Him and their stars

Chapter 1386 From forest to fire

Of course, what made everyone feel relieved was that until the end of the battle, no enemy reinforcements were encountered.

"This is strange. If King Suliuka was here, it stands to reason that he would not give up the warning here." Akinayama Hachiman expressed his doubts. Of course, he was thinking entirely from a military perspective.

Mihir Kent, who is very talented as a politician, thought for a while and said: "But King Suliuka is the military commander of the Dawn Star Territory in the New World, right? The Unity Fortress has been lost, and the life and death of King Soleyn is uncertain. The system is littered with the remains of fortresses and ships. But until King Thrane is completely certain of his death, she must give her full support, if only to make a gesture."

He looked at Yang Xiyi and said, "This is just an afterthought, but you expected this in advance, right?"

Yang Xiyi glanced at the other party: "You guys, don't use an overly realistic approach to evaluate a genius like King Suliuka. In history, we can often see qualified or even excellent commanders, but they are defeated by the other party. Genius is able to play with everything at the palm of his hand because he completely limits his thinking to common sense."

"Sorry." This group of young elite officers who graduated from the Central Defense University hurriedly took lessons. They all have a feeling of returning to their school days, and the memories of their dead rainbow-colored youth begin to attack them.

Yang Xiyi then explained: "Before the war started, we deployed a large number of gravitational wave beacons near the Eye of Dawn galaxy."

After all, before this, the atmosphere in the entire universe was one of everyone joining together to develop the Dawn Starry Universe, and it is easy to understand that a large amount of communication equipment was required.

Of course, after the war begins, the empire that has gained a strategic advantage will definitely try its best to destroy all communication systems of the community. But with so many gravitational wave beacons walking in the universe, there will always be a few that slip through the net and occasionally do some broadcasting. of.

"I just broadcast the news of the destruction of the Unity Fortress to the entire New Continent before the arrival of Fleet No. 13. Judging from the distance, the patrol fleet around the Eye of Dawn will definitely receive the news before King Suliuka. They You will definitely make a judgment that suits your own needs.”

People like King Suliuka may make cruel but wise decisions, but the squadron admiral who received the news is just a senior worker in the imperial army, and he dare not take the blame for some things. Before receiving the order from the superiors, it was impossible to really leave King Souren alone until death. Of course, he had to make the so-called "realistic" decision that Mihir Kent said.

Everyone quickly understood what Yang Xiyi meant, and there was a brief pause at the scene. They now discovered that this listless commander was actually smarter than they thought.

In short, after the Yang Fleet crossed the Pass System and re-entered the vast Dawn Star Territory, it felt a bit like a dragon swimming in the sea, and the world was at ease.

There is no latest news about the 30 Marines of the Ring of Miracles, the No. [-] Eighth Division of the Yaochi Star, and the Freedom Flag Dreadnought led by Lieutenant General Sylvester, who is currently missing.

Under the current situation, no news may be the best news.

In addition, the Empire has a small fleet that has passed through the New World Highway and conducted a tentative attack on the Community's New World Colonial Star Area. However, probably because the defense zone of the New Lushun system was filled with automatic array turrets and fortresses, and there were more than twenty brand-new back-to-back ships showing off their power, the imperial fleet quickly retreated.

In short, the direction of New Lushun and New Yumen is still stable for the time being.

In addition, everyone in Yang's fleet also received a communication from Horatio Vane. Although this young officer was only a destroyer captain and a temporary commander of a patrol formation, he fought and retreated during the two weeks of fighting and successively gathered a total of 11 large and small warships, including one on sail and one on the way. Battle cruiser. Even before the special attack on the Unity Fortress was launched, the empire was given a brutal ambush.

However, who is back? The captains of the aircraft carrier and battle cruiser are at least colonels, but they all obey the unified dispatch of a lieutenant colonel who has only graduated 3 years ago. There may be a lot omitted in this process that can be filmed for a whole season. A story about office politics, right?
Of course, none of the above are important issues. The important issue is that once the two sides join forces, Yang's fleet will be even stronger.

However, the New World is different from the mainland after all. Unless high-level mystical methods can be used, it is impossible for the two sides to communicate instantly. Now the main force of the Yang fleet has entered the hinterland of the Dawn Star Territory and has separated from the new Lushun. The scope of action of that small source mass wave terminal. Whether they can join forces successfully will test everyone's tacit understanding.

Akinayama Hachiman enlarged the star map a little more and lit up the channel from DL45 to DL50.

