Him and their stars

Chapter 1221 Everyone Has Virtue

Chapter 1221 Everyone Has Virtue
Speaking of it, the real strength of "Gong Gong" should be the peak of the seventh ring, but not the full eighth ring.It must be admitted that he is indeed very powerful.In normal times, Yu Lian would never place orders with such an opponent.

However, this eredar elf is far from being as powerful as his master, who can hardly see his realm.Even compared to the Duke of Sudulan, it still lacks the sense of oppression of the stormy sea.

As Brunhilt said, a snake is a snake, and it must be suppressed at any time.But just because they always want to be suppressed, it means that for the real ruler, the threat is nothing more than that.

But no matter what, this is the most powerful psyker that Yu Lian has killed head-on in two lifetimes.Therefore, he had to admit that this was also the most gorgeous zero-element light he had ever seen.

This guy has mastered a lot of strange special abilities, and he probably also used high-quality zero elements to unlock star positions.If the legendary "Law of Transcendent Conservation" is considered, there should be a lot of zero elements precipitated from his body.

"So, this proves that the leader of the World-Round Serpent code-named 'Past' has been confirmed dead?" Giafiel looked at this scene with obvious suspicion in her voice.

"If it was in the past, I wouldn't doubt it, but seeing the appearance of those cloned clones just now, I have to be careful." Ostana pondered for a while: "Psykers in this realm should have representatives The core zero element of the star ring is concrete."

The star ring is the soul incarnation of the psyker.If there is a high-quality zero-element crystal representing the characteristics of the star ring, then the soul of the "Past Lord" will also fall on the scene, and it will truly prove that the leader of the world-circling snake is indeed dead.

Taking a step back, Brunhilt and her girlfriends used treasures to travel from a place as far away as the New World. Not to mention the risks involved, it is estimated that even the cost of materials will consume a lot, and it is always necessary to Tonic.

To the great satisfaction of Miss Chief of Staff, everyone immediately found a brilliant diamond-this is the name of the sun crystal with 36F purity, and it can be called the zero element among the zero elements.Presumably, even if the Chenxi royal family and the Hongqiangwei family opened their own treasure house that had accumulated for countless epochs, it would be difficult to find treasures of this quality.

With this precious diamond as the core, it is possible to create treasures of more than dazzling light.At the same time, after the psychic reaches the realm of the saint, he still wants to continue to improve. The zero element of this quality is also just needed, otherwise the ceremony of ascending the ring will not be held.

Miss Chief of Staff nodded slightly, as if she was half relieved.

Then, everyone got another Eternal Dragon Crystal, which is a high-purity and rare version of Dragon Soul Stone. It is said that it can greatly enhance the strength of mental power and the range of perception.Speaking of which, the "Master of the Past" was able to manipulate so many clones freely, just like manipulating his own body. The strength of his mental strength is indeed amazing, and it is not surprising to be able to separate such things.

Immediately afterwards, there was a piece of material close to rotten wood, the color was pure black, it looked ugly at first glance, only the size of a finger.However, everyone present is an expert... Even if not, Miss Chief of Staff also brought a zero element database, so she told everyone that this should be a piece of wood.Compared with ordinary metals, crystals, and zero elements of active liquid nature, this kind of wood is even rarer. It was born from the corpses of psionic masters above saints, or star-level phantom beasts. bone essence.

By this time, Ostana was finally relieved.If the "Past Master" hadn't fallen here with his soul, he probably wouldn't be so polite.

She said to Brunhilt: "Your Highness, these three things..."

Before he finished speaking, Brunhilt had already handed the piece of wood to Yu Lian: "I've heard of this thing before. It is said that Ruiyan, the sky gun, used such a material."

When mentioning the legendary Sky Spear, Yu Lian couldn't help but looked at Brunhilt curiously.At this time, the indestructible sharp flame that seemed to be made of sun fragments naturally disappeared, but the body of the treasure still did not appear.But I don't know whether this is the function of the treasure itself, or some other means of hiding.

"Maybe it can also strengthen the strength of the bones." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"I've never heard of this. You can try it, and if you are interested, you can also give me a test report. I will pay for your paper." King Su Liuka smiled.

"So, this is mine?"

"As I said before, without you and Earl Tatier severely injuring the snake head, we would not have killed it so easily. You could have shared a share of the head work. Outstanding achievements should be rewarded as they should be." , otherwise it's just hypocrisy." She said so.

