Him and their stars

Chapter 1384 Yu Fleet?

We all know that star maps are divided into general versions, military versions, as well as various customized versions and special models for the protagonist.

Let’s ignore the latter one and only talk about the first two.

The universal version, to put it bluntly, is the standard star chart recorded in the public databases of the Standard Shipping Association and the Galactic Civilization Council, and all legal ships can download and access it at any time. Almost all open trade routes in the universe are recorded on this version of the star map.

As for the military version of the star map, it is naturally valuable information held by the military of various countries. Although most of them overlap with the standard star chart, there are always some very unknown secret passages.

The value of this star map is naturally much more valuable than the production and management consultation of those factories in Blood Gate No. 4. It's a pity that it only belongs to the Kingdom of Katai. If it belonged to the entire empire, Yu Lian would even think that its value exceeds those captured in the underground warehouse.

"Currently, the Kingdom of Cathay has no troops to defend, and there is no danger to defend it. According to the route on the Kingdom of Cathay's military star map, it only takes two or three weeks for us to burn the war all the way to their capital. "Yu Liandao.

Chief of Staff Li Ren said: "...the main force of the Imperial Guard fleet departing from Wanwang Pass is still a month away from us."

"If you pay attention to the timing, you can still escape unscathed." Admiral Bonaparte calculated.

These two were really moved. In fact, if the territory of the Cathay Kingdom can be burned to the greatest extent, and its factories, farmland, settlements, and even all space facilities can be destroyed to the greatest extent, it will cause a greater logistical burden to the imperial fleet coming from afar. If everything goes well, it might even force the empire to give up attacking the community all the way from Nantianmen.

If this plan is carried out, the civilians of Kaitai will definitely suffer huge losses.

However, this is a war, and victory must be ensured first. Humanism is a tool used by the victors to flaunt themselves.

At least, that's what Admiral Bonaparte and Lieutenant General Li Ren thought.

Yu Lian thought for a while, opened the star map he had obtained, and passed his finger across the blood gate, but he did not point to the capital, but pointed at a galaxy that was only eight jumps away from the blood gate.

"It only takes a week's flight to get here, so you have plenty of time."

"Oh, Leon Kasan. This must be the place where the Dragon Mane King's family thrives." The chief of staff said suspiciously.

"Yes, but now it is one of the most important local military nodes in the Cathay Kingdom. If you retreat, you can return to the Lion City Star Zone to defend, and if you advance, you can support the capital. Of course, the main task now is to control the main settlements of the Terrabi people. The Telfor sector."

Bonaparte and Li Ren were both veteran generals and talented people, so they naturally understood in an instant.

"Terabi, I remember revolting," said Bonaparte.

"The Terrabi people have been rebelling." Yu Lianda said.

"It's just that the scale of the rebellion was a bit large during this period." Li Rendao.

"The information captured in the terminal shows that the Catai people still have more than 50 warships here, but the largest warship is the heavy cruiser."

If these fleets are used to suppress rebellions, they will be a dimensionality reduction strike, but in the eyes of the powerful outer ring fleets, they are really just a piece of cake.

In addition, there are 6 marine troops. If this army is eaten, the Cathay King's army will be wiped out from this universe as an organization. "Yu Liandao.

"Then, it can also relieve the pressure on the Terrabi rebels." Chief of Staff Li Ren calculated: "You are preparing to make this fire burn more powerfully! Think about it carefully, in the central tower and the defensive fire, The engineer named Lal Gray Roll has a typical Terrabi name."

"There are only a few Catai people who can do fine work than there are Myshandar trolls who can play the piano." Yu Lian shrugged.

His Excellency the Commander said quietly: "Speaking of which, since you went to the empire, the Sumi people have rebelled, and the Flemish people have rebelled. The scale of the Terrabi people's resistance has also grown tremendously!"

"Well, the first two are from the Empire, and the second one is from Kaitai. Even the objects are different, so it's all coincidence. If there is any connection, it's lacking at best." Yu Lian shrugged: "Moreover, Your Excellency, I can swear to the spirit of the universe that I have never had any official dealings or contact with these rebels."

"Officially?" General Bonaparte repeated these words with a half-smile: "You are right, the Terrabi rebels and other rebels in the empire have nothing to do with the community. Contact. However, the enemy of my enemy may not become an ally, at least not an enemy.”

Yu Lian added: "Actually, not only the Terrabi people, but also the ordinary Catai people are in good condition? It was not only the Terrabi engineers and technicians who surrendered to our army in the central tower, but also A considerable number of ordinary Cathay soldiers. In order to rebuild the fleet, the King of Cathay has attacked all strata in the country, and the hatred of the people has reached the critical point. When the results of today's battle spread, ordinary Terrabi people Will make a choice."