"According to the communication received 12 hours ago, Lieutenant Colonel Wayne arrived at the DL8 galaxy at 30:17 on August 45, that is, before 4 o'clock, and moved in the direction of DL45. We are going there now If so, we should be able to arrive in three days and join them."

This is of course the most ideal situation. Of course it can't be that easy in reality.

No, Major General Marklov frowned and thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "But the risk of doing this is not small, right? The DL55 galaxy nearby is an inhabited galaxy controlled by the empire, and it is now officially renamed 'Xinhai' Hope'. There are settlements built on both habitable planets. It is said that 20 people have immigrated here. Mining stations and orbital refineries have also been built. They should be prepared to operate according to the local conditions. News of the fall of the Unity Fortress spread , people in these important settlements will be panicked, and the imperial fleet will definitely not sit idly by."

This is also easy to understand. Rescue King Thoraine of the Unity Fortress is a politically correct move by the Imperial Fleet, but ensuring the safety of the new immigration stronghold is an even greater political correctness.

There is a saying that Major General Marklov positioned himself as the captain of Saratoga. Starting from him, it is estimated that the entire fleet has forgotten that he is the No. 13 fleet admiral.

The old man really only regards himself as an aerospace engineer and aircraft carrier captain. Both subjectively and objectively, he is probably the least strategic vision and tactical imagination among the fleet leaders present.

Since even he can see the problem, there must be a real problem.

Akinayama Hachiman said: "We have also considered this issue, but now we can only move forward and evaluate based on the on-site investigation situation."

"What if the results of the investigation are not satisfactory?"

"Then we can only give up the meeting with Wayne for the time being." Kent said.

Major General Marklov never expected that this young man would be so direct. He was stunned on the spot: "Then Lieutenant Colonel Wein..."

"Don't worry. Don't look at him as he is usually a bit overly enthusiastic, but he is still very clear-headed on the battlefield. In other words, he is the most sober among us except Commander Yu Company. If we find an enemy that we cannot fight against, The main fleet will definitely avoid it in advance."

A patrol detachment with four destroyers gathered a few of the panicked troops who escaped from the Circle of Miracles, and dared to attack the man who ambushed the Imperial Battle Patrol. I believe him if he is said to be too hot-blooded, and I also believe him if he is said to be very courageous. Believe it, I actually believe it even more when he says he won the three armies bravely. However, when you say that he is sane, I find it a little difficult to accept it.

Major General Marklov thought this way. However, even if I think so, I really can't think of any other ideas at the moment.

"The key question is not whether we can reconcile with Wayne, but what our next step should be."

Eleanor Bonaparte interjected: "Now, King Suliuka should have arrived at Dawn Pass, and can only see the remains of the Unity Fortress and the Imperial Fleet. If I were her, even if I were searching the mountains and seas, I would definitely They will try their best to annihilate us." "So, what you are saying is that we should leave the Dawn Star Territory quickly?" Kent asked.

Eleanor said in a calm, or too calm tone: "What I mean is that we should go deep into the hinterland of the Dawn Star Territory."

"We are now in the hinterland of the Dawn Star Territory." Major General Orwell said.

"Xiaguan means that we can make a big show to attract the attention of the enemy's main fleet. The Dawn Star Territory is very large, with transportation extending in all directions, and there is enough space for us to move. Constantly move to mobilize the enemy and look for opportunities to annihilate the enemy's squadron. We can play with them here all year and relieve the pressure on the local side."

Probably because this person's proposal was a bit extreme, there was a brief silence in the audience. Mihir Kent and Akinayama Hachiman exchanged glances silently, and each saw a "Sure enough" look in the other's eyes.

Speaking of which, didn’t Senior Eleanor have a hard time with Wayne in school? Akinayama Hachiman thought.

In their bones, they are actually the same type of people. This is called same-sex repulsion. Kent thought.

Maybe, when Wayne comes, he will think that Senior Eleanor is too extreme. Akinayama Hachiman thought.

But if you really want to take action, you will definitely be more extreme than your senior sister. Kent thought.

It must be noted that the two of them are not psychics, and of course they cannot communicate through words. They just happened to think of going together.

As for Yang Xiyi himself, he was looking at the star map with a teacup in his hands and fell into the long test. Of course, since this person still does not act like a serious soldier, but a young scholar who has not been promoted to associate professor, his current posture is more like being in a daze than thinking. Of course, the senior officers of Fleet Yang also knew his commander's style, and did not interrupt or deliberately lower the volume of the discussion.