Yu Lian didn't speak, but just looked directly at King Su Liuka's dark golden dragon eyes with a half-smile.

"Lianqing, Lianqing, why are you Lianqing? Why don't you just pretend to be stupid when necessary? I am also an ordinary girl, and I hope others can pretend to be stupid properly." King Su Liuka Shaking his head, he let out a sour sigh.

Miss Ostana Barr's aunt seemed to have a slightly exaggerated joke and sarcasm in her smile, while Giafill simply coughed hard.

Yu Lian continued to smile, even a little exaggeratedly.

Brunhilt raised his head, and there was a trace of regret in the complex emotions brewing in his eyes.

"Fool," she said.

"The lower officer doesn't quite understand."

"Fool." She repeated it with a clearer and more powerful voice, and then said again: "Well, it's not about taking the first prize. It's about being a friendly army, and you deserve it."

Only then did Yu Lian calmly take over the pivot wood. The texture in his hands was not like wood, but more like cold stone, but with an elegant elasticity.

His mood suddenly became clear, and he always felt that this treasure should be destined for him.As for how to do it, you can ask the master and brothers and sisters for their opinions.

Under Miss Ostana's mournful eyes, Yu Lian put away the wood and said casually, "You should also share with Count Tatier."

Brunhilt let out a dry laugh: "Qing Lian, isn't it the best reward for me to free him from the void where he was trapped?"

Yu Lian pondered for a while, and gave the opponent a thumbs up.

King Suliuka said proudly instead of ashamed: "Besides, I only want the head of the old man, and the final great achievement in capturing the snake's lair is still his."

"Has the snake lair been captured?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"Isn't this a matter of time?" King Su asked back.

"From the current point of view, the progress of the three companies is not too far behind." Yu Lian said.

"Yes, the imperial army led by Earl Tatier will share the great achievements of the Snake Lair with the community and the alliance. However, this war is an anti-terrorist war, and it is also a diplomatic war. The result is a happy one, which is in everyone's interest .”

"Snake suppression is not just about fighting and killing snakes. Snake suppression is also a way of life, right?"

Brunhilt smiled: "This sounds interesting, I have to write it down. It will be mine in the future."

Yu Lian rolled his eyes covertly, and said again: "Besides, those who share this credit include Ya... Yamida Berenkester, the special inspector of the Alliance's Extraordinary Administration, and Wei Lun from your country." Special king."

King Su Liuka sneered: "Lian Qing, I haven't seen you for a while, but your level of provoking me has improved a lot. Did my palace offend you recently?"

Yu Lian showed an innocent smile again: "Your Highness, in your hometown, there are stories about the writer Mr. Su and the priest Foyin. Since you like the allusions of the country so much, why don't you listen to this story?"

Brunhilt is really interested, but with her IQ, of course she knows that if she asks here, she will be ridiculed by Yu Lian, and she reveals again, "Sister has a big heart, I don't want to be with you, a bear." Children's general knowledge", with a doting smile.

"Lian Qing, this is the home of the white-haired fox. If it belongs to her, it will always belong to her. I won't rob it randomly."

You really don't want to mention King Weilunt in a word!Is the relationship that bad?Then why did he still be appointed as the Privy Council Seal Keeper in the previous life?Yu Lian said that there must be some conspiracy in this regard.

Then, she heard her say again: "However, I am the one who shared the exploits with you after all. The white-haired fox's home court, but I took away the biggest bonus. Lian Qing, I have I'm starting to look forward to the expression of the white-haired fox."

Yu Lian felt that with Miss Bei's demeanor, even if she had broken you into pieces in her heart, she would definitely not show it on her expression, maybe she would bless you sincerely.

Brunhilt watched as the robot packaged its spoils of today, the eredar elves' body and cloned corpses, the relatively complete genetic cabin equipment, and those high-quality zero elements.Of course, the golden armor and weapons of the "Master of the Past" were not spared either.

She just said: "After this matter is over, we have to go back to the New World."

The distance of more than 200 million light years is like taking a taxi by this girl.However, she also used her attitude to show that she really didn't seem to want to seize the limelight in the snake's lair.

"It seems that your location should not be included in this battle plan." Yu Lian laughed.

