Him and their stars

Chapter 1224 You Are Here

Chapter 1224 You Are Here
In a master duel, such distraction is a fatal mistake that must not be allowed.Although the "Past Lord" in the past never regarded the Red King as his opponent at the same level, but at this moment, there was a gap in his heart, and a flaw appeared in his defense, and even the black shadow he had transformed into appeared. A psionic node that can be directly attacked by the opponent.

King Weilunt, who lacked combat experience, might not be able to grasp this opportunity, but the shield surrounding him, like an elite fighter with a keen sense of smell and experienced in many battles, seized this opportunity.

A beam of light like a dragon's breath pierced into his defensive barrier.

The roar of the eredar elves became weaker and weaker, and turned into a moan of despair: "I...I can't fight anymore. I give up. I...my body has collapsed. I am too old, I'm just a weak old man. Don't kill me, please, Your Highness. Please forgive me, future prince, I have been carrying out your teachings, I..."

His pleading finally disappeared under the bright dragon flames, and the lightning and shadows disappeared, only turning into the body of a bloody eredar elf, which slowly collapsed to the ground.His hands twitched, trying to grab the ground in the wilderness under his feet, but he couldn't grab anything. In the end, he could only silently die with endless unwillingness.

This time, one of the Time Lords of the World-Round Serpent really died.

"Is this the end of the 'past' of organization 113? In the end, he didn't leave himself a bit of dignity!" The lawbreaker looked at the corpse, and there was a little sadness in his eyes.

"His desire to survive is comparable to the dead soldiers recruited from the Helaus sector. This alone is worthy of admiration." King Weilunt let out a sigh full of respect, and his breath was weak.Obviously, in the short fight just now, although the "Grand Past" lost his life, the emperor who won the victory by relying on krypton gold also consumed a lot.

But even so, the respect in his words was very sincere, as if he was truly mourning the loss of his opponent.If there is a third person present at this time, it will definitely be a glorious and noble knight's battle!It is a pity for the loser, but the winner is also a noble and sincere example of a warrior.

The boy in the form of a lawbreaker glanced at the other party: "There are only two of us here, so there is no need to set up such a person?"

"That's a little different from your point of view. I may be acting as a character, but since I have done it, I must be perfect and maintain my state at all times. I must not relax on myself just because no one else is present. If I don't show my flaws at any time, I can maintain this state at any time. How can others say that King Valente is not a perfect example of a knight?" His smile was still full of compassion.

"It is said that the people of Tiriro are only willing to follow heroes who are majestic, upright, and talented. But who can define grandeur, and who can define heroes?"

"Pervert!" The lawbreaker said with emotion.

"I'm overwhelmed." King Wei Lunte smiled.

"However, perversion has reached this level, and it is already an art." His expression was complicated, half of which was contempt for the pervert, and half was admiration for the master.

"You praise me like this, even if you are as thick-skinned as this king, you will feel a little embarrassed." King Wei Lunte said: "Also, I assure the spirit of the universe that I really admire the fairness of the past."

"So do I. This venerable old eredar warrior has been the former father of the World-Ring Serpent for nearly 200 years. Before I was born, he was actually the true leader of this organization. It's gone." The law-breaker said quietly:

"He is managing the organization in the same way he used to. We are building our own professional army, and we are also absorbing pirates, cult groups and gangs, incorporating peripheral chambers of commerce and mercenary groups, and indescribable under-the-table forces with various backgrounds. Cooperation. In the Third Galactic War, the organization that was hit hard by the collapse of the Elero Empire did recover during this period. Our strength even surpassed that before the Galactic War.”

"I also joined in this era. Most of the executive officers, as well as the periphery of the organization, really only agree with his leadership." King Weilunt's voice is still full of reverence: "In the gap between the empire and the alliance His leadership is evident in growing the organization to this size. I assure you, I have learned a lot.”

"But, is such an organization still an organization?" the lawbreaker asked in a low voice.

There was also an obvious sigh in King Weilunt's voice: "The strength of the organization has expanded, but the sense of touch left unknowingly has also increased. When it is the strongest, it also becomes the most powerful. When he is weak. Perhaps, this is the reason why the 'Ms. Now' and some of the Thirteen Faces don't like him very much. This also constitutes a weakness."

