Him and their stars

Chapter 1245 In any corner of the universe

But then again, since it was an order issued by the National Defense Commission on the retreat schedule, why does it still need the seal of Congress?You know, under certain special conditions, the more solemn you are, the more sinister you will appear.

In addition, Colonel Singer's reaction was always a little strange.If other people are still in hopelessly low pressure, this guy looks like he just dug out the kennel of Yu Lian's house. He even trembled when he handed over the official document to the latter, as if he was afraid of the Commander. In anger, he smashed himself into a small pancake.

Yu Lian looked at the other party suspiciously, but this guy had already bowed his head and shrunk behind the crowd, as if he was going to disguise himself as a dog that no one cared about.

Is this guy really worried that I'll sacrifice his head to the flag?

A flash of sympathy flashed in Yu Lian's heart, and then he lowered his head and scanned the official document in his hand. The explanatory words on it were indeed very euphemistic, which was enough to give him face, but grammar can be modified, but time is very materialistic.Yu Lian directly skipped the unnutritious polite words before, and turned to the timetable on the third page, which had already made a clear request.Almost using a very direct order, the Fuxi and its accompanying "bandit suppression" fleet are required to return to the galaxy of Turanca in the Alliance before July 7, and the three main god-class dreadnought ships that are undergoing final tests will be in contact with them. Reorganize into a task force, and then return home as quickly as possible.

Then, there is the itinerary for returning from the league.The shortest voyage route was also very intimately drawn above, requiring the entire fleet to arrive in the solar system before September 9.

Come on, this second half of the trip is more urgent than the first half.Everyone can only stay in the Turanca galaxy for less than 48 hours at most, and it is absolutely too late to even go back and forth to Nefer.

"The timetable requires the entire fleet to set sail? So, what about the snake lair here?"

Colonel Singer was full of hesitation, with a tangled look of wanting to answer but not knowing how not to offend.

The chief of staff next to him, Brigadier General Mkawa, simply said directly: "The Galactic Civilization Council on Huaxu's side is discussing this aspect, and the preliminary opinion will be led by the Civilization Council to jointly establish a research management group. As for the organization and personnel Under discussion. If there is no accident, the community should have at least a quarter of the seats and at least the management post of the deputy group leader."

Captain Tovey also said: "During this period, the Snake Lair will be temporarily sealed and will be dragged directly to the lunar orbit of Canchuan 3 to dock. The Xingyun Channel Guard Fleet will be responsible for the daily security. In addition, each of the three countries will send out two to three ships. Battleships, and no more than two battalions of Marines for auxiliary defense."

Yu Lian couldn't help being happy.He didn't think that the multi-national meeting on Huaxu's side could be so efficient, it must have been carefully planned and prepared.

"Heh, do you want to rush back to celebrate the Navy Day? It's over so early!" Colonel Mina Walter whispered.

That's it.The Navy Festival is indeed held every year, except for some special years, such as the 830th year when Yu Lian graduated.At other times, it is just some very ordinary celebrations. On platforms other than the military newspaper, I am afraid that they will not even be able to make it to the third page, and they will not even be fake.

Yu Lian understood everyone's dissatisfaction very well.In this so-called "Snake Suppression" operation, the casualties of the fleet officers and soldiers were not large, but they did accumulate a lot of fatigue.Everyone originally thought that they could take a little rest near Nefe, for example, Colonel Mina Walter even prepared a two-day and two-night travel strategy, and by the way, specially studied the discounted types of luxury flagship stores.

"... Twelve gold medals to recruit people back to China." The brigade commander Zuo Wanhu also muttered.

Strictly speaking, this metaphor is not very appropriate.Yu Lian felt that he still had a lot of gaps compared to Marshal Yue, the "Wings of the Sky", and it was not easy for the princes of the earth to reach the level of scum like Wanyan Jiumei.

However, after all, the other side of the earth seems a little too anxious, and it is understandable for everyone to have such an illusion.

Yu Lian was actually a little disappointed.He actually wanted to see how Feifei's "Skull Squadron" was going.After all, this script can be regarded as writing by myself.However, as a commander, he couldn't let his subordinates feel this way, so he smiled and said, "It can be seen that Mr. President can't wait to award honors to us who have made military exploits. Alright, make arrangements, we will You have to leave, otherwise you will be really late. I don’t want my medals to be revoked and military law to be enforced because of my delay.”

