Him and their stars

Chapter 1407 Another way

At the same time, the high-speed fleet led by four Lord God-class dreadnoughts traveled day and night, and now has entered the first half of the Earl I Corridor in the far shore nebula.

On the bridge of the flagship Fuxi, Yu Lian, who was studying the battle situation in the far shore nebula while holding a box lunch, felt a chill for no reason. He subconsciously felt that his hair was standing on end and his nasal cavity was twitching. He took a deep breath, trying to hold back the twitching in his nose, but then he shuddered again. At this moment, he seemed to see the figure of President Keith Nishita in the dark.

He wore a well-honed business smile, as if every fold was filled with high-spirited vitality. He also showed himself a row of teeth and extended his hand to himself.

"Young hero, my half-brother of Kais Nishita, let us fight side by side and make the community greater together!"

Yu Lian immediately sneezed heartily with a bold gesture.

Of course, he finally remembered to move his lunch box, so that his snack was not contaminated by himself.

But then, he immediately felt the surprised looks floating around him, including the adjutant Chester Rozes who had just walked over.

Everyone's faces were full of expressions like "Psychics can catch colds" and "Saints can also sneeze", as if their three views had been shattered, which made Yu Lian quite unhappy.

He coughed softly and said seriously: "You can't say that I lost my nose when I became a psyker. Now I have to sleep for six or seven hours every day, and I also need two roast ducks for one meal. He is really just like everyone else, just an ordinary human being.”

Not everyone agrees. Even those who have no clear understanding of psychic powers, during the Battle of the High Seas, they witnessed the famous scene where Yu Lian physically jumped out of the battleship with the enemy's self-destruction treasure, and then jumped back unscathed. It was really amazing. It’s hard to convince yourself to accept the setting of so-called “ordinary humans”.

When you blew your mouth last time, you said that after you reach the sixth ring, you can absorb the essence of heaven and earth to meet the energy and nutrients you need every day. And on average, just one hour of sleep a day can last for several months. In this case, why not save the three meals provided to the commander?

Luo Zeshi may have complained so secretly in his heart, but as an excellent adjutant, he certainly could not complain so directly. He still reported in a formal tone: "Four hours ago, the main force of Sylvester's fleet sailed. Exit the fortress, enter the Lucknar Corridor-T2 system, and engage in a confrontation with the enemy fleet. The current battle situation is in a state of anxiety."

"Very good, everything is going according to the existing plan." Yu Lian glanced at Luo Zeshi with some confusion. Since this is an existing situation, there should be no need to report it separately.

"According to the current battle situation, Sylvester's fleet actually has the upper hand."

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows and suddenly felt relieved. The chill caused by the soul of the President just now disappeared.

His Yu Company is the deputy commander of the outer ring theater, Lieutenant General Sylvester is also the deputy commander, and because of his seniority, he is ranked above the former.

Since there is already a remaining fleet, it is of course very good and reasonable to be called the Sylvester Fleet.

Now, the fleet under Vice Admiral Sylvester includes the Ninth Fleet of which he has been the commander for a long time, as well as some relatively new or relatively heavy warships collected from local patrol fleets in the country. In addition, more than one-third of the garrison fleets responsible for the direction of New Atlantis and the direction of Cantilever were also transferred.

In short, purely based on paper data, the Sylvester fleet responsible for the far shore direction can be regarded as strong.

However, outside the Seide Fortress on the far bank, what they have to face is heavier military pressure than that at Nantianmen.

This is actually not surprising. Opposite the Gibraltar Fortress is just the border of the Kingdom of Cathay. The military pressure that Nantianmen must bear depends to some extent on the supply limit of the Kingdom of Cathay.

Unfortunately, the Cathay cats are really poor, so poor that they are almost their tails. Fortunately, they finally have a pragmatic and decisive leader who knows how to put down his dignity. Coupled with the opportunity of war, it is very easy to get a handful of wool from the hands of the empire's father. The great misfortune of luck is that this outstanding leader who was once seen in a century among the Cathay people has died, and the empire's father's wool has also been burned.

Of course, the above is all from the perspective of the miserable Cathay people.

From the perspective of people on earth, it is naturally a great blessing to have success all the way.

However, the Far Coast Nebula is different. Opposite it is a large stable and prosperous group of young and middle-aged stars, which is the birthplace of the Bakvi Republic, the Grand Duchy of Letalin and the Elder Kingdom of Laig, all of which are loyal gou countries (tui) of the Galactic Empire. At the same time, the border between the Imperial Cloud Tower Sector and the Kun Cui Sector is also included.

