Him and their stars

Chapter 1413 No martial ethics

Chapter 1413 No martial ethics

Yu Lian couldn't help but was startled on the spot: "Oh, there's an unexpected surprise. Are you going to go directly to the bridge?"

"Yes, the invasion was like fire and thunder." Rozeshi praised, and added: "Of course, it is also because the gravitational field bomb over there was deployed in the front half of the Xingjun. Colonel Walter The troops he leads can immediately launch a suppressive attack on the enemy's bridge. There is still some luck involved in this."

If Yu Lian is the kind of commander who is jealous of his talents, he will definitely hold a grudge because his subordinates stole the limelight?

From this perspective, Luo Zeshi is indeed a good adjutant. He not only knows how to save the respect of the Commander, but also knows how to exonerate his colleagues.

However, Yu Lian was subtly unhappy.

"Comrade Chester, don't you think that I am the kind of commander who will become envious, jealous or even have a twisted mentality after his subordinates have achieved great success?"

"Of course not. You will definitely be the first to raise your hands and cheer loudly. However, there are not the most leaders and colleagues like you in the world, but mediocre and delusional people. I am very afraid of serving under your command. After a long time, I have forgotten how to get along with these ordinary people who really occupy the mainstream, and I am also afraid that my sense of moral superiority will turn into a sense of status superiority. This is not good for me and the cause of the Pioneer Party. I can only occasionally It’s time to hone your interpersonal skills. As our leader, you must understand my difficulties, right?”

Yu Lian was silent for a moment and sighed in admiration: "Davari Shirozeshi, if nothing else, your current speaking skills of yin and yang with gentle breeze and drizzle are really getting better and better! Are you preparing to be the prime minister in the future? ?”

"Sir, Comrade Chairman, only the king has a prime minister."

The two fell into silence at the same time, laughed awkwardly in the private communication channel, and then quickly changed the topic: "What's the situation on the other side?"

"Survey Eye 11 reports that the Bakvi arsenal fleet has stopped jumping and is on standby at the gravity wellhead."

Yu Lian smiled and said: "The Bakvi command on this ship will not be so decisive, it will be more like an order from the empire."

Rozeshi nodded: "The border lords who will enter the battlefield on the far shore immediately are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. However, Chief Mkawa's staff analysis believes that the fast fleet composed of the empire's border lords, It should be the first step to enter the local system for rescue."

"What do you think?"

After Luo Zeshi was slightly startled, he still said resolutely: "This is extremely possible."

This is similar to his own judgment. Yu Lian nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, let the two admirals Lesu and Laois prepare. Also, send a letter to Gao Ranfu and Romanov, and follow plan B. Execute. After the first battle patrol formation enters the 12th galaxy, it will be their turn."

This time, Luo Zeshi felt that the Commander was a little too decisive: "But, this is just a rough plan. Making a decision directly like this, isn't it..."

"Do we still expect everyone to carry out the encounter according to the established plan of the staff? Davari Shirozeshi, our troops are limited, this is the least expensive way."

For this reason, of course Luo Zeshi would not object. Instead, he respected his former classmate and now superior even more.

Of course he knew that any pre-war plan that was written on paper could be made sound and well-founded with clear steps as long as he received a professional and complete military education. But when it comes to decision-making and action, it's another story.

Now think about it, the best in this field among the 830th class are really Wayne and him.

However, that guy Venn, outside of the battlefield, is just a typical red idiot without a leg!

The ability to choose the right plan and execute it resolutely is the most important basis for distinguishing generals from staff, leaders from assistants... In other words, it is also the difference between a master and a counselor.

Luo Zeshi shook his head, feeling that since the war started, he had become more and more prone to random thoughts. Sure enough, he was contaminated by patients with persecutory delusions such as Teacher Yang and Mihir. He quickly forgot these thoughts and quickened his pace to follow Yu Lian.

At this time, Yu Lian was already wielding the extended crystal sword and began to advance surrounded by soldiers.

At the same time, Brigadier Zuo Wanhu was also directing his men to advance rapidly. As the vanguard is a four-person formation composed of four psykers - these psykers are reinforcements sent from the country, consisting of a second-level "heavy infantry", a second-level "sheriff", and two Composed of one ring. The two people in the second ring were divided into captains and deputy captains based on seniority and age. It sounded like a configuration of miscellaneous soldiers, but there was a saying that these talents were the largest team of psychics.

The second ring "heavy infantry" named Xia Wen Indigo, a fifty-year-old colonel, is the second ring who has been stuck in this realm for almost twenty years. He seems to be ready to completely lose his intention to continue climbing the peak, and is ready to wait for retirement and receive a pension.

In comparison, the deputy captain and the two first-level officers of the "sheriff" are only young people with an average age of twenty-five, but they are still at a passionate age.

...In short, this is a team of veterans and rookies, but even such a team can still be invincible in a dreadnought that has not had time to organize resistance.

