Him and their stars

Chapter 1212 Dusk and Darkness

Chapter 1212 Dusk and Darkness

It's endless!Is your guy's avatar actually a leek?Yu Lian couldn't help baring his teeth.

He didn't even need special spiritual perception to be sure that these avatars were completely cultivated through careful debugging and alchemy, and could carry the strength of six rings or higher.According to Yani, the cost of this thing is almost as high as that of the alchemy treasure, so naturally it is not a so-called technology.

But even with such an expensive thing, this guy still took out a dozen at once.Yu Lian felt that there were not many things in this world that were more wasteful than this.With this money, can't you buy a nutritious lunch for the rural children in the remote star area?

At this time, these avatars who were in good condition, with awe-inspiring demeanor and psychic coercion flowing from their bodies, had slowly gathered over, looking as if they were ready to bully the few.

However, both Yu Lian and the knight commander expressed that they were in a stable mood and did not feel too much threat.As experienced psykers, both of them knew that, in the final analysis, the so-called extracorporeal body skills needed to be controlled by the spirit of the main body.Although these dozen or so clones are all strong, they are not so much a copycat version of "Past Lord", but rather his weapons.

But now, he is being pinched by Yu Lian and the knight commander, and his body has been severely injured. It is already very difficult to keep himself alive. How many percent of his control over his clones is left?

Yu Lian raised the atomic light spear again to disintegrate the flame, and swept across the force field armor covering the opponent's body.Obviously it was just a collision between energy and energy, but he clearly felt an extremely strong recoil force, which made the tiger's mouth that he held the sword hurt.

However, his power had seeped into the opponent's armor, searing the muscles and bones of the eredar elves.He was suffering pain comparable to being burned at the stake, his spine was still twisted, and above the dissolved muscles was cracked and torn skin.In just a few seconds, he seemed to have aged several hundred years, directly from a young man whose physical function had not declined to an old man who was about to build blocks.

However, his laughter became even more wanton.

"Hahahaha, it hurts so much! Hahahaha, boy, you have to push yourself!"

Yu Lian felt that it was only at this time that he really acted like a crazy villain in the true sense.Moreover, there is one thing to say, the leader of a nihilistic pleasure criminal organization like the snake around the world should be this kind of crazy critic, so it looks more harmonious.

However, the biological secret is still very magical.Maybe the Eredar elves no longer considered the consequences because they entered the crazy batch, or maybe they had already figured it out, and they simply started to counterattack, with a look of "he is crazy and he is crazy".At the same moment, those sharp pains suddenly turned into the source of power to explode at this moment, and instead made his movements faster again.

In an instant, his trident whipped up a storm beside him, twisting the lightning driven by the two atomic light spears between them, almost completely tearing up the collapsed energy charge.

Yu Lian was amazed.He knew that the opponent was covering his body with a defensive vortex, changing from defensive to offensive.

On the other side, as the top martial arts master in the Star Knights, Count Tatier also saw more.In the golden storm twisted by the trident, he vaguely saw the shadow of some kind of giant beast.

"So that's how it is, Sarapa, the Shadow Hunter!"

He finally understood where he learned the martial arts of "Gong Gong" which combines offense and defense.

"Yes, it's the imitation from the Lord of the Underworld!" The Eredar elf let out a mad and arrogant laugh like a martial arts madman: "Your way is called dusk! And mine is called dusk!" It's called Mingzhao!"

Then what I do is called basic skills.While thinking about it, Yu Lian stabbed the opponent's waist with the most basic piercing in knight spear, but really just disappeared into the phantom, and then felt a huge suction force, like a golden yellow The energy flames in his body were passively condensed into a solid body, and seemed to be absorbed by countless tentacles and arms, almost causing his body to lose balance, and even the weapon in his hand was almost taken away.

However, at this critical moment, Yu Lian couldn't really be deprived of his weapon because of his astonishment.The attractive force on his palm has always clamped Linguang's handle, and with a strong pick, he pulled Guangyan out of the cloud of phantom.

He heard the eredar groan in pain.But at this time, he was completely wrapped in the storm of the trident dancing, as if he had directly turned into a shadow.

Yu Lian felt that he was now fighting against a group of silent but dangerous and deadly shadows.