Although these two sectors are on the border, and the leading channel from the core of the empire is very narrow, and can almost be regarded as enclaves, they are an important basic disk for the Galactic Empire to control the third cantilever, and they have always been based on local standards. Business.

Within the sector, in addition to a capable imperial central fleet, there are also twelve border war lords with territorial fleets and hundreds of Zhechong mansions. In addition, there is no shortage of agriculture, light and heavy industry, arsenals, shipyards, and even the most important people (pao) and mouths (hui).

It is conceivable that once the Lucknar Corridor and Earl I Star Gap are breached, and the far shore defense line is torn apart, the imperial local troops in these two sectors alone will lead a large number of vassal troops, as if breaking free from the dam Like a flood, it swept through most of the territory of the community.

In fact, in another timeline, the Empire did just that. Marquis Odegaard, who has already gone to heaven, all he needs to do is to walk around the nebula on the far bank and attack from both sides, and then everything will fall into place.

In the colonial era when the Galactic Empire ruled the Earth, when all traffic control over the Far Coast Nebula was in the hands of the Empire, the battlecruisers and high-speed aircraft carriers in the Cloud Tower sector traveled day and night and could arrive within a month. Above the Earth.

In short, the Sylvester fleet in the Far Shore Nebula was being watched by a large number of enemies at the beginning of the war. If it hadn't occupied the geographical advantage of the Far Shore Nebula, it would have been washed away long ago.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Sylvester, of course, adopted a very pragmatic attitude at the beginning of the war. To put it bluntly, it is to be cautious first. If you are cautious, you will not make mistakes and will not be caught by the enemy, so that you can maintain the existence of the far shore defense line. Only by ensuring survival first can other things be guaranteed.

For this reason, he even directly asked Miss "Tai'a" of the Spiritual Research Association to execute several senior officers who supported the fleet, which greatly improved military discipline.

General Sylvester is a very self-aware person. He knows that he is not a famous general who can win more with less and create miracles, so he highlights a decisive and steady nature.

And now, this steady general finally led his inferior troops to take the initiative to attack, and actually took the top?

"The fleet on the T2 galaxy side of the Lucknar Corridor is the fleet of the Republic of Bakvi and the Grand Duchy of Letalin, as well as the fleet recruited from the empire. Originally, there should be a Cathay fleet here, including four battlecruisers and The three aircraft carriers are quite capable of fighting, but they were evacuated 72 hours ago, and were replaced by a group of Laitalin support fleets." Rozez said while drawing symbols on the three-dimensional star map. "Obviously, the Cathay fleet should have returned to the country for rescue. Commander Bonaparte's fleet has almost ignited the flames of war in their royal capital. Vice Admiral Sylvester should have seized this opportunity and took the opportunity to counterattack. ." Yu Lian calculated.

Rozeshi nodded: "It is certain that the two battlecruisers, the Bakvi people's Eagle King and the Laitalin people's Horned God, have been sunk."

“What an unexpected surprise!”

The Eagle King and the Horned God are both old battle cruisers that have been in service for more than half a century. Their protective firepower and speed are far below the Yinglong class of the earthlings. However, the main force was sunk in such a short time after the war started. The ship is indeed a surprise.

Luo Zeshi added: "In addition, the empire also has a Dome-Wing Knight-class aircraft carrier that was destroyed by gang members, and a Marquis of Silume was killed by our phalanx."

This is actually a border war lord in the Kuncui Star District of the empire. The hereditary territories of such princes are all on the borders of the empire. They have military power, autonomy and financial power, and even certain rights to develop. Naturally, they are full of martial virtue.

"This is a double blessing! However, since you are talking about formation slashing, does that mean you are joining a gang?" Yu Lian asked.

Rozez nodded: "Commodore Bazin led a fleet composed of new Xiaguang-class cruisers and armored aircraft carriers. When the main force of the fleet was entangled with the enemy, it raided the junction between the Bakvi and Letalin fleets. In Under the escort of four squadrons of White Devil fighter jets and eight Xiaguang cruisers, they approached and completed the gang-hopping operation. The Marquis of Silume was killed by Ms. Tai'a who personally led the charge."

Of course, the far-shore fleet is always at a numerical disadvantage and has no room to capture the opponent's battleship. Therefore, after the landing force planted bombs at key locations on the aircraft carrier, they immediately retreated. All procedures were in full compliance with gang-hopping procedures and were as standard as a textbook.

Yu Lian felt unexpected joy again.