To put it bluntly, under a system of extreme military (meow) and nationalism (woo), even if you can "strengthen the army" through the method of demons disintegrating Dafa for a while, you can't afford to lose.

"In short, as long as the garrisons and bases in the Leonkasan system are knocked out, the Kingdom of Cathay is very likely to be at war. If the main force of the empire wants to transit here, it will need to pay a higher price to maintain the supply line, and it is even possible Give up advancing from here," the chief of staff said.

"The Galactic Empire may also find a way to restore the security of the Kingdom of Cathay first. For example, abolish the Royal Family of the Orang Mane, directly adopt the Kingdom of Cathay as the empire's homeland, and hand it over to the capable and capable Lord Tirello to take charge of Terra. The outstanding talents among the Bi and Catai people are citizens and nobles. This can be regarded as another type of territorial expansion. In this way, even if their war of aggression against the community fails, it can be regarded as giving the country a Explain. If it were me, I would do this." Yu Lian laughed.

"Hahahaha, if this is really the case, then there will be peace in the universe. We can also talk about the so-called peace of a generation. However, I have never heard that the empire can be so spiritless." Joseph Bona Badao.

"So, we can only do our part." Yu Liandao.

General Bonaparte nodded slightly, turned on the terminal and told the adjutant: "Inform the entire army that you still have 12 hours to take turns to rest and clean the battlefield. The entire army must be ready to depart before 8 a.m. tomorrow!"

An excellent general must have this kind of drive to act vigorously and resolutely.

He looked at Yu Lian again and said in a deep voice: "As you just said, brother Yu Lian, before the main force of the empire arrives, we have very ample time and strength. If we break into the Kingdom of Kaitai, we don't need to mobilize the entire army. .So, what’s next? What do you need?”

Yu Lian was not polite and said directly: "Then, Commander, please temporarily hand over the command of the four Lord God-class ships to me. In addition, I also need the eight Kadesh-class aircraft carriers that we will be operating with today."

"Oh...you really dare to speak!" Admiral Bonaparte's eyes widened, and his eyes were exactly the same as when he first went to the Gold Club to gain experience and received the bill afterwards.

However, His Excellency the Commander did not hesitate for long, and said: "I will hand over the command of ten more Yinglong-class battlecruisers to you." A warm current flowed through Yu Lian's heart, and he stood at attention and saluted.

"In this way, your army can be called the remaining fleet. Haha, after the establishment of the theater system, the organization of the outer fleet has been completely broken up." Chief of Staff Li Ren said with a smile.

Yu Lian felt that although the chief of staff looked very honest and honest, and looked like a fisherman who had only been in the air force all his life, he was still very skillful in speaking.

Fortunately, Admiral Bonaparte next to him said: "The best thing for soldiers is to be able to gather and disperse. Who said that what I am commanding now cannot be Bonaparte's fleet?"

In this way, the battle, which later generations called the "Battle of Blood Gate", officially came to an end on September 833, 9. This is also the first large-scale battle to break out in the Milky Way since the beginning of this war. The battle ended with the occupation of the Blood Gate Galaxy, the largest border military base of the Kingdom of Cathay.

The Earth Fleet certainly didn't stay here for long. They just dragged all the trophies and surrendered ships back to the Nantian Gate, and then blasted all the facilities underground, on the ground, in the sky, and in the universe of the Blood Gate to pieces, and then left with more than satisfied.

Looking at them like this, they probably just had to dig out all the earthworms and cut them in half vertically.

A total of 127 warships were injured, 26 warships were sunk, and 7000 casualties were paid in the Blue Star Community Outer Ring Theater. Most of the losses occurred during the stalemate in the West End System. And when the flames of war were ignited at the Blood Gate, it was almost a one-sided massacre.

Of the seven dreadnoughts of the three-nation combined fleet, five were sunk and two were captured. Of the 7 battlecruisers, nine were destroyed, two were captured and three escaped.

These capital ships were equivalent to [-]% destroyed, which was extremely miserable. This was probably because the Earth's pilots focused their main attention on these large ships from the beginning.

As a result, in addition to the capital ships, there were more than 800 warships, and finally nearly 300 warships, with 10,000+ defeated soldiers, fled from the purgatory-like battlefield in panic.

According to subsequent statistics, the Three Kingdoms left more than 100 million prisoners and wounded in the Blood Gate and West End systems, as well as twice that number of dead.

