Him and their stars

Chapter 1398 Important and more important

The head of state of the Blue Star Community, His Excellency President Kais Nishita, certainly feels that he is high-spirited, high-spirited and domineering. In fact, when he received the battle report from the Unity Fortress, he got out of the "king of subjugation" state of panic in the shortest possible time and began to recover in the direction of vitality.

When he received the report of the Blood Gate Battle again, all the decadence, all the depression, and all the emotions were gone. President Nishita felt that the souls of the earth’s heroes and sages throughout the ages were with him.

So, when Killian Shazabi entered the office and prepared to report to the President, what he saw was an energetic and passionate fighter, even more energetic than when he was in the presidential election.

Of course he felt the complicated gaze of the young secretary, and immediately burst into hearty laughter: "Ah ha ha ha, I feel like a fearless Irbion red-haired male bear now!"

This, does anyone call themselves this? Killian didn't know whether he should laugh or not.

"Relax, young man, of course I'm joking. Hahahaha!"

What's so funny about this? The corners of Killian's mouth twitched, and then he was kicked secretly by Senior Brother Juque next to him. He quickly forced out a business smile and began to report the results of this operation.

Five minutes later, Mr. President nodded approvingly: "Very good. I have been authorized by Congress for this operation. It is definitely not an act of overstepping the authority of the Presidential Palace. Mingzhao, remember to say this when answering reporters' questions."

Yang Mingzhao smiled and nodded, which should mean that "the president is wise."

"Thank you for your hard work, Killian. Although he is young, he still behaves in a very classy manner."

Killian was kicked again by his senior brother with lightning speed, and he quickly showed a humble smile and said, "Your Excellency deserves the award because of your good leadership."

"Good news is coming from the front line frequently, and we have also stabilized internally. Victory must belong to us!"

After the two young secretaries exited, President Keith Nishita adjusted his collar for the last time, and sat behind the desk with the national emblem of the Community in a square and upright but energetic posture.

In front of him, three projectors were turned on one after another, and the images behind the huge panoramic light curtain quickly covered the entire office.

For a moment, the president even felt a little dazzled, but he still sat upright and maintained his original posture, without even blinking.

When Nishita regained his sight, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have arrived at the main conference venue of the Alliance Parliament Building, known as the "Yongchen Hall".

Rather than saying it is a "hall", it actually presents a stepped structure similar to a stadium. More than 87 senators from 36 sectors, 125 autonomous dominions, and alliance countries from all over the Free Galaxy Alliance, as well as their secretaries and assistant teams, sat around the stepped seats like spectators in a stadium. It forms a complete circle, overlooking the central rostrum and main podium.

The speaker presiding over the meeting, the general leader of the alliance and important cabinet members at all levels, military or local officials, when speaking or receiving consultations, have to stand in the center of this large circle and feel being pointed out by tens of thousands of people. ground pressure.

Many people find it difficult to bear this sense of oppression and feel that the Alliance's parliament building should be renovated. Of course, this kind of proposal was criticized by public opinion very quickly - MPs are the representatives of the people. Isn't it proper for them to look down at you, these public servants of society, as they should?

Of course, there are also some politicians with extraordinary talents who are eager for this kind of environment. They feel that if they stand in the center of the parliament, they stand in the center of politics, and they control the entire universe.

Anyway, President Nishita is the latter. In the huge light screen projection that unfolded, looking at the vivid faces of parliamentarians from all over the alliance behind the screen, he suddenly felt that he had reunited in spirit with the past leaders of the alliance.

So, 43-year-old Keith Nichta sat there and looked at him with affectionate eyes, seeing his figure when he was 23 years old.

...Well, the president twenty years ago was still studying in the Union, participated in some peripheral political internships, and also visited the Union Capitol Building as a student leader. At that time, he was fascinated by this feeling, and he pointed at the rostrum in the center of Yongchen Hall and said, "This is what a man should be like."

Now, my wish has come true.

However, I don’t know how many people here can send my voice today to the ears of the real big guys in the Fourteenth Family.

...Well, no, I am the winner now, how could I be so humble? Now, it should be the turn of the men of the Fourteenth Family and the Alliance to take the initiative to win over our community. This is the value of war, this is the value of victory!

Thinking of this, the color on Keith Nicita's face became even fuller. He secretly took a breath and uttered the fullest, most energetic, most emotional and powerful voice he had ever heard in his life:

"Your Excellency Speaker, Members of Congress, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much! Friends of the Alliance. I am proud to welcome you from the Blue Star Community, from our capital city, the Eternal City of Earth. And as I say to you When these words are said, our peaceful land is still under the ravages of the Galactic Empire's artillery fire!