My niece who I have never met, Ms. Bai Ziqi, whose Taoist name is "Tai'a", is the eldest daughter of the largest wealthy family in New China, and is also the most capable double-flower red stick among the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society. According to Xiao Hui, she is still a fierce girl who dares to show her sword to her for the first time when they meet. She is quite invincible at times and feels like I am invincible.

As a result, Yu Lian's mind immediately simulated a rebellious, heroic and yandere young lady coming out while laughing "oh ho ho ho" while carrying a sword that was bigger than the door panel.

It would never have been expected that such a hero would be very methodical in fighting a battle. It can even be said that it is neat.

"After Ms. Tai'a awakened at the age of seven, she followed the New China's garrison fleet to suppress pirates. When she was twelve years old, she served as the chief instructor of the New China's garrison, and also served as an armored mobile infantry academy in New Shuntian. She was a trainee for a period of time. She was only transferred to the reserve force when she went to college at the age of eighteen. In terms of service experience, she actually has much more experience than the lower official."

Of course, he is much longer than the general Yu Lian. However, as an emotionally intelligent adult, there is no need to say this directly.

Luo Zeshi added: "It's just that I am worried that the current progress is too smooth. If the Sylvester fleet is too aggressive for a while and wants to create greater results, it is very likely to be defeated by the enemy one after another. They will be entangled by the incoming fleet. By that time, we will be passive in this battle."

As an excellent staff officer, Luo Zeshi's concerns are not unreasonable. He then told Yu Lian that as the battle progressed, enemy fleets from surrounding star systems were swarming in. Currently, the nearest Bakvi fleet has arrived on the battlefield.

However, the Sylvester fleet is still entangled, and it seems that it has missed the best opportunity to give up.

Now, Chief of Staff Mkawa is communicating with Fortress Said to inquire about more specific conditions, but he can only learn that the fortress defenders are on the highest alert. In addition, all the remaining reserves on the far shore, including 2 battleships including 10 battle cruisers and 56 heavy cruisers, are ready to go to the battlefield. However, they received an order from Lieutenant General Sylvester, still requesting that "the general reserve team should not move" and wait for "the arrival of reinforcements from the direction of Nantianmen."

But in any case, Luo Zeshi's worries are still at the level of speculation, and his own fleet can do nothing else except continue to move along the mountain and sea routes.

Then, another half hour passed, and Luo Zeshi immediately brought the latest news:

"Surveying Eye reported on the 11th that the Bakviman and the Starship dreadnought have passed through the Earl I-7 system and are less than 30 hours away from the battlefield."

The Bakviman and Starship, as you can guess just by looking at their names, are the symbols of the space fleet of the Bakvi Republic. They are also the only two dreadnoughts in the Bakvi space fleet.

Their arrival naturally meant that the main force of the Bakwe people was also swarming in.

Yu Lian was slightly surprised: "It came a little faster. I remember that Rear Admiral Yukievich's fleet was responsible for spreading mines in the gravity wells between Count I 4 and 8 galaxies. It is said that they can intercept the main force of the Bakvi people for at least five hours. In this way, it will take them 5 hours to rush to the scene at the earliest."

Rear Admiral Yukievich led a group composed of heavy-duty ships and cutting-edge ships from the 2nd Fleet and 7th Fleet transferred from the mainland. Regardless of the technical and tactical level and morale of the officers and soldiers, at least the data on paper is still good, and it should be possible to conduct some interception operations of fighting and retreating.

"Survey Eye 11 discovered that the Empire's high-speed Jaeger-class cruiser was following the scene. Due to an operational error, the minelayer moved slowly, and was blocked by the Empire's Jaeger-class cruiser before the work was completed. As a result, the interception battle became A hard fight...Major General Yukievich has died in the battle."

"...If the person hadn't died, I would have wanted to utter vulgar words!"

"You can do it now. Anyway, we are all our own people here."

Yu Lian felt that using some foul language might make him feel better and clear his mind, but after all, it would not be productive, and there really was no time left.

He calculated it and asked, "It will take another 30 hours for the main force of the Bakvi people to arrive on the battlefield. What about us?"

"At least, it will take another day and a half. But we are only 12 hours away from Saide Fortress. However, according to the original plan, we should repair at least eight more in Saide Fortress..."

"Repair the whole thing! There is no original plan anymore!" Yu Lian interrupted the other party: "Lieutenant Colonel Luo Zeshi, give the order to the entire fleet and start accelerating! After passing the fortress, don't stop and divert immediately! We will Instead of going to Lucnar T2, go directly to Earl I's 13th galaxy and stop the main force of the Bakvi fleet!"

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