Kent said: "Speaking of which, if you calculate the current time, it should have been several days since the returning fleet from the alliance arrived at Nantianmen. If it is Commander Yu Company, plus the four Lord God-class ships, he should make a decision Something about it.”

"Maybe the outer ring fleet has launched an attack on the enemies in the direction of the Blood Gate." Akinayama Hachiman said: "If it were him, he would definitely do such a thing."

"However, even with the four main gods, the Nantianmen combined fleet is still stronger than the outer fleet. If they fail to win but are entangled, the enemy on the far shore may launch a counterattack." Orwell The major general calculated.

"It's not far from Nantianmen to Earl Star Gorge. It only takes two weeks to take the nearest waterway, day and night. However, the lack of troops will be a drop in the bucket, while more troops will allow the enemies of the Blood Gate to take advantage of the loopholes." Mark Love looked troubled.

"That's why I think we should try our best to find ways to reduce the pressure on the local side."

"...Well, from this perspective, the empire can be regarded as placing a super two-headed dragon formation across the star area in front of us, just like the main expedition fleet of the Ring of Miracles in front of the station." Akinayama Hachiman He pushed up his glasses expressionlessly.

Then, he felt the eyes of the people around him and pushed up his glasses: "This is a joke."

I remember Mr. Qi, the greatest writer in the universe, once said that high-end jokes will make everyone laugh out loud, but jokes that will go down in history will make everyone unable to laugh even if they want to.

From this perspective, Hachiman’s joke might be able to compete with the latter type.

However, after half a minute of silence, Yang Xiyi, who had been in a daze, seemed to have just come to his senses. He put down his tea cup and laughed with his hands: "Now that I think about it, your joke is really funny. And as long as you understand it thoroughly. The meaning actually includes hopes and blessings for the future."

"Thank you for your understanding." Akinayama Hachiman seemed very moved, but anyway, ordinary people couldn't find any clues from this bespectacled face.

Yang Xiyi held the general's hat in his hand and scratched his somewhat messy black hair: "Indeed, although we have successfully defeated the enemy in the Unity Fortress and returned to the Dawn Star Territory, the empire's strategy in the New Continent and even the overall war situation The advantage is still unshakable. They can endure the defeat of the Unity Fortress at least twenty times more, but if the Ring of Miracles comes again, the community will be destroyed. Every step we take from now on is like walking on thin ice in the abyss. It's like there's something stuck in your throat..."

"Well, the difficulty seems to be getting lower and lower." Hachiman pushed up his glasses again.

Yang Xiyi gave the other party a thumbs up, thinking that if this guy didn't join the army and become an actor, he might be able to get a title like "Sneer Smiler".

"To tell you the truth, after returning to the Dawn Star Territory, I really wanted to ask Master Elinco and the others to make a fortune for me every step I took, but unfortunately I was cruelly rejected." Yang Xiyi laughed, Then he fiddled with the star map. Immediately, he suddenly put away his smile and said solemnly: "Then, gentlemen, you should follow the original plan and start moving in the direction of Dl50! I am [-]% sure that we can cooperate with Wei Wei The fleet has completed its rendezvous."

"...Well, if we alert the Imperial garrison fleet in New Seawatch."

"Then destroy them all." Yang Xiyi said the most murderous words in a calm tone.

"Wouldn't it attract more enemy fleets?"

"No, even if there is, it must be an enemy that everyone can deal with. After meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Wayne, we can continue to move closer to the interior of the star field and solve the siege of Yaochi and even the Ring of Miracles." Yang Xiyi's His tone was still calm, but full of information and domineering.

As a result, this guy who had been in a daze just now transformed into the most aggressive and confident person present.

Of course, in view of this person's overly unscrupulous performance in the past, it seems very reasonable to suddenly change from the steady and cautious Xu Rulin style to the aggressive and fire-fighting type.

The oldest one, Major General Orwell, who served as Yang Xiyi’s leader at the National Defense University: “Can you tell me your reasons?”

Although it is called the Yang Fleet, this is the most powerful fleet of the community in the New World and it is not yet Yang Xiyi's private army. Those present are also professional soldiers from a republican country. Before a commander is ready to carry out a radical action that is counterintuitive, he still needs a reasonable explanation.

Yang Xiyi's eyes quickly flashed with sadness, and he said solemnly: "So far, we have not received the Freedom Flag or news from Lieutenant General Picard."

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