However, we will never give up. We didn't even think about it. Our beautiful country, the people who live in this beautiful and glorious country, are finding themselves in the midst of the most serious war since the Seventh War. However, we will never give up! Now, on behalf of the people of the Community and the freedom-loving people who have resisted imperial aggression and tyranny for many years, I am honored to pay tribute to you across the galaxy. "


"The president of the community is going to give a speech in Congress today? Are none of you interested?"

"Well, is it today? I remember it was the 16th."

"The 16th is the final of the Flying Ball Association Cup!"

"Oh, yes, yes, I actually forgot about it."

"Haha, I thought he would come here in person by boat. He seems to be a very energetic type."     "If he gets married, I can invite him to go hunting with me. My hunting ground has now introduced king beasts. .”

"Everyone, let's get back to business. Finn, please explain the report from the Supernatural Management Bureau to everyone."

The director of the Alliance's Foreign Intelligence Service, General Finn Berenkeist, cleared his throat and began to read a report full of occult nouns.

"...The above is the situation ascertained from the virtual realm of the third branch of the Extraordinary Management Bureau. This is also consistent with all stargazing, servant calculations and tactical predictions. It can be confirmed that Lan Jiufeng is in place and the nine rings are already in place. It is an established fact. Even if the Blue Star Community fails in this war, the Spiritual Research Institute will definitely become the top spiritual (meow) cultivating group in the galaxy. The Supernormal Administration hopes to increase cooperation with the Spiritual Research Institute."

"Of course we should increase cooperation. If the community really cannot withstand it, what will be destroyed is a short-lived government that lasts only fifty years. However, the Spiritual Research Society can become a spiritual totem for the people on earth, and maybe it will become an empire. The abyss of continued blood loss.”

"Isn't it possible that the Spiritual Research Society and the people of Earth will be completely swallowed up and digested by the empire?"

"Ahaha, of course this possibility cannot be ruled out, but we can also adjust the policy."

"Don't talk about your policies. The war has now reached this stage. The people on Earth have performed much better than you predicted. So where should we go now?"

"What, what's going to happen? Are you going to let me take responsibility? I said it was an estimate from the beginning."

"I didn't let you take responsibility, but why are you anxious?"

"I'm not in a hurry! Those who say people are in a hurry are in a hurry!"

"Then you are so loud and in a hurry? You are just in a hurry."

"I'm not in a hurry. Others say I'm in a hurry."

"The rebound came back because I was in a hurry."

"Are you two combined to be eight years old this year?"

"Everyone, please stop arguing. If you have any quarrel, please wait until we meet and resolve it in an adult way."

"This is not the way of an adult, it is the way of a barbarian!"

Among the people who are having the above conversations are directors of the Rainbow Rose Foundation, Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, or Libra Bank, directors of the Standard Shipping Association, members of the Industrial Coordination Association, and senior members of the Alliance Congress.

Among the political and business leaders of the alliance, there are always rumors that there is such a group that rules the alliance. Some people call them the "Shadow Cabinet", some call them the "Emperor's Council", and there are also very direct names, including the so-called "Alliance Ten". "Four Families" refers specifically to the long-established clans that have controlled this country during the royal rule of the alliance's home planet.

Of course, even these big shots are as easy to go off topic during meetings as all the foolish men and women, and it is easy for them to change into a normal rhythm.

Therefore, Yamida Senge Berenkeist, who is attending this meeting, still dares to pat her chest and express to the spirit of the universe that there are not so many conspiracy theories in the world. Everyone is just a serious citizen family, but they have a long history, close connections, accumulated some wealth, and have a certain influence on the alliance's policies.

Listening to the quarrels in the ears, taking a relaxed pace, walking barefoot on the milky white beach, feeling the contact between the warm sand and the skin.

For her, walking on the beach while having a meeting is a good way to exercise. It can keep herself focused and relaxed at the same time, allowing her brain to continue thinking while her body is always in a leisurely state.

This sounds incredible, but for psychics, especially for people of all kinds like Miss Bei, anything is possible. Achieving rational facts amidst absurdity and constructing logical unity amidst contradictions are the goals of her recent practice.

...Well, to put it bluntly, she has been obsessed with this milky white beach recently. In comparison, the beacon smoke everywhere in the universe is really a trivial matter not worth mentioning.

Then, she heard the voice of her father, Feano Berenkeist: "So, Yani, this is the situation. People on Earth are really good at fighting. How about we..."

"Tsk. Haha."

"Did you tsk just now? Did you hehe after tskting just now? Is this my imagination? My little Yani seems to be scorning her poor old father?"

Yani showed a satisfied smile and looked at the endless blue sea ahead, bathed in the golden sunshine. The sun shone on her silver hair, as if forming a holy halo behind her head. She felt this warmth, letting the breath of joy and pleasure flow through her heart, and then gently spit out notes that were light and bright, like a song, from her mouth.

"Yes, Dad, I did scoff at your suggestion just now."

"...Actually, you don't need to answer so decisively."

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