Him and their stars

Chapter 1404 Cooperation and opposition are relative

Chapter 1404 Cooperation and opposition are relative

Under Yani's meaningful gaze, Feifei continued to explain: "When the World Snake was seeking to cooperate with the predators, the investment it proposed was also a time elixir, and it was also refined by them twice to strengthen the amplification effect. , an improved version that also greatly weakens the side effects.”

Yani commented: "This is nonsense. If there is an improved version of the new drug, snakes will definitely be widely used on our own mercenaries and officials, and the black market will definitely sell them all over the universe. The situation of killing snakes is That’s another story.”

Feifei nodded: "Snake Cave even expressed its willingness to provide some customized spaceships that can withstand special radiation and navigators that can serve as cannon fodder. However, their asking price is too high. Queen Tomitelli feels that Snake Although the organization has some black technology, it cannot prove whether it can really resist the unknown radiation in the center of the galaxy. In comparison, it is better to fight for the spaceship on your own. Anyway, what the predators are best at is turning waste into treasure. As for the navigator , including her, everyone is ready to sacrifice. It must be something that can be overcome with all their strength."

"Indeed, if you just provide a batch of medicine and want to share the entire treasure, then wouldn't the Eero people who have made such a heavy sacrifice and waited for nearly a thousand years become clowns?" Yani still understands Tomitai very well. Lee Khan's.

If it were the style of their Rainbow Rose family, if someone wanted to take advantage of the situation, not only would it be impossible to cooperate, but they would definitely be regarded as a mortal enemy.

"So, the question is, how did Black Moon get involved with the predators?"

"...Twenty years ago, Aunt Liu Qiluo, Yu'er's mother, was a carrier-based aircraft pilot of the Community's Sixth Fleet. She was responsible for the cantilever defense area. The main enemy was the predators in the direction of the galactic center. She died in the resistance The great warlord of the trolls, nicknamed 'Undead' Grogg Steelfang, invaded the battle. It just so happened that this Steelfang was also the biggest opponent competing with the Elor people for the throne of the Great Khan of the Predators. The enemy's Enemies cannot become friends, but they can actually cooperate. We provided a little intelligence support to Queen Tomitelli, and we had contact information. Of course, my father was mainly responsible for this."

"You two only met Yu Lian when he moved to Earth Jincheng when he was eight years old." Yani said angrily.

The other party's tone of "Although my mother-in-law and I have never met, it is appropriate to avenge her" made Miss Bei very unhappy.

"But we were born in a hospital." Feifei shrugged: "And I still remember that Aunt Liu was very nice to me when I was in the hospital."

"You were still a baby when you were in the hospital, right?"

"Me? I'm gifted with extraordinary talents, can't I do it with Su Hui?"

Miss Bei decided not to continue this topic.

"So, you want to say that it was actually you who provided Tomitelli with the elixir of time?" Yani's voice carried a hint of scrutiny. If this was true, what was hidden behind this urban thief was deeper than she imagined.

You know, the so-called Time Spirit Potion is an alchemical potion that can be mass-produced. Alchemy means that the materials are precious, and energy production here does not mean that it can be produced in large quantities, but that the production conditions are very harsh. Regardless of the equipment, factory building, environment or even the level of operators, there are extremely high requirements.

If Feifei really provided the medicine, does this mean that in addition to being a thief, she also has a highly technical pharmaceutical factory under her control? Does this also mean that she actually controls an organization?

"Black Moon is just a lone wolf. There is no company or organization. It's just that I have traveled a lot in the gray area, and there are always some friends in related fields." Feifei said seriously.

Yani blinked her big blue eyes and showed a noncommittal smile. .

"You underestimate the obsession of the Eero people, and you also underestimate the mobility of the Royal Masegetai family. They built a work ship specifically for drug production twenty years ago, which can produce most of the A necessary medicine for sailing in the harsh stars. Queen Tomiteli's rise to the throne of the Great Khan of the Plunderers is partly due to this. I only provided them with the recipe for the elixir of time, as well as some important raw materials that they could not produce. That’s all.”

"Important raw materials?"

"Haha, a very famous anti-radiation drug. The drug itself is not expensive, but its production requires natural seawater and a relatively stable environment, which Queen Tomitelli does not have. I found a fake one...ah no , friends who make generic drugs. Although the industry they are engaged in is not particularly legal, they are still very informal. They are simple, strong and down-to-earth in their work. Although they are all making generic drugs, the data in all aspects are not the same as the genuine ones. Differences, and even some meaningless impurities have been removed, reducing costs.”

Yani just blinked and immediately guessed the identity of the medicine.

"Did you know? APT anti-radiation drug is one of the star products of Jade Bird Medical Group?"

Feifei nodded.

"Then do you know that the Rainbow Rose Foundation is the majority shareholder of Blue Bird?"

