he was alone, so what?After all, I am already a "saint", and the past battles have proved my experience.Even if all the remaining snake heads are put together, can he really kill himself instantly?If you can't kill in seconds, do you expect me to break the dawn... Ah bah, this high-achieving disciple of the Spiritual Research Association, the star of hope of the Blue Star Community, the best friend of Princess Hongqiangwei and King Suliuka, the youngest Yagemi best director in history Does a man like this have any life-saving cards?

It's hard to say whether a psyker with a deep foundation can fight, but there must be many ways to save his life. This is also common sense in the extraordinary world.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if I really will be killed, I will definitely let them reveal the exact location and space coordinates.At that time, the psykers and the army of the coalition army swarmed in, and the remaining snake heads would not even be able to die whole.

Or, the snake around the world would rather lose anything than beat himself to death?Do we, a small earth officer who is harmless to humans and animals, have so much hatred for them?
Yani obviously also thought of this truth, so she just smiled and said, "He doesn't have much hostility towards you. I can feel it, so you should be able to do it too?"

"This kind of person should be very good at hiding aura and hostility." Yu Lian said.

"If I were him, there would be no point in playing such a trick. Even if I don't believe in my intuition, I still have to believe in a systematic psychic appraisal." She nodded her eyes, those bright blue eyes Among them, it seems that a layer of colorless but bright mist has been applied.

"Samsara's eyes are destroyed by all phenomena?" Yu Lian gasped in amazement.After this girl completed the Ascension Ceremony in the Void Realm, she has indeed developed a lot of supernatural abilities.

"This is the background of the Belen Kester family, the royal family of the alliance!"

"It's the Sun God's Fa Tong! What the hell is that statement behind? It's like a low-level online game! It's too shameful!" Princess Hong Qiangwei stomped her feet.

"That's how it's spread on the Tao, maybe it's the promotional materials of your family's tabloids. You have to admit that most people on the Tao are uneducated, and this kind of name is very influential." Yu Lian shrugged: "Besides, you Don't you deny that Hong Qiangwei is the royal family of the Alliance?"

Yani glared at Yu Lian, and then said: "Maybe she has some important private matter to discuss with you in detail. Of course, we can ignore it and proceed to the inside of the fortress step by step."

Having said that, she took back the robot, closed the book of the sun god, and walked straight towards the light gate.As the commander of the coalition side of this joint operation, he is obviously not going to continue to follow the steps.

"I thought you would wait for your subordinates to follow before you act."

"Isn't there still you? Hehe, classmate Yu Lian, I'll show you a new trick later. Teacher Yani alone is the army." She waved to Yu Lian and walked into the space door first.

After the figure wearing the snow-white coat of arms disappeared at the light gate, Yu Lian said in the command channel: "Okay, that's it, the supreme commanders of the alliance and the empire are rushing like this! If I don't Wouldn't it be rude to follow?"

"...Your Excellency, this kind of thing, when you landed in person, the lower officer expected it." Chief of Staff Mkawa said helplessly.

"That's why I said, it's a blessing to have reliable colleagues!" Yu Lian laughed.Then he turned his head and gestured to Major Daqi to move forward, and then strode into the diamond-shaped ball of light, and his figure disappeared along with the light gate.

(End of this chapter)

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