"This weakness is gone. We have indeed paid a huge price, but it is gone." The young man in the form of a lawbreaker turned around and looked up and down at King Wei Lunte, with a youthful smile on his face and eyes But meaningful.

King Weilunt suddenly felt that he was like a prey being stared at by a creeping beast. For a while, he felt terrified, but as a master of character design and performance, his face did not change at all, and he remained the same. With composure and demeanor, he said in a calm tone: "As you can see, I am very weak. The Dragon of Sun Flame may allow me to live a few more minutes, but I don't have the physical strength to operate the Spiritual Shield right now. If I want to do something now, I have no room to resist."

"I won't do that. You won this duel of honor, you should enjoy this moment." The lawbreaker said with a smile: "How about it, as a fighter, the feeling of succeeding in the first leapfrog challenge is still Wonderful, right?"

"It's a great sense of accomplishment, but there is nothing wonderful other than that, only sadness and embarrassment. This is my true thought. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Wei Lunte said kingly.

"Well, when a person's acting skills are so high that he can even fool himself, he can be said to have entered the Tao." The lawbreaker once again showed an expression of half contempt and half admiration.

He immediately changed a solemn expression, as if he was leading a believer to pray to the gods: "Then, Chi Wang... no, His Royal Highness, as the master's representative, I will convey him to you message."

King Weilunte restrained his smile, and for the first time, obvious fear and tension appeared on his face, as if he was about to meet his king.He took a deep breath and seemed to bite his tongue, and finally regained his composure.A reserved and dignified smile clearly appeared on his face, which was the result of hard-working training.

And at this time, the voice spit out from the mouth of the lawbreaker has been replaced by a voice that has never been heard before.

"Thanks for your hard work, His Royal Highness. You gave my assistant the end of honor, and you also gave me a chance to break through. This is a win-win result."

The tone was peaceful and ethereal, indistinguishable between male and female, with a sacred majesty, but also indescribably strange.King Valente never thought that it would be a sound disguised by the lawbreaker. He didn't think that the existing technology, as well as psionic techniques, could simulate such an incomprehensible sound.

That shouldn't be the voice of mortals.

"In front of you, I really can't afford an honorific title." Wei Lunte said kingly.He suddenly felt that he had to do his best just to maintain the basic dignity of the empire's general election emperor in the face of the general's will.

"You're welcome. When you make a choice, we have already changed from subordinates in the organization to a cooperative relationship." There seemed to be a little more smile in that indescribable will and voice, slowly Slowly said: "I agree to let Ms. Magician inherit the status of 'Past', and of course I agree that you inherit the legacy of 'Past'."

"Thanks to your grace." King Weilunte put his arms on his chest and bowed his head in salute. The gratitude in his tone was not sanctimonious at all, as if he was scared out of it.

"After this, the World-Round Serpent will enter a new era, and we will also enter a dormant period. I hope to have the opportunity to meet again. Then, don't wait, Your Highness..."

Wait, that's not the same as saying yes!King Weilunt wanted to express his dissent, but he always felt that his throat was choked by something, and he lost the courage to speak out for a while.

When he felt that he had exhausted all his courage for the rest of his life, and finally managed to raise his head, that will had already left.All he saw was the innocent boyish smile of the lawbreaker.

"This is different from the agreement." King Weilund stood up and said.

"From today onwards, you will no longer be a member of the World-Round Serpent." The law-breaker answered irrelevant questions, and bowed by the way: "Your Highness, I wish you a bright future."

King Wei Lunte smiled wryly and said, "I'm starting to regret it now. But, as a pervert...ah bah, as a political figure who follows the acting style, I absolutely can't regret it, right?"

"Regret means hesitation, and hesitation means weakness. Weakness is the most fatal weakness of a leader. No matter which route you take, as long as you still have some ideas about the supreme throne and power, you really can't regret it. At least you can't Followers, as well as your potential allies and investors, see remorse."