Colonel Mina Walter snorted coldly, and looked at Colonel Singer who was hiding at the back of the crowd very unfriendly: "Our attack relies on destroying the enemy, and some people's achievements depend on destroying their own people." .Born to be different from us.”

Come on, Colonel Singer is a member of the Integrated Intelligence Bureau of the National Defense Council. He wears the uniform of the black internal guards, and his position on the ship is also the inspector.He led the inner guard of the company, and the basic job on the Fuxi was to ensure that the fleet command could implement the will of the earth.To put it bluntly, it really played the role of supervising the army.

Well, in such a sensitive situation, it's normal for him to be hated.

But then again, the Lords of the earth, do you really think that a mere company of internal guards can make a "sage" who holds military power bow his head and obey his ears?That is to say, I am very loyal, and I don’t want to be as familiar with you.

The only ones who suffer are the people who do things below!Not only do you have to be splinted, but you also have to beware of being shot black by your comrades-in-arms. You can imagine how miserable life is.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian still couldn't help reaching out to pat Colonel Singer's shoulder sympathetically, and immediately moved the latter into a tizzy.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then turned to the next page of the official document. Before he could read the explanation on the next page clearly, he felt that Colonel Singer beside him was trembling even more.

Um, promote me to lieutenant general?The certificate and new epaulettes have been delivered, but the award ceremony has to go back to Earth?Eh?Before I knew it, I was actually taller than Teacher Yang?Just thinking about the scene where he had to salute me first, I can eat three more bowls of rice tonight!

Isn't this a good thing?What's there to shiver about?
Of course, then again, as a convention, sixth-ring psykers with military ranks can indeed wear the rank of lieutenant general from the very beginning.After so many years, the personnel system of the National Defense Commission has finally caught up with my star ring before it completely collapsed. It is really not easy!

But what's the fuss about?Isn't it a good thing?
Yu Lian's eyes saw the next line in the official document: "After arriving in Turanca, Admiral Paul Ferragu will replace Lieutenant General Yu Lian as the commander of the task force and lead the fleet back to China. The deputy director of the Research Bureau and the chief military assistant of the Presidential Office returned home together on the Fuxi ship."

…Well, the so-called War Situation Research Bureau is a first-level strategic research and advisory body under the National Defense Commission. It has a fairly high say in the organizational structure, personnel changes, equipment procurement, and even military mobilization of the entire army— If the Minister of Military Command is not too strong, it can even become the decision-making power.Certainly a strong department.

However, there is no direct military power.

As for the chief military assistant of the presidential palace, to put it bluntly, it is the secretary-general of the president who is responsible for military affairs.In this world, there should be no position that can better represent the will of the princes than this one.In other words, there is no uniformed post that is closer to the presidential palace and the Capitol.Anyone in this position, as long as they have a basic emotional intelligence, even if they are familiar, they can sneak into the most core political stage in the country.

However, there is still no direct military power.

However, why does such a position sound so familiar?
So, the supervisor turned out to be me!Yu Lian tapped his palm with his fist, and suddenly felt ecstatic.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that the commander's current mental state was a bit unstable.Therefore, Brigadier General Tovey, who was the oldest at the scene and had been Yulian's instructor for a semester, took a step forward and said cautiously: "Your Excellency, General Ferragu, the immediate officer who once served as a junior officer is a dedicated man. Sir. We..."

Do your duty?Is it because the top is respectful and the bottom is following the same pace?The so-called benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and courage only got a word of loyalty.If Admiral Connerys, the commander of the expeditionary fleet, was a politician in uniform, this one is a cook with a general star.However, he is an old man after all, and his qualifications are there, so it is a bit mean to say so.

So, Yu Lian laughed and clapped vigorously: "Then, everyone, follow this timetable. Tomorrow at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the whole fleet will set off on time. As for now, we have fought for so long, there is no It’s time to relax. It’s time to celebrate and play music. Tell everyone, you can’t stop drinking today! But whoever gets drunk and can’t get up and work tomorrow, I will stuff him into the reactor as a bio-battery! By the way, Ask the Allied Forces Command to send over the condolences for the banquet, and report to King Valente of the Empire, saying that we want [-] barrels of ice cream. Just say I said so."