However, if the other party's so-called "Mingzhao" is really imitating the power of Sarapa, the "Mingzhao Hunter" known to the world, it is not surprising that it has such an effect.

"Sarapa" is a demon god in charge of phantom and evil forces in the ancient mythology of the empire.Later, when the explorers of the empire discovered the ability of a certain lord of the virtual realm in the virtual realm for the first time, they found that there were indeed many similarities between its ability and the myths and legends, so they named it accordingly.

This may also be the most dangerous Void Lord in the Void Realm. Monsters of this level basically have their own territories. As long as they don't intentionally provoke them around them, they are generally relatively safe—of course Well, most people may have a mental breakdown on the spot when they face the real body of the Void Lord, but this does not mean that it is their fault.

Sarapa, however, was different.It is a symbol of disorder and violence. It has no territory and wanders in any corner of the virtual world. It will try to hunt opponents stronger than itself, and it may let pass by occasionally. human ants.

In short, so far, mystics have not discovered the action logic of this monster, but the only thing that is certain is that it is indeed the most predator-like Void Lord in the Void, and it turns out to be very similar to the Void Lord. A decent creature.Unlike other Void Lords, it is not so much a living thing as it is a collection of some abnormal information that is nagging.

Therefore, in the Ethereal Temple, his official name became "Mingzhao Hunter", and only the arrogant imperial people would call it "Sarapa".

It is almost impossible to capture the true form of this kind of virtual monster. Most people can only see a large group of black shadows covering the sky and the sun.There seems to be no flesh and blood in the black shadow, only an endless energy field like a whirlpool.

When he attacked the prey, the vortex formed by the force field would suddenly rush out from the cover of the black shadow like a tornado, tearing the prey apart completely, before being swallowed by the black mist.Whether it is a mechanical structure made of flesh or metal, or even an energy module, it can be regarded as one of the food for this kind of monster.

No one knows whether this virtual monster has biological tissue, so they can only regard the force field vortex flowing through the black mist as his sharp claws and bloody maw.This means that every position of the hunter's body is likely to launch an attack, which is so hidden that it is impossible to defend, and it is too fast for people to dodge.

And at this moment, the Eredar elf's attack felt like this.

Is this the fighting skill learned through the behavior of the hunter master Mingzhao?If this is the case, "Master Past" can be called a master of martial arts that is astonishing in the past.

Hehe, no matter if it's the "Twilight" of His Excellency the Knight Commander, or the "Dark Photo" of "Past Lord", I want them all!Huhuhu, as an excellent ranger, isn't it reasonable to want to strengthen and improve yourself?

While thinking about it, Yu Lian simply switched from offense to defense, giving up the rhythm of attack to Count Tatier on the opposite side again.In just a short moment, the two warriors wearing heraldry machines had fought the black mist for hundreds of rounds.If there are outsiders here, they will probably think that the knights of the star realm are subduing demons and demons.

There is no way, someone is holding an atomic light spear in his hand, and using the psionic martial arts of the empire, what else can it be if it is not a star knight?

After a hundred rounds of fighting that lasted less than a second, the two sides seemed to be in a tie.

But what about this?

Just like what Yu Lian had guessed, the "Master of the Past" dragging such a bruised body to insist on using martial skills of this level is definitely an extraordinary display of will beyond the body.Such a scene is certainly very inspirational, but how long can it last?
More importantly, in such a state, how can he control the outside body over there?

Yes, those powerful clones still maintained their domineering and exposed postures, standing in place, just like a group of lifelike statues.

Yu Lian simply closed his eyes, no longer facing Count Tatier's strong light and the past Duke's black mist with his naked eyes.The force field confrontation produced by the two when they fought has formed a thickening haze, during which deadly flames and lightning flickered.

And what he needs to do now is to find out the attacks belonging to the eredar elves in this confused haze, and resolve them instead of the knight commander.In addition, all his perception and observation skills are focused on the dancing trajectory and the flow of spiritual energy on both sides, hoping to remember all the skills of "Twilight" and "Mingzhao".

In the past, this was absolutely impossible to do.But when Yu Lian was in contact at the shortest distance, always jumping left and right in the deadly killing intent...of course it was impossible.

However, if there is an omnipotent ancient robot around to help record data for itself, it is possible.