"Hehehehe, I also have different opinions on this statement, but since you said it, I will be taught." King Wei Lunte bowed slightly: "Then, after this, is the organization my ally or me?" What about investors?"

"Hahaha, maybe they are mercenaries?"

Before King Weilunt's face froze, the lawbreaker added: "Yes, you will know after experiencing it. In the history of cosmic civilization in this generation, there will never be mercenaries who pay more attention to the spirit of contract than us. Yes. If everything goes well in the future, Ms. 'Now' will communicate with you and discuss with you what to do in the future."

King Weilunt felt that he really had thousands of vulgar words he wanted to use, but he always felt that if he said it now, he must be the loser.

At this time, the lawbreaker has already handed a chip-shaped transaction: "According to the instructions of my only master, I have made some manipulations on the spiritual treasure house of the 'Past Lord'. When he fell, his spiritual treasure house was not It will collapse, and only lose the strongest layer of soul defense. There should be something you want here. Maybe you can make an agreement with that little master because of this, and maybe you can lead the situation of the universe to the direction you want. "

King Wei Lunte pondered for a while, and then squeezed out a reserved and beaming expression on his face.

"...Did your character design tell you that you should be happy now, that's why you gave such a reaction?" The lawbreaker asked with great interest.

"I just don't know how much valuable heritage is left in this fortress. Even the beheading of the fallen 'Past Lord' will be snatched by my niece, but I don't know the heritage in this fortress. After searching, how much is left."

"...Uh, it doesn't sound like King Suliuka is a dragon king, but more like a well-trained bandit?"

"No, this is actually more like an upright dragon king!" King Wei Lunte actually showed an envious expression.It is not easy for him to show his true feelings in such a way that he maintains his personality when no one is around:
"After all, things didn't develop as expected at the beginning. Even this king would feel very hurt. However, the more it is at this time, the more you have to laugh. Just smiling is enough. Otherwise, wouldn't it be Will Brunhilt take it as a joke?" Wei Lunte said kingly.

Immediately, the feudal king saw that the "boy" on the opposite side pondered for a moment, and gave himself two thumbs up again in amazement.But then, a psionic energy suddenly emerged.This force is as gentle as a spring breeze, without any murderous aura, and even has a refreshing and agility that makes people feel refreshed.

But then, that psionic energy strangled his throat like an invisible fist, almost suffocating him.

Thus, King Weilunt passed out cleanly on the spot.

The youngest emperor-elect of the Holy Galaxy Empire, plus the youngest privy councilor, King Brunhir of Suliuka, was on the spot, looking at the person in front of him in surprise.

The place where she is now should be in the deep space at the bottom of the fortress, in a corridor that seems to have appeared in the last era of mythology.At the end of the aisle beside her, there is a bronze-colored gate full of ancient charm.The door is inlaid with complicated patterns using unknown primitive metal materials, forming a rather charming spiritual array.

The female knights were all fully armed and followed King Suliuka, using various drones to detect the surrounding environment.

However, Earl Tatier and Judge Swiftwind were not present.

The former had already returned to the army after expressing his gratitude and praise to His Royal Highness Brunhilt, and reaching some unspoken tacit understanding by the way.After all, he is the supreme commander of the Imperial Army. He must have put a lot of pressure on his subordinates after being out of contact for so long.

The latter said that his public identity was still a "traitor". Even if His Royal Highness King Su was going to restore his honor, he still needed to pay attention to the methods and methods, and there was no need to directly stimulate the sensitive nerves of the Privy Council and the Senate.Fortunately, Miss Chief of Staff has made proper arrangements.Judge Xunfeng will return to King Suliuka's territory through the channel of "Black Tree Organ", do some leisure work to recuperate, and avoid the limelight for a few years by the way.

However, after the two men left, the girls did not leave on the spot exactly as Brunhilt said.Instead, through the channel opened by the starlight array, they crossed the physical barrier of the fortress and entered the deepest part of the snake lair.

However, what she never expected was that in front of the bronze gate in the deepest part of the snake lair, she ran into the person she least wanted to meet.

Brunhilt sighed: "Are you here? Bai... Yani."

(End of this chapter)

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