"What's the matter, can't it be me who is high-spirited and bright?" King Suliuka said, and then he was happy, and said: "Well, I really don't have a place. It's just that this anti-terrorism operation is actually Hongluyuan and the knights. It is led by the regiment and approved by the Privy Council and the Generalissimo's Office, but it is not an order directly issued by them. In a sense, it is closer to a diplomatic act. In this way, it is not a violation for me to participate in my own way. Military orders."

Yu Lian nodded and gave a thumbs up again: "A commander with great wisdom, an organization and a nation with true martial virtue, should not just be a puppet who obeys orders, but also learn to have subjective initiative. However, if you walk too much alone, People's hearts are scattered. Therefore, we must learn to grasp the fragile balance of walking alone. Whoever can grasp this point will take the initiative. Your Highness, you are indeed the master of walking alone!"

Brunhilt responded with a knowing smile: "Thanks for the compliment. However, Lian Qing, why do these words sound like a compliment to myself? Talking about the balance between walking alone and military discipline, I There is still a lot to learn from you."

Yu Lian thought about it seriously, and found that he really was this kind of person, and suddenly felt guilty.Sure enough, the most difficult thing for people is to recognize themselves.However, I can still feel the emotion of guilty conscience, which shows that the cultivation of will is not enough.

"However, I can also feel that you are really keen to provoke me today." Su Wang sighed, pretending to wipe away tears that did not exist: "Although I was an unexpected guest this time , but it won’t offend you. Lian Qing, your wariness isn’t because of the current situation in the New World, is it?”

Yu Lian maintained an impeccable business smile: "I hope that the peace of the generation at the Huaxu Conference can really be realized. I assure the spirit of the universe that the fairy is telling the truth."

King Suliuka also restrained his smile: "I don't expect peace for a generation. However, if it is really the choice of ordinary people, I will be happy to respect and maintain its existence. My thanks to the spirit of the universe and the ancestors of the empire. I swear, this is what I mean. But, Lian Qing, such a choice often comes with a price. You still have no position to make decisions for those people."

Yu Lian nodded lightly, and said in a relaxed tone: "I will seriously consider your teaching."

"Hehehe, liar, you don't know how to do it. Besides, in the future, except for formal occasions, you are not allowed to use honorifics for me. Otherwise, I will get mad and show you."

"Isn't this considered a formal occasion?" Yu Lian was startled.

"It's all from our own people, what kind of formal occasion is this!" King Su Liuka laughed.

Although she said so, except for Giafell and Ostana who stood behind her as the second generals of Hum Ha, the rest of the female knights, and Judge Xunfeng were doing their own things, as if they couldn't see what was going on here at all. dialogue.

"However, I have also said, Lian Qing, I will not lie to you, I will only lie to you. I also want to tell you that although the situation in the New World is very delicate, the overall situation is indeed slowly relaxing. The Privy Council He and the Grand Marshal's Mansion have no plans to go to war with the community. At least not now. As I said, the settlement of the Snake Cave this time is a diplomatic activity, which at least shows that everyone still has peace in the status quo. expected."

Yu Lian nodded: "League is virtuous! Yani is virtuous!"

After all, this is a game between the Alliance and Princess Rainbow Rose.

"The white-haired fox of the Bei family has put in a lot of hard work. Hehehe, that fox is full of bad things, but it is still trustworthy in terms of vision and pattern."

"The only thing that got hurt was the snake."

"As a secret terrorist association, it is their blessing to contribute to the peace of the galaxy." Brunhilt said: "If there is no accident, I should not need to meet you in battle."

Yu Lian looked at those dark golden dragon eyes and chose to believe.Instead of believing in King Suliuka's sincerity and her friendly relationship with herself, she chose to believe in the other party's sense of honor.

"If you are sure that everything is going smoothly, then come to the Empire as a guest. At that time, you have to be more polite to me." She winked at Yu Lian and said with a smile: "We will return to the New World when Count Tatier is out of trouble. So, how about you, Lian Qing? Should you move on, or talk to me a little more. We can talk about Miss Fina’s new movie, I’ve seen it too.”

Yu Lian waved his hand, and walked towards the entrance of the passage: "My family is poor, and I still need to make ends meet. I am still a conscientious money collector."

Brunhilt narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Yu Lian's back with fiery eyes, until the other party was almost at the exit, but then said loudly: "Lianqing, what I just said has no mystical meaning. The absolute defense circle. Then, what about the real material world?"

"Brin, you are also very virtuous!" Yu Lian didn't even look back, but just waved again, and then disappeared with a force field jump.

(End of this chapter)

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