The Commander-in-Chief of the United Fleet and the Regent of the Cathay Kingdom, Charon Mane, died in battle on his loyal flagship, as did most of the confidants he had raised.

We all know that if a dictatorial military strongman suddenly dies unexpectedly, the subsequent development of the political situation will be very lively. I know with my knees that in the next few months, the Kingdom of Cathay will surely stage a Game of Thrones that can last for at least seven or eight seasons and hundreds of episodes.

In addition, two digits of generals from Embu and Angmans also died on the battlefield. Although the main reason was that he didn't have time to run away, from the perspective of results, he really looked brave.

As a result, not only the Kingdom of Cathay, which was fighting at home, but also the United Kingdom of Embu and the Grand Duchy of Ammans, which were friendly, also lost nearly [-]% of their defense strength after the battle.

Under such circumstances, even if the Dragon Kings of the Dawn Royal Family are no longer human beings, they should shed tears of sympathy for these two countries, right? They should appreciate their loyalty to the country and not oppress them too much, right?

...Of course, this is actually impossible to say. You know, the empire's fleet left in the Blood Gate was also completely wiped out. After all, the guard ships and arsenal ships were thin-skinned and oversized. They were special warships prepared to cooperate with the combined fleet to attack Nantianmen. Their speed and maneuverability were beyond description. It was indeed too difficult for them to race against the fleeing friendly destroyers and cruisers.

The death of 12 guard ships and 20 arsenal ships, as well as nearly 2 elite sailors, was certainly nothing to an empire with such a big business. However, the supervisory army placed at the Blood Gate... ah no, the top management of the advisory group reimbursed two-thirds of it, that is another matter.

A total of twelve astral knights, including a knight commander, were killed in the gunfire. These well-trained psychics did not have time to show off the results of their hard-earned training, and they perished in the intensive fire, breaking down the most basic cosmic particles. Their hope, honor, future and even their names disappeared in the cruel energy.

From this perspective, what is the difference between the noble Astral Knight and those cannon fodder Marines in the disappearing orbital bombardment?

Speaking of which, in the battle of the river valley at the God of War Festival, a certain divinely chosen champion played for three minutes that made the Crest Academy cry. After this Blood Gate battle, more nobles died than last time, but who knows how long the Heraldry Academy will continue to cry?
What, you said that the initiator of both crying episodes was the same person?
Then there is no problem!

In this way, the Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy came to a successful end. The result of this battle was like a blazing wind, blowing to all parts of the universe. Now, it's up to us how these strong winds can turn into a tsunami.

However, this is beyond the control of Yu Lian, the instigator.

So, on the next day, the newly victorious outer ring fleet began to prepare to divide its forces and move forward according to the original plan.

When Yu Lian returned to the Fuxi, he saw the officers lining up on the bridge to welcome him, led by Chief of Staff Mkawa, Captain Tovey, Brigadier Zuo Wanhu and Colonel Walter. Everyone stands at attention and salutes, all of them are as green as pines and cypresses.

Well, it really feels like the First Citizen has returned to his loyal old Praetorian Guard.

Yu Lian returned the favor while dispelling these random thoughts.

"Do you already know the target and voyage plan?"

"All captains and navigators have been transferred!" Chief of Staff Mkawa responded.

"Very good, let's set out!" Yu Lian said as he sat down on his admiral's chair.

"Fleet Yu, proceed! Heading 17B, speed 1!" Adjutant Luo Zeshi immediately broke down his order into passwords and quickly conveyed them to the entire army.

Yu Fleet... Yu Liang just wanted to drink a glass of Bingkuoluo, but now he suddenly started coughing uncontrollably.

"Fleet Yu, Formation 6. The Fuxi is starting to launch!" Captain Tovey began to execute the next order. The Fuxi number he commanded also began to activate.

It took nearly 5 minutes for this most perfect giant ship in the history of the community to start up, and then the other warships started up and followed. Soon, a smooth and neat sailing formation was formed.

Well, perfect setting sail rhythm. Our fleet formation operations are really becoming more and more proficient!

...So what the hell is this Yu Fleet?
"As you can see, your ship is actually full of rebels. They all have loyalty written on their faces, but they are angry at you in their bones. It is indeed necessary to tighten military discipline. Otherwise, it will continue like this. Ah, sister is getting more and more worried about your future." A female voice that was neither yin nor yang floated into Yu Lian's ears like a ghost again.

Yu Lian knew without looking that there was and could only be the zero-element spirit, the silicon spirit, and the cosmic female ghost.

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