So, why are you so obsessed with ice cream?
Everyone really didn't see any obvious resentment from Yu Lian, so they gradually let go of their hearts.

In any case, the countdown could begin for him as the commander of this fleet, and he was really ready to have fun with the entire fleet tonight.

As for having dinner with a rich and powerful Princess Red Rose on the Qingqiu, it is naturally impossible.In fact, long before Yu Lian returned to the Fuxi, Yamida had already left the affairs of the fortress to Admiral Akbar of the Alliance, and she was preparing to leave in a big way.

"The matter of the Snake Cave has come to an end. What can be obtained is related to our generation, and the wealth that cannot be obtained is destined to be shared with the whole galaxy. It should be handed over to the formal official department for inspection. We have already completed There is really no need to spend time and energy on my work mission." She explained to Yu Lian in this way.

I have to say that Miss Bei was really chic.However, just because she was so chic and unrestrained, she always seemed to feel that something was wrong.

"It's destined that this kind of statement doesn't fit your style." That's what Yu Lian said.

"You man, if I stay, you will definitely say that I have a plan if I don't leave. Now I want to leave early, and you say I have other schemes? Yu Lian, so suspicious, It will make your path narrower and narrower." Yamida frowned, showing a disappointed and heartbroken expression.

"If this continues, Teacher Yani is really worried about your mental state!"

However, at this point, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly showed a malicious smile: "However, then again, suspiciousness is also a characteristic of a king!"

"It's a big joke to talk about the king in the republic. Since you consider yourself an ordinary citizen under the republic, shouldn't you apologize to the sages of the alliance who ended the king's government?"

"Then you are wrong. Classmate Yu Lian is an ordinary citizen of the republic, who can discuss the meaning of the king as a topic of chat."

"...So, you left in such a hurry, is it really because of something here?"

"There is really no need for me to stay here. In addition to being a special inspector of the Extraordinary Administration, he is also a director of the Standard Shipping Association and the executive director of the Rainbow Rose Foundation. He has his own business in different fields I have to be busy." Yani laughed.

"For example?"

"For example, as a director of the Standard Shipping Association, I need to exclude all people or organizations that destroy the interstellar rail transportation network."

Yu Lian always felt that the other party might have something to say, but after all, what he said was correct nonsense, and his tone was too calm, so there was really no evidence.

"For another example, one of the tasks this time is to go to Lotak. I found a milky white sandy beach in the Losar sector, facing the beautiful blue sea and blue sky, so I decided to get some sea views myself A villa or something."

Mentioning the milky white sandy beach and the gorgeous sea view villas, Yu Lian immediately felt relieved, not because he thought of a beautiful and colorful fantasy past, but because he thought of the unpredictable light of the hatchet in the fantasy past.

At that time, the edge of the hatchet was only [-] centimeters away from my neck.If it weren't for being unscrupulous in the illusion, you really don't need to expect people to fall in love with you thoroughly after a quarter of the incense burns.

"If I invite you and me to choose the building materials and furniture for the villa, you will probably refuse, right?" Princess Hongqiangwei said with a smile: "Then, when we meet next time, I hope we can all make new preparations. Said Maybe I can prepare to continue to take a step towards the truth. This time, I will try to see a deeper future."

"In Nefe?"

"In any corner of the universe."

Then, Princess Red Rose swaggered away from the Canchuan galaxy on the Qingqiu with a calm and calm feeling as if everything was under control.

On the other hand, the empire's fleet also began to withdraw from the galaxy in an orderly manner, as if it was really planning to hand over the exploration and research rights of the snake lair to the state and society in accordance with the discussions of the Galactic Civilization Council.When leaving, King Valente even gave himself a little farewell gift—that is, a forearm-length Austrian steel alloy dagger and a classic 711 flame pattern pistol, which is very collectible but not special Expensive, and especially in line with the status of a warrior, it suddenly has a taste of "the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water".

Yu Liande admitted that King Weilunte's way of dealing with people is indeed a bit of a discussion, but who can say that this is not a kind of virtue if he has achieved the standard operation of this "virtuous king" to the extreme?

In this way, on June 6th, the Earth Task Force, which had achieved great military and diplomatic achievements, officially set off under the leadership of Yu Lian, and embarked on a journey back to the Alliance along the original path of the Cross Channel. .


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