Him and their stars

Chapter 1215 Master of the Dawn Dragon

Chapter 1215 Master of the Dawn Dragon

At this time, no matter how dull Yu Lian is, he should be able to guess that the so-called Chief Investigating Judge of the Empire, the "Black General" who is one of the thirteen faces of the World-Round Snake, is clearly King Suliuka at the end. Well undercover.

This is the so-called three-faced spy.

"If His Majesty the Emperor knew that the second and fifth children in his court were actually sent by his beloved great-granddaughter, he would be very sad."

"If I didn't do anything, he would be sad." King Su Liuka replied casually, and slightly nodded at the fallen judge: "Thank you, Xunfeng, I have seen your loyalty. The rest is the work of me and Lian Qing."

Judge Xunfeng had already sent out the fist he had received on his chest this time, giving him a thumbs-up, and then dragged his exhausted body to the end of the aisle step by step, hiding directly behind the pipe of a compressor.

To be honest, the irony of this difficult and staggering movement is quite high. If it were normal, it would be enough to kill "Past Gong" a hundred times.But now, the leader of the World-Wide Snake has no more time to take care of this traitor. He doesn't even have the time to think about why the other party wasn't transformed into a Void Beast on the spot by the Void Demon Seed he planted.

At this moment, the black mist transformed by the eredar elf was still fighting with Yu Lian, but most of his attention had been placed on the King Suliuka who had just appeared.

Of course, it is impossible for him not to know this stunning beauty known as the "Light of the Heavenly Territory".He also knows that although she is responsible for the appearance of the emperor in the general election, she is by no means fading out of your vase.In fact, even in the Chenxi royal family, which is rich in geniuses and crazy beauties, the contemporary King Suliuka is also the most talented kind.

But even so, this dragon king who is destined to set off a cosmic storm is still young and immature.Such a stage, shouldn't it be too early for her?
Brunhilt was still standing there, like the incarnation of the sun goddess.Beside her, the divine radiance turned into an absolute domain to suppress evil spirits, continuously expanding to the surroundings. The black mist incarnated by the "Master of the Past" seemed to want to reveal a deadly phantom, but retreated back on the spot as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

Behind King Suliuka, the sun disc and dragon wings extending from the spiritual accessories on the back of the armor continuously waved boiling black and red flames.It was dark black, deep and solemn, but not sinister and weird.It was crimson flames, resplendent and sacred, but without any brutal murderous aura.The flame extended from the golden dragon wing structure, turning into a spectacular wingspan of more than 30 meters.Every time you wave it, it seems to bring a brilliant light in this space.

Under the radiance of the sacred flame, ordinary people's naked eyes will be deprived of their vision, but the physical temperature in this space has not increased at all.

However, the space cage set by the "public announcement in the past" is being torn apart.

As the red and black light wings unfolded, a huge portal was also at King Suliuka.Several star knights also wearing coat of arms have strode out of the gate of space.

Giafiel, who was wearing a red coat of arms, walked to the side of the lord first, and put on a posture of protecting the law.The Lion King battle flag was planted behind her, and she was holding a weapon between a lance and a saber in her hand.However, the blade body, which is more than one meter long, seems to be made of red crystal. It looks quite fragile, but upon closer inspection, it seems that there is still a volcano hidden under the crystal clear material.

Then, Miss Nirhana Meera, who agreed to open a hot pot restaurant in Tianyu with Yu Lian, has the title of "Iron Wall" in another timeline.

This girl is dressed in a silver-gray battle armor, with a force field shield in one hand and a light spear in the other, with a halo of divine control under her feet.Her equipment, combat skills, and her style are always plain and low-key, but they are especially useful on the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, there were two female knights, Olivia Lowentur and Wovna Maimidal, whom Yu Lian had never seen (in this life).In another timeline, they are famous imperial generals called "Double Wings", who were in charge of the Grand Marshal's Mansion in the era of Queen Brunhilt.Of course, everyone in the world knows that they are famous generals who are bright, wise and decisive, and they are also warriors who can defeat thousands of troops.

...Well, in fact, in terms of personal bravery alone, "Wings of the Empire" is not the opponent of Giafil, who will be in charge of the Star Knights with Marquis Chameen in the future, but he is definitely a first-class master.

Immediately afterwards, there was Major General Ostana Barr, known as the "Sword of Lava".She is the chief of staff and chief intelligence officer of King Suliuka. The world thinks that she is a typical "civilian" and intellectual, but she did not expect to appear on the battlefield.

However, we should know that even if the brain is sent to the battlefield, it still has to be approved.

No, Ms. Ostana was wearing a dark red mecha with the same eye color as her own, holding a three-meter-high flagpole in one hand, and a thin sword in the other.

She shrank directly behind Brunhilt, letting the light wings of flames cover herself, and she didn't mind using the lord to cover herself at all.

Yu Lian felt that Ms. "Lava Sword" was actually not suitable for the front line of the battlefield, but after thinking about it carefully, this was actually a stereotype.This young lady, who will be the prime minister in the future, has become a "death messenger" in another timeline. She is very accomplished in healing and support techniques, and she is a whole realm stronger than Beloved Relatives and Friends No. [-].