Such a mysterious concept as the flow of psychic energy cannot be recorded by modern technological products, but if it is the golden whistle of the Enlightenment period, it is indeed possible.Even if only [-]% to [-]% can be recorded, it is hard for others to imagine.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian still felt a little pity.If the person beside him is not the golden whistle, but the more advanced Xiaohui, maybe he can poke out the underpants of these two bosses.

The two bosses are addicted to the ruthless and efficient battle, but they are completely unaware that a third party in the fight is actually watching secretly.

At this time, the "Grand Past" had already felt obvious fatigue in addition to the pain, and once again let out his own roar from behind the black mist: "What are you waiting for?"

Did he say "you" instead of "you"?A flash of vigilance flashed in Yu Lian's heart.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the surrounding environment began to change again.It wasn't that the platform he was stepping on began to move again, but that the surrounding cabins began to twist.

"A Rubik's Cube? Is the so-called Snake Cave actually a Rubik's Cube?" Yu Lian couldn't help but shouted.

"Or a magic building block. Well, I think a magic building block is more appropriate." The commander of the knight said seriously.Although he was very serious, the spear in his hand pierced fiercely and fiercely.

This time, the wild laughter behind the black mist finally turned into a surging howl of pain.After taking a closer look, I saw that the black mist could no longer be maintained, and the figure of the Eredar elf appeared, but it had been deeply pierced by the light spear.Immediately afterwards, his shoulder, right arm, and even the small half of his torso were all removed.

Those wounds didn't even bleed, but they didn't even burn. Smooth incisions appeared directly, but it was clearly the effect of being destroyed by the disintegration force field of the atomic light spear.

His trident also fell to the ground, sinking smoothly into the steel floor.It was as if a piece of tofu had been submerged with a red-hot kitchen knife.

For most people, even psykers, this is an absolute fatal injury, but it is hard to say for this eredar elf who looks quite bloody at first glance.

But now, neither Commander Tatier nor Yu Lian can withdraw immediately.They have already seen a black shadow appearing above the platform—yes, as the environment around the platform twists like a Rubik's cube, everyone has appeared in a rather wide space.

This space presents a conical structure.The lowest level is a square as wide as a football, with a whole row of terminal arrays and various windows flashing.

The rest of the platforms are supported by connecting bridges on the circular wall.On the platform on the second floor, there are seven or eight coffin-like devices, which look a bit like gene therapy warehouses at first glance.But since it will appear here, it is naturally impossible to be so superficial.

As for the platform that Yu Lian and the others were on, it was on the third floor.On the fourth floor up, there was already a figure standing there.

It was a Kuoran man with feathers all over his face.Yu Lian slightly retracted his eye sockets, always feeling that he should have met the other party somewhere.

However, Commander Tatier has already uttered a harsh voice: "Xunfeng?"

Yu Lian suddenly realized, isn't this the Chief Investigating Judge of the Imperial Court?However, I heard that this person disappeared during a certain operation last year, but I didn't expect to find a promising job with Snake!
Or, was he actually one of Snake's subordinates from the beginning?
However, the judge was not prepared to answer at all.He just raised the two huge explosive cannons condescendingly, unscrupulously pouring out the barrage.

If it was just a blast beam, both Yu Lian and the knight commander would feel no pain or itching, but none of them could guarantee whether this guy would mix some more powerful psionic energy with other discordant attributes into it. arrows.A sixth-ring psyker can hide his true murderous intentions with high-tech weapons.

So, the two took a step back at the same time, and waved their light spears to push away the dense barrage.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the seriously injured eredar elf dragged his rickety body full of holes, jumped out of the platform, landed on the second floor and staggered a step.

"You are really too slow, General Black." Pastor Gong grinned grinningly while clutching his wound, "But, I never thought that you would be the first to rush over."

As he spoke, he walked towards the medical cabin-like equipment.The movement seems to be staggering, but the pace is not slow at all.

"I was besieged by the 78th Panzergrenadier Regiment of the Imperial Army. My mercenaries suffered heavy losses, and my adjutant was also killed." The Kuoran dropped the emptied blaster machine gun and took out Two heavy spiral impact axes landed lightly on Yu Lian's platform.

"But, I still rushed over here. But, Jiang Zuo has already fallen, can you hear his dying cry?"

(End of this chapter)

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