Feifei continued to nod: "Yani, are you going to accuse my mother in this regard? Have you forgotten my attributes?" "Indeed, a grand thief." Yani emphasized the word "thief".

"No, I mean, after all, I am also one of the first readers of "Principles" and a member of the Pioneer Party. But I will be very happy to do anything that can allow you capitalists to break your defenses."

"Do you understand the "Yuan Lun" and the Pioneer Party to be selling fake medicines? Apologize! First of all, you have to apologize to Mr. Qi and Yu'er!"

"What kind of fish? It's you who calls the fish too! White-haired fox, I find that you have become more and more unrestrained recently. It's true that all the tricks have been used, and the sun is just a pawn!"

In short, Feifei ordered a batch of generic drugs as Hei Yue. However, when she reached a cooperation with Akinayama Hachiman's counterfeit medicine, no, generic medicine pharmaceutical factory, she met Yu Lian who was causing trouble, and she also happened to uncover the situation where the World Snake was causing trouble in the Big Apple City. There is no need to go into detail.

Then, she contacted the famous pirate ship captain Mr. Hanford, whom she was familiar with (on the road), and sent the batch of drugs to the Far Shore Nebula. In the process, a little monster got into the boat and was beaten up by her, not to mention it was too delicate.

Then, Mr. Hanford drove the Ten Thousand Years Eagle and successfully delivered the goods to the hands of the Eero people.

With this batch of anti-radiation medicine, Queen Tomitelli successfully produced a batch of time elixir. After making considerable sacrifices and almost becoming half-disabled herself, she finally broke through the unknown radiation-dense galaxy, cracked the family heirloom of the Masagetai family, and gained the biggest trump card for reviving the motherland.

In addition, the young marauder Great Khan, the queen of the Elor people, also successfully broke through herself during the treasure hunt. She was resurrected with full health, and the injuries she suffered before naturally healed without medicine.

In short, before the Condemnation War, Queen Tomitelli actually took the protagonist's script.

Again, if it hadn't been for chance, if it hadn't been for an overly powerful "Dragon of Dawn", the Eero people's empire might have been rebuilt in the Dawn Star Territory.

As for the reward Feifei received from Tomitelli, Yani did not ask. If she wants to say something, she will take the initiative to say it. If she doesn't want to say it, there is no point in asking.

"However, this is strange. During the expedition to the New World, when you served as that guy's adjutant, didn't you still work very hard? I really can't see that you were ever a collaborator." Yani's laughter was filled with sarcasm. .

Feifei retorted: "Haha, didn't your alliance work very hard during the snake-killing operation? It's obvious that the Gray Gloves have served you for at least a thousand years, but they act as if they have a deep grudge against you."

"After all, I am also a professional officer of the Blue Star Community. I can receive a salary of more than 200,000 yuan from the National Defense Commission in the first year. Since it is an order from the national government, of course I must fulfill my duties. Moreover, the reason why I will help Queen Tomitelli, of course, can cooperate because the enemy is the enemy. If the Erro people can make a big fuss, the empire and the alliance will definitely be the ones to jump on it."

"Hey, hey, hey, that's the truth, but you just said it directly. Do you want me to get mad and show it to you?"

Feifei pretended not to hear anything and continued: "But, this does not mean that we are friends. This kind of relationship, whether it is cooperation or opposition, is relative. After the transaction is completed, everyone will settle down. Moreover, I really didn’t expect that the so-called Land of Chosen by the predators was so close to the New World Highway. This would pose a huge threat to New Yumen and New Lushun. If this were not the case, the Earth government would not overreact. , there will be no expedition to the New World, and the fish will probably not get involved. I can just sit aside and watch the storm surge. Hey, I can only say that everything is a bad fate!"

She pondered for a moment and then said: "Judging from the current intelligence, there is no shortage of insect swarms in the Predator Conviction War. However, I can be sure that in the fight between Queen Tomitelli and Shattered Steel Fang for the most powerful These swarms did not exist during the time of the Throne of Khan. Otherwise, she would have used them long ago. The process of the Predator Unification War was actually quite intense and cruel. Well, it was definitely not as easy as the civil war between the Alliance and the Empire."

The last sentence added was too deliberate. Yani glanced at the other party and said: "Okay, the time when the insect swarm appears and the time when Miss Chalamire wakes up can be matched. However, after the Unity Fortress was captured by General Yang Xiyi, the coalition forces in the Dawn Star Territory Hundreds of battles broke out to neutralize the marauders, but no swarm of insects ever appeared. Of course, this is understandable. Miss Chalamere's purpose is revenge, and Queen Tomitelli's purpose is always to restore the country."

She glanced at Feifei meaningfully again: "So, you still don't know about the existence of the insect swarm?"

"Before today, I would have known no more than the fish."

(End of this chapter)

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