In this way, more than half of the "Lantai important ministers" of King Su Liuka after he became the queen arrived on the spot.

Yu Lian suddenly thought, if all these female knights who looked like incarnations of Valkyries died here, the history books of the empire in the next half century might be very meager.

However, even if they descended from the sky like Valkyrie, so what?They are all top talents, but this stage is indeed a bit early for them.

The eredar elves did see more.

There is one thing to say, she doesn't mind a young emperor-elect who doesn't have much fame coming to the scene, but she cares more about the plain coat of arms on her body.

This is indeed an unremarkable heraldry machine. If the light wings and sun discs spread out behind the knight are aside, there are not many complicated and elegant alchemy runes on the armor body, just like the heraldry pattern.The outer layer of the armor is smooth and clear, like a polished metal mirror, but because it is so smooth, it looks even simpler than the early heraldic machine of the previous generation.

However, behind the simple mecha is a sacred phenomenon. Such a sense of disobedience itself represents real power.

"The past man" was a little distracted.He knew that it was the "Dawn Dragon", the secret treasure of the imperial family, a treasure taken from the ruins of the Enlightened One 1000 years ago, and also the mother of the heraldry machine of the entire universe in this generation.

The coat of arms machine is a product developed through reverse research on "Dawn Dragon".But after thousands of years of development, it has never broken through that layer of shackles.Again, for high-level psykers above the fifth ring, the emblem machine is just a uniform and auxiliary consumables, and it doesn't even have the effect of a weapon.

The only exception is this "Dawn Dragon".

So, has the owner of the "Dawn Dragon" been decided?Has the future of the empire been decided too?
Well, the choice of the next emperor is not actually decided by the emperor, but by all the senators, nobles and citizens who choose from the emperor elect. The owner of the "Dawn Dragon" has never been a symbol of the crown prince of the empire, at least not legally.

However, this can express the attitude of the current emperor, and naturally it can also affect the direction of a large number of votes.

"I don't know about such a thing? Doesn't even the Scarlet King know about it?" the Eredar Elf thought.

He paid the price for his momentary distraction.

His opponent has always maintained absolute concentration, and he immediately felt the black mist's brief stagnation.

Isn't it the "Dawn Dragon"?He belongs to Brunhilt, isn't it a matter of course?

In another timeline, Yu Lian, who was used to wearing the "Dawn Dragon" on stage, expressed his emotional stability. He took the opportunity to break away from their encirclement, and smashed the entanglement of the force field with the golden flame of Linguang with a wave of his hand.Under the impetus of the spiritual storm, Poxiao Jianwan rushed into the black mist wantonly, and broke a hole in the rampage.

Immediately afterwards, his left hand turned into a finger, plunged into the black mist, and casually moved towards the gathering point of those shadow forces.

This movement seems casual and gentle, even lacking in strength.However, the coat of arms that wrapped Yu Lian's left hand couldn't bear the hidden spiritual power at all, and even whimpered a few times before being overwhelmed, the spiritual alloy mixed with zero elements fell apart on the spot.

The index finger of Yu Lian's left hand had already tapped into the black mist, finding a glimmer of life node.

At this moment, the eredar elves felt great danger, even more so than when Earl Tatier suffered the direct attack of dusk just now.However, even a well-informed psionic master like him doesn't know that Yu Lian's "spirit burial ceremony" is an ability obtained from the oppression of the Void Realm, and it was originally used to find and attack the weakness of the Void Realm monsters. ultimate move.

This move is a special attack against giant beasts in the void, and its effect on human psykers is actually limited.However, when the "Master of the Past" imitated the "Mingzhao Hunter" and performed "Mingzhao", his own existence was already changing in the direction of the Lord of the Void.

Yu Lian's attack was a special attack on the giant in the void, and it was also a special attack on him at this moment.

At this moment, the pitch-black phantom was afraid because of surprise, and hesitated because of fear.At the same time, because of fear, a considerable amount of fierceness was sacrificed.In his desperation, he quickly froze back to his original body, forming a mithril skin on his chest, blocking the opponent's finger.

He felt that his internal organs were about to be turned upside down, but compared to the deadly sense of crisis just now, this price was worth paying.

The huge body of the eredar elf floated backward like a kite with a broken string, but it bounced back on the spot as if it had hit an invisible trampoline.There was a psionic pull pulling him back.What greeted him was not Yu Lian's golden light blade and the ubiquitous dimensional bumping beads, but the black and red flames that covered the entire space.

It is like the breath of the dragon of dawn, it will never ignite the real world, it is as warm and moist as the morning sun, but it can directly burn the soul of evil spirits.

Yes, after the attack just now, Yu Lian also started to retreat tiredly, as if his body had been hollowed out.The one who took his place in battle was none other than King Suliuka in dragon flames.

The young king who was elected, the little queen who had never made any brilliant achievements in the field of psykers, just stood before the eredar elves with a bright smile on her face.

"My family's Lianqing was really taken care of by you just now, 'Grand Pastor'. This king is still young and lacks martial arts, so he needs some heavyweight heads to embellish his coat of arms. Thank you generous!"

(End of this chapter)

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