Well, with the level of hand-to-hand combat of the Bakvi bird people, even if they are organized, there will be no qualitative change. On the way to the charge of the community soldiers, countless enemy soldiers had fallen down, and the brown blood began to solidify, sticking the fragments of limbs and feathers to the ground. The scene suddenly became more tragic, and even a little restrained. Taste it.

Of course, Yu Lian is happy to be a mascot.

What's the saying? Oh, by the way, if the supreme commander personally kills people with a knife, it means that the battle has been lost.

"We must not let these earthlings get out of the ship alive!" A huge armored body stood at the end of the central channel and let out a thunderous roar: "No one can break through this line of defense! Don't be afraid! Don't run away, Go back! We will fight to the end!"

Not only did he shout this, but he also did this, waving a crystal battle ax as big as a wheel, and actually blocked all the volleys of the Earth soldiers' guns.

"Despicable traitor! Come here and give me a fair fight!"

Traitor? These titles are quite new. During the Revolutionary War, Marshal Li and his comrades were often called so contemptuously by the empire, but fifty years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yu Lian was probably the first senior general of the community to enjoy such treatment.

This is Colonel Begento, the captain of the first charge on the ship. He is a famous Legg giant warrior and a psyker of the "Blood Road" star ring.

The most powerful general on the dreadnought ship named "Bakviman" is actually a Legg giant, which sounds like a rather useless black humor. However, considering the Bakwi people's consistent performance in hand-to-hand combat and land combat, it is still understandable.

In addition, Colonel Bergento is actually an official officer of the Imperial Armored Grenadier. He actually worked as a consultant and instructor for the Bakvi people. Only in critical times does he need to lead the first team he personally trained. Fill it in.

However, probably because he was able to receive an extra salary from here, Colonel Begento was indeed quite admirable in his dedication to work. Not only was he the first person on the dreadnought to complete the armor, but his stormtroopers were also the first unit to arrive on the battlefield in an organized manner.

After giving his subordinates the order to fight to the death, Colonel Bergento also set an example with his actions.

This brave Legg giant's mecha has been smeared with a trace of spiritual light. He roared and rushed over with a battle axe, and immediately achieved the achievement of being the first on the ship to counterattack the landing force on Earth.

Although this giant warrior was huge, he was very flexible. He suddenly moved forward and rushed to the stage like a whirlwind, easily knocking down the two infantry combat robots in the front row. There was also a type 4 robot that had just turned half of its body and aimed its Vulcan cannon at Colonel Begento's head, when the main structure was destroyed by the power of the spirit of the roaring voice. The whole machine fell down with a loud crash, as if the main building blocks had been taken away.

He lifted the windmill-like battle ax, raised it above his head, and struck an Earth psyker in front of him who had not yet reacted.

In his opinion, although this guy was wearing a heraldry machine, he was clearly a rookie who lacked actual combat skills and did not understand how to adapt. He could not bring out the performance of the heraldry machine at all.

Really, this kind of weakling has a heraldic machine to use just because he is human. He is obviously a loyal and fierce general who has made many military exploits for a long time, but because he is not a human being, not only does he not have a gorgeous heraldry, he does not even have a formal establishment of a knighthood.

No, no, no... Although I couldn't join the Knights, I still received personal instruction from the great knights in the training camp and learned more advanced psychic martial arts. This is a great blessing!

However, because of this, out of some inexplicable mentality, he has a more complex hatred for the community and the earth's warriors, and the killing movements in his hands are more powerful and powerful. Distribute evil spirits.

You may not be able to kill him with such a blow, but you can definitely sweep him aside. Then you can tear the sharp blade made of high-carbon crystal in your hand into the formation of the Earthlings, and you will definitely be able to bite out a rain of blood. Fishy wind.

Immediately afterwards, his subordinates can take the opportunity to press up. Not to mention winning, they can at least force the earthlings into the cabin behind. Then, the people on the bridge can activate the closed door and block the enemy behind the armored door. They may be able to gain some breathing space until reinforcements arrive.

Colonel Begunto doesn't even think that he can defeat the Earthlings' "Dragon of Dawn" with his own abilities. Even though he looks like a fool, he is actually an outstanding professional officer who has received an elite officer education and is very pragmatic and diligent. If he were a human, he might have received the title of General as early as five or six years ago.

But even so, this giant colonel is still an outstanding professional officer who is loyal to the empire. In his opinion, as long as he could hold on until reinforcements arrived, he would have fulfilled his duty, even if he lost his life here... He suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if something had penetrated the fatal spot. The solid armor plates and the strong muscles that have been tempered for thousands of times seem to be as fragile as white paper. Immediately afterwards, his body froze on the spot, and his chopping movements suddenly changed shape.

Immediately afterwards, the head, still wrapped in the helmet, slowly slid down from his neck.

Yu Lian, who was standing a hundred meters behind the passage, withdrew his hand and let the dimensional collision ball silently return to the grid of his arm armor.

...A saint using a Noble Phantasm from the Age of Enlightenment to sneak attack a three-ring, is indeed so ungrateful that even a shameless guy like Yu Lian can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

However, considering that this was war and no measures were used, his embarrassment only